
Tender For Providing Of Deficient Street Light Poles At Shankar Vihar In The Area Of Age U Es No-3 And Provn Of Lt Xlpe Cable And Connected Items At Jumping Arena Centre In Army Equestrian Under, New Delhi-Delhi

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Providing Of Deficient Street Light Poles At Shankar Vihar In The Area Of Age U Es No-3 And Provn Of Lt Xlpe Cable And Connected Items At Jumping Arena Centre In Army Equestrian Under. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-01-2025. Electric Pole Tenders in New Delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Providing Of Deficient Street Light Poles At Shankar Vihar In The Area Of Age U Es No-3 And Provn Of Lt Xlpe Cable And Connected Items At Jumping Arena Centre In Army Equestrian Under
Open Tender
New Delhi

Tender Details

Tender For providing Of Deficient Street Light Poles At Shankar Vihar In The Area Of Age U Es No-3 And Provn Of Lt Xlpe Cable And Connected Items At Jumping Arena Centre In Army Equestrian Under- 1 Excavation in trenches not exc. 1.5 m wide and not exc 1.5 mtr deep in softloose soil for laying / taking up/ taking down of cablesand getting out and levelling of bottom suface to required level complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 2 Returning filling in, Including spreading, levelling,. Watering and well ramming soil in layers not exceeding 25 cm thick complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 3 Removing excavated material (ie soil) from site to a distance n. exc 50 mtrs away and depositing where directed at a level n. exc. 1.5 mtr above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 4 M&L for river washed and screened, dry sand for filling in trenches below and around underground cables for cushioning of cables etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. Note : Measurement shall be taken after punning down. 5 Supply & laying non-reinforced precast concrete cable (PCC) cover class LV type 1 with flat size 250 mmx150mmx40mm as in trenches for protection to under ground cable complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 6 Supply and laying cable XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 10 Sqmm 4 core complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 7 Supplying, Errection & Fixing Steel Tubular swan neck pole, (09 metres long) Painting of Poles with one coat of red oxide primer and one coat of aluminum paint before fixing and one coat of aluminum paint after fixing. The complete embedded portion shall be painted with two coats of black bituminus paint with yellow and black strips up to 1.5Mt for ground level complete with cast iron base plate complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge.Note : Excavation earth work ,PCC may be paid separatly of respective items. 8 M&L for PCC 1:3:6 type B0 using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate for foundationa/mass concrete/coping or similar works for poles complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 9 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate for pole foundation/mass concrete or similar works complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 10 M&L Plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregates coping for poles or similar works complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 11 S&F new generation energy saving & enviroment friendly aluminium pressure die cast high power LED streetlight luminare of90 Watts with IP66, class I protection with integral driver operating at 170-270V AC, 50Hz complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 12 S&F cable 1.5 Sqmm 2 core flat 1100 volts grade heavy duty, PVC insulated stranded Copper conductor, served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape and overall PVC sheathed complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 13 S&F SMC Junction box ON street light pole having side hinged, outside dimension 333x233x120mm and inside dimension 300x200x105mm including 4 Nos aluminium bus bar of 40 Amps rating and 1 No, 5 A MCB SP incl making necessary connectionstreet light cable including provn of GI holding Clamp with nut bolts etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 14 Supply and laying brick old size, sub class B brunt bricks laid in trenches as cable cover across the cable in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 15 Supplying, laying, jointing, testing and connecting in replacementXLPE insulated, screened, PVCbedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured,electric power cable (heavy duty) with multistranded aluminum conductors,IS 7098marked, suitable for LT 1100 Voltsystem, laid in trenchesfixed to pole, including jointing & testing complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge of following sizes:-Note :-Excavation, earth work ,cable protection , sand fillings , cable joint shall be measured and paid separately under respective items of schedule. 