
Tender For Special Repair/Replacement Of Ht Equipments I.E. Vcbs,Transformer,Ht Panel Etc Against Ber Under Ge(Nw) Nofra, Colaba, Mumbai, Mumbai-Maharashtra

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repair/Replacement Of Ht Equipments I.E. Vcbs,Transformer,Ht Panel Etc Against Ber Under Ge(Nw) Nofra, Colaba, Mumbai. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2025. Overhead Line Tenders in Mumbai Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repair/Replacement Of Ht Equipments I.E. Vcbs,Transformer,Ht Panel Etc Against Ber Under Ge(Nw) Nofra, Colaba, Mumbai
Open Tender

Tender Details

Special Repair/Replacement Of Ht Equipments I.E. Vcbs,Transformer,Ht Panel Etc Against Ber Under Ge(Nw) Nofra, Colaba, Mumbai-- 1 Dismantling/ taking down carefully unserviceable/ outlived BER Transformers from various sub stations at NOFRA and transported to AGE E/M Store yard safely complete all as specified and as directed by Engneer-in-Charge. 2 Dismantling/ taking down carefully unserviceable/ outlived BER HT Switch Gear from various sub stations and transported to AGE E/M Store yard safely complete all as specified and as directed by Engneer-in-Charge. 3 Supply , install, testing and commissioning ofindoor typevacuum circuit breaker independent PanelSwitch board(1 incomer & 2 Outgoings) with posibility of future extension at either one side of panel board, capacity 11 KV, 800 Amp,3 Phase, 3 wire,50 Hz,having a rupturing capacity of 350 MVA at 11 KV , 25 KA breaking capacity for 3 sec, Internal arc type tested for 25KA for 1 sec with AFLR clasification, totally enclosed with extended copper bus bar of 800 Amps for each phase, floor mounting, metal clad, Indoor extensible type, flush front,Horizontal isolation, Horizontal drawout type with Electrical and Mechanical interlock and automatic safety shutter gear including padlocking arrangement, isolation plugs, assambly of 3 vaccum interrupters (Should be VCB manufacturers own make), with each pole individually encapsulated by epoxy insulations and self - aligning finger type isolating contacts, truck having integral racking with necessary interlocks (for insertion and removing of VCB),manual and automatic motor charged independent closing/ tripping spring , trip free operating mechanism withclosing and tripping push buttons and mechanical breaker ,interconnected with OEMs own factory made (system house not allowed), Full voltage heat shrinkable 11KV sleeve (PVC sleeve not accepted) insulated electrolytic copper bus bar of 800 Amps and all protection, indication, Operation, monitoring and control and accessories as per thespecification for each VCB.Resin Cast Wound type CT Ratio : 200-100A/ 5-5 A, Core1: 5P20, 10 VA; Core 2: 0.5, 7.5 VA for incoming and 100-50A/5-5A core 1-5P10, 10VA, core 2-0.5, 7.5 VA foroutgoing VCBs(2Nos) VT Ratio: 11KV/1.732/110V/1.732/110V/1.732, -Core 1: 1.0, 100VA for incoming VCB.IEC 61850 , HSR-PRP complient Numerical relay having protections of 50,51, 50N,51N, 67RYBN, 50LBB, 27, 59 etc for each VCB(1No incoming and 2 Nos out going)M & L for Digital type ammeter with selector switch for 1 No incoming & 02 Nos outgoing VCB and Digital type voltmeter with selector switch for incoming VCB. Multifunction Meter of ACC Class 0.5, having facility to see KW, KVA, KVAR, PF, KWH, KVARH, KVAH, A,V etc.10 window Annunciation with hooter for incoming & 02 Nos outgoing VCB.Master trip relay and trip circuit supervision relay for incoming & 02 Nos outgoing VCB,LR & TNC switch, space heaters with thermostat, DC fail relay for each VCB.01 Incomer + 2Nos Outgoings ). Power Pack 230 V AC / 110V DC 30 min battery back up for each VCB (01No incomer and 2Nos out going VCBs)Note :- (a)240 volts SP power supply required for operation of VCB operating mechanism motor and other controls shall be provided from the existing power point with 2.5 sqmm, 3 core PVC insulated round flexible multi stranded copper conductor cable 1100 volt grade and unit rate quoted shalldeemed to be included the cost of the same.(b) Setting of the relay will be done by rep of OEM only in presence of Engineer-in-Charge. 4 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Transformer double wound, step down, 11000/433 volts, oil type, minimum 500 KVA capacity indoor type or next nearest higher capacity as per OEM design, conforming to conforming to Energy Efficency Level -3 of IS Code 1180 (part-I) as per amendment,5 star rating , ONAN, Dyn 11, core type with copper conductor.Transformer shall be provided with Off circuit Rotary type tap switch so as to provided for a voltage adjustment on H.V, from +5% to -5% (in step of 2.5%) of rated voltage of 11000 volts in 4 equal steps (5 position) to obtain rated voltage of 433 volts on LV sideincluding cable box on LT and HT side, with 12 KV system highest voltage at HV side, 28 KV (rms) HV power frequency, 75 kVp HV impulse withstand voltage, trasnformer shall be designedfor losses as per IS 1180 (Part-3) : 2024 and for 110% continuous overfluxing withstand capaibility, complete with first fill of new transformer oil having dielectric strength not less than 60 