Tender For Bindki Nagar Palika Parishad Water Supply Scheme In District Fatehpur Under Amrut 2.0 Programme - Civil Works 2 Construction of R.C.C Overhead Tank 3 Submission of vetted design, drawing and Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and construct an RCC over head tank of M-30 concrete with following capacity with minimum freeboard of 15cm, RCC staircase and 1.2m wide balcony, G.I. Pipe and angle iron posts around the balcony and at the dome periphery, two column RCC staircasewith SS railing in a slope of 3:1 from the balcony to the top of tank and inside the tank, supply and fixing 10mm gauge M.H. cover of 60cm x 60cm size with locking device, ventilator, lightening conductor,digitalwater level indicator, fixing of puddle collars and bell mouths, supply and fixing M.S. clamps with RCC coloumn, 25 mm thick PCC 1:2:4 floor over 80 mm PCC 1:4:8 in appron, 150 mm semicircular drain around the tank, escape channel of 20m length, box type enclosure at the entrance of the staircase having locking arrangements, water proofing, three coats of approved quality Apex paint and testing of tank for water tightness etc. and including testing bearing capacity of soil , site clearance and other unforeseen items as per specifications in tender document and manuals etc. The depth of foundation is minimum 2.50m from existing Ground level on pile/ raft foundation or at more depth based on design of tank for which no extra claim shall be entertained. Made up level of OHt shall be taken as 0.60m above road level. Extra earth required for made up level shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.All works complete upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 4 For Zone I -500 KL @ 20m staging:-Supply and fixing of C.I D/F pipes and C.I D/F sluice valvewith required specials such as reducers, duck foot bend, bell mouth etc in inlet of the tank including supply of MS clamps, rubber insertion sheet, nut bolts, washer etc complete as detailed for each pipe line a. C.I D/f pipe inlet - 2nos of 150 mm diab. C.I D/f pipe outlet - 2nos of 250mm diac. C.I D/f pipe overflow - 2nos of 250mm diad. C.I D/f pipe washout - 1nos of 100mm dia 5 For Zone II- 1400 KL @ 20m staging:-Supply and fixing of C.I D/F pipes and C.I D/F sluice valvewith required specials such as reducers, duck foot bend, bell mouth etc in inlet of the tank including supply of MS clamps, rubber insertion sheet, nut bolts, washer etc complete as detailed for each pipe line a. C.I D/f pipe inlet - 3nos of200 mm diab. C.I D/f pipe outlet - 2nos of 350mm diac. C.I D/f pipe overflow - 1nos of 350mm diad. C.I D/f pipe washout - 1nos of 100mm dia 6 For Zone III- 1400 KL @ 22m staging:-Supply and fixing of C.I D/F pipes and C.I D/F sluice valvewith required specials such as reducers, duck foot bend, bell mouth etc in inlet of the tank including supply of MS clamps, rubber insertion sheet, nut bolts, washer etc complete as detailed for each pipe line a. C.I D/f pipe inlet - 2nos of250 mm diab. C.I D/f pipe outlet - 2nos of 450mm diac. C.I D/f pipe overflow - 1nos of 450mm diad. C.I D/f pipe washout - 1nos of 100mm dia 7 Supply of materials, labour, T&P and construct brick masonary sluice valve chamber including RCC cover as per type dept. design at inlet, outlet and washout pipes. The RCC cover shall be casted in SS channel section with handles on both sides. (Chambers for washout and overflow may be combined) 8 The words U.P.Jal nigam (Urban) stating year of construction, capacity of OHT as per directions of Engineer-in-charge shall be painted prominently in letter not less than 30 cm in height. Maintenance for 12 months including supply of all materials etc complete. 9 Zone-I 10 500 KL @ 20m staging 11 Zone-II 12 1400 KL @ 20m staging 13 Zone-III 14 1400 KL @ 22m staging 15 Construction of Pump Houses 16 Provide all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete and construct Pump house size (3.6x3.0)m Chlorinating room size (1.8 x 2.5x 3.0)m as per departmental type design and specifivations given in tender document including supply of labour, material etc for completion of works upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge 17 Zone-I (1no), Zone-II(3no) and Zone-III(1no) 18 Renovation of Pump house 19 Renovation of Exisiting Pump House Building including electrification works, Replacement all type of Sluice valve,Cut-Out,Stater, clorination Plant/Dozer, instalation ofkirloskar make pump, relacement and lowering of Extra Required clolumn pipe upto suitabe depth blow water lewel and other required T&P material etc complete as required at site in directionof engineer in charege[Zone-I (1no), and Zone-III(4no)] 20 Distribution Network 21 Supply of the following D.I. pipes (k-7) including specials conforming to I.S -8329/2000 or its latest amendment(s). Including F.O.R. destinations rate per metre in Rs., anywhere in U.P. including cost of one Rubber Gasket per pipe length & inclusive of all Taxes & Duties, Third Party Inspection Charges, Packing & Forwarding Charges, Transit Insurance Charges, Road Transportation Charges etc. 22 Zone-I 23 250mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 24 200 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 25 Zone-II 26 350 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 27 300 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 28 250mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 