
Notice Inviting E-Tender For Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Devices Etc. For, Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics And Telecommunication, Physics And Chemistry Laboratories And Wo, bishnupur-West Bengal

Technical Education and Training Department has published Notice Inviting E-Tender For Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Devices Etc. For, Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics And Telecommunication, Physics And Chemistry Laboratories And Wo. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-01-2025. Scientific Equipment Tenders in bishnupur West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Notice Inviting E-Tender For Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Devices Etc. For, Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics And Telecommunication, Physics And Chemistry Laboratories And Wo
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENT, MACHINERIES, TOOLS, DEVICES ETC. FOR, CIVIL ENGG., MECHANICAL ENGG., ELECTRICAL ENGG., ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORIES AND WORKSHOPS AT K.G. ENGINEERING INSTITUTE, BISHNUPUR, BANKURA, W.B. -1 Digital IC trainer kit 2 RLC Series parallel resonance study kit 3 Trainer kit for study of V-I characteristic of a Zener Diode for both forward and reverse characteristics 4 UJT Characteristics Apparatus and UJT as Relaxation Oscillator 5 Digital Trainer Kit with Clock Pulse 6 Power Measurement using CT & PT Kit 7 Megger 8 Earth Tester 9 Anderson Bridge 10 Schering Bridge 11 Tri-vector meter kit 12 Diac Characteristics Trainer Kit 13 Analog Triac & AC Phase Control With R Diac & UJT Trigger Circuit Trainer 14 SCR Trigger Trainer 15 Analog SCR Commutation Circuit Kit 16 Power Factor Demonstrator 17 Cut Model Of Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 18 Cut Model Of single Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 19 Three Phase Induction Motor Experimental Setup 20 Load Test for Single Phase Induction Motor experimental set up 21 Complete set up is required 22 Control panel for the experiment 23 V And Inverted V Curves Of Synchronous Motor Experimental Setup 24 DC Servo Motor Trainer kit 25 Universal Motor study kit 26 Pyranometer 27 Digital MCB & HRC Fuse Testing Setup 28 mccb, elcb, rccb 29 Single Phase Preventer 30 LCD 8051 Microcontroller Training Kit 31 Handheld Thermal Imaging Meter 32 Stroboscope 33 Automatic Star Delta Starter control panel 34 Whole set up with control and power circuit is required 35 Rectifier Trainer Kit 36 Auto transformer 37 Mux Demux Trainer kit 38 Transformers with panel for the experiment 39 Three phase Load with provision to star and delta connection is required 40 DC Rectifier unit 41 Wattmeter 42 Wattmeter 43 Voltmeter 44 Ammeter 45 Function Generator 46 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab 47 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Plot the O.C.C. of a D.C. generator & find the critical resistance (1. Gen: Shunt 3-HP,220V,12.4A,1200 RPMMotor: Series 3ph, 220V, 13A, 1500 RPM2. 1. Rheostat -2(for field and armature control)- available 48 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Starting and reversing of DC motor(3.5hp 220v, 14A,1500 RPM1. voltmeter(0-300V Dc)2. Ammeter (0-20A)3. Tacho meter) 49 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Control the speed of DC shunt motor above & below rated speed & draw the speed characteristics(1 H.P., 220V, 4A, 1500 RPMF- 220V, 0.2A1. voltmeter(0-300V DC)2. Ammeter (0-20A)3. Tacho meter4. Rheostat 2( range could be 0-300Ohm and 0-100 ohm) 1 H.P., 220V, 4A, 1500 RPMF- 220V, 0.2A) 50 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Perform the direct load test on the three phase squirrel cage induction motor and plot the i) efficiency