KV, suitable mounting arrangement as per manufacturers specifications complete and other standard accesssories as under: (a) 12kV off circuit tapping switch.b) Oil conservator tank with drain plug and filling cap. c) Silica gel dehydrating breather charged with silica gel . d) Oil level gauge. e) Oil filter valve.f) Oil drain valve.g) Thermometer pocket (with oil temp. indicator)h) Diagram and rating plate.j) Two earthing arrangements k) Lifting lugs.l) Four bidirectional plain rollerm) Air vent plug.n) Explosion vent.o) Cable box on H.V side.p) Cable box on L.V side.q) Additional neutral terminal brought outside the LV cable box for earthing.r) HV&LV cable boxes.s) Buchholz relay.t) Radiator valves.u) Oil temp. indicator. v) Winding temp. indicator w) Magnetic oil level gauge. x) Inspection Cover. y) marshalling box etc complete all as per IS:1180 (Part 3) : 2014-2024 specification. 5 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Transformer double wound, step down, 11000/433 volts, oil type, minimum 400 KVA capacity indoor type or next nearest higher capacity as per OEM design, conforming to conforming to Energy Efficency Level -3 of IS Code 1180 (part-I) as per amendment : 2014, 5 star rating , ONAN, Dyn 11, core type with copper conductor.Transformer shall be provided with Off circuit Rotary type tap switch so as to provided for a voltage adjustment on H.V, from +5% to -5% (in step of 2.5%) of rated voltage of 11000 volts in 4 equal steps (5 position) to obtain rated voltage of 433 volts on LV sideincluding cable box on LT and HT side, with 12 KV system highest voltage at HV side, 28 KV (rms) HV power frequency, 75 kVp HV impulse withstand voltage, trasnformer shall be designedfor losses as per IS 1180 (Part-3) : 2021 and for 110% continuous overfluxing withstand capaibility,complete with first fill of new transformer oil having dielectric strength not less than 60 KV, suitable mounting arrangement as per manufacturers specifications complete and other standard accesssories : (a) 12kV off circuit tapping switch. b) Oil conservator tank with drain plug and filling cap. c) Silica gel dehydrating breather charged with silica gel d) Oil level gauge. e) Oil filter valve. f) Oil drain valve. g) Thermometer pocket (with oil temp. indicator) h) Diagram and rating plate. j) Two earthing arrangements.k) Lifting lugs. l) Four bidirectional plain roller m) Air vent plug. n) Explosion vent. o) Cable box on H.V side. p) Cable box on L.V side. q) Additional neutral terminal brought outside the LV cable box for earthing. r) HV&LV cable boxes. s) Buchholz relay. t) Radiator valves. u) Oil temp. indicator. v) Winding temp. indicator w) Magnetic oil level gauge. x) Inspection Cover. y) marshalling box. complete all as per IS:1180 (Part 3) : 2014-2024 specification. 6 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Transformer double wound, step down, 11000/433 volts, oil type, minimum 250 KVA capacity indoor type or next nearest higher capacity as per OEM design, conforming to conforming to Energy Efficency Level -3 of IS Code 1180 (part-I) as per amendment, ONAN, Dyn 11, core type with copper conductor.Transformer shall be provided with Off circuit Rotary type tap switch so as to provided for a voltage adjustment on H.V, from +5% to -5% (in step of 2.5%) of rated voltage of 11000 volts in 4 equal steps (5 position) to obtain rated voltage of 433 volts on LV sideincluding cable box on LT and HT side, with 12 KV system highest voltage at HV side, 28 KV (rms) HV power frequency, 75 kVp HV impulse withstand voltage, trasnformer shall be designedfor losses as per IS 1180 (Part-3) : 2021 and for 110% continuous overfluxing withstand capaibility,complete with first fill of new transformer oil having dielectric strength not less than 60 KV, suitable mounting arrangement complete and other standard accesssories : (a) 12kV off circuit tapping switch. b) Oil conservator tank with drain plug and filling cap. c) Silica gel dehydrating breather charged with silica gel d) Oil level gauge. e) Oil filter valve. f) Oil drain valve. g) Thermometer pocket (with oil temp. indicator) h) Diagram and rating plate. j) Two earthing arrangements.k) Lifting lugs. l) Four bidirectional plain roller m) Air vent plug. n) Explosion vent. o) Cable box on H.V side. p) Cable box on L.V side. q) Additional neutral terminal brought outside the LV cable box for earthing. r) HV&LV cable boxes. s) Buchholz relay. t) Radiator valves. u) Oil temp. indicator. v) Winding temp. indicator w) Magnetic oil level gauge. x) Inspection Cover. y) marshalling box. all as per IS:1180 (Part 3) : 2014-2024 specification. 7 Excavating in trenches n exc 1.5m wide & n exc 1.5m in depth; for foundation, etc. or for manholes n.exc.10 Sqm on plan and n.exc.1.5m in depth and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified. 8 Returning filling in , including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm with soft/ loose soil. 9 Removing excavated material n.exc 50 m and depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.5 m above the starting point. 