29 200 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 30 Zone-III 31 450 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 32 350 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 33 300 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 34 250mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 35 200 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 36 Supply of the following HDPE Pipes PN-6/ PE-100 including electrofusion specials as per I.S. code no. 4984/14151/ 12786/13488 or its latest amendment in coils/ slandered lengths with necessary jointing material like elctrofusion coupler for Joints/ junctions, flanged joint, inclusive of third party inspection charges packing and forwarding charges, transit insurance charges, road transportation charges etc. F.O.R. destination etc. complete 37 Zone-I 38 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 39 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 40 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 41 Zone-II 42 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 43 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 44 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 45 Zone-III 46 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 47 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 48 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 49 Excavation for pipeline trenches in ordinary soil (loam,clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m and refilling, watering, ramming of excavted earth in to the trenches and disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches. D.I.( K-7) pipes. Guidelines on Environmental construction and demolition (C&D) wastes and GRAP circulated by Central Pollution Control board 2017 and its latest ammendments shall be adhered to for excavation of trench during laying of pipeline. Surplus material after backfilling shall be immediately removed from site and temporary restoration shall be done to make road motorable 50 Zone-I 51 Zone-II 52 Zone-III 53 Carting from the following sizes of D.I.Pipes (class K-7) and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient, cutting of pipes, making joints including cost of jointing material, rubber rings, labour, T&P etc including hydraulic testing of pipeline. It includes making alignment on city roads, making of trial pits to investigate location of various undergroung services like telephone cables, electric cables, existing water and sewer lines complete required for proper completion of work. only SBR rubber gaskets to be used as per IS 5382 and IS 12820 including making bypass arrangement. 54 Zone-I 55 250mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 56 200 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 57 Zone-II 58 350 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 59 300 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 60 250 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 61 200 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 62 Zone-III 63 450 mm diaD.I. (K-7 pipes) 64 350 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 65 300 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 66 250 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 67 200 mm dia. D.I. (K-7 pipes) 68 Carting from the following sizes of HDPE PN-6/ PE-100 and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient, cutting of pipes, making joints including cost of jointing material, rubber rings, labour, T&P etc including hydraulic testing of pipeline. It includes making alignment on city roads, making of trial pits to investigate location of various undergroung services like telephone cables, electric cables, existing water and sewer lines complete required for proper completion of work. only SBR rubber gaskets to be used as per IS 5382 and IS 12820 including making bypass arrangement.Jointing between HDPE pipes shall be done as per latest IS: 7634 part-II. only bar coded electro-fusion machine (automatically readable) that can read the bar code of the fittings automatically 69 Zone-I 70 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 71 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 72 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 73 Zone-II 74 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 75 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 76 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 77 Zone-III 78 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 79 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 80 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 81 Supply of the following dia of valves, class I, working pressure 10 Kg/cm2 confirmingto IS: 780/1969 or its latest amendments, F.O.R. destination, carting and lowering them into the already preparedtrenches, fixing in position and jointingthem with pipelines and testing etc. completeand also including supply of jointing materials etc. complete .including alltaxes and insurance, as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 82 Sluice/wheel valve (Surface Box type) 83 300∅ 84 250∅ 85 200∅ 86 150∅ 87 125∅ 88 100∅ 89 Scour Valve - 80 mm dia 90 Air valve - 50 mm dia 91 Fire Hydrant - 80 mm dia. 92 Dismantling of roads for laying of pipe line including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials, stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials including dismantling and cleaning of septic tanks if any 93 Zone-I 94 B.O.E road 95 Bituminous road 96 Cement Concrete Road 97 Interlocking Road / Paver 98 Zone-II 99 B.O.E road 100 Bituminous road 101 Cement Concrete Road 102 Interlocking Road / Paver 103 Zone-III 104 B.O.E road 105 Bituminous road 106 Cement Concrete Road 107 Interlocking Road / Paver 108 Reinstatement of following type of roads dismantled during laying of pipe line including leakage repair if any and supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 109 Zone-I 110 B.O.E road 111 Bituminous road 112 Cement Concrete Road 113 Interlocking Road (40 % new & 60% quantity old bricks) 114 Zone-II 115 B.O.E road 116 Bituminous road 117 Cement Concrete Road 118 Interlocking Road (40 % new & 60% quantity old bricks) 119 Zone-III 120 B.O.E road 121 Bituminous road 122 Cement Concrete Road 123 Interlocking Road (40 % new & 60% quantity old bricks) 124 Provision of Road Cutting and reinstatement for PWD Roads for both zones of any thickness including cleaning of debris, removal of materials and restoring the same to originl condition as per PWD norms 125 Supply of all labour, materials, T&P etc. all complete and construction of following valve chambers as per type design.for both zones 126 Sluice valve (masonary type) 127 Sluice/ wheel Valve ( surface box type) 128 Air valve 129 Fire hydrant 130 Nala crossing/culvert/ Road crossing more than 3.5m width with carrier pipe including proper encasing of pipe and restoring the drain to original condition inluding supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc complete upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge 131 Nala crossing (small) upto 3.5m width with carrier pipe and restoring the drain to original condition 132 House Connection 133 Provision of new single brass tap ferrule water house hold Connection with fixing of saddle (electrofusion tapping saddle) for making connection with HDPE distribution pipeline minimum 10m, DI strap saddle, ferrule for making connection with pipes other than HDPE, connection fittings, GM ferrule of 15mm dia including brass tape with welded, 20mm dia (OD) HDPE pipe (PE-100/ PN-12.5) and 20mm dia OD G.I pipe (minimum 1m) Class B upto house holder as per type design drawings and .including dismentlingof all type road, excavation, laying and jointing for proper completion of workas per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Making house connection with all data like AAdhar Card/ address proof/mobile no and geotagging of house connections 134 Zone-I 135 200 mm dia.-250 mm dia 136 140 mm dia-180 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 137 90 mm dia-125 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 138 Zone-II 139 300 mm dia.-500 mm dia 140 200 mm dia.-250 mm dia 141 140 mm dia-180 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 142 90 mm dia-125 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 143 Zone-III 144 300 mm dia.-500 mm dia 145 200 mm dia.-250 mm dia 146 140 mm dia-180 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 147 90 mm dia-125 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN‐6: Class PE‐100 148 Provision of reinstatement work for water house hold Connection including supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 149 Zone-I 150 B.O.E road 151 Bituminous Road 152 Cement Concrete road 153 Interlocking Road / Paver 154 Zone-II 155 B.O.E road 156 Bituminous Road 157 Cement Concrete road 158 Interlocking Road / Paver 159 Zone-III 160 B.O.E road 161 Bituminous Road 162 Cement Concrete road 163 Interlocking Road / Paver 164 Shifting of old house connections in different sizes of pipes including supply, carting of specials, lowering them into trenches, cutting, fixing them in proper alignment and jointing including necessary excavation for connection etc all complete 165 Provision of interconnection in existing pipe network AC/PVC/ DI/HDPE pipe including supply, carting of specials, lowering them into trenches, cutting, fixing in proper alignment including bailing out wateretc all necessary works complete upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge 166 200 mm dia.-250mm dia 167 140 mm dia-180mm dia 168 90 mm dia-125 mm dia 169 Rising Main 170 Supply of the following D.I. pipes (k-9) including specials conforming to I.S -8329/2000 or its latest amendment(s). Including F.O.R. destinations rate per metre in Rs., anywhere in U.P. including cost of one Rubber Gasket per pipe length & inclusive of all Taxes & Duties, Third Party Inspection Charges, Packing & Forwarding Charges, Transit Insurance Charges, Road Transportation Charges etc. 171 Zone-I 172 TW1 to OHT 150 mm dia K‐9 173 Zone-II 174 TW1,TW2 And TW3 to OHT 200 mm dia K‐9 175 Zone-III 176 TW1,TW2,TW3 And TW4 to CWR 150 mm dia K‐9 177 TW5 to CWR 200 mm dia K‐9 178 CWR to OHT 250 mm dia K‐9 179 Dismantling of roads for laying of pipe line including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials, stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials including dismantling and cleaning of septic tanks if any 180 All Zone 181 Bituminous road 182 Cement Concrete Road 183 Reinstatement of following type of roads dismantled during laying of pipe line including leakage repair if any and supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 184 All Zone 185 Bituminous road 186 Cement Concrete Road 187 Excavation for pipeline trenches in ordinary soil (loam,clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m and refilling, watering, ramming of excavted earth in to the trenches and disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches. D.I.