versus output, ii) power factor versus output, iii) power factor versus motor current and iv) torque – slip/speed characteristics efficiency versus output, v) power factor versus output, vi) power factor versus motor current and vii ) torque – slip/speed characteristics (3-Phase, 415V, 2.5A, 1H.P.Tachometer is present) 51 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Conduct the No-load and Blocked-rotor tests on given 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor and determine the equivalent circuit parameters (3-Phase, 415V, 2.5A, 1H.P.) 52 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Measure the open circuit voltage ratio of the three-phase slip ring induction motor and perform the speed control by insertion of resistance in rotor circuit for slip ring induction motor (Slip Ring, induction motor 5H.P., 400/440 V, 11A, 1450 RPM.) 53 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Perform the direct loading test on the given three phase alternator and determine the regulation and efficiency. (DC MOTOR: 220V, 1440 RPM, 22A, 5 HP COMPOUND.ALTERNAROR: 400/230 V, 5.5A, 3 KW, 0.8 PF, 1500 RPM) 54 Repair works for Electrical Machine Lab: Study different parts of a solar flat plate collector/ solar concentrating collector 55 Single purchase crab winch 56 Double purchase crab winch 57 Worm & worm wheel 58 Measurement of Co-efficient of Friction Apparatus 59 Screw Jack 60 Rockwell cum Brinell Hardness Tester 61 Izod Charpy Impact Testing Machine 62 Torsion Testing Machine 63 Mild Steel Universal Testing Machine 64 Circular Saw 65 Spot Welding Machine 66 Portable TIG and Arc Welding machine setup with Argon cylinder and regulator 67 Shearing Machine 68 Angle Grinder 69 Universal Dividing Head 70 Horizontal Milling Machine 71 VMC Double Pallet Kira Vertical Machining Center 72 Surface Plate 73 Feeler Gauge 74 Screw pitch gauge 75 Radius gauge 76 Plug gauge 77 Ring Gauge 78 Bevel protractor 79 Measurement of DBT & WBT of moist air by using sling psychrometer 80 Thermocouple and Thermistor Apparatus 81 LVDT transducer for measuring displacement 82 Measurement of speed of the shaft using tachometer 83 Gear tooth verniercaliper 84 Separating throttling Calorimeter for Dryness fraction measurement 85 Models of Lancashire, Cochran, Babcock and Wilcox boiler 86 Pressure Measurement Equipment with Bourdon tube pressure gauge 87 Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig 88 Cut section model to Study the working principle of a single stage reciprocating air compressor 89 Cut section model of a rotary air compressor 90 Shell & Tube type Heat Exchanger 91 Thermal Conductivity measuring apparatus 92 Determination of Stefan-Boltzmann Constant Apparatus 93 Rotameter 94 Impact Of Jet On Vanes Apparatus 95 Pelton Wheel Turbine 96 Reciprocating Pump Test Rig 97 Centrifugal Pump Test Rig 98 Bernoullis Theorem Apparatus 99 Venturimeter and Orifice meter test bench 100 Apparatus for determination of coefficient of friction of flow through pipes 101 Electrochemical Machining Setup (ECM) to study the working principle 102 Drill Jig 103 Synchromesh Gear Box 5 Forward & 1 Reverse ( Actual Cut Sectional Working Model ) Apparatus 104 Rack & pinion type steering gear box apparatus 105 Cut Section Model of a diaphragm clutch 106 Cut Section Model of 4 Cylinder Diesel Engines 107 Cut section Model To study valve timing diagram actual single cylinder four stroke petrol engine 108 Cut section Model To study valve timing diagram of actual single cylinder four stroke diesel engine 109 Morse Test to obtain the approximate Indicated Power of a Multi-cylinder IC Engine 110 Single purchase crab winch 111 Impact testing Machine 112 Rockwell Hardness testing machine (Analog) 113 Band Saw 114 Arc welding Machine 115 Shearing Machine (manual) 116 Cut off