
Tender For Extension Of Bus Stand In Sivagangai Municipality, sivagangai-Tamil Nadu

Municipal Adminitration And Water Supply Department has published Tender For Extension Of Bus Stand In Sivagangai Municipality. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-01-2025. Earth Work Tenders in sivagangai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Extension Of Bus Stand In Sivagangai Municipality
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Extension Of Bus Stand In Sivagangai Municipality; 1 Earth work excavation for foundation and depositing on bank with in the initial lead of 10m and a lift of 2m in hard stiff clay, stiff block cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders etc.,as per SS 20 A. TNDSS NO: 23 & 24 VI (S2) VI,VII 9,10with standard specifications. 2 Narrow Foundations - First Depth Upto 2m 3 Footings - Narrow Foundations - Second Depth 2m - 3m 4 Grade beam 5 Supplying and filling in foundation andbasement withfilling M- sand in layers of not more than 15cm.thick well rammed watered and compacted -1m3 etc., complete complying with standard specification.(TNBP No . 24 & 25) 6 Plain Cement concrete 1:4:8 (one cement, four M-sand, eight aggregate) using 40mm gauge handbroken granitestone jelly for foundation including dewatering if foundnecessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cmthick and compacted,etc., complete complying withstandard specfication.(SI No 120 & 122) (TNBP No 28) 7 P.C.C 1:1.5:3 mix (One part of Cement, 1.5 part ofSand and three part of Aggregate) using 20mm HBG ISS metal including all cost and conveyance of materials to site and all labour charges etc, complete. 8 Centering for soffits of RCC slabs of plane surface like lintels, beams ,etc.,including strutting 3m high using mild steel sheets of size 90cm X60cm X and B.G 10 stiffened with M.S angles of size 25mm X 25mm X 3mm laid over silver Oak (C.W) joists of size 10cm X 6.5cm (spaced at about 90cm c/c )and supported dy casurina props of 10cm to 13cm dia (spaced of 75cm C/C) complying with standard specification and directed (SI 154-A) TNBP No.- spl 9 Footing,Grade Beam 10 Columns 11 Beams and Slabs 12 Providing and laying in position Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456 - 2000 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement contenet of 325Kg/ cum and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55 including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, related setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability with about (5.0cum), 7730Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cum), 5156kg of 10 - 12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79cum) 7670 kg of M-sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra cost etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers - The Coarse and Fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requiremnents of IS staandards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials) 13 Upto Basement 14 Ground floor 15 Suppling and fabricating and placing in position MS(or) R.T.S. bar for reinforcement to all RCC works as per the design given including cost ofsteel and binding wire also in all floors.TNBP-spl 16 Brick work in CM 1:5 (one cement & Five Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand)) using II class ground moulded bricks of size 9 X 43/8X 2 3/4 including finishing, curing, etc., complete complying with standard specification - 100CFT 17 Ground floor 18 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (One cement and five M-sand) ,12 mm ,thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specifications (S.I.306) 19 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification. 20 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at required locations to a height of 900mm from finished floor level welded to 38mm dia Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as vertical at 900mm centre with 2 Nos. of 25mm dia intermediate horizontal stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in between. The vertical pipe has to be welded to the 100 X 100 X 6mm MS base plate encased in the base concrete. The rate is inclusive of the charges for cutting, bending, welding, grinding, polishing, conveyance, electrical charges, etc. complete 21 Fabricating supplying and fixing of pre painted galvanized iron sheets with the following specification. The materials should be of PPGI tile profile with a red colour or any other approved design 0.47 mm thick 24 guage having width 1050 mm. The sheet should be G.I.base pre painted hot dipped galvanized iron sheet and to be fixed with shelf tapping screws,plastic washer.The washer and screws to be fixed by using minute power machine drilled with out damaging the sheets paint coating to be regular modified polyster coat with zinc coating of Z 120 GSM paint thickness the finish should be terra cotta finish like malabar mangalore tiles finish optional matt finish. The sheet to be fixed with making suitable corrugated,cutting the sheet in to the required ssize and making ornamental designs as per the site condition and as directed by the departmental officers. 