16 35 Sqmm3.5 Core 17 50 Sqmm3.5 Core 18 70 Sqmm 3.5 core 19 120 Sqmm 3.5 core 20 240 Sqmm 3.5 core 21 Boring of hole under road/pavement/hard standing or any other situation by mannual means and suitable for passing of GI pipe 40 to 100 mm bore and making good both ends complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 22 Supply and laying GI tubes of size 80 mm dia (light grade) with necessary accessories/fittings for cable protections/pole for crossing of culverts/nallah etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 23 Supply, installing, testing and commissioning in replacement of factory made and tested (including CPRI type tested certified panel) LT Panel board, cubical compartmentalized, out door type double door, plate form mounted, suitable for 415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 HZAC supply system having bus bar chamber with insulated aluminium bus bars four pole installed on porcelain/SMC insulator. The fixing of doubledoors shall be on MS hinges with anti-theft provision (the door can’t be removed from enclosure without cutting enclosure). The panel shall be dust and vermin proof. IP-65 class protection and shell be made of 3.15 mm CRCA MS sheet, and 50x50x6mm thick MS angle iron frame work,powder coated finish over one coat of red oxide primer on outside surface and painted inside with two coats of red oxide primer, front and rear opening type, with apron for cable entry closing locking arrangement including internal wiring with PVC insulated solid, copper conductor FRLS cable, IS-694 marked, 1100 volts grade of appropriate size ( but not less than 2.5 Sqmm)and comprising of the following complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge:- (a) Incoming:-(i)MCCB 4 pole , 630 Amps,50 Hz,415 Volts, 35 KA, with microprocessor release - 01 Nos(ii) Voltmeter 0-500 volts digital typewith 4 way rotary selector swicth -01No (iii)Ammeter digital type with 4 way rotary selector switch-01No (iv)CTsratio 400/5 A ,class 1, ISI marked -01 sets of three (v) Indicating lamp- 01 set of three (vi)Aluminium bus bar of rating 800A- set of four (b) Outgoing:-(i) MCCB 4 pole , 250Amps, 50 Hz,415 Volts, 25 KA with thermal magnetic release- 01 Nos(ii)MCCB 4 pole , 100 Amps,50 Hz,415 Volts, 16 KA with thermal magnetic release- 06 Nos(iii)MCCB 4 pole , 32 Amps,50 Hz,415 Volts, 10 KA with thermal magnetic release- 01 Nos(c) Platform of Panel. Platform for the panel with PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 with 40 mm graded crushed stone, 15 cm thick in foundation, brick work in CM 1:6 with sub class B, old size bricks, rendering 15 mm thick in CM 1:6 on exposed surfaces and 100 mm thick PCC padding 1:3:6, type C-1 using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate on top and grouting bolts etc for panel.The platform shall be such that it is of a height 45 cm above the nearest road level. Note :- (i) All out going feeder shall be connected by cable through suitable size gland plate/glands. (ii) All MCCBwithadjustable protection for over load and short circuit and conforming to IEC60947/IS 13947/Pt.II/1993 (Latest Version). The MCCB should have Ics=100%Icu. The MCCBs shall have spreader links and barriers as standard feature of manufacturer. 24 M&L for earthing complete with galvanized Steel earth plate electrode 600 x 600 x 6.0 mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 meters below normal ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mtrs below normal ground level surrounded from all sides by mixture of charcoal and common salt and electrode connected to and incl galvanized iron strip 32x6 mm as earthing lead by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanized iron or steel and earth wire protected by GI protection pipe light grade 15mm dia connected to main earth wire on pole or controll board GI pipe light grade 20mm bore for watering funnel with wire mesh PCC chamber pit in PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 40mm yhick Precast RCC -25 cover reincorced with 8 mm dia TMT bars @ 10 cm C/C on both sides and handle, excavation and earth work in any type of soil and removal upto 50m complete all as sprecified and shown in electrical plate No. 3 connected to earthing test point all as specified or indicated including testing on completion, complete all as specified and directed by Engr- in- Charge. 25 Note : contractor should procure and provide 50 % of the material as listed above within 15 days of the placing of work orderand shall be verified by the Engr-in-charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 28-12-2024 AMENDMENT NO 1 Other 10-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 84800.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 42.40 Lakhs /-
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