Grinder 117 Upright Drilling Machine 118 Radial Drilling Machine 119 Lathe 120 Horizontal milling machine 121 Tool and Cutter Grinding 122 Vertical Milling Machining 123 Shaping Machine 124 MPFI engine and vehicle demostration and test setup 125 Petrol Engine Test Rig to find out the Brake Thermal Efficiency and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 126 Diesel Engine Test Rig to find out the Brake Thermal Efficiency and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 127 Digital Multimeter 128 Function Generator 129 Variable DC Power Supply 130 Diode Trainer 131 Rectifier Trainer 132 Oscillator Trainer using OPAMP 133 OPAMP trainer kit 134 Multivibrator Trainer using IC 555 135 Amplifier Trainer : BJT 136 Feedback Amplifier Trainer 137 opamp trainer 741 138 Clipper & Clamper Trainer 139 Trainer kit for two stage RC Coupled transistorized Amplifier 140 IC723 voltage regulator trainer kit 141 Current mirror trainer kit 142 Transistor Input/output trainer 143 FET trainer 144 Trainer Kit to study Reverse Recovery Characteristics of Power Diodes 145 Single Phase Reectifier & Controlled Rectifier CKT Using SCR Kit 146 DC Motor Thyristorised Speed Control Trainer Kit 147 Single Phase Bridge Inverter trainer 148 Jones Chopper Trainer 149 SMPS Trainer 150 Single phase Controlled ac regulator Trainer using SCR 151 Power electronics trainer kit (To observe V-I characteristic of SCR, DIAC TRIAC 152 Strain Guage Trainer Kit 153 LVDT trainer kit 154 Thermocouple trainer kit 155 Thermister Trainer Kit 156 Trainer for fault finding of colour TV 157 Colour television demonstration traniner kit(with 14 CRT) 158 Black and white TV reciver trainer kit 159 Demonstration kit for micro oven 160 Demonstration kit for washing Machine 161 Demonstration kit of photocopy machine 162 Demonstration kit for LED TV 163 Demonstration kit for DTH trainer 164 Demonstrainer kit for testing of performance of speaker 165 RTD Trainer Kit 166 Trainer kit for verification of maximum powertransfer theorem 167 Trainer kit for verification of characteristic series and parallel resonance circuit 168 Trainer kit for verification Notorn’s theorem 169 Trainer kit for verification of thevenin theorem 170 Trainer kit for nide and mesh analysis 171 Laboratory trainer for superposition theorem 172 Kit for measurement of characteristic impedence of symmetrical T and PI network 173 Trainer kit for LPF and HPF 174 Digital logic trainer (CMOS/TTL ) logic 175 Digital storage oscilloscope 176 FSK Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kit 177 PSK Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kit 178 Trainer kit for generation and detection of TDM signal 179 Amplitude Modulation Kit 180 Trainer kit to study Envelop detector for demodulation of AM and observe the effect 181 Trainer kit to study generation of FM signal using varactor and reactance modulator and the waveforms 182 Trainer kit to study generation of FM signal using varactor and reactance modulator and the waveforms 183 Trainer kit to study the frequency spectrum of AM and FM using spectrum analyzer 184 Trainer kit to study the different blocks of a telephone receiver 185 Time Division Multiplexer and Demultiplexer T 186 Frequency Division Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Trainer Kit 187 Frequency Division Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Trainer Kit 188 Frequency Division Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Trainer Kit 189 Frequency Division Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Trainer Kit 190 Frequency Division Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Trainer Kit 191 Gunn Based Microwave Test Bench( X-Band ) 192 GSM Modem trainer kit 193 Fiber optic Digital link transmitter / receiver trainer kit 194 Measurement of numerical