
Tender For Empanelment Of Laser Typesetting, Graphic Designing & Offset Printing Work Of Icar-Dkma., delhi-Delhi

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Tender For Empanelment Of Laser Typesetting, Graphic Designing & Offset Printing Work Of Icar-Dkma.. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-01-2025. Printing Work Tenders in delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Empanelment Of Laser Typesetting, Graphic Designing & Offset Printing Work Of Icar-Dkma.
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Tender Details

Tender For Empanelment Of Laser Typesetting, Graphic Designing & Offset Printing Work Of Icar-Dkma.; 1 Rates for Lasertypesetting in English in case the Manuscript (hard copy) is provided by the ICAR‐DKMA for composing Rates 600 D.P.I (English) 2 TEXT MATTER 3 8pt./9pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 4 10 pt./11pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 5 12 pt./13pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 6 14 pt. text and above 7 TABULAR MATTER 8 8pt./9pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 9 10 pt./11pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 10 12 pt./13pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 11 14 pt. text and above 12 Rates for Lasertypesetting in Hindi in case the Manuscript (hard copy) is provided by the ICAR‐DKMA for composing 600 D.P.I (Hindi) 13 TEXT MATTER 14 10pt./11pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 15 12 pt./13pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 16 14 pt./15pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 17 16 pt. text and above 18 TABULAR MATTER 19 10pt./11pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 20 12 pt./13pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 21 14 pt./15pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 22 16 pt. text and above 23 Rates for Lasertypesetting in English in case the Soft Copy of Manuscript is provided by the ICAR‐DKMA for composing along with hard copy 600 D.P.I (English) 24 TEXT MATTER 25 8pt./9pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 26 10 pt./11pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 27 12 pt./13pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 28 14 pt. text and above 29 TABULAR MATTER 30 8pt./9pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 31 10 pt./11pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 32 12 pt./13pt. text with 2 pt. interline space 33 14 pt. text and above 34 Rates for Lasertypesetting in Hindi in case the Soft Copy of Manuscript is provided by the ICAR‐DKMA for composing along with hard copy 600 D.P.I (Hindi) 35 TEXT MATTER 36 10pt./11pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 37 12 pt./13pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 38 14 pt./15pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 39 16 pt. text and above 40 TABULAR MATTER 41 10pt./11pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 42 12 pt./13pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 43 14 pt./15pt. text with 3 pt. interline space 44 16 pt. text and above 45 RATEFOR DIFFERENT ITEMS 46 Composing of Mathematical/ScientificEquations/Symbols/Reactions/Structural Formulas etc.(In Any pt size of the English/Hindi Text) 47 Scanning of colour/grayscale/b&w photographs/ illustrations on Flatbed Scanner 48 Making/improvement of muilticolour/grayscale/ b&w Image/Halftones/flow chart/ bar chart/pie chart/histortam/line drawing/schematic diagrams/illustrations etc. 49 Planning of pages(Inserting line illustrations, colour scanned pictures,charts maps in colour, duotone including reversing/vigenetting of matter/design and inserting the desire colour shade/text matter/creating specialeffects/colouring of text as per the instructions of the ICAR‐DKMA) upto A4 Size 50 Rate for additional Print Outs in B/W (upto A‐4 size)(The rates inclusive additional of corrections beyond 3 stages of corrections as decided by the ICAR‐DKMA. Theprintouts on the smooth quality opaque paper of at least 80 GSM Paper in a minimum of 600 DPI) 51 Graphic Designing 52 Rates for finished design for : 53 Cover (up to A-4 size) 54 Folders (up to A-4 Size) 55 i) Single Fold Folder 56 ii) Two Fold Folder 57 