
Tender For Supply Of Various Construction Materials And Equipment Service Gram Panchayat Bull P.S. Bhupalsagar - Sand/Gravelgravel 2 Gravel - Local 3 Fly Ash 4 Surkhi 5 Stone Dust (Stone Dust, In Masonry Work) 6 Soling/ Kharanja/ Masonry Stonemasonry Bera, Chittorgarh-Rajasthan

Panchayat Raj Department has published Tender For Supply Of Various Construction Materials And Equipment Service Gram Panchayat Bull P.S. Bhupalsagar - Sand/Gravelgravel 2 Gravel - Local 3 Fly Ash 4 Surkhi 5 Stone Dust (Stone Dust, In Masonry Work) 6 Soling/ Kharanja/ Masonry Stonemasonry Bera. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2024. Construction Material Tenders in Chittorgarh Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Various Construction Materials And Equipment Service Gram Panchayat Bull P.S. Bhupalsagar - Sand/Gravelgravel 2 Gravel - Local 3 Fly Ash 4 Surkhi 5 Stone Dust (Stone Dust, In Masonry Work) 6 Soling/ Kharanja/ Masonry Stonemasonry Bera
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Various Construction Materials And Equipment Service Gram Panchayat Bull P.S. Bhupalsagar - Sand/GravelGravel2 Gravel - Local3 Fly Ash4 Surkhi5 Stone dust (Stone dust, in masonry work)6 Soling/ Kharanja/ Masonry stoneMasonry Beradda (RR)7 Masonry Radda (CR)8 Kharanja Soling (For floor work upto 15cm height)9 Kharanja Soling (For road/Kharanja work upto 23cm height)10 Ballast stone/Brick (For Other than Road work) 40mm measured stone (Grit broken by hand) 1/11 dkVsa11 40mm grit of stone (Broken by crusher) 1/11 dkVsa12 20mm grit of stone (Broken by crusher) 1/11 dkVsa13 12/10/6mm grit of stone (For crusher broken from) 1/11 dkVsa14 Brick ballast15 lhesUV ¼ppc fly ash based IS CODE 1479 part -I 1991½16 lQsn lhesUV17 Structural steelIron (Tor steel Fe 415/500 for reinforcement)18 Winding wire 18 gauge19 Iron girders20 Conical iron/Square bar/Leaf/Angle iron21 Barbed iron wireSize 12 gauge wire and 12 gauge strad22 Plain sheetG.I. sheet 22 gauge (0.80 MM)23 G.I. sheet 24 gauge (0.63 M.M.)24 M.S. Sheet 22 Gauge (0.80 M.M.)25 M.S. Sheet 24 Gauge (0.63 M.M.)26 Corrugated SheetG.I. Sheet 1 mm. Thick27 G.I. Sheet 22 Gauge(0.80 M.M.)28 vU;lkexzhGhadla/Kankar/Jhajhra29 Mortar-Mitti/Mud Masala30 LimeKiln Lime For Masonry Work31 Corrugated SheetAsbestos Cement Sheet 6mm(2.5/2.75X1m)32 Other SheetPVC Sheet 1 mm thick (coloured/plain)33 Green yellow colour Literof Expo Sheet(183X90)34 Road work material 63-40 mm Øsj broken stone aggregate 1/11 dkVsa35 63-40 mm hand broken stone aggregate 1/11 dkVsa36 90-45 mm. hand broken stone aggregate 1/11 dkVsa37 Quarry rubble 1/6 dkVsa38 Gravel 1/6 dkVsa39 Kankar 1/11 dkVsa40 Binding material (PI 4-6)41 Brick (22.5 X 11 X 7.50 cm) