Tender For Work For Providing Drinking Water To Bhawannimandi And Sunel Town And 14 Villages Of Piplad Water Supply Scheme From Rajgarh Dam, Including 10 Years O N M After 1 Year Dlp, District Jhalawar. - 1 Providing,lowering,layingintrenches,aligning,fixinginposition and jointingDuctileIron(DI)ISI markedK-7gradeS&Spipesas perIS:8329-2000(amended upto date), with internal cement mortarliningsuitableforpotable waterwithrubberring(EPDM) jointsasperIS:5382-1985includingalltaxes(Centralandlocal), transportationandfreightcharges,inspection charges,loading/ unloadingcharges, includingcostoflabourandmaterial,specials (Tee,bendetc.)satisfactoryhydraulictesting,disinfection, commissioningetc.completeaspertechnicalspecificationsand direction of Engineer-in-charge. (excluding earth work)Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 2 450 mm 3 Manufacturing,supplying,lowering,layingandjointinginposition tocorrectlinespirallyweldedSAW/FabricatedMSPipehaving bevelled end plates / coils, confirming to IS 3589-2001 or its latest revision/ amendments, for following thickness and inside diameter, includingalltaxes(Centralandlocal),transportationandfreight charges,inspectioncharges,loading/unloadingcharges, including costoflabourandmaterial,specials(Tee,bendetc.),fieldjoints, satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. completeas per technical specifications anddirection of Engineer- in-charge; (excluding earthwork, internal lining and outer coating).Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 4 Outer dia of pipe 457 mm and thickness 5 6.3 mm 6 Outer dia of pipe 355.6 -5.6mm thicknees 7 Providing and fixing of flanged/ plain ended MS Specials made from MS sheet strips of relevant IS specification of approved thickness by welding,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginpositionatalllevel/ depths in trenches complete includingall taxes, material,labour, insidelining,outsidecoating,testing and commissioningalong with pipe line as per technical specificationsand directionof Engineer-in-charge. 8 MS pipespecialsup to600mmdia (withminimum5mmthickness sheet) 9 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soilas requiredin layers not exceeding 20cm indepth including consolidatingeachdepositedlayerbyramming,wateringetc.anddisposalof surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 Mtr. including required all safety provisions etc.:All kinds of soil 10 Earth work in excavation for roadway, including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirement of line, grades and cross ections, including disposal of surplus material with all lift and lead upto 1000 metre as per MoRT&H specification clause 301. 11 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soilas requiredin layers not exceeding 20cm indepth including consolidatingeachdepositedlayerbyramming,wateringetc.andstacking serviceable materialformeasurements anddisposalof unserviceable material as directed, with in a lead of 50 Mtr. including all safety provisions required .: 12 Ordinary rock 13 Hard rock (requiring blasting) 14 Dismantlingofcementconcretepavementforpipeline andchambersby mechanicalmeansusingpneumatictools,cuttingtheperipheraledgebyCC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters.Measurementfordismantledtrenchtobemade asperstandard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 15 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M10 grade nominal mix 1:3:6 (1Cement:3coarsesand:6gradedstoneaggregate40mmnominalsize)in base course complete including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified intenderdocument andno extrapayment shallbe made be madefortrench widthmorethanspecified, completeworkaspertechnicalspecificationand scope of work. 16 Providingand laying in position cementconcrete in specified gradeover prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line andchamberwork.MeasurementforCCworktobemade asperstandard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 17 M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 18 Supply laying and pushing of MS casing pipe of specified thickness approved by concerneddepartmentauthoritybytrenchlessmethodadoptinganysuitable technology below ground at required depth under running traffic condition as perHighway/Railwaystandardincludingcarryingoutsurveyworkatthejob site for determining underground cable trenches like telephone, cable, water & sanitarylinesandresistivitytestforfindingthesoilstratausingnecessary equipments for completion of works, mobilizing of