Tender For Purchase Of Lab Chemicals 2024-2025; 1 CHEMISTRY 2 2 amino anthracene, 100g 3 9-Anthracenecarboxaldehyde, 25 g 4 Acetonitrile, 500ml 5 Ammonia solution, 2.5L 6 Ammonium carbonate, 500g 7 Ammonium Chloride, 500g 8 Ammonium ferric sulphate, 500g 9 Ammonium Fluoride, 500g 10 Ammonium molybdate, 100g 11 Ammonium nickel sulphate, 500g 12 Ammonium Oxalate, 500g 13 Ammonium thyocyanate, 500 g 14 Ammonium tungstate, 100g 15 Amyl alcohol, 500ml 16 Anhydrous sodium carbonate, 500 g 17 Anhydrous sodium sulphate, 500 g 18 Barium acetate, 500g 19 Benzene, 2.5 ml 20 Biphenyl, 500 g 21 Borsches reagent, 125 ml 22 Bovine serum albumin, 50 g 23 Buffer tablet, pH7 24 Buffer tablet, pH 4 25 Buffer tablet, pH 9.2 26 Calcium carbonate, 500g 27 Calcium Chloride fused, 500g 28 Carbon tetra chloride, 500 ml 29 Charcoal, 500g 30 Chitosan, 50 g 31 Chlorobenzene, 500 ml 32 Chloroform, 500 ml 33 Copper Nitrate, 500g 34 D-Glucose, 500 g 35 Diphenyl amine, 500 g 36 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 5 g 37 Eriochrome black T, 100g 38 Ether, 500 ml 39 Ethylene glycol, 500ml 40 Ferric Chloride, 500g 41 Glacial Acetic acid, 2.5 L 42 Glycerol, 500 ml 43 Hydrochloric acid, 2.5 L 44 hydrogen Peroxide,500ml 45 Iodine, 100g 46 Iron (III) nitrate nonahydrate, 500 g 47 Isopropyl alcohol, 500ml 48 L - Cysteine, 25 g 49 L - Histidine, 25 g 50 L- Ascorbic acid, 100 g 51 Lead Nitrate, 500g 52 Lead dioxide, 100g 53 Magnesium nitrate, 500g 54 Mangenese sulphate, 500g 55 Mercuric chloride, 100g 56 Methyelene blue, 100g 57 Methyl Acetate, 500ml 58 Mohrs salt (Ammonium ferrous sulphate A.R.), 500g 59 Nafion solution, 100 mL 60 Phenol, 500 ml 61 poly ethylene imine, 100g 62 Polylactic acid, 10 g 63 Potassium ferrocyanide, 500g 64 Silver nitrate, 25g 65 Sodium borohydride, 100g 66 Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 25g 67 Sodium hydroxide pellets, 500 g 68 sodium metal 69 Sodium nitro prusside, 100g 70 Sodium potassium tartarate, 500g 71 stannous chloride, 500g 72 starch powder, 500g 73 Strontium carbonate, 500g 74 Strontium Chloride, 500 g 75 Strontium nitrate, 500g 76 Sulphuric acid, 2.5L 77 Tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate 5g 78 TiO2 nanoparticles, 50g 79 Whatman filter paper 40 80 Whatman filter paper 41 81 zinc sulphate, 500 g 82 Zirconyl nitrate, 100g 83 Zn dust 84 Silica gel G for TLC,500g 85 ZOOLOGY 86 Acetic acid 500 ml 87 Acetocarmine solution 100 ml 88 Ammonia solution 100 ml 89 ABO blood grouping antisera kit 90 Biuret Reagent 100 ml 91 BardfordsReagent 100 ml 92 Bovine serum albumin lab grade25 gm 93 Bromophenol blue solution 100 ml 94 Buffer capsules pH 4 10/pack 95 Buffer capsules pH 710/pack 96 Buffer capsules pH 9.2 10/pack 97 N- Butanol 500 ml 98 Calf thymus DNA5 gm 99 Casein 100 gm 100 Chloroform250 ml 101 Copper sulphate 250 GM X 102 CP 25 25 MG 103 Creatine A.R25gm 104 Dextrose 500 gm 105 Diacetyl monoxime 25gm 106 Dichloromethane500ml 107 Diethyl ether 250ml 108 17 beta estradiol cell culture grade 5gm 109 Eosin solution125 ml 110 Formalin soln.500 ml 111 Fehling solution A 100 ML 112 Fehling solution B 100 ML 113 Folin – ciocalteus reagent100ml 114 Formalin soln. 1 L 115 Fructose250 gm 116 Ferric chloride anhydrous 500gm 117 Ferrous ammonium sulphate500gm 118 Gelatin 500GM 119 Glucose250gm 120 Glycerin 500ml 121 Glycerol 500ml 122 Grams iodine solution 125 ml 123 Geimsa stain (liquid) 125 ml 124 Genistein Cell culture grade 5mg 125 Hematoxyllin stain solution125 ml 126 Haems fluid100 ml 127 N-Hexane liquid 200L 128 Hydrochloric acid500 ml 129 Hydrogen peroxide 100ml 130 Iodine Solution100 ml 131 Iodine monochloride25gm 132 Isopropyl alcohol 500ml 133 Isoamyl alcohol 100ml 134 Lactose 250 gm 135 Lactophenol (cotton blue) stain100 ml 136 Lead acetate500gm 137 Leishman’s stain (liquid)100ml 138 Maltose 250gm 139 Magnesium sulphate 100gm 140 Manganous sulphate 100 gm 141 Mercuric sulphate 25gm 142 Molisch reagent500ml 143 Methyl salicylate 500ml 144 Methyl Red solution 100ml 145 Methylene blue