( K-9) pipes. Guidelines on Environmental construction and demolition (C&D) wastes and GRAP circulated by Central Pollution Control board 2017 and its latest ammendments shall be adhered to for excavation of trench during laying of pipeline. Surplus material after backfilling shall be immediately removed from site and temporary restoration shall be done to make road motorable 188 Carting from the following sizes of D.I.Pipes (class K-7) and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient, cutting of pipes, making joints including cost of jointing material, rubber rings, labour, T&P etc including hydraulic testing of pipeline. It includes making alignment on city roads, making of trial pits to investigate location of various undergroung services like telephone cables, electric cables, existing water and sewer lines complete required for proper completion of work. only SBR rubber gaskets to be used as per IS 5382 and IS 12820 including making bypass arrangement. 189 Zone-I 190 150 mm dia K‐9 191 Zone-II 192 200 mm dia K‐9 193 Zone-III 194 250 mm dia K‐9 195 200 mm dia K‐9 196 150 mm dia K‐9 197 Supply & fixing of following sizes of C.I. Double flanged sluice valves as per I.S. 780/1969 class - 1 F.O.R. destination including all taxes and insurance. 198 150mm dia 199 200mm dia 200 250mm dia 201 Supply of all materials,labour,T & P etc. and construct following valve chambers as direction of Engineer Incharge 202 1) Sluice Valve chambers 203 Supply of all materials,labour, and T & P etc. and construct R.C.C. M-20 thrust blocks. For 200mm Dia pipe Includingsupply of mild steel reinforcement, its bending , fixing and bending with 0.50mm thick binding wire, necessary centering and shuttering including curing etc all complete 204 Supply of all labour, materials and T & P etc. and construct boundary wallas per approved drawing for OHT and Pumping stations including earth filling as deemed necessary for proper completion of work [Zone-I (135.20m),Zone-II(225.60) and Zone-III(235.2) =Total 596.00RM ] 205 Supply of all labour ,materials and T & P etc .and provide 3.60 m wide M.S. gate and 1 m wide wicket gate with pillars as per department type design drawing. 206 Construction of MCS Room (11.0 x 5.0 x 4.0m)including all labour,machinery etc and electrical fittings as per directions of Engineer-in-charge 207 Construction of 3.5m wide Cement interlocking tiles of approved thickness approach road to OHT and pumping station including preparation of subgrade with lean concrete 1:6:12, 8 cm thick and sand 5 cm thick supply of materials, labour etc all complete 208 Construction of Staff Quarter as per departmental type design including all elctrical and plumbing fittings and all works upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.(Zone-II) 209 Construction of Groundwater recharging unit by rain water harvesting in water works compound 210 ZONE - 01 211 TRANSPORTATION 212 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of Rig Machine 213 Transportation of Tubewell Assembly 214 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 350 PSI Compressure 215 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 3 Cusec O.P Unit 216 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBEWELL (DRILLING) 217 Drilling of 625 mm. dia bore from G.L. to 70 m BGL. 218 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 70 M bglto 100 m BGL. 219 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 100 M bglto 200 m BGL. 220 Bentonite Clay 221 Flushing of Bore 222 Electrical Logging of the Bore 223 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF TW BY GRAVEL 224 Lowering of300X200 mm.dia tube well assembly duly welded including welding electrode and shrouding of pea gravel complete in all respect. 225 300mm dia MS ERW pipe from G.L. to 65 mBGL 226 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 65 m BGL to 100 m BGL 227 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 100 m BGL to 180 m BGL 228 300 mm.dia size 229 200 mm.dia size 230 PEA- GRAVEL 231 Supply of 1.6 mm to 4.8 mm size pea gravel duly screened and washed as per IS 4097 232 DEVELOPMNET OF TUBE WELL 233 Development of Tube well by 350 PSI Compressor 234 Development of Tube well by 3 Cusec O.P. Unit 235 TEST : 236 Chemical and Bacteriological test of water sample from departmental approved lab 237 Watch & ward during construction of TW 238 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION FOR NEW TW 239 SITC of 1200 LPM, 62 M head (Both Tantetive) Submersiblepump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 240 Submersible Pump Motor Set 1200 LPM, 62 M head (Both Tantetive) as Spare 241 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 242 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 243 Automatic chlorination System 244 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 245 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 246 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 247 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 248 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 249 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 250 