
Tender For Khohi To Tourist Facility Center Ramayan Darshan Till Parikrama Road In District Chitrakoot - Construction Of Embankment With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With A Lift Upto 1.5 M, Transporting To Site, Spreading, Grading To Requir, chitrakoot-Uttar Pradesh

Public Works Department has published Tender For Khohi To Tourist Facility Center Ramayan Darshan Till Parikrama Road In District Chitrakoot - Construction Of Embankment With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With A Lift Upto 1.5 M, Transporting To Site, Spreading, Grading To Requir. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-01-2025. Road Work Tenders in chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Khohi To Tourist Facility Center Ramayan Darshan Till Parikrama Road In District Chitrakoot - Construction Of Embankment With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With A Lift Upto 1.5 M, Transporting To Site, Spreading, Grading To Requir
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Khohi To Tourist Facility Center Ramayan Darshan Till Parikrama Road In District Chitrakoot - Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per Technical specification clause 301.5 Chap. No. 3 Sl. No. 3.4 2 Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared sub-grade, pulverizing, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with 2 per cent slaked lime with minimum content of 50 per cent of CaO, grading with motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve at least 98 per cent of the max dry density to form a layer of sub-base as per Technical Specification Clause 403 3 Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavatorat OMC, and compacting with smoothwheelroller to achieve thedesired density, complete as per Technical Specification Clause 401. 4 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with smoothwheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density Grading III as per Technical Specification Clause 405. 5 Construction ofun-reinforced, dowel jointed at expansion and construction joint only, plain cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M30 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS:383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design,laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 micron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes, compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, dowel bars, near approaches to bridge/culvert and construction joints, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14-days, 6 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with al lifts and leads transportion to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with lead upto 1000m as per Technical specification clauses 303.1. Including stablization with 2% slaked lime including its mixing with rotavator complete. (For Patri) 7 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil ( Loam clay or sand) including lift up to 1.5 meter (5ft) and lead upto 30m (100ft) and including filling,watering & ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as direction by the Engineer-in-charge upto a distance of 30m(100ft) from the foundation trenches. 8 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8km (5 miles) from the side of work & including watering ,dressing etc. Rate to include cost of all materials,labour and tools & plants,etc. required for proper completion of the work. 9 Cement concrete with 4cm (1/2) gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand. cement in the proportion 8:4:1 including supply of all materials,labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. 10 Random course Rubble massonary in 1:4 cement and fine sand mortar in foundation and plinth, including supply of all materials, labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 11 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete 1000 mm pipe NP3 for culverts on first class bedding of granularmaterial in single row includingfixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106. 12 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete 350 mm pipe NP3 for culverts on first class bedding of granularmaterial in single row includingfixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106. 13 Raised pointing with cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus mortar on brick work in proportion of 1:2 including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work 14 Cement concrete with 4cm (1/2) gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand. cement in the proportion 4:2:1 including supply of all materials,labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. 15 12mm thick plaster on brick work minimum thickness not less than 10mm with 1part of cement and 4 part of find sand of 1.25 fineness modulus. 16 Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 17 Class-150 brick work in 1:4 cement and fine sand of 1.25 fineness modulus mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. Required for proper completion of the work. 18 Supply & laying brick soling layer on prepared sub-grade with brick on end edging according to lines, graded and cross-section shown on the drawing filling joints with sand and earth, spreading 25 mm thick layer of earth over brick soling, watering and rolliing the same with three wheeled road roller 80-10 kN as per technical specification clause 412. 19 RCC work with cementapproved coarse sand and 2cm. (3/4) gauge approved stone ballast in the proportion 1:1.5:3 in bed block and approach slab excluding supply of reinforcement and its binding but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.I wire.and including necessary cantering and suttering etc and also including supply of all materials,labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. binding wire to be supplied by the contractor free of cost. 20 RCC work with cementapproved coarse sand and 2cm. (3/4) gauge approved stone ballast in the proportion 1:1.5:3 in heavy slab upto 6 m span excluding supply of reinforcement and its binding but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.I wire.and including necessary cantering and suttering etc and also including supply of all materials,labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. binding wire to be supplied by the contractor free of cost. 21 Providing and laying filter material underneath pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1302h= 5.00 m w= 5.45 m 22 Providing and laying pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1302 23 Providing and laying boulder launching apron for bed protection with stone boulders of minimum size and weight as per Table 1300.1, no fragmentweighing less than 25 kg laid dry complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1301 24 Providing weepholes in brick masonry/stone masonry, plain/reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V):20(H) towards drawing face complete as per drawing and technical specification clauses 617. 709, 1204.3.7 25 Mild steel of iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete/ brick work (when not included in over all rates) wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and including supply of steel, its wastage and hooks and authorised over lapping shall be measured. 26 Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2. 27 Maintenance of concrete surface including crack sealing spot pitching inluding restoration of rain cuts and dressing of side slop / berms,making up of berms / shoulders.maintenance of drain, maintenance of culvert, maintennance of guard rails andparapet.maintenanceofroadsign, speedbreakers,standingtreeatadjacenttoroad whereverrequired. maintenanceof200mStone(Hectometr)andkilometrstones,cuttingof branchesoftrees,shurbandtrimming of grass andweedsetc.whitewhashingofparapet includingCDWork,paintingofguardstones,refixingofdisplacedguardstone(asper performance Index Anexure-1) mentioned in GO No.17/2024/sa-113/23-1-2024-23-1099/113/2023dated 16.01.2024&EnclettereNo. 3689/C-OPRMC/MUL-2023-24dated 17.02.2024 subjected to approval from Govt.Maintence of (1st year after completion of work @ Zero % of total cost of CC work) 28 Maintenance cost for 2nd year @ 0.25% cost of CC work 29 Maintenance cost for 3rd year @ 0.50% cost of CC work 30 Maintenance cost for 4th year @ 0.75% cost of CC work 31 Maintenance cost for 5th year @ 1.00% cost of CC work

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-01-2025 2nd time Date 24-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 6260 /-
INR 2180000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10.90 Crore /-
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