R/ work on Lai Railway Fatak to Meena ki Dhani in km 4/0 to 4/275 - Clearing & grubbing road land inci, uprooting rank vegetation, grass bush, shrubs, sapings & trees of girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable material & stacking of serviceable material upto 1000 m from road boundry as per MoRTH Specification 201 By Mechanical Means in area of light jungle Construction of embankment with approved maternal obtained from borrow pits with a lét upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading. grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 301 to 305 do with lead upto 50mar Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having Pinot more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured) as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2) Grading Providing, laying spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. (MoRTH specification Clause 404) (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken Providing, laying spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, roiling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fil-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. MoRTH specification Clause 404) (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken Providing & applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturers specifications with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates & temperatures incl. cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification Clause- 502,112 7.0-10.0 kg/10Sqm Providing & applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface ind cleaning as per IS: 8887 & manufacturers specifications 2 kg/10sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates & temperatures as per MoRTH specification Cl 503,112 On surface treated with primer 2.50 to 3.0 kg/10sgm Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack & seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 km. (MoRTH Specification : Clause 511,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, incl. loading of aggregates with F.E loader.b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30) Providing and applying premixed seal coat type B comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)