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION FOR EXISTING TW 251 SITC of 800 LPM, 63 M head (Both Tantetive) Submersiblepump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 252 Submersible Pump Motor Set 800 LPM, 63 M head (Both Tantetive) as Spare 253 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 254 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 255 Automatic chlorination System 256 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 257 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 258 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 259 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 260 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 261 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 262 AUTOMATION WORK OF TUBEWELLS (NEW & EXISTING) 263 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each Tubewell /OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 264 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification 265 Auto Phase Reversal Unit Suitble for above pumping plant with Inbuilt time delay and Enclosure (confirmation to IEC:60947-1 & IEC: 60947-b-1) 250 Amp 266 CE/UL certified surge protector for control panel 267 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 268 Complete cabling for Tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipments at pump house and OHT 269 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments seprate for control 24V and power equipments 270 Installation, Testing and Commissioning for one Tubewell 271 AUTOMATION WORK AT ESR & DMA-01 272 Electrical panel with Remote Terminal Unit 273 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 200 mm 274 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 200 mm 275 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 200 mm 276 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 277 Automatic Chlorination System 278 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 279 CE/UL Certified Radar type level transmitter for OHT 280 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 281 CE/UL certified Sutable capacity UPS with batteries at ESR for operation of actuators & other equipments if required 282 AUTOMATION WORK AT DMA-02 283 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 250 mm 284 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 250 mm 285 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 250 mm 286 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 287 Automatic Chlorination System 288 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 289 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 290 Trial run of Pumping Plant and all other E&M / Automation equipments installed at new & existing tubewells and ESR of Zone-01 with Electricity, Chlorine & Operation charges till hand over of scheme to concerning ULB 291 ZONE - 02 292 TRANSPORTATION 293 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of Rig Machine 294 Transportation of Tubewell Assembly 295 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 350 PSI Compressor 296 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 3 Cusec O.P Unit 297 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBEWELL (DRILLING) 298 Drilling of 625 mm. dia bore from G.L. to 70 m BGL. 299 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 70 M bglto 100 m BGL. 300 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 100 M bglto 200 m BGL. 301 Bentonite Clay 302 Flushing of Bore 303 Electrical Logging of the Bore 304 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF TW BY GRAVEL 305 Lowering of300X200 mm.dia tube well assembly duly welded including welding electrode and shrouding of pea gravel complete in all respect. 306 300mm dia MS ERW pipe from G.L. to 65 mBGL 307 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 65 m BGL to 100 m BGL 308 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 100 m BGL to 180 m BGL 309 300 mm.dia size 310 200 mm.dia size 311 PEA- GRAVEL 312 Supply of 1.6 mm to 4.8 mm size pea gravel duly screened and washed as per IS 4097 313 DEVELOPMNET OF TUBE WELL 314 Development of Tube well by 350 PSI Compressor 315 Development of Tube well by 3 Cusec O.P. Unit 316 TEST : 317 Chemical and Bacteriological test of water sample from departmental approved lab 318 Watch & ward during construction of TW 319 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION 320 SITC of 1200 LPM, 67 M head (Both Tentative) Submersiblepump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 321 Submersible Pump Motor Set 1200 LPM, 67 M head (Both Tentative) as Spare 322 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 323 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 324 Automatic chlorination System 325 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 326 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 327 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 328 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 329 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 330 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 331 AUTOMATION WORK OF TUBEWELLS 332 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each Tubewell /OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 333 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification 334 Auto Phase Reversal Unit Suitable for above pumping plant with Inbuilt time