Work Contract For Supply Of Sundry Materials Transportation Earthing Arrangements Electrification Of Control Room Building Furnitures Required Towards Establishment Of New 33 Kv Ss At Airport Staff Quarters-- 1 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS 2 MS Channel 100mm x 50mm 3 MS Angle 65mm x 65mm 4 MS Flat 50 x 8mm 5 MS Rod 40mm dia 6 33kV, 1X630, Aluminium Clamp 7 11kV, 1X630, Aluminium Clamp 8 Rubber Mat 9 Plastic Name Board ( Feeder Name, LC board, Back charged etc.,) 10 33kV & 11 kV breaker name plate details stickers 11 First aid box 12 Wall clock 13 Entrance Floor Mat 14 Welcome Mat 15 Schematic layout board ( wooden / plastic / Aluminium) having the size of 1200mm x 600 mm and board covered with 3mm thick achorlic transparent sheet. 16 Earthing layout board ( wooden / plastic / Aluminium) having the size of 1200mm x 600 mm and board covered with 3mm thick achorlic transparent sheet. 17 TRANSPORTATION & LABOUR WORKS 18 Labour charges for transporting the 33KV VCB Panel having 2m to 2.5m height and 3m length and weighing of about 3.5 tonne carefully from CDC Stores to newly proposed 33/11kV indoor SS at Airport staff Quarters Chennai. including loading and unloading moving safely by use of cranes. This includes moving the package from inside the store shed to its ramp and inside to the substation control room(Transformer Panel 2 nos., + Feeder Panel 4 Nos + Bus coupler and adaptor panel) 19 Labour charges for transporting the 11 KV VCB Panel having 0.9m width 3m height and 2.5m length and weighing 1.5 tonne carefully from CDC Stores at Ambattur to newly proposed 33/11kV indoor SS at Airport staff Quarters, Chennai. including loading and unloading moving safely by use of cranes. This includes moving the package from inside the store shed to its ramp and inside to the substation control room. (Transformer Panel 2nos., Feeder Panel 8 nos., Bus Coupler and Bus Adopter) 20 Labour charges for marking on the floor and chipping of foundation holes in complete alignment embadding of channel for erection of breaker and grouting the 33kV VCBs. 21 Labour charges for marking on the floor and chipping of foundation holes in complete alignment embadding of channel for erection of breaker and grouting the 11kV VCBs 22 Labour charges for drawal of 33kV,1X630, XLPE, UG, Cable from CDC Stores at Ambattur and Transporting to work site in lorry and laying the same in side duct from power transformer I &II to HV breaker I & II 23 Labour charges for drawal of 11kV,1X630, XLPE, UG, Cable from CDC Stores at Ambattur and Transporting to work site in lorry and laying the same in side duct from power transformer I &II to LV breaker I & II 24 Labour charges for drawal of 1.1kV armoured copper control cable from CDC Stores at Ambattur and Transporting to work site in lorry and laying the same in side duct on G.I.Tray for SS equipments. 25 EARTHING ARRANGEMENTS 26 Labour charges for drawal of 40dia M.S rod from departmental stores and transporting to worksite inlorry (including loading & Unloading) and labour charges for auguring to a depth of 6mtr/20ft and fixing the M.S round rod 40mm dia board supply and making M.S Clamping arrangement in top of the rod and 4nos 12mm dia holes in clamp for inter linking of M.S. flats in any kind of soil and fixing with GEM and burried in ground and as directed by site in charge. (Ground Enhancement Material to be supplied by the contractor )(6m x 12Nos = 72mts) 27 Labour charges for drawal of M. S. flat of size. 50mm x 8mm from departmental stores and transporting to worksite in lorry (including loading & and Unloading) and labour charges for laying, cutting welding and painting of MS flat of size 50 x 8 mm and interconnecting . The plate should be burried at a depth of 2 feet depth or laid in duct as per site conditionand clamped out one meter Interval. M.S flat will be supplied by the board and painted with twin coat redoxide and enamal green paint before laying and as directed by site in charge. (as per drg.) 28 FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF GI TRAY 29 Fabrication and Supplyof GI Tray for the size of 300mm x 75mm for laying of control cables 30 Labour charges for erection of GI Tray for the size of 300mm x 75mm for control cables. 31 Anchor fast 32 Fabrication and Erection of L Clamp 33 ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF BATTERY 34 Erection of Battery, filling of acid and connecting the cables of the battery, Battery charger, AC and DC panels. 35 Battery initial charging, discharging and charging works 36 Transportation charges for Battery set from stores to company for initial charging and back to work site. 37 SUPPLY, ERECTION,TESTING & COMMMISSIONING OF FIRE ALARM & SMOKE DETECTOR 38 6 Zone Fire Alarm Control panel - 4 wire system. 39 Smoke Detector 40 2c x 1.5 sqmm un armoured copper control cable 41 Hooter. 42 Manual Call Point. 