machineries and specialized crewat the jobsite complete inallrespect, includingexcavationofdrivenpit andexitpit(upto3meterdepth)withproperprotectionatthesesiteswith shoringsheetsandISMB.ProvidingMScuttingedgesforfrontshieldand constructing thrust bed at designated level. Necessary dewatering and providing concrete foundation at the base of the driven pit, PVC/Rubber saddle as per the requirement of Highway/Railway authority, crane for handing of pipe and any other machinery, tools, and tackles required, construction of temporaryworksasperdesign,drawingandmethodasperapprovedby authority specification and the direction of the Engineer.Applycorrosion,resistant,protectiononinsideandoutsideofcasingpipe as per technical specification. 19 700 mm Dia 10 mm thick casing pipe . 20 Providing, installation, testing and commissioningof Submerged Centrifugal Pumpsetswithmotor4polesynchronisedspeedof1500rpm(water immersed, dry air filled, class F insulated TEWC motor integrally mounted on volute casing pump sets for drinking water ) 3 phase, +/- 3%, 415 volt +/- 10%,alongwithsuitablefoundation/installationdeviceandwith10mtr cable, material of construction of impeller SS, casing (volute) CI, wearing ring SS,etc.complete inallrespectasper specification,scopeofworkand directionofEngineerinChargeoffollowingpowerrating,suitablefor prescribed duty conditions mentioned in TD. 21 110 KW 22 Providing, lowering,aligning, fixing inposition inpipe line, CI D/F Sluice valves straightandpocketlessbodypassageofapprovedmakeof following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - AISI- 410 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facingring&Bushes-LTB2/SS ,FacetofacedimensionsasperIS14846/2000 (amendeduptodate),Epoxy(Non-Toxic-suitablefordrinkingwater)applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 andIS:1367/CS/galvanisedsteel InsertionrubberofblackEPDM6mmthick. Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioningalongwithpipelineasperTechnicalSpecificationsandasper direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 23 Manually Operated CI Sluice valve of Class PN-1.0 24 450 mm with Gear 25 500 mm with Gear 26 150 mm with Gear 27 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, CI double flanged swing type NonReturnValves(NRV) ofapprovedmakeoffollowingPressurerating& dia complete, confirming to IS: 5312 (part -1)/ 2004 (amendedup to date) and of followingspecifications:Body,Cover&discofGreycastironofIS:210/FG200. FacetofacedimensionsasperIS5312(part-1):2004,FlangesDrilledasper IS:1538.Epoxy (Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater)appliedonbody,cover anddiscinsideandoutside.BodyseatringofSS/CSDoorfacering-EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality) ,Shaft ofSS- AISI- 410 ,Hinge Malleable cast iron / SS AISI 316 ,Bonnet Gasket EPDM, Bush- Leaded tin Bronze/ PTET, Gasket EPDM/NBR ,Nut-BoltasperIS:1363andIS:1367(galvanisedsteel),Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitable support structureas perdirections of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecification&asperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 28 Class PN 1.0 29 450 mm dia 30 Providing,lowering,aligning,fixinginpositioninpipelineatworksite,DID/F Resilientseated(softseated)SluiceValves(GateValves),Vacuumtight(bubble tight), straight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following class & diacompleteconfirmingtoBS-EN-1171/AWWAC-509andoffollowing specifications:Body & bonnet ofDuctile castiron ofgrade GGG40/GGG50as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2 1985 and subsequent revisions, Wedge of same material as body & shall vulcanisedrubber lined with EPDM (food grade quality) and seals of NBR Face to facedimensionsasperBS5163-89/IS14846/2000(amendeduptodate)/Din 3202F4,Stem/spindleofSSAISI316/410Electrostaticepoxypowder(EP-P)/ Fusion bond epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thicknessof250micronsinsideandoutside,DrilledasperIS1538.Nut-Bolt confirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367 (Galvanisedsteel)Insertionrubberofblack EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC, Sluice valves includingall jointing& jointingmaterial, labour,testingandcommissioningalong withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecificationsandasperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 31 MotorizedSluiceValveswithElectricActuatorandintegralstarter ofClassPN1.6 32 350 mm dia 33 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, DI