delay and Enclosure (confirmation to IEC:60947-1 & IEC: 60947-b-1) 250 Amp 335 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 336 Complete cabling for Tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipments at pump house and OHT 337 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments separate for control 24V and power equipments 338 CE/UL certified surge protector for control panel 339 Installation, Testing and Commissioning for one Tubewell 340 AUTOMATION WORK AT ESR & DMA-01 341 Electrical panel with Remote Terminal Unit 342 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 250 mm 343 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 250 mm 344 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 250 mm 345 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 346 Automatic Chlorination System 347 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 348 CE/UL Certified Radar type level transmitter for OHT 349 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 350 CE/UL certified Sutable capacity UPS with batteries at ESR for operation of actuators & other equipments if required 351 AUTOMATION WORK AT DMA-02 352 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 350 mm 353 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 350 mm 354 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 350 mm 355 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 356 Automatic Chlorination System 357 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 358 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 359 Trial run of Pumping Plant and all other E&M / Automation equipments installed at tubewells and ESR of Zone-01 with Electricity, Chlorine & Operation charges till hand over of scheme to concerning ULB 360 ZONE - 03 361 TRANSPORTATION 362 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of Rig Machine 363 Transportation of Tubewell Assembly 364 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 350 PSI Compressor 365 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of 3 Cusec O.P Unit 366 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBEWELL (DRILLING) 367 Drilling of 625 mm. dia bore from G.L. to 70 m BGL. 368 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 70 M bglto 100 m BGL. 369 Drilling of 500 mm.dia bore from 100 M bglto 200 m BGL. 370 Bentonite Clay 371 Flushing of Bore 372 Electrical Logging of the Bore 373 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF TW BY GRAVEL 374 300mm dia MS ERW pipe from G.L. to 65 mBGL 375 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 65 m BGL to 100 m BGL 376 200 mm.dia M.S ERWplain/ slotted pipe from 100 m BGL to 180 m BGL 377 TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY : 378 300 mm.dia size 379 200 mm.dia size 380 PEA- GRAVEL 381 Supply of 1.6 mm to 4.8 mm size pea gravel duly screened and washed as per IS 4097 382 DEVELOPMNET OF TUBE WELL 383 Development of Tube well by 350 PSI Compressor 384 Development of Tube well by 3 Cusec O.P. Unit 385 TEST : 386 Chemical and Bacteriological test of water sample from departmental approved lab 387 Watch & ward during construction of TW 388 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION FOR NEW TW 389 SITC of 1200 LPM, 36 M head (Both Tentative) pump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 390 Submersible Pump Motor Set 1200 LPM, 36 M head (Both Tentative) as Spare 391 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 392 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 393 Automatic chlorination System 394 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 395 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 396 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 397 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 398 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 399 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 400 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION FOR EXISTING TW 401 SITC of 800 LPM, 35 M head (Both Tantetive) Submersiblepump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 402 Submersible Pump Motor Set 800 LPM, 50 M head (Both Tantetive) as Spare 403 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 404 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 405 Automatic chlorination System 406 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 407 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 408 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 409 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 410 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 411 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 412 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION FOR EXISTING TW 413 SITC of 800 LPM, 50 M head (Both Tantetive) Submersiblepump motor set with 24m 150mm dia coloum pipe, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90º, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 m long 02 nos & 1.0 m long 01 no) Earthing, Painting, Tools sets, wiring of pump house internal & external, Chain pulley block & all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 414 Submersible Pump Motor Set 800 LPM, 50 M head (Both Tantetive) as Spare 415 SITC of Scada compatible Servo Voltage Stabilizer of suitable capacity with all required necessary accessories like SPP, TDR, HL cut off, RS 485 port for scada compatibility, overload protection, bypass arrangement and body earthing etc complete in all respect. 