43 SUPPLY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 44 25 Kg capacity Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher (Trolley Mounted) 45 9 Kg capacity Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher 46 6 kg capacity ABC type Fire Extinguisher 47 9 Lts capacity Foam type Fire Extinguisher(Stored Pressure Type) 48 Fire Bucket 10 Kg (for Water & Sand) 49 Fire buckets Stand. 50 T & PANDSCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 51 Megger 1000V Make: Meco, Bosch 52 Multimeter AC o to1000 V Make: Meco, Bosch 53 Hot blower 500W Make: Meco, Bosch 54 Vaccum Cleaner -15Ltr Make: Meco, Bosch 55 Self supportAlu.Ladder(6 feet) Make: JEYES 56 Spanner Set(Ring, Double End, Socket set) Make: Taparia, Stanley 57 Steel clerks table with single drawer and cabinet on the right side of size42x24x30 Make:TANSI 58 SteelS type Chairwith arm. Make:TANSI 59 Steel Half Benchwith L top of size 36x15x18 Make:TANSI 60 SteelStoolof size 15x15x18 H Make:TANSI 61 Steel Side RackO Type with 4 shelves including Top and bottom forming 3 compartments of size 36x33x12Make:TANSI 62 Steelsenior plain cupboard with 4 shelves forming 5 compartments of size78x36x19 Make:TANSI 63 ELECTRIFICATION FOR CONTROL ROOM BUILDING 64 Providing point wiring for lights, fans, exhaust fans, yard lights, street lights, etc., using with 2 runs of 2.5 FRLSH, single core, multistrand copper wire (one for phase and one for neutral) and with one run of FRLSH, single core, stranded, copper wire for looped earthing (green colour) in not lessthan 2mm thick 25mm dia PVC conduit, ( ISI marked ) with necessary bends, tees, junction box and 3way ceiling rose etc., and including supplying and fixing 6A single pole flush type switch housed in manufacturers PVC / Zinc passivated surface box with cover plate. The 4 FRLSH, single core, stranded, copper wire should be run from DB to switch boxes for running main Circuit. All the materials supplied should have ISI mark on it. The point rates quoted includes the cost of the materials and labour for wiring. Neutral wire for each point should be run individually from Switch board to point outlets. No looping of Neutral is allowed. Change of fittings, points for light and fan as per requirement of the site condition also to be done. The 4 FRLSH, single core, stranded, copper wire should be run for pump motors from AC panel and switch board. Fan hooks wherever not provided the same to be provided. Fan points should be with electronic regulators. All terminations shall be made with suitable copper socket and identification ferrules must be provided in switch boxes, AC & DC panel boards. The height of the light fittings and ceiling fans shall be 2.5 mts. and 2.75mts from finished floor level reapectively or as directed by the engineer incharge. 65 Supply and providing wiring to twin tube light points, wall mounted points, ceiling points, yard light point, ceiling fan point, exhaust fan point etc., using with 2 runs of 2.5 FRLSH, single core, multistrand copper wire (one for phase and one for neutral) and with one run of 1.5 FRLSH, single core, stranded, copper wire for looped earthing (green colour) in not lessthan 25mm dia 2mm thick PVC rigid conduit, (ISI marked) with necessary accessories. including supplying and fixing of 6A modular switch housed in manufacturers PVC surface box with cover plate.The colour coding shall be followed. 66 1 point controlled by 1 switch for ceiling lights,yard lights, sign board lights, exhaust fans etc.,1. 1x18W LED Celling Light 2 Nos. 2. 2x20W Surface Light 5 Nos 31x100W LED Ceiling Light 5 Nos 4. Sign Board Light 3 Nos 5. Gate Light 2 Nos 6. Yard Light 7. Exhaust Fan5 Nos 67 same as item no.1 for 2 points controlled by 1 switch for Control room lights, street light etc., 1. 1x20W LED wall Tube Ligh 18 Nos 2. Street Light 08 Nos 68 same as item no.1 for ceiling fan point with stepped type electronic speed control 69 Supply and providing wiring to 6A plug point using two runs of 2.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire along with 1.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire for earthing and also including supplying and fixing of 6A modular switch and 6A 5pin socket housed in manufacturers PVC surface box with cover plate.The colour coding shall be followed. (6A Plug Point) 70 Supply and providing wiring toduct light, 5 lights controlled by one switch arrangements using two runs of 2.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire along with 1.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire for earthing in not lessthan 25mm dia 2mm thick GI rigid conduit, ( ISI marked ) with necessary accessories, including supplying and fixing of 6A modular switch housed in manufacturers PVC surface box with cover plate.The colour coding shall be followed. (Duct light point) 71 Supply and providing wiring to 6Nos Heater pointusing two runs of 4 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire along with 2.