
Tender For Rate Contract For Repairing And Revamping Of Civil Structures In Plant At Gail Pata For Two Years., Auraiya-Uttar Pradesh

Gas Authority Of India Limited has published Tender For Rate Contract For Repairing And Revamping Of Civil Structures In Plant At Gail Pata For Two Years.. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-01-2025. Structural Work Tenders in Auraiya Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Repairing And Revamping Of Civil Structures In Plant At Gail Pata For Two Years.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Rate Contract For Repairing And Revamping Of Civil Structures In Plant At Gail Pata For Two Years.; 1 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type), at all levels and upto 25m height including additional rows of scaffolding in stepped manner as per requirement of site, made with 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal & vertical tubes joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it there after. The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, connection with the building etc wherever required for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and approval of Engineerin-charge .The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose.The payment will be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding. The depth of scaffolding shall be kept minimum of 1.5 m and if depth of scaffolding is required to be provided beyond 1.5 m as per site requirement no extra payment shall be made on this account. Rate shall also include fabrication and erection of structure steel platfrom for making working platform inside fan stack required for erection of scaffolding as per direction of EIC. 2 Chipping of unsound weak concrete / plaster material from slab, beams, columns etc. with power / hand driven chiesel as directed by Engineer-in-charge upto the 50mm average depth including sawcutting of all edges making square shoulders of the cavities including propping the adjoining areas and disposal of material within 50 metres lead. 3 Dismantling cement concrete / pathway, brick work /PCC / etc. of any mix as directed by EIC all complete including disposal of material within 50 metres lead. 4 Cleaning reinforcement of total rust using alkaline rust remover with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washed with water and allowing it to dry complete and applying two coat of anti corrosive agent. (Chipped cross-section area for exposing reinforcement shall be measured for payment) 5 Supplying and laying Reinforcement at all levels for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete with Cold twisted bars 6 Providing and applying a SBR based bonding coat of 1.5 cement : 1 latex or as per manufacturers specifications (whichever is higher) or approved equivalent constructions chemical to the existing dismantled / cleaned surface. 7 Providing, mixing and applying polymer modified cement mortar (immediately after the application of the cement based polymer modified bonding slurry coats as per specifications) in layers 6 to 10 mm thick with cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 graded coarse sand) and SBR of approved brand only, percentage by weight of cement as per manufacturers specifications (75mm size cube crushing strength at the end of 28 days to be not less than 30 N/mm2) including trowelling with wooden tools etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. For payment purpose, pre-measurement of thickness shall be done just after the surface preparation is complete including all materials, labour, tools, plants as approved by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete. 8 12mm to 25mm thickness 9 more than 25mm up to 50mm 10 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering- Allworks upto plinth level 11 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 Coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 12 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering- Allworks above plinth level 13 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 Coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 14 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work upto plinth level: 15 1:1.5:3(1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 16 Reinforced cement concrete work in walls, columns, pillars, piers, posts, struts, beams, suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases etc. all work above plinth level excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with: 17 1:1.5:3 (1 cement: 1.5 coarse sand (zone III): 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 18 Centering and shuttering i/c strutting and propping etc. and removal of form in all types of cement concrete and RCC work for all levels 19 Providing of chicken mesh on wall, floor etc. for repairing of plaster, screeding etc. complete as per direction of EIC. 20 Providing, applying & fixing non intrusive, impervious, nondestructive and wet wrapping type structural strengthening fibre wrap system of approved make to RCC members. 