apeature (fiber optic) 195 Fiber optic analog transmitter / receiver trainer kit 196 ADC and DAC trainer kit 197 PIC18F microcontroller development kit and PICkit 3 programmer 198 Trainer kit for studying the step response of R- C Circuit (First Order System) 199 Trainer kit to study the step response of R-L-C Circuit (Second Order System) 200 Trainer kit to study the operation of an ON- OFF controller 201 Trainer kit to study the operation of a PIcontroller 202 Trainer kit to study the operation of a PD controller 203 Trainer kit to study the operation of a PID controller 204 Projector 205 Maxwell Bridge trainer kit 206 Wheatstone brige trainer kit 207 Analog CRO 208 Motorised Direct Shear testing Apparatus 209 BOD incubation chamber 210 Ductility testing apparatus for bitumen test 211 Accelarated curing Chamber 212 Digital Turbiditymeter 213 Digital pH meter 214 Magnetic stirrer with temperature control 215  Probe Thermometer Waterproof Digital Thermometer 216 Strain Gauge (0.002-5mm) (mechanical/ analog) 217 Strain Gauge (0.01-25mm) (mechanical/ analog) 218 Electrically operated Liquid limit testing apparatus 219 Electrically operated Standard and modified Proctor testing apparatus 220 Vernier scale (mechanical/ analog) 221 Vernier scale (digital) 222 Digital Balance (30 kg capacity) 223 Digital Balance (600 gm capacity) 224 Specific gravity Digital Balance (600 gm capacity) 225 Density Balance( Digital) (15 kg capacity) 226 Rebound Hammer with calibration anvil 227 Digital Rebound Hammer with calibration anvil 228 Total Station 229 Digital Theodolite 230 Auto level 231 Concrete mixxer machine 232 Electrical needle vibrator 233 CBR Mould with all assembly and surcharge loads 234 Geological stone sample 235 Cleaveland closed cup for flush point and fire point testing apparatus 236 Hydrometer 237 Specific gravity bottle(25ml,50ml,100ml) 238 Picnometer 239 Glass Measuring Cylinder 1000 ml Capacity 240 Glass Measuring Cylinder 500 ml Capacity 241 Glass Measuring Cylinder 100 ml Capacity 242 Borosillicate Glass bowl 200 ml Capacity 243 Borosillicate Glass bowl 500 ml Capacity 244 Borosillicate Glass bowl 1000 ml Capacity 245 Borosillicate Glass bowl 2000 ml Capacity 246 Hard glass test tube 247 Proving ring of capacity 1000 kgf 248 Modified proctor Mould with rammer for Heavy Compaction 249 Field CBR testing machine 250 Strain Gauge (0.01-25mm) (digital/electronic) 251 Digital Plunger Dial Gauge 252 C.O.D. Analyzer Kit 253 LABORATORY CEMENT AUTOCLAVE WITH STAINLESS STEEL CHAMBER (21 KG/CM.SQ.PRESSURE) 254 PERMEABILITY APPARATUS 255 Jar test apparatus 256 Constant Temperature Water Bath 257 IS sieve 2.0 mm Brass 258 IS sieve 90 micron Brass 259 IS sieve 75 micron Brass 260 Length Gauge 261 Thickness gauge 262 Platform trolley 263 Cube Mould 70.60 mm 264 Repair and servicing of old Universal Testing Machine 265 Metric chain 30 m 266 Ranging Rod (Made of G.I.) 267 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST APPARATUS (MOTORIZED) 268 Measuring tape 30m 269 Servicing of old transit theodolite made stanley london 270 Replacement of old oil seal in 200 Ton capacity CTM. 271 Hooks Law Apparatus 272 Friction Table set-up 273 Laboratory Hotplate 274 LPG Gas Hose Pipe 275 Rubber Tube 276 Spring Balance (Hanging type) 277 Spring Balance (Hanging type) 278 Retort Stand 279 P-N Junction Diode Trainer Kit 280 P.O. Box 281 Resistance Box 282 Resistance Box 283 Milliammeter 284 Voltmeter 285 Analog Galvanometer 286 Screwdriver Kit 287 Breadboard 288 Water Distillation Unit For Laboratory 289 Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer For Heating 290 Conductivity Meter

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INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 84.85 Lakhs /-
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