10 Supply and layingun-reinforced precast concrete cable cover, Class LV, type -I, flat size 250 x 150 x 40 mm laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed. 11 Material and labour for dry clean river sand for cushioning of cable in trenches for cable protection including spreading, leveling and hand punning complete all as specified in SSR Part-I and as directed. Note :-Only compacted thickness of sand will be measured and paid. 12 Supply and layingun-reinforced precast concrete cable cover, Class HV, type -I, flat of size 300 x 180x 40 mm laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed. 13 Supply, laying, connecting & testing 120 Sqmm, 3 core XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavyduty) with aluminium conductor, 11000 volts Earthed, grade laid in trenches / pipes / fixed on wall with suitable size GI clamps including taking out old cable complete all as specified and directed. 14 Supply, laying, connecting & testing 95 Sqmm, 3 core XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavyduty) with aluminium conductor, 11000 volts Earthed, grade laid in trenches / pipes / fixed on wall with suitable size GI clamps including taking out old cable complete all as specified and directed. 15 Supply, laying, connecting & testing 185 Sqmm, 3 core XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavyduty) with aluminium conductor, 11000 volts Earthed, grade laid in trenches / pipes / fixed on wall with suitable size GI clamps including taking out old cable complete all as specified and directed. 16 Supply, laying,connecting & testing 300 Sqmm, 3.5 core XLPEinsulated armoured heavy duty1100 volts grade, aluminum conductor cable laid in trenches including taking out old cable all as specified and directed. 17 Supply, laying,connecting & testing 240 Sqmm, 3.5 core XLPEinsulated armoured heavy duty1100 volts grade, aluminum conductor cable laid in trenches including taking out old cable all as specified and directed. 18 Supply, laying,connecting & testing 150 Sqmm, 3.5 core XLPEinsulated armoured heavy duty1100 volts grade, aluminum conductor cable laid in trenches including taking out old cable all as specified and directed. 19 Supply, laying,connecting & testing 120 Sqmm, 3.5 core XLPEinsulated armoured heavy duty1100 volts grade, aluminum conductor cable laid in trenches including taking out old cable all as specified and directed.NOTE FOR ITEM NO 13.00 TO 19.00:-(i) PCC cable cover, sand cushioning , excavation and earth work shall be measured and paid separately .(iii) Rate quoted shall be deemed to be included for necessary aluminium lugs,cable glands etc complete. 20 M& L for jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for indoor termination heat shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 120 sqmm to 185 sqmm complete all as specified and directed. 21 M& L for jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for indoor termination heat shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 sqmm to 95 sqmm complete all as specified and directed. 22 M&Lforearthing complete with G .l earth plate electrode 60cm x 60 cm x 6.3 mm thick burrieddirectlyingroundvertically (earth pit notless than 2.25 m deep below GL) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mbelow the normal groundlevelconnectedwith GI strip 32 x 6 mm bymeansofbolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised ironorsteelincluding necessaryexcavation& earth work in any type of soil, removing surplus soil to a distance not exc 50m,including PCC chamber in PCC (1 : 2 : 4)type B1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate),mild steel frame made out of angle iron of size 40mm x 40mm x 6 mm thick duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer hinged with and including 6 mm thick Cl coverwith handle , watering arrangement with funnelinternally secured withwiremesh,20mmboremediumgrade GI pipe for watering,40mmbore light grade Gl pipeforleadprotectionincluding alternatelayerof charcoaldust and common salt complete all as shown in electrical plate No 3of SSR Part-I andconnectedtoearthing testpoint all as specified and indicatedincluding testing on completion as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 23 M & L for Earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing by using galvanised iron strip 32 x 6 mm complete all as specified and directed. 24 Supply, install, commission and testingLT panel board, outdoor type, CPRI approved,factory fabricated, floor mounted, dust & vermin proof, front and rear operated doorwithnecessary locking arrangement of suitable size made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet mounted on MS angle frame 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick ( four nos legs 750 mm long ) well ventilated,dust and vermin proof, cubical type with individual compartments for enclosures, with necessary arrangement for top entry of incoming and outgoing cablessuitable for operation on 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volts including locking arrangement and internal wiring with 1100 volts grade single core PVC insulated copper conductor FRLSH cables of suitable current carrying capacity and making all connections of incoming and outgoing cables by using suitable size copper lugs , suitable capacity aluminum bus bar (1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating)with RYB & N PVC sleeves wrapped on it duly powder coated on internal and outer surfaces with approved colour mounted on PCC 1:2:4 type B1 foundation of approved size including dismantling existing LT panel board after disconnecting all connections carefully and making good disturbed surfaces as per existing complete all as specified and with following accessories:-(a)ACB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 800 Amps, MDO type 50 KA - 02 Nos.