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire for earthing in not lessthan 25mm dia 2mm thickness GI rigid conduit, ( ISI marked ) with necessary accessories, including supplying and fixing of 16A modular socket controlled by 16A modular switch housed in manufacturers PVC surface box with cover plate at 5 height and connections and arrangements shall be made 3 points controlled by one circuit from AC panel. The colour coding shall be followed. ( Heater point) 72 Supply and wiring with 2 runs of 4 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire along with 1.5 PVC insulated FRLSH, single core,multistrand copper wire for earthing in 2mm thickness PVC rigid conduit not lessthan 25mm dia for running circuit main from DB to all switch boxes. Neutral should not be looped. Neutral in black and earthing in green to be followed. 73 Supply and providing wiring to motor room points from motor to starter and switch boxes using two runs of pvc insulated single core,multistrand FRLSH,copper wirecopper wire along with 2.5 pvc insulated single core,multistrand FRLSH,copper wire for earthing inside the PVC rigid pipe not lessthan 25mm dia with 2mm wall thickness and also including supply and fixing of 16Amps double pole MCB switch with metal enclosure and connections. 74 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of switch board and wiring 5runs of 4 PVC insulated single core,multistrand FRLSH copper wire(R,Y,B,N&E) inside not lessthan 2mm thickness 25mm dia PVC rigid pipe and connections with 63A FP MCB with suitable metal enclosure for 2 Nos battery charger. (Battery charger Point) 75 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of change over switch and wiring with 4runs of 4 PVC insulated single core,multistrand FRLSH copper wire along with 1.5 PVC insulated single core, multistrand FRLSH copper wire for earthing inside the PVC rigid pipe not lessthan 25mm dia with 2mm wall thickness and connections with 63A FP change over switch with suitable metal enclosure for 2nos battery charger. 76 Electrical light fixtures. 77 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofWall Mounted 1x20W LED Light fitting on suitable TW round block with necessary fixing accessories and connections Control room, Battery room and Toilet. 78 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofWall and Ceiling Mounted2x20W LED Light fitting on suitable TW round block with necessary fixing accessories and connections for Control room. 79 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofCeiling Mounted LED 1x20W Decorative surface Light fitting with necessary fixing accessories and connections for Toilet, Stair case entrance,etc., 80 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of LED 1x10W Bulk head fitting with necessary fixing accessories and connections for Duct lighting 81 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water proofing LED 1x120W light fitting with necessary GI pipe and fixing accessories and connections for Tr.yard lighting. 82 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water proofing LED 1x100W light fitting with necessary GI pipe and fixing accessories and connections for Name board lighting. 83 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water proofing LED 1x25W street light fitting with necessary GI pipe and fixing accessories and connections for outside path way lighting. 84 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water proofing LED 1x25W Gate light fitting with necessary GI pipe and fixing accessories and connections for entrance. 85 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofCeiling Mounted LED 1x100W (2x2) Decorative surface Light fitting with necessary fixing accessories and connections for Control room. 86 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1200mm (48) AC ceiling fan complete set with electronic regulator and suitable down rod at 3 mts above floor level with connections etc., 87 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 300mm (12) dia light duty AC Exhaust fan with necessary wall bracket, louver shutter arrangement, fixing accessories, making hole if necessary and connections for toilet. 88 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 450mm (18) dia heavy duty AC Exhaust fan with necessary wall bracket, louvers shutter arrangement, fixing accessories, making hole if necessarymaking hole if necessary and connections for control room and battery room. 89 Supply, testing and handing over the portable re-chargable 4W Emergency light 90 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1000W Space Heater For panel heating purpose 91 AC Panel Board. This specification read in conjunction with general specifications covers the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of AC Panel Board suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50Hz distribution system. The panel shall be IP 44,Free standing , Floor / Wall mounting , Vermin Proof , CRCAsheet metal enclosed, flush front with copper busbars, with 35 kA for 1 second rating , as per