416 3M long heavy duty coloum pipe (spare) 417 Automatic chlorination System 418 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 419 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia DI sluice valve 420 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flow meter of size 150 mm 421 Digital soft starter / VFD (As per instruction by engineer incharge) with RS485 Port- 400V Class, 45 KWor higher suitable Rating. 422 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for Pump House 423 CE/UL certified hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewells 424 AUTOMATION WORK OF TUBEWELLS 425 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each Tubewell /OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 426 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification 427 Auto Phase Reversal Unit Suitable for above pumping plant with Inbuilt time delay and Enclosure (confirmation to IEC:60947-1 & IEC: 60947-b-1) 250 Amp 428 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 429 Complete cabling for Tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipments at pump house and OHT 430 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments separate for control 24V and power equipments 431 CE/UL certified surge protector for control panel 432 Installation, Testing and Commissioning for one Tubewell 433 Trial run of Pumping Plant and all other E&M / Automation equipments installed at new & existing tubewells and ESR of Zone-01 with Electricity, Chlorine & Operation charges till hand over of scheme to concerning ULB 434 PUMPING PLANT & INSTRUMENTATION AT CWR 435 Supply of 3000 LPM, 36 mtr Head, (Both Tantetive) SS impeller & shaft Water Lubricated VT Pump set coupled with squirrel cage VHS TEFC 40 HP induction motor (Operating Voltage 415 V + 10%, 3 ph, 50 cycle) with Bowl assembly discharge head, head shaft, strainer and 4.5 mts Column Assembly to feed. (2w+1s) 436 SITC OF control panel having 1 Nos. incoming having 400 amp ACB draw out type & outgoing Panels ( 3 No.) 400 amp MCCB, 01 Nos 63 Amp MCCB for aux light & suitable to operatedon 400 ± 6 %volt , 3 Phase , 50 Hz, AC supply Panel C.Ts, P.T AVF Meter,KWH meter P.F Meter, Bus Bar chamber, Relays and other Protective Devices Complete in all Respects. 437 Digital Soft Starter / VFD Panel 45 KW Suitable to operate 300 to 500 V input Voltage. 438 Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1)160 Amp Rating 439 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES FOR CWR :- 440 200 mm dia sluice valve with actuator for pump 441 200 mm dia DI reflux valve 442 300 X 200 X 300 mm size C.I.,A/F Tee 443 300 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long 444 300 mm M.S. D/F pipe 2 mt. long 445 300 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1.5 mt long 446 300 mm dia C.I.D/F. Bend- 90 degree 447 300 mm size M.S. blind flange 448 300 mm size Sluice Valve with Actuator (Common Header) 449 Reflux Valve 300 mm Size for Common Header 450 300 x 300 x 300 mm CI Tee 451 300 mm dia Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Bye pass) 452 300 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long (for Bye pass) 453 Nut bolt and rubber packing for jointing as per requirement 454 Other material such as dismantling joints, reducer in largeras required at the time of installation 455 CE/UL Certified 300mm Size Electromagnetic Flowmeters 456 Power Wiring : 457 Supply of 16 Sqmm. 3 core copper conductor cable from Starter to Motor. 458 Installation, Testing, Commissioning of VT Pumps with Power Wiring Earthing, Cable Trey including required material for Proper installation. 459 SITC of 3 Ton, 12 mtr. Lift chain pulley Block with four way motion HOT, Gantry I-section Girder, square rod with travelling trolley. 460 Electromegnatic chlorinatimg plant of suitable capacity SCADA compatible 461 CE/UL Certified Radar type Level Transmiter for SUMP 462 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for each pump. 463 CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel. 464 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 465 Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 466 Internal & External electrification of Pumping plant. 467 Tools & Sppanners set Complete. 468 Water works Campus with Solar Panel LED light 469 SUB STATION AT CWR 160 KVA CAPACITY :- 470 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of indoor type floor mounted metal clad, 11 KV VCB panel with 1No. 630 Amp. incoming VCB & 2 Nos 630 Amp. outgoing VCB totally enclosed & fully interlocked, horizontal drawout, horizontal/ vertical isolation type breaker as per IS with all necessory protection and also should be compatible to SCADA operation 471 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 100 KVA, 11/0.44 KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, Dyn 11, indoor ONAN type oil cooled, copper wound transformer with OFF load tap changing arrangement on HV side in steps of +7.5% & -15%, LV side @ 2.5% stapping complete with all accessories i/c first filling of filtered dehydrated oil and confirming to IS 1180-2014 (Part 1 to Part 5) & as per specificationcomplete in all respects as required at site. 472 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of LT Panel comprising of following details. 