
Rate Quotation For Few Non-Schedule Items, siliguri-West Bengal

Urban Local Bodies has published Rate Quotation For Few Non-Schedule Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2025. Sticker Tenders in siliguri West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Rate Quotation For Few Non-Schedule Items
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Rate Quotation For Few Non-Schedule Items- 1 Providing, fitting and fixing at the site top quality Polyvinyl Stickers with designs in different sizes and shapes. Made of thermoplastic material, capable of being processed even with heat. Adheres to smooth, flat glass (not car windows), Self-sticking, printed and delivered in sheets. Sheets are printer-safe.The quote shall also include cost of material, labour, taxes, delivery & overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. 2 Supplying fitting and fixing at the site Mobile Bio Toilet.Material Specification Wall thickness 35MM MM, Type of house Prefab Mobile ToiletFeatures and size 9’X3’X6.5’ & 9’x4’x6.5’, Toilet size 3’X3’X6.5’ 3Nos. Doors Toilet Door (2.5’x6’) 3Nos., Insulation Medium density Rockwool- damp proof, electrical and thermal insulator One piece insulation core with Rockwool 50MM thick Wall Panel (Layer wise from exterior to interior) External face wall with 1.00MM CRC Profile Sheet Medium Density Glass wood/Rockwool 50 MM thick, Internal face of wall 2MM thick FRP Lamination on top of CRC Sheet, Flat roof with 1.00MM CRC Profile Sheet on top expose to sky Internal face of wall 1.00MM FRP Lamination of CRC Sheet. Floor FRP Lamination on top of 1.6MM CRC fixed on Metal frame SHS 75mmx35mm. Outer Periphery Corner Colum and Tie Beam 50 mm SHS Medium Thick. Power Source 240Volt,50HZACpowersupplyElectricalAllwiringwillbeconcealedwithPVCinsulationscopperwiresofRR cables,ItemsExhaustFan-3NosBulb-3Nos,PLUMPING&SANITARYWesternCommode-3NosFlushTank-3Nos Water Spreader-3Nos.Installation And FixingOn Ground Readyto use,COLOUR Twocoatsofsyntheticenamel paint and PU coated (Weatherproof) on the exposed structure of all M.S items on top of red oxide antirust coating, BIO-DIGESTER TANK:- Bio-Digester tank Installed below the ground,This tank should have capacity (min.) 2500ltrs. & made from FRP/M.S. (FRPtank sheet thickness should be (min.) = 5mm,M.S. tanksheet thicknessshould be (min.) = 3mm. & should be treated with anticorrosive treatment)(One unit of 3Nos seats) 3 Supplying fitting and fixing at the site Mobile Urinal. Material SpecificationWall thickness 35MM MM, Type of housePrefabMobileUrinalToiletsize3’x4’,6.5’3Nos,DoorsToiletDoor(2.5’x6’)3Nos.,InsulationMedium density Rockwool- damp proof, electrical and thermal insulator One piece insulation core with Rockwool 50MM thick Wall Panel (Layer wise from exterior to interior) External face wall with 1.00MM CRC Profile Sheet Medium Density Glass wood/Rockwool 50 MM thick, Internal face of wall 2MM thick FRP Lamination on top of CRC Sheet, Flat roof with 1.00MM CRC Profile Sheet on top expose to sky Internal face of wall 1.00MM FRP Lamination of CRC Sheet.FloorFRPLaminationontopof1.6MMCRCfixedonMetalframeSHS75mmx35mm.OuterPeriphery Corner Colum and Tie Beam 50 mm SHS Medium Thick. Power Source 240Volt,50HZ AC power supply Electrical All wiringwillbeconcealedwithPVCinsulationscopperwiresofRRcables,ItemsExhaustFan-3NosBulb-3Nos, PLUMPING&SANITARYUrinals-3Nos.InstallationAndFixingOnGroundReadytouse,COLOURTwocoatsof syntheticenamelpaintandPUcoated(Weatherproof)on theexposed structureof allM.S itemson topof red oxideantirustcoating,QUALITYCERTIFICATIONISO9001-2015QMSEN1176: 2017CERTIFIED.Thequote shall also include cost of material, labour, taxes, delivery & overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. (One of 3Nos urinal) 4 Providing,fittingand fixingPlainand finishedSolid Pine wood planks in