SLD,separate earth bus shall be provided throughout the length of the panel. The sheet steel fabricated panel made out of 14 SWG ( Shell & Door )/ 16 SWG ( Internal Partition ) CRCA Sheet steel fuly treateed by 7 tank process and powered coated with 60 to 70 Micron finish. only gavanised , zinc passivated hardware shall be used for assembely . The incoming and the outgoing feeder breakers, switch fuse units, change over switches, indicating lamps, meters etc., shall be accommodated in a modular multitier arrangement. A minimum of 400mm clearance shall be given from the floor level to the bottom most termination point. Adequate size cable alley & Busbar Chambers shall be provided with in the panel and at the back for easy bending and terminations. The outgoing feeders inside the panel shall be connected through solid busbars / Flexible cable links depending upon the current rating. Busbars shall be provided with PVC heat shrinkable sleeves . The panels shall be suitable for cable entry from top / bottom. Necessaary MS channel support & anchor fastner including all hardwares are included in the scope of electrical contractor. ( Please ref SLD enclosed ) 92 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of AC Main Panel Board as per specification and drawings enclosed.The panel board comprises the followigs: 1. 100A, Bakelight Cut Out Fuse 6 nos 2. 100A, Neutral link 2 nos. 3. 100A Four Pole Change over switch 1 no. 4.Neon lamp indicator with control 9 nos pvc insulated copper wire 10mts 6.25x4mm eletrolite copper flat5 Kgs 7.Voltmeter (0-500 V)1 No 8.Voltmeter selector switch1No 10.100A MCCB 25kA 1No 11. 63A TPN MCB 25kA1 No 12. 32A TPN MCB 25kA 6 Nos 13. 32A DP MCB10kA 3 Nos 14.16A SP MCB 10kA 12 Nos 15. Surge protection device1 No 16. Contactor 1 set 93 DC Panel Board. This specification read in conjunction with general specifications covers the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of DC Panel Board suitable for 110V, 3 wire distribution system. The panel shall be IP 44,Free standing , Floor / Wall mounting , Vermin Proof , CRCAsheet metal enclosed, flush front with copper busbars, with 35 kA for 1 second rating , as per SLD,separate earth bus shall be provided throughout the length of the panel. The sheet steel fabricated panel made out of 14 SWG ( Shell & Door )/ 16 SWG ( Internal Partition ) CRCA Sheet steel fuly treateed by 7 tank process and powered coated with 60 to 70 Micron finish. only gavanised , zinc passivated hardware shall be used for assembely . The incoming and the outgoing feeder breakers, switch fuse units, change over switches, indicating lamps, meters etc., shall be accommodated in a modular multitier arrangement. A minimum of 400mm clearance shall be given from the floor level to the bottom most termination point. Adequate size cable alley & Busbar Chambers shall be provided with in the panel and at the back for easy bending and terminations. The outgoing feeders inside the panel shall be connected through solid busbars / Flexible cable links depending upon the current rating. Busbars shall be provided with PVC heat shrinkable sleeves . The panels shall be suitable for cable entry from top / bottom. Necessaary MS channel support & anchor fastner including all hardwares are included in the scope of electrical contractor. ( Please ref SLD enclosed) 94 Supplying and fixing,testing & comissioning of DC Panel board as per specification and drawing enclosed. 1.63A DP MCCB 25kA 1No 2.63A HRC fuse with holder 2 nos 3. 150A copper bus bar 3 Nos 4.50 FRLSH copper wire 4 mts 5. 10 sq.mmFRLSH copper wire 4 mts 6.Voltmeter (0-150V) 1 no 7. Voltmeter selector switch 1 no 8. 32A Bakelite connector 16 nos 9. 32A DP MCB 10kA 8 nos 10.Contactor 1 set 11. Neon lamp indicator with control 1 no 95 Supply and installation of 17.2mm dia 3Mt long low carbon steel earth electrode bonded with 250 micron copper with GI clamp to be installed in a suitable bore and filled with 50 Lbs of carbon bond envoirnment friendly back filling compound. An RCC trough of size 300x300mm shall be provided with RCC cover for protecting the electrode for AC and DC Panels. 96 FABRICATION OF 33KV BUS ADAPTER PANEL 97 Fabrication, Supply and Erection of 33KV bus adapter panel having a size900x1400x1400 mm using with 2.5mm thickness CRCA M.S. sheet. The adaptor box shall be painted with 7 tank process powder coating and color coating shall be Ivory/Siemens gray. The busbar rating shall be 2000A current rating electrolite copper bus bar each phase with 33kV class HS sleeves and supporting insulatorto interconnect the new 33KV VCB panel with existing 33kV VCB includingCutting,Welding, Brasing & Drilling and finishing. The erection of adaptor work shall be executed under LC and co.ordinated with the engineer incharge. (At source end Airport staff Quarters) 98 GST For bidders within Tamil Nadu Note: Builders within Tamil Nadu shall enter values seperately for SGST and CGST and shall enter the value as Zero for IGST