02 No. 400 Amp. Incoming ACB Panel shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked completely and 01 Nos 400 Amp ACB as Outgoing and 01 Nos 63 Amp Outgoing for Auxiliary Load with motorized and microprocessor based suitable for SCADA and all necessary protection equipments and metering equipment as per requirement. 473 Supply of 70 Sq mm size XLPE cable from 11 KV UPPCL metering panel to HT incoming panel, and HT panel to both transformers. 474 Supply of 70 sq mm 3.5 core PVCinsulated armored aluminum cable from transformer to LT panel. 475 Supply of HT Cable end termination joint kit. 476 Complete in all respect earthing system shall executed as per IS : 3043 and I.E. rules. 477 Installation and commissioning of 11 KV / 0.44 KV substation, 160 KVA transformers including HT panel and LT panel with cable tray including all labor T&P complete in all respect. 478 Electrification of Sub-Station (HT Room, LT Room, Metering Room & Transformer Area) 479 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 480 Electrification of water works with Solar Panel LED light 481 NOC for substation from electrical safety department 482 Heavy duty leak proof fire bucket as per IS 2546/1974 483 Fire bucket stand for 6 bucket 484 Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 485 Test and trial run for three months for sub station 486 AUTOMATION WORK OF CWR :- 487 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each tubewell /OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 488 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC caopabke to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in the tender technical specification 489 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 490 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 491 Complete cabling for ZPS including all power and control cables of all equipments 492 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments seprate for control 24V and power equipments 493 Security serveillance IP camera with recorder 494 Installation, Testing and Commng of above Equipments 495 AUTOMATION WORK AT ESR & DMA-01 496 Electrical panel with Remote Terminal Unit 497 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 300 mm 498 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 300 mm 499 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 300 mm 500 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 501 Automatic Chlorination System 502 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 503 CE/UL Certified Radar type level transmitter for OHT 504 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 505 CE/UL certified Sutable capacity UPS with batteries at ESR for operation of actuators & other equipments if required 506 AUTOMATION WORK AT DMA-02 507 Isolation DI Sluice Valve with Actuator (Outlet of ESR) 450 mm 508 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (Outlet of ESR) Size 450 mm 509 Flow Control Valve suitable for drinking water Size 450 mm 510 Manual Pressure Transmitter with display 511 Automatic Chlorination System 512 Battery operated / electricity or both (as per engineer incharge) Chlorine Analyzer 513 Solar based digital Pressure Transmitter with battery & IP 67 protection with data logger 02 nos for each DMA 514 Trial run of Pumping Plant and all other E&M / Automation equipments installed at CWR and ESR of Zone-03 with Electricity, Chlorine & Operation charges till hand over of scheme to concerning ULB 515 SCADADISPLAY (MCS) 516 CE/UL & BIS certified industrial grade LED Monitor with latest configuration as per specification, 65 (up to 50 Tubewells) 517 Desktop PC with i5/i7 processor with UPS as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 518 CE/UL certified 5 KVA UPS with batteries as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 519 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA software with customization of software for MCS as per requirement as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 520 CE/UL certified master control room PLC with redundant CPU & power supply at MCS in IP 54 encloser as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 521 CE/UL certified Field gateway agent for transferring data from MCS to Central control room 522 Laptop with i5/i7 12th generation processor including wireless keyboard, mouse as per specification mentioned in technical bid document for scada execution & monitoring at Jal Nigam Office. 523 GSM based wireless/ Broadband/ Equipment communication system for PLC capable to transfer & received data & gather data from remote sites to control station. All accessories included signal enhancer antenna along with running expenses till DLP 524 CE/UL Certified Firewall for network protection 525 Surge protector for Ethernet communication protection 526 CE/UL Certified industrial grade Ethernet Switch 527 Mobile App Facility system architecture (industries internet based & viewed through apps for increased local & Remote Visibility 528 Canon/HP or equivalent Laser Printer 1108 plus 02 Nos (01 Nos for mcs room & other one nos for jal nigam office) or equivalent 529 Security Surveillance IP Camera with recorder 530 Installation, commissioning and testing including required furniture, A/C, etc. 531 Trial run of all other E&M / Automation equipments installed at MCS Room of Scheme with Electricity, Data transmission & Operation charges till hand over of scheme to concerning ULB