21 Providing shear fiber anchor of 10mm dia a 100mm long of high strength hybrid woven fiber glass fabric mesh of approved make with filling of hole with epoxy anchoring chemical of approved make as per manufacturer specification, including removing / drawing out of the entrapped air etc. from the drilled hole all complete as per manufacturers specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge. 22 12mm cement plaster finished with a floating coat of neat cement of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 23 15mm cement plaster over fiber wrapped surface, RCC surface or brick wall of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). 24 Providing & mixing expansive plasticising admixture for grouting and to give low shrinkage properties to cement concrete / mortar @ 225 Gms/50 Kg. of cement or as per manufacturers specifications. 25 Disposal of rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable dismantled or waste materials by mecanical transport including loading transporting unloading at approved dumping ground or as approved by EIC for all leads and lifts involved complete. 26 Providing & applying anti-carbonation coating (aliphatic acrylate solvented coating system or epoxy based coating) in 2 coats of approved bond and quality of approved make. 27 Providing and applying approved pigmented curing compound for curing of shotcreted or plastered surface or concrete work of approved make. 28 Providing and fixing of shear keys of 8 mm dia. through pre-packed epoxy system (Hilti / Fischer Make or equivalent) including drilling of holes, cleaning and fixing in structural RCC elements to be repaired /strengthened specially columns and slabs for properly binding / confining addition reinforcement 29 Introducing new reinforcement bars for structural connections in RCC beams, lintels, columns including power drilling holes of appropriate diameters in reinforced or plain cement concrete to a minimum depth of 100mm, fixing the reinforcement in position using anchoring grouting chemical 30 Providing and applying two part, tough and elastomeric Polysulphide Sealant, conforming to BS:4254 of approved make only in the expansion joint as per manufactures specifications including providing and fixing of back up material like close cell polyethylene foam board , masking tape, application of compatible primer, tooling, finishing, removal of masking tape etc. (Groove size 25 mm X 12mm). 31 Providing, laying & fixing expansion joint with EPDM layer 150mm wide x 1.2mm thick (or any other width as per site requirement and mulitplication factor to be calculated as ratio to 150 mm width for measurement and billing purpose) duly pasted with compatible epoxy adhesive with fixing of compression seal Gasket with epoxy adhesive underneath for joints as per drawings & specifications duly anchored with stanless steel screw on the aluminium plate as per drawings. 32 Providing, laying & fixing expansion joint with EPDM layer 150mm wide x 1.2mm thick (or any other width as per site requirement and mulitplication factor to be calculated as ratio to 150 mm width for measurement and billing purpose) duly pasted with compatible epoxy adhesive as per drawings & specifications duly anchored with stanless steel screw on the aluminium plate as per drawings. 33 Supply of Micro concrete of approved make for Dual shrinkage-compensated, flowing, high strength mortar. 34 Providing and inserting 12mm dia galvanised steel injection nipple (NRV) in honey comb area and along crack line including drilling of holes of required diametre (20mm to 30mm) up to depth from 30mm to 80mm at required spacing and making the hole & crack dust free by blowing compressed air, sealing the distance between injection nipple with adhesive chemical of approved make and allow it to cure complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 35 Providing and injecting approved grout in proportion recommended by the manufacturer into cracks/honey-comb area of concrete/masonry by suitable gun/pump at required pressure including cutting of nipples after curing etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (The payment shall be made on the basis of actual weight of approved grout injected.) 36 Stirrer mixed Acrylic Polymer of approved make @ 2% of weight of cement used) modified Cement slurry made with non shrink compound in concrete/ RCC work 37 Stirrer mixed SBR Polymer (of approved make) modified Cement slurry made with Shrinkage Compensating Cement in concrete/RCC work. 38 Epoxy injection grout in concrete/RCC work of approved make 39 Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated five layer, 3mm thick water proofing membrane, black finished reinforced with non-woven polyester matt of approved make, consisting of a coat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 Ltr/Sqmt by the same membrane manufactured of density at 25 degree C, 0.87 - 0.89 Kg/Ltr and visocity 70 - 160 cps. Over the primer coat the layer of membrane shall be laidusing butane/industrial LPG torch and sealing all joints etc., and preparing the surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters of the membrance shall be as under:-Joint strength in logitudinal and transverse direction at 23 degree C as 650/450 N/5cm. Tear strength in logitudinal and transverse directionas 300/250N. Softening point of membrane not less than 150 degree C. cold flexibility shall be upto - 2 degree C when tested in accordance with ASTM, D-5147. The laying of membrane shall be got done through the authorised applicator of the manufacturer of membrane. 