D/F resilient seated (soft seated) short body pattern type double eccentric Butterfly valves of approvedmakeoffollowingclass&diacompleteconfirmingtoBSEN593/BS 5155/IS13095/1991amended up todateandoffollowingspecifications:Body, disc and end cover of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12asperIS 1865or equivalentgrade asper IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequentrevisions,FacetofacedimensionsasperDIN3202F4/IS13095 DrilledasperIS:1538.ElectrostaticEpoxyPowder(EP-P)/FusionBondedEpoxy (Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater)coatedwithminimumthicknessof250 micron applied on both body and disc inside and outside. Disc seal ring of EPDM/ Neoprene(foodgradequality)anddiscsealretainingringofSS/CS.ShaftofSS- AISI- 410/316 & shaft bearings- bronze/ PTET or Teflon with EPDM/NBR O ring seal,Nut-BoltconfirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367(Galvanisedsteel)Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitable support structureas perdirections of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecification&asperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 34 Class PN 1.6, Motorised Operated 35 350 mm dia 36 Providing,lowering,aligning,fixinginpositioninpipeline,DI doubleflanged resilient seatedDual plate check valve of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete,as per API: 594/ API: 598 and of following specifications: Body & Bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12asperIS1865orequivalentgradeasperIS:3896-part2-1985and subsequent revisions, Disc / plates - SG-400/12 or CF-8M,Face to face dimensions as per API: 594 , Flanges Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body and cover inside and outside . Disc seal ring of EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality) and disc seal retaining ring of SS/CS. Shaft of SS- AISI- 410 , Hinge SS AISI 316/304,SpringSS AISI 316/304,Bonnet Gasket EPDM ,Bush- Brass with EPDM/NBR O ring seal, Nut-Bolt confirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367(galvanisedsteel), Insertionrubberofblack EPDM6mmthick.Suitable supportstructureasperdirectionsofEIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipeline as per Technical Specification & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 37 Class PN 1.6 38 350 mm dia 39 Providing,lowering,aligning,fixinginpositionandJointinginpipeline,DIBody FlangedEndTamperproof KineticAirValveofapprovedmakesoffollowing pressureratinganddiaandasperfollowingspecifications:Governingstandard- AWWA C512/ IS:14845:2000(amended up to date) Body, High pressure cover , Low pressure cover, Cowl andJoint support ring - Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 orGR SG-400/12as perIS 1865, Float- LP ball & HP ball : AISI 304 stainless Steel, Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBR ,HP Orifice & HP orifice plug : Bronze/ SS ,Bush: Bronze ,Flanges as per IS/ BS, Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body & coverinside and outside fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel, Outlet of big orifice will haveascreentopreventTamperoffloat, withDImetalseatedD/FNonrising stemSluiceValvesasper(IS:14846amended uptodate)PN1.6ratingsValves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 40 Class PN 1.6 41 100 mm dia 42 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position and Jointing in pipe line, combinationAir Release Valve Kinetictype withsingle chamber housed Double orificeandhave3functions,largeAirexhaust,smallAirventingandlargeair intakeduringvacuum ofpipelineofapprovedmakesoffollowingpressure rating anddiaandasperfollowingspecifications: Governingstandard-AWWAC512,Body and bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GRSG-400/12asperIS1865,Float&internaltrim:AISI304stainlessSteel,Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBRDrilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP- P)/FusionBondedEpoxy(Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater)coatedwith minimumthicknessof250micronappliedonbody&cover insideandoutside Fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel ,Outlet of big orifice will have a screen to prevent Tamper of float, Big orifice size should be equal or larger than the inlet flange bore, forfullycomplywithAWWAC512. ), Valveincludingallmaterial,labour, testingandcommissioningasperTechnicalSpecificationsandas perdirectionof Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 43 Class PN 1.6 44 100 mm dia 45 