(b) Change over switch ON LOAD type, 415 volt, 50 Hz, AC 4 pole in sheet steel enclosures, capacity 630 Amps rated current manually operated conforming to IS : 13947 or lates edition with hight thermal and dynamic strength to with stand short circuit current level of 80 KA rms,(c) Multifunctional meter flush mounting type 96 x 96 mm - 01 No(d) Indicator lamp (RYB) (set of three) - 01 Set 25 Supply, install, commission and testingLT panel board, outdoor type, CPRI approved,factory fabricated, floor mounted, dust & vermin proof, front and rear operated doorwithnecessary locking arrangement of suitable size made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet mounted on MS angle frame 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick ( four nos legs 750 mm long ) well ventilated,dust and vermin proof, cubical type with individual compartments for enclosures, with necessary arrangement for top entry of incoming and outgoing cablessuitable for operation on 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volts including locking arrangement and internal wiring with 1100 volts grade single core PVC insulated copper conductor FRLSH cables of suitable current carrying capacity and making all connections of incoming and outgoing cables by using suitable size copper lugs , suitable capacity aluminum bus bar (1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating)with RYB & N PVC sleeves wrapped on it duly powder coated on internal and outer surfaces with approved colour mounted on PCC 1:2:4 type B1 foundation of approved size including dismantling existing LT panel board after disconnecting all connections carefully and making good disturbed surfaces as per existing complete all as specified and with following accessories:-INCOMING(a) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 400 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) Change over switch ON LOAD type, 415 volt, 50 Hz, AC 4 pole in sheet steel enclosures, capacity 400 Amps rated current manually operated confirming to IS : 13947 or lates edition with hight thermal and dynamic strength to with stand short circuit current level of 80 KA rms- 1 NoOUTGOING(a) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 320 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 250 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (c) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 200 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (d)MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 100 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. 26 Supply, install, commission and testingLT panel board, outdoor type, CPRI approved,factory fabricated, floor mounted, dust & vermin proof, front and rear operated doorwithnecessary locking arrangement of suitable size made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet mounted on MS angle frame 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick ( four nos legs 750 mm long ) well ventilated,dust and vermin proof, cubical type with individual compartments for enclosures, with necessary arrangement for top entry of incoming and outgoing cablessuitable for operation on 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volts including locking arrangement and internal wiring with 1100 volts grade single core PVC insulated copper conductor FRLSH cables of suitable current carrying capacity and making all connections of incoming and outgoing cables by using suitable size copper lugs , suitable capacity aluminum bus bar (1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating)with RYB & N PVC sleeves wrapped on it duly powder coated on internal and outer surfaces with approved colour mounted on PCC 1:2:4 type B1 foundation of approved size including dismantling existing LT panel board after disconnecting all connections carefully and making good disturbed surfaces as per existing complete all as specified and with following accessories:-INCOMING(a) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 400 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) Change over switch ON LOAD type, 415 volt, 50 Hz, AC 4 pole in sheet steel enclosures, capacity 400 Amps rated current manually operated confirming to IS : 13947 or lates edition with hight thermal and dynamic strength to with stand short circuit current level of 80 KA rms- 1 NoOUTGOING(a) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 320 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 250 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (c) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 200 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (d)MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 100 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. 