40 3mm thick 41 Extra for covering top of membrane with Geotexitile, 120 gsm non woven, 100% polyster of thickness 1 to 1.25mm bonded to the membrane with intermittant touch byheating the membrane by Butane Torch as per manufactures recommendation 42 Providing surface repair & fibre reinforced liquid applied elastomeric waterproofing coating for roof and parapet walls all complete, including preparation of surface and consisting of following operations:1) Surface shall be prepared and all cracks shall be filled with Crack repair putty or cracks repaired with polymer modified mortar if required or as specified in manufacturers specifications.2) Prime the repaired surface with primer for the base material as per manufacturers specifications diluted with potable water by volume in 2:1 ratio (2 parts primer and 1 part water) or as per manufacturers specifications and allow it to dry for 2 to 3 hours or as specified.3) Apply one coat of liquid applied elastomeric coating base material directly from the container without dilution or as per manufacturers specifications by brush or roller and lay the 45 GSM fiber glass mesh or as specified over the coated surface for reinforcement when the coat is still in wet condition and allow it to dry for 6-8 hours or as specified before application of second coat of base material.4) Apply second coat of liquid applied elastomeric coating base material directly from the container without dilution or as per manufacturers specifications by brush or roller, ensuring that there are no pinholes or air bubbles on the membrane.5) Allow the coated surface to air cure fully for 7 days or for curing time as per manufacturers specifications.All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified in the manufacturers specifications and by the Engineer-in-Charge.The laying and application of membrane shall be got done through the authorised applicator of the manufacturer of membrane. Payment shall be made according to application area for which above operations are followed. 43 Providing and laying of Chemical Resistant Epoxy Coating/ Lining on Concrete suface of RCC tanks, structures, etc. The work consists of Surface cleaning, scrapping, grinding, sand blasting of tank walls and bottom surface, application of chemical resistant epoxy putty/mortar/filler chemical on concrete surface to fill the pinholes, joints and minor surface defects. After cleaning, application of chemical resistant EPOXY PRIMER of on the concrete surface. Over the primer, application of final layer of chemical resistant EPOXY coat. The toal thickness of coating including primer shall be minimum 500 micron. The quoted rates shall be inclusive of supply of all materials, tools, scaffolding and manpower required for the work. 44 Providing and applying two part, tough and elastomeric Polysulphide Sealant, conforming to BS:4254 of approved make only, in the expansion joint as per manufacturer’s specificationsincluding providing and fixing of back up material like close cell polyethelene foam board , masking tape, application of compatible primer, tooling, finishing, removal of masking tape etc. 45 Providing and laying acid resistant, vitrified ceramic tiles of approved size as per manufacturers specs. In floor/skirting/Dado laid over and includingbitumen priming layer, 12mm thick Bitumen mastic layer and 6mm thick resin type chemical resistant mortar conforming to IS:4443 including raking out and flush pointing of joints with resin type chemical resistant mortar, preparation of back ground surface, finishing etc. all complete 46 20mm thick tiles of approved size for flooring 47 10 to 12 mm thk. Tiles of approved size for skirting/dado 48 Providing and laying 38mm thick acid/alkali resistance tiles conforming to IS : 4860, Class II laid over and including One layer of bitumen based corrosion resistant paint or equivalent as primer (as per IS 9862-1981) , 12mm thick Bitumen mastic layer and 6mm thick silicate/ resin type chemical resistant mortar (2 component silicate cement or equivalent as per IS 4832 Part-I) including raking out and flush pointing of joints with silicate/ resin type chemical resistant mortar, preparation of background surface, finishing etc. all complete. (Base floor/ surface on which the tiles are to be fixed shall be paid separately under relevant item.) 49 For acid resistance chemical resistance material : furane resin based-silica filled, acid resistant cement or equivalent (as per IS 4832 Part II) 50 For alkaine resistance, Chemical resistance material or equivalent (as per IS 4832 Part II)

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