Providing,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginpositionandjointingCIdismantling joint(SuitableforSluicevalvesetc.)asperISspecifications complete of the following sizes including alljointingmaterial, cost of all labour, testing and commissioning Technical Specifications and as per directionof Engineer.Class PN 1.0 46 450 mm dia. 47 500 mm dia. 48 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of following Stain less steel AISI304 Expansion bellows of 10/16 bar rating with tie rods as per technical specificationsandlayoutdrawingsincludingjointingmateriallikenuts,bolts, rubber gaskets etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer. 49 300 mm dia. 50 350 mm dia. 51 ConstructionofRCCSluicevalvechamberfordifferenttypeofvalves includingearthworkexcavation,100mmPCCM15 aslevellingcourse, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steelreinforcement,formwork,Pre-castslabs,plasticencapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications andstandard drawings and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 52 For Class-A loading 53 Sluice valve chamber of size1.39m x1.43m x2.185mfor pipe size-from 350-to-450mm 54 Construction of RCC Scour valve chamber wet type for different type of valvesincludingearthworkexcavation,100mmPCCM15 aslevelling course, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steel reinforcement , form work, Pre-cast slabs, Plastic encapsulatedCI/MSFootRest,MSflatsforthesupportofpre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as per specifications and standard drawings and as per direction of Engineer-inCharge. 55 For Class-A loading 56 Scour valve chamber of size1.2m x1.08m x2.45mfor connectingpipe size-more than 150 mm & upto200mm 57 ConstructionofRCCpillarforfollowingsizeofairvalvesincluding earthworkexcavation, RCCM25gradeforbaseslab,verticalpillar, including cost of steel reinforcement ,GI (class-B)/MS vertical pipe, form work,propercuringofconcreteworkcompleteinallrespectasper standard specifications and drawings and as per direction of Engineer-inCharge. 58 Air valve pillarfor airvalves size of 80mmdia 59 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofMNRE approved Grid tied Solar Panels with inverter, meter, cable etc. suitable for Rooftop installation as well as Utility Scale Solar Power Projects with 25 years of Linear Generationwarranty.WorkincludesdesigningofsolarpanelareaandMS frameandfoundationonground/roofofPumphouseorCWR,showing arrangementofpanelinavailablespace,installationof PVmoduleonMS frameasperapproveddesignanddrawings.Mounting structureshallbe suitably designedto withstand wind velocity up to 150km/hr.GridTieTransformerlessinverters,MultipleindependentMPPTs,Peak efficiencyof>98%.ConnectuptomultiplestringsPVarrays,Easy&fast connection,Built-instring-levelmonitoring,IP65protectionlevel,Wi-Fi/ internet based remote monitoring with 5 years warranty.Allcablinguptopanelandmetre,earthingetc.requiredaccessoriesand taxesareinclusive.Theworkshallbeexecutedasper detailed technical specifications, approved drawing and direction of Engineer in Charge.Note: There shall be 5 year service warranty for panel, inverter, meter, cable etc. andsuitable provision shall be included in tender document.? 60 Solar panels up to 10 KW at a single location. 61 SITC of D/F Full bore type Electromagnetic Flow Meter of approved make of followingdiaandspecificationscomplete:Media:Water(Raw/ Chlorinated) ,Pressure : up to 1.5MPa, Process temp: - 50 deg C, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SSAISI316L/ HastelloyC276/ Tantalum,Lining Material : HardRubber/ Neoprene / Poly-urethane (PU) , Flange : SS / CS, Flange Standard & Rating : ANSI 150, Coil housing : SS AISI 304/ Carbon Steel/ Die Cast Aluminium, with anticorrosive paint & provide completelysealed(leakproof)constructionasperrequirementofIEC 60529, Accuracy : ± 0.5 % M.V.