
Replacement Of Acsr Weasel Conductor To Aaac, Al-59, 99 Sq.Mm (Covered Conductor) In 11 Kv Kunda Feeder Emanating From 33/11 Kv S/S Amritpurpatti & Supply Of Its Associated Decentralized Material Under Electricity Distribution Division Jaspur., jaspur-Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited has published Replacement Of Acsr Weasel Conductor To Aaac, Al-59, 99 Sq.Mm (Covered Conductor) In 11 Kv Kunda Feeder Emanating From 33/11 Kv S/S Amritpurpatti & Supply Of Its Associated Decentralized Material Under Electricity Distribution Division Jaspur.. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-12-2024. Conductor Tenders in jaspur Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Replacement Of Acsr Weasel Conductor To Aaac, Al-59, 99 Sq.Mm (Covered Conductor) In 11 Kv Kunda Feeder Emanating From 33/11 Kv S/S Amritpurpatti & Supply Of Its Associated Decentralized Material Under Electricity Distribution Division Jaspur.
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Tender Details

Replacement of ACSR Weasel Conductor to AAAC, AL-59, 99 sq.mm (Covered Conductor) in 11 KV Kunda Feeder emanating from 33/11 KV S/s Amritpurpatti & Supply of its associated decentralized material under Electricity Distribution Division Jaspur.-Supply of F-clamp for pcc pole with N/B(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 3 Supply of Bracing Clamp for SP-55 with N/B(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 4 Supply of Nut & Bolts(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 5 Supply of X ARM CLAMP FOR PCC POLE WITH N/B(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 6 Supply of PP & CLAMP WITH N&B ST POLE SP-55(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 7 Supply of Stay Clamp for Pcc Pole(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 8 Supply of STAY INSULATOR(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 9 Supply of DANGER BOARD(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 10 Supply of PG Clamp Dog to Dog(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 11 Supply of STAY CLAMP FOR SP-55 WITH NUT &BOLT(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 12 Supply of Earth Wire Clamp(As per Specification of RESPO & UPCL) 13 Supply of 11 KV CABLE TIES FOR PIN INSULATOR(As per GTP & Specification of UPCL) 14 Supply of 11 KV IPC FOR COVERED TOCOVERED COND.(As per GTP & Specification of UPCL) 15 Supply of 11 KV IPC FOR COVERED TO BARECONDUCTOR(As per GTP & Specification of UPCL) 16 Supply of 11KV AAAC COVERED COND. AL-59,99SQ.MM.(As per GTP & Specification of UPCL) 17 Supply of BARBED WIRE 18 Supply of 11 KV TENSION CLAMP WITH BAIL &IPC(As per GTP & Specification of UPCL) 19 11 KV AAAC Conductor Work 20 Cartage of the following material by private truck from store centreto work site dump store approx. distance 21 to 50 Km. including loading into truck and unloading at work site. Dump store and carriage from dump store to pit site. 21 PCC Pole 22 STP SP-55 Pole 23 Cartage of other material (other than poles) by vehicle fro Store Center to nearest construction site Store including loading and unloading at both ends. 24 Head Load Cartage of following material road to work site approx. distance 0 to 1 Km. including loading and unloading. 25 PCC Pole 26 STP SP-55 Pole 27 Headload cartage of Small material from road to site 28 Excavation of earth for pole pit of size 0.9x0.6x1/6 of full length of pole for erection of pole in all type of soil including proper dressing of sides and ramming of bottom including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed complete work 29 Erection ofSingle PCC polein proper level and alignment alongwith fixing of all accessories, like top channel & clampsas per RESSPO construction Manual. 30 Renozzling of existing Stay Set 31 Erection ofDouble SP-55 pole in proper level and alignment alongwith fixing of all accessories, like top channel,X-bracing & clampsas per RESSPO construction Manual. 32 Erection ofSingle STP SP-55 pole in proper level and alignment alongwith fixing of all accessories, like top channel,X-bracing & clampsas per RESSPO construction Manual. 33 Grouting of pole in size 0.45x0.45x1/9 of the support in CC ratio 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 graded stone 20mm nominal size : 8 coarse sand ) block including cost of Cement,sand andstone ballast back filling of soil and boulders in pit and ramming and proper alignment, leveling as per RESSPO construction Manual. 34 Muffing of poles size 0.45 cm x 0.60 cm radious with cc 1:3:6(1 cement :3 coarse sand :6 graded stone 10mm nominal size) blocksize 45cm height from ground level including cost of cement, stone and sand etc. 35 Earthing of support with M.S. Earth rod of 2.5 meter long by hammaring of M.S. Rod to proper depth and connecting the earth electrode with the helpof G.I. wire as per construction manual. 36 Fabrication of M.S. Channel Angle iron after cutting in requiredsizes with drilling of holes upto good finish for top channel, bracing and special type bracket etc. as per RESSPO sehedule and local approved drawing. 37 Excavation of earth for Stay pit of size 0.6x0.6x1.2mtrin all type of soil including proper dressing of sides and ramming of bottom including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed complete work 38 Fixing , tightening and nozzaling of 11 KV Stay with pole and stay rod on required tension as per drawing / RESSPO manual. 39 Grouting of Stay in size 0.6x0.6x0.3 in CC ratio 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 graded stone 20mm nominal size: 8 coarse sand ) block including cost of Cement,sand andstone ballast back filling of soil and boulders in pit and ramming and proper alignment, leveling as per RESSPO Manual. 40 Dismantling of existing HT line in Weasel Conductor including disc fitting, Insulator, clamps, Nut & Bolts and consumer connections and Street light connections etc. 41 Painting of poles with angle and channel and all steel part by one coat of Rod Oxide Primer and two coats of aluminium Paint and two strip of fluorescent altemate Red and White paint 30 Cm wide upto 1.5 Mtrs. From ground level. 42 Laying, Spreading, Stringing and sagging of 11 KVline in Dog Conductor with G.I. earth wire complete including fixing of all accessories. 43 Making of section pole for existing HT line complete in all respect. 44 Fixing of Danger Board and number plate complete by providing clamps of M.S. Flat 50x6 mm and Nuts & Bolts, danger Boards of M.S. Sheet 2 mm Thick 11x7 size. 45 Sagging/Resagging of HT Line with binding & Jumpering. 46 Back Cartage of other material (other than poles) by vehicleincluding loading and unloading at both ends. 47 Replacement of Jumper of HT Line 48 FIXING OF 11KV 90KN TENSION CLAMPB&IPC 49 FIXING OF 11KV IPC FOR COVERED -COVERED 50 FIXING OF 11KV IPC COVERED TOBARE COND. 51 Straightening of tilted PCC / ST Poles complete as per RESPO drawing. 52 LAYING SPREADING,STRINGING AAACCONDUCTOR 53 Fixing of 11 KV CABLE TIES FOR PIN INSULATOR 54 Route cleareance by cutting of tree branches / proning, loping and chopping of trees for 11 KV line. 55 Erection of Bracket in 11 KV Line

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Document Fees
INR 11180 /-
INR 343000.0 /-
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