soltn 100 ml 146 Mercuric chloride 100gm 147 N Naphthyl Ethylene Diamine500gm Dihydrochloride (NEDA) 148 Nitric acid 500ml 149 Orcinol Reagent 100 ml 150 Peptone100g 151 Phenyl hydrazene hydrochloride 100 ml 152 Phenolphthalein sol.100 ml 153 Phosphotungstic acid5gm 154 Phosphoric acid1L 155 PholinCiocalceu reagent 100 ML 156 Picric acid100gm 157 Potassium acetate 500 gm 158 Potassium nitrate100 gm 159 Pottassium Chloride500 gm 160 Pottassium Hydroxide pellets 500 gm 161 Pottassium Iodide100 g 162 Potassium Di chromate500g 163 Pottassium chromate indicator sol.100 ml 164 Periodic acid500 gm 165 Petroleum ether 2.5L 166 Potassium hydrogen phosphate(Dibasic) 250 g 167 Potassium hydrogen phosphate(Monobasic) 250 g 168 Pottassium metabisulphate 500ml 169 Pottassium superoxide100mg 170 Pottassium ferricyanide 500g 171 Selivanoffs regent 100 ml 172 Safranine stain solution 125gm 173 Schiffs reagent500 ml 174 Sodium carbonate 500gm 175 Sodium di Hydrogen ortho phosphate500gm 176 Sodium citrate solution500ml 177 Sodium Citrate Monobasic250g 178 Sodium Hydroxide 500g 179 Sodium Oxalate100g 180 Sodium Thiosulphate250gm 181 Starch 250gm 182 Sodium Hypobromite500 ml 183 Sodium Hydroxide 500 gm 184 Sodium metabisulphate500gm 185 Sodium nitrate500 gm 186 Sodium nitroprusside50g 187 Sodium Chloride 500gm 188 Sucrose500gm 189 SuLlphanilamide 100gm 190 Sulphuric acid 500 ml 191 Tetraethyl orthosilicate 250 ml 192 Turks fluid 100 ml 193 Toluene500 194 Toludene blue solution 100 ml 195 Tris borate100gm 196 Uric acid 100ml 197 Urea 500gm 198 Blotting paper 100/pkt 199 BOTANY 200 Acetocarmine stain 100ml 201 Buffer capsule 4- 10 capsules each 202 Buffer capsule 7- 10 capsules each 203 Chloroform - 2.5L 204 Acetic acid 1000ml 205 Acetone 1000ml 206 Alpha Napthol 100gm 207 Aqueous ammonium sulphate 500g 208 Bacteriological Agar Agar 500g 209 Benedicts reagent (Nice) 125 ml 210 Biuret reagent (Nice) 125 ml 211 BSA ( Himedia) 212 Chromatography paper ( 40 sheets) 213 Chromic acid 214 Citric acid 500g 215 Clove oil 100ml 216 Colchichine 100ml 217 Copper sulphate pentahydrate 500gm 218 Crystal violet 219 D- Fructose 500g 220 Dextrose 500g 221 Dibasic dihydrogen phospahte 500g 222 Dinitro salicylicacid (Merck) 223 DPX- 250ml 224 Fast green 250ml 225 Fehlings solution No.2 500ml (Nice) 226 Fehlings solution No.1 500ml (Nice) 227 Formaldehyde 5L 228 Glycerine 500 ml 229 Grams Iodine 500ml 230 Hexane 500 ml 231 Iodine solution 232 Labolene 500 ml 233 Lactophenol cotton blue 500ml 234 Lamposolv 500ml 235 Manganese sulphate 500g 236 Methanol 500 Ml 237 Molischs Reagent 125 ml 238 Monobasic dihydrogen phosphate 239 Nigrosine 500ml 240 Nutrient agar _Himedia 500g 241 Orange G 500g 242 Orcein powder 5g 243 Paraffin wax -500G 244 Petroleum ether 2.5 L 245 Pottassium iodide 500g 246 Safranine 125 ml 247 Saline phosphate buffer-500ml 248 Salkowaski reagent 500ml 249 Seliwanoffs reagent 500ml 250 Sodium acetate anhydrous 500g 251 Sodium benzoate 100g 252 Sodium chloride 500g 253 Sodium citrate 500g 254 Sodium hydroxide pellets 500g 255 Sodium hypochlorite 500 ml 256 Sodium pottassium tartarate 500g 257 Sodium salicylate 500g 258 Sodium thiosulphate 500g 259 Starch indicator solution 500ml 260 TBA 500 ml 261 Trichloro acetic acid -500g 262 Xylene 263 Surgical blade steel with handle (1 pack) 264 Test tube holder with wodden holder 265 Ganongs light screen 266 Wilmots Bubbler 267 Klinostat 268 Absorbotranspirometer 269 Measuring cylinder 250 ml 270 Measuring cylinder 500 ml 271 Measuring cylinder 1000 ml 272 Cappillary tube (1 PKT) 273 Pippetes 10 ml 274 Pippetes 1 ml 275 Pippetes 5 ml 276 Pasteur pippetes ( 10 ml) 277 watch glass (MEDIUM SIZE) 278 Wash Bottles 279 Cavity slide 280 Chromatography test tubes- flat base with cork lid 50 mm x 150 mm (with out rim) 281 Terrarium glass bottles (Medium) 282 Terrarium glass bottles (Large) 283 Microscopic slides (Boxes) 284 Coverslip (round) Box of 100, 25 Nos 285 Cover slip Square large (Box of 100), 10 286 Needle 287 Brush 288 Needle