- velocity 0.3 to 10 m/s, Transmitter/ signal convertorEnclosure:DieCastAluminium,PowerSupply:80-240VAC- 50Hz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parametersand totalizer value during power failure, Protection category- IP 68 for sensor (flow tube) andIP67fortransmitter/convertor,includingSurgeArrester,ifrequired, and all materials required for making connection etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 62 EFM 300 mm 63 SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class B confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines andspecificationscomplete: Media:Water(Clear),Temp.50deg.,Pr. rating:PN16,Protectiontype:IP-68, BodyMaterial:IS-210Gr.FG-200, AccuracyClass:ClassB(±2%@Nominalflowrate),MagneticDrive, Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In- Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 64 BFM450 mm 65 Earth work in excavation/ by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed 66 a. Ordinary Rock 67 b. Hard rock (requiring blasting) Useful material 30% 68 Add extrafor every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof : . In ordinary rock & hard rock 69 Lift 1.5 m to 3.0m 70 Lift 3.0m to 4.5m 71 Lift 4.5m to 6.0m 72 M15 grade Nominal Mix 1: 2: 4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 73 Carriage of Material by mechanical transport including loading loading unloading and stacking : Earthup to 5 Km 74 M15 grade Nominal Mix 1: 2: 4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stoneaggregate 40mm nominal size). 75 Providing & laying in position specific grade of reinforced cement concrete including curring, compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 and making good the jointsexcluding the cost of centering, shuttering & reinforcement-. All work up to plinth level. M-30 grade with 20mm nominal size aggregates 76 Reinforcement cement concrete work in wall (any thickness) including attached Providing & laying in position specific grade of reinforced cement concrete including curring, compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 and making good the jointsexcluding the cost of centering, shuttering & reinforcement-. All work up to plinth level. M-30 grade with 20mm nominal size aggregates 77 Add extra for RCC work in superstructure above floor three level for each subsquent floor level or part thereof for item No 4.2 to 4.7 78 a. Floor three level (10.5m) to Floor four level (14.0m) 79 b. Floor four level (14.0m) to Floor five level (17.50m) 80 c. Floor five level (17.5m) to Floor six level (21.0m) 81 d. Floor six level (17.5m) to Floor seven level (21.0m) 82 d. Floor seven level (21m) to Floor eight level (22.5m) 83 d. Floor seven level (22.5m) to Floor eight level (24m) 84 Reinforcement cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs, girders having slope upto 15deg, landing, balconies, shelves, chhajas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircase & spiral staircase, up to floor three level including curring, compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 and making good the jointsexcluding the cost of centering, shuttering & reinforcement-. with M-30 grade with 20mm nominal size aggregates 85 Add extra for RCC work in superstructure above floor three level for each subsquent floor level or part thereof 86 a. Floor four level (22 m) to Floor five level (24.5 m) 87 b. Floor five level (24.5m) to Floor six level (28m) 88 c. Floor five level (28m) to Floor six level (31.5m) 89 Reinforcement cement concrete work in Column (any thickness) including attached Providing & laying in position specific grade of reinforced cement concrete including curring, compaction finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 and making good the jointsexcluding the cost of centering, shuttering & reinforcement-. All work up to plinth level. M-30 grade with 20mm nominal size aggregates 90 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation , footings, strap beam, raft , bases of columns etc. 91 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel props and removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : 92 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses plinth and string course. 93 Add extra for shuttering in circular work (in respective centering and shuttering items) 94 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates, anchor blocks, sills, chhajjas, lintel, beam, plinth beam etc. 95 Add extra for shuttering in circular work (in respective centering and shuttering items) 96 Columns, pillars, posts and struts etc. 97 Add extra for centering and shuttering work in superstructure above floor five level for each four floor or part thereof 98 Floor sixth level 99 Floor Seven level 100 Floor Eightlevel 101 Floor Nine level 102 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor three level. 103 Add extra for reinforcement in superstructure above floor five level for each four floor or part thereof 104 Floor sixth level 105 Floor Seven level 106 Floor Eightlevel 107 Floor Nine level 108 Supply & fixing in cement mortar welded hand railing made of MS round or square bars, flats etc. for staircase, varandha as per design complete in all respect with priming coat of redoxide paint 109 P&F steel gate, gratings, grils made of angles, tees, square bars or other flats, black pipe with holdfast and fittings complte as per design and drawng including cutting, welding & fabrication with priming coat of red oxide. 