22 Supplying, fabricating, erecting structural steel work for roofing welded or bolted type using MS channels, angles, plates and round bars etc. conforming to IS specification including primer coating and enamal painting as per Design given by the departmental officers etc, complete as per standard specification 23 Galvanized Iron Cold Rolled 200mm Z Purlins 24 Aluminium tig welding 25 Providing and fixing of Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) 4 sided having 50 x 25 x 1.50mm frame work vertical and horizontals out of specially designed extruded sections withstand wind pressure of 180 Kg/sq.m and fabricated fixed at all level elevation and heights. The extruded section cutting and fixing required space extruded section shall be of 6063 and alloy of BSH 9 confirming T is – 63400 rate shall included to fix the main frame with necessary clamps, fasteners, bolt nuts etc. The main frame of extruded section shall be of 22843 & 22739 (H9) grade conforming to BS 4174 (or) IS 8147. Rate shall included 4mm thick ACP sheet (0.25 + 3.5 + 0.25) alstrong or equivalent fixing with spacer tape and the ACP sheet bounded with special type structural sealant of dow corning 789 or equivalent in dust free conditions the gaps between ACP sheet to be filed with whether sealant and backer rod or 12mm foam sheet to ensure water and air tightness in all complete complying with standard specification as directed by the departmental officer sor (M-6058 page no:99) 26 Providing Bitumen Pad 12mm thick for Expansion Joint including cost and conveyance of all other labour and material charges to site etc., complete. 27 Manufacturing, Supply and fixing of Retro Reflective Road name Sign Board Single Arrow of size 1.30x0.6 made out of Wide Angle cube comer micro prismatic grade sheeting conforming to IRC 67:2010 & Type XI standards of ASTMD D 495609 specifications and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminum sheet & back support frame of 25x25x3mm MS angle frame supported by 32MB stainless steel pipe all around and 65NM pipe vertical post firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 30cmx30cmx45cm etc complete., The information message shall be made out of cut out letters in Blue color transparent overlay film as per IRC 67-201 Guidelines. 7 years pre qualification warranty for Retro Reflective sheeting from the origional sheeting manufacturer & a certified copy of three years out door exposure report from an independent test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by the customer. IRC 67-2012 28 Supply and fixng of TNEB meter board suitable for 3phase 100A service connection made up of suitable angle iron frame work of size 2feet x 1-1/2feet using angle iron of size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 rigidly fixed on wall covered with hylemsheet of size 2 feet x1-1/2 feet of 12mm thickness with necessary bolts and nuts supports and supply and fixing of 3Nos. 100A fuse units (500V), 1No. neutral link, copper earth flat of size 1 x 1/4with inter connection of EB meter to fuse units by 16 Sq.mm PVC insulated copper wire with earth connection complete (SD-133) 29 Earthing as per the ISI specification with an earth electrode of 2.10 metre Class B GI pipe of dia not less than 40mm with copper earth plate of size 125mm x 50mm x 6mm with necessary funneling arrangements with necessary masonry work and with 38mm RCC cover slab for the brick masonry (SD-233) 30 Supplying and fixing of6 Metre Length Single Bracket Pole with Base Plate (250 x 250 x 6mm)76.10mm OD x 3.65mm Thick x 6000mm Length 31 Supplying and fixing ofSINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION BOARD 4 ways single phase DBNo. of ways incomer MCB / Isolator - 2No. of ways incomer ELCB / RCD - 2No. of outgoings ways - 2 32 Supply and laying of 2 x 6 sq.mm PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre putting 0.15 metre layer of sand and covering the cable completely with bricks and sand and refilling the earth to make good (SD-197) 33 Supply and delivery of MS Kiosk of size 0.75m x 0.45m x 0.75m made up of MS angle of size 50mm x 50mmx 4mm alround covered with 16 gauge MS sheet and kiosk door made up of MS plates of size 25 mm x 3 mm including cutting, welding, grinding, locking arrangements and labour charges etc., 34 Supplying and fixing of 48W LED Street light fitting with LED outdoor fittings Higher end philips/havells/Equivalent etc complete.

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INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1 Crore /-
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