partitions, shelvesetc. Fitted and fixed completeasperdesign(buttjoints).Thequoteshallalsoincludecostofmaterial,labour,taxes,delivery& overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. i) 15mm thick planks 5 Providing,fittingand fixingPlainand finishedSolid Pine wood planks in partitions, shelvesetc. Fitted and fixed completeasperdesign(buttjoints).Thequoteshallalsoincludecostofmaterial,labour,taxes,delivery& overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. ii) 35mm thick planks 6 Providing,fittingandfixingupofautomaticWindowCurtainOpenerwithRemoteControlSmartCurtainof Premiumqualityinrequiredsizeshavingthespecificationasdetailed,100%polyestertexture/Solidpremium quality Fabric, Blackout 100% (Satin finish). Motor Specifications power voltage AC 100 to 230 V, 75 W, Operating speed 20cm/s, Noise level 35 dB (in default motor speed) with A built - in FM Remote - Control Receiver and single channel Double control Remote. The quote shall also include cost of material, labour, taxes, delivery & overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. 7 Providing, fitting and fixing up of Window Curtain of Premium quality in required sizes having the specification as detailed, 100% polyester texture / Solid premium quality Fabric, Blackout 100% (Satin finish). The quote shall also include cost of material, labour, taxes, delivery & overheads. Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work. 8 Providing, fitting and fixing up of Window Curtains of standard quality in required sizes having the specification as detailed Curtain type - Grommet curtain, Fabric - 100% polyester texture / Solid, Blackout - 100% (Satin finish), GSM - 250 to 300 , Tearing strength - Very high, Cleaning conditionally - cleanable with damp cloth, Curtain width - Deluxe curtain fullness: Two and a half times the window width (approximate), Curtain Rod - Stainless steel curtain rod(Diameter25mm)heavyduty,CurtainRodFinials/Lattu-Stainlesssteelasperthecurtainroddiameter, Curtain Rod Brackets - Single brackets heavy duty, Curtain Channel (Track) - Stainless steel /Aluminium heavy duty, Fabric width – 54” to 60” . The rates shall be inclusive of cost of eye holes, rod, holders, brackets etc. The quote shall also include cost of material, labour, taxes, delivery & overheads.Nothing extra shall be paid and the bidder shall liable to incur all the expenses required in satisfactory completion of the work 9 Providing, fitting and fixing up of WindowBlinds of standard quality in required sizes having the specification as detailed Blind type – Classic roller, Fabric - 100% polyester, Blackout - 100% , GSM - 300 to 380, Glare Reduction - In range of 70%-80%, Light Transmission - In Range of 5-7%, Tube Finish – Galvanized, The ROLLER TUBE – It shall be 32mm, 38mm or 45mm (as per requirement) dia grooved using mylar for fixing the fabric.The BALL CHAINS - It shallbeenhancingthelookofblindsandeaseofoperationwithchainconnectorandpolycarbonatestopper. Averagenumberofballsonchainare45per300mmlengthforraisingorloweringactionoftheshadesof approved make .The fixing on wall or RCC surface with rawal plug & screws etc. Fitting & Fixture: The drive unit shall be injection molded using polypropylene and nylon, OD 41mm, Length: 54mm. It shall be driven by plastic ball chain for ease of operation and can be positioned at right side or left hand side of the shade. The shade when lowering and or raising, shall be automatically locked in position upon release of nickel coated metal ball chain by means of built in polycarbonate built in lock of OD 8.5mm and ID 4.4mm also to avoid reverse rolling of fabric over tube andprotectingdamagestotheblindsfabric. The nickelcoatedmetalchainwillbecarryingclearacrylic weight for stabilizing the chain and ease of operation.

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