27 Supply, install, commission and testingLT panel board, outdoor type, CPRI approved,factory fabricated, floor mounted, dust & vermin proof, front and rear operated doorwithnecessary locking arrangement of suitable size made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet mounted on MS angle frame 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick ( four nos legs 750 mm long ) well ventilated,dust and vermin proof, cubical type with individual compartments for enclosures, with necessary arrangement for top entry of incoming and outgoing cablessuitable for operation on 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volts including locking arrangement and internal wiring with 1100 volts grade single core PVC insulated copper conductor FRLSH cables of suitable current carrying capacity and making all connections of incoming and outgoing cables by using suitable size copper lugs , suitable capacity aluminum bus bar (1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating)with RYB & N PVC sleeves wrapped on it duly powder coated on internal and outer surfaces with approved colour mounted on PCC 1:2:4 type B1 foundation of approved size including dismantling existing LT panel board after disconnecting all connections carefully and making good disturbed surfaces as per existing complete all as specified and with following accessories:-(a) ON Load LT Changeover , 4 POLE, 250Amps- 01 No.(b) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 250 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (c) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 200Amps, 25 KA- 03 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (d) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 160 Amps, 25 KA- 03 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. 28 Supply, install, commission and testingLT panel board, outdoor type, CPRI approved,factory fabricated, floor mounted, dust & vermin proof, front and rear operated doorwithnecessary locking arrangement of suitable size made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet mounted on MS angle frame 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick ( four nos legs 750 mm long ) well ventilated,dust and vermin proof, cubical type with individual compartments for enclosures, with necessary arrangement for top entry of incoming and outgoing cablessuitable for operation on 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 Volts including locking arrangement and internal wiring with 1100 volts grade single core PVC insulated copper conductor FRLSH cables of suitable current carrying capacity and making all connections of incoming and outgoing cables by using suitable size copper lugs , suitable capacity aluminum bus bar (1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating)with RYB & N PVC sleeves wrapped on it duly powder coated on internal and outer surfaces with approved colour mounted on PCC 1:2:4 type B1 foundation of approved size including dismantling existing LT panel board after disconnecting all connections carefully and making good disturbed surfaces as per existing complete all as specified and with following accessories:-INCOMING(a)MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 400 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) Change over switch ON LOAD type, 415 volt, 50 Hz, AC 4 pole in sheet steel enclosures, capacity 400 Amps rated current manually operated confirming to IS : 13947 or lates edition with hight thermal and dynamic strength to with stand short circuit current level of 80 KA rms- 1 NoOUTGOING(a) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 320 Amps, 36 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu (b) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 250 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (c) MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 200 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (d)MCCB 4 pole, 415 Volts, 160 Amps, 25 KA- 02 Nos with adjustable thermal and magantic release with Ics=100 Icu. (e) Multifunctional meter flush mounting type 96 x 96 mm - 1 No(f) Indicator lamp (RYB) (set of three) - 1 Set 29 M&L plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20 mm graded curshed stone aggregate) in foundation or plinth protection or road cutting filling including necessay from work, fair finished surface, chamfered or rounded edges complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 10-02-2025
2 10-01-2025 Corrigendum1 Date 22-01-2025
3 17-01-2025 Corrigendum2 Date 30-01-2025
4 24-01-2025 Corrigendum3 BOQ 03-02-2025
5 24-01-2025 Corrigendum3 Date 03-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 221500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.46 Crore /-
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