110 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with PVC/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-incharge(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basicitem) : With float glass panes of 5.0 mm thickness ( weight not less than 13.50 kg/sqm) 111 Providing and fixingaluminum workfor doors ,windows, ventilators and partition with extruded built up standard tubular / appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS :733 and IS :1285,fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips ,or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gap. at junctions , at top ,bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium section shall be smooth ,rust free, straight ,mitered and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle Aluminium snap beading for glazing /paneling , C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws Al. Tower bolt & Al. handle & Al. Aldrop etc.,all complete as per architectural drawings and thedirections of Engineer- in – charge .(Glazing and paneling to be paid for separately). 112 Polyester Powder coating aluminum( minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) 113 Cement concrete flooring Grade 1:2:4 rounding off edges etc. excuding the cost of noising of steps etc. complete. 75mm thick with 20mm thick nominal size aggregate. 114 Cutting of construction joint/longitudinal joint 4 to 6 mm wide & 75 to 100mm deep using mechanical concrete cutter including cost of diamond bit cutting wheel and filling of bitumen sealing compound in groove including cost of sealing compound. 115 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:4 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finished: 20 mm thick 116 Finishing wall with water proofing cement paint of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade to give and even shade including all scaffolding: New Work (Three or more coats.). 117 Providing, constructing coffer dam in river basin / dam storages as per type design including excavation, filling the middle portion with B.C. soil (in gunny bags if required). Providing impervious /semipervious materials on both sides of B.C. soil (in gunny bags if required) including ramming, compacting to the satisfaction ofEngineer-in-charge till the completion of work including dismantlingcoffer dam after completion of works and disposing off the materialas directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note : Maximum top width payable shall be 2 Mtr. and maximum payable side slopes shall be 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical, if the constructed top width of the side slopes are less, then the measurements at actual are payable. Extra top width or flat slopes are not payable. Contractor is free to use ballies, plastic sheets, piles, pipes, CGI sheets for supporting hearting materials instead of impervious/ semi-pervious hearting materials for which no extra payments shall be payable. 30% payment shall be withheld for dismantling of coffer dam 118 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting (height upto 10 m) , fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete 119 Electrically opeared overhead hoist (EOH) single bridge girder carrying two wheels with chain pulley block load chain, hand chain encased gears, trolley trolley track, wheels, axle & shaft, swivel type lifting hook for 3 MT capacity, 6 m lift and 7 m span 120 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Diaphragm Type Pressure Gauges Dial size 150 mm glycerin filled shatterproof glass, Over range protection: 125% of maximum pressure, Material of sensor and other wetted parts: SS type 316, Housing material: Die cast aluminum 121 Providing, installation, testing, trial run and commissioning of the following, as per the specifications 122 SITC of Soft Starters with panel supplied by manufacturer conforming to applicable standards with logic inputs & outputs, relay outputs and analogue outputs, plug in I/O connections, display of electrical parameters, state of load & operating time, RS 485 serial link for connections to Modbus--110KW 123 SITC of Variable Frequency Drives with panel supplied by manufacturer conforming to applicable standards with logic inputs & outputs, relay outputs and