iii) Three Fold Folder 58 Flier (up to A‐4 Size) 59 Posters (up to 25X36 Size) 60 Brochure (up to A‐4 Size) upto 16 pages brochure 61 Rates for finished design for : 62 Calenders upto A3 Size 63 Coffee Table Books upto A3 Size 64 Logo 65 Rate for Print Outs (B/W) 66 Rate per page/side of A‐4 size 67 Rate per page/side of A‐3 size 68 Rate for Print Outs (Colour) 69 Rate per page/side of A‐4 size 70 Rate per page/side of A‐3 size 71 Printing 72 Scanning 73 Scanning from Art Work/Bromide/TP’s (B/W) 74 Scanning from Art Work/Bromide/TP’s (Four Colour) 75 Output from Image Setter from CD/Pen drive etc. 76 PROCESSING: (for text & line drawings) 77 Negatives making 78 Positives making 79 PLATEMAKING: (Rate in Rs. Per plate)In sizes: 23”x36”/26”x34”/20”x30”/20”x26” 80 Surface Plates 81 P.S. Plates 82 CTP Plates 83 PLATEMAKING: (Rate in Rs. Per plate)In sizes: 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”/Cover 84 Surface Plates 85 P.S. Plates 86 CTP Plates 87 Single Colour (B/W), 2 Colour, 3 Colour (Rate in Rs. per colour upto 500 copies) 88 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26” (Upto 500 copies) 89 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”(Upto 500 copies) 90 For sizes 11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13”(Upto 500 copies) 91 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover) (Upto 500 copies) 92 FOUR COLOUR (Rate in Rs. per colour upto 500 copies) 93 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26” (Upto 500 copies) 94 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”(Upto 500 copies) 95 For sizes 11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13”(Upto 500 copies) 96 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover) (Upto 500 copies) 97 Single Colour (B/W), 2 Colour, 3 Colour (Rate in Rs. per colour From 501 copies to 1000 copies) Only these rates will be payable for all print-orders between 501 copies to 1000 copies 98 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26” (From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 99 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”(From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 100 For sizes11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13”(From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 101 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover) (From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 102 FOUR COLOUR (Rate in Rs. per colour From 501 copies to 1000 copies) Only these rates will be payable for all print-orders between 501 copies to 1000 copies 103 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26” (From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 104 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”(From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 105 For sizes 11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13” (From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 106 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover) (From 501 copies to 1000 copies) 107 Single Colour (B/W), 2 Colour, 3 Colour (Rate in Rs. per colour) Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000 copies 108 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26” (Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 109 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20” (Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 110 For sizes11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13”(Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 111 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover) (Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 112 FOUR COLOUR (Rate in Rs. per colour) Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000 copies 113 For sizes 23”X36”/26”X34”/20”X30”/20”X26”(Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 114 For sizes 18”x23”/17”x26”/15”x20”/13”x20”(Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 115 For sizes 11.5”x18”/13”x17”/10”x15”/10”x13”(Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 116 Cover of all sizes (including inside cover)(Additional Per 1000 copies upto 10,000) 117 THERMAL LAMINATION 118 Gloss 119 Matt 120 UV (Spot Lamination)(per impression per side upto 20 sq.inch) 121 Digital UV