analogue outputs, plug in I/O connections, display of electrical parameters, state of load & operating time, RS 485 serial link for connections to Modbus- 110 KW 124 Plate Earthing as per PWD specification for electrical Works as per IS:3043 with copper Earth plate of size 600mm x 600mm x 3.0mm by embodying 3 to 4 mtr. below the ground level with 20 mm dia. G.I. B class watering Pipe ,including all accessories like nut, bolts, reducer, nipple, wire meshed funnel, and Heavy duty weather proof poly-propylene earth pit chamber with lockable Jam free lid suitable for safe working load 5000 Kg or more of size Top Dia. 225 to 260 mm, Bottom Dia 300 to 350 mm. and Height 250 to 300 mm. and embodying the pipe complete with alternate layers salt and coke/ charcoal, testing of earth resistance for value of 5 ohms or less as required & must record by engineer in charge during site visit and ensure to enter in measurment book. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure A attached with this BSR 125 For LT Panet & motors 126 Providing & Laying XLPE insulated / P.V.C. sheathed cable of 1.1 KV grade with aluminium conductor Armoured of IS:7098-I/1554-1 approved make in ground as per IS:1255 including excavation of 30cmx75cmsize trench, 25 cm thick under layer of sand, second Class bricks covering, refilling earth, compaction of earth, making necessary connection, testing etc. as required of size 127 10 Sqmm -4 Core 128 120 Sqmm -3.5 Core 129 Supply & makingone end termination with heavy duty Double compression brass gland SIBG type, copper lugs duly crimped with crimping tool, PVC tape etc for following size of arrmoud pvc insulated and pvc sheated/ XLPE almunium cunductor cable of 1100 volt grad as required size. 130 4 x 10.0 sq.mm 131 3.5 x 120.0 sq.mm 132 3.5 x 185.0 sq.mm 133 Supply, Fabricating & installing following sizes of perforated cable trays including horizontal and vertical bends, reducers tees,cross members and other accessories as required and duly suspended from the ceiling with suspenders and including painting as required. (Hot Dipped Galvanized) 134 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm 135 300mm x 50mm x 1.6mm 136 P/ F IP-65/ IP-66 protected street light luminaries on existing bracket. Fixture made from powder coated single piece pressure die cast aluminum housing with heat dissipation fins on housing with high power LEDs . Diffuser / glass cover for ensuring IP-65 protection for lamp and control gear compartment, system lumen output of 100 lum/watt high power LED. Integrated driver shall be high efficiency having efficiency more than 85 % and in compliance to IEC standards. System life of 50000 burning hours with 70 % of initial lumens maintained. Fixture shall be in CE compliance : E181307 137 S & Laying following size earth wire/strip in horizontal or vertical run in ground/surface/recess including riveting, soldering, saddles, making connection etc. as required. 138 10 SWG Copperv Wire 139 25mm x 5mm copper strip 140 Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing andCommissioning of Indoor type PLC Panel of size approx. 800 mm X 500 mm X 2000mm (LBH) , Fabricated out of min. 2 mm thick CRCA sheet complete with latest configuration, necessary programming software for PLC & SCADA and comprising of all accessories not limited to the following:DI –30 num, DO – 26 num AI –6 num AO – 2 num, MCB 16A DP No. 2, MCB 6A DP No. 6 ,SMPS 100-240VAC/ 4.5A / 24 VDC No. 1, Selector Switch (Auto/Manual) & Local / Remote No. 2, Control Relays Lot 1, Annunciator with 24 Windows NO to NC Type Microprocessor Based, Window Size 75*42mm, 110VAC, with No. 1, Electronic Hooter No.1, Control Transformer 200VA No. 1, Emergency STOP Push Button No. 1, Panel Cooling Fan & Filter No. 2, Panel Light with Door Switch, 7W No. 1, Control Indication Lamp for 24VDC, 220VAC No. 3, Push Button No. 3, Power Wiring+Control Wiring + Control TB/ Fuse 2A,TB etc Lot 1, Panel Hardware, lugs, terminations, ferruls, name plate Ect. Lot 1, UTILITY SOCKET 16A, 3 PIN No. 2, HMI Display 10 Inch, Colour No. 1, Isolators Dual Output, 24VDC Lot 1 141 Operation and maintanance for Bhawanimandi , Sunel town and 14 village coverd under piplad water supply project from transmission main of jhalarapatan & 104 village water supply project from Rajgarh Dam District Jhalawar. 142 1st year of O&M 143 2nd year of O&M 144 3rd year of O&M 145 4th year of O&M 146 5th year of O&M 147 6th year of O&M 148 7th year of O&M 149 8th year of O&M 150 9th year of O&M 151 10th year of O&M