Embossing (Pro‐rata)(Creating different effects/pattern 3D embossing/leafing digitally) 122 Binding (Pro data): 123 Quote one rate for following 3 Sizes:(I) Crown Octavo, 20”X30”/16vo (4.75”x7”)(II) Demy Octavo,23”x36”/16vo ( 5.5”x8.8”)(iii) A5,26”x34”/16vo (6”x8”) 124 1. Centre Stitching: (Rate in Rs. Per 1000 copies) 125 a. 16 pages forme (folding/gathering) 126 b. 8/4 pages forme 127 c. Cover Creasing & Stitching 128 2. Section Sewing: (Rate in Rs. Per 1000 copies) 129 a. 16 pages form (folding/gathering/sewing) 130 b. 8/4/2 pages forme 131 c. Pasting of Cover on perfect binding machine 132 3. Perfect Binding: (including folding/gathering) 133 a. Rates per copy upto 100 pages (in Rs.) 134 b. Rates per copy per additional 16 /8/4 page form 135 HardBound (Rate in Rs. Per copy) (binding the section sewn formes in boards through pasting of end‐leaves toinner side of the boards and head & tail band pasted at the spine) 136 a. Case making with Cloth 137 b. Case making without Cloth 138 Quote one rate for following 3 Sizes:(I) Crown Quarto, 20”X30”/8vo (7.25”x9.5”)(II) Royal Octavo,20”x26”/8vo ( 6.25”x9.5”)(iii) A‐4,25”x36”/8vo (8.25”x11.75”) 139 1. Centre Stitching: (Rate in Rs. Per 1000 copies) 140 a. 16 pages forme (folding/gathering) 141 b. 8/4 pages forme 142 c. Cover Creasing & Stitching 143 2. Section Sewing: (Rate in Rs. Per 1000 copies) 144 a. 16 pages form (folding/gathering/sewing) 145 b. 8/4/2 pages forme 146 c. Pasting of Cover on perfect binding machine 147 3. Perfect Binding: (including folding/gathering) 148 a. Rates per copy upto 100 pages (in Rs.) 149 b. Rates per copy per additional 16 /8/4 page form 150 Hard Bound (Rate in Rs. Per copy) (binding the section sewn formes in boards through pasting of end‐leaves toinner side of the boards and head & tail band pasted at the spine) 151 Case making with Cloth 152 Case making without Cloth 153 Printing through Screen Printing Process with Paper 154 Letterhead (upto A4 Size) 155 Visiting Card 156 Envelops upto6”x9” size 157 Invitation Card upto6”x9” size 158 Printing through Digital printing machine with paper 159 Letterhead upto A‐4 size 160 Visiting Cards 161 Envelops upto6”x9” size 162 Invitation Card upto6”x9” size 163 Digital Printing Service 164 Digital Printing Service (B/W) with paper including wastage 165 B&W Printing (80 GSM Super Printing Paper) Demy Octavo (23×36/16mo) 166 B&W Printing (80 GSM Super Printing Paper) Royal Octavo (20×26/8vo) 167 B&W Printing (80 GSM Super Printing Paper) Crown Quarto (20×30/8vo) 168 B&W Printing (80 GSM Super Printing Paper) A-4/Demy Quarto (25×36/8vo) 169 Digital Printing Service (Colour) with paper including wastage 170 Colour Printing (100 GSM Art Paper) Demy Octavo (23×36/16mo) 171 Colour Printing (100 GSM Art Paper) Royal Octavo (20×26/8vo) 172 Colour Printing (100 GSM Art Paper) Crown Quarto (20×30/8vo) 173 Colour Printing (100 GSM Art Paper) A-4/Demy Quarto (25×36/8vo) 174 Paperback binding including 4 color cover page printing/paper & lamination (upto 200 pages) 175 For next form of 8‐page 176 Hard binding including a jacket with lamination, paper & sirhaza upto A-4 sizes (upto 200 pages) 177 For next form of 8‐page 178 Leaf/Foil Printing 179 Die Making (Male & Female die) 180 Printing (Colour: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Chrome or any other colour specified (halftone/solid) 181 Other binding operations 182 Manual Numbering (Pro‐rata) 183 Perforation (Pro‐rata) 184 Eyleting (Pro‐rata) 185 Cutting, Creasing (Pro‐rata) 186 Scoring (Pro‐rata) 187 Gumming (Pro‐rata) 188 Paper BasicRequirements 189 Maplitho Printing Paper 190 White Super Printing Paper 191 Art Paper (Glossy/Mat finish) 192 Art Card (Glossy/Mat finish) 193 High Bulk Paper (White/Natural shade) 194 Plastic Coated Paper 195 Azure Laid Ledger Paper 196 Parchment Paper 197 D.O. Paper 198 Coloured Paper 199 Hand Made Paper/card 200 Re‐cycled (off white/yellowish shade) chlorine free Paper 201 Specialized Papers: Irish Paper, Renro, Monc Blanc etc.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-01-2025 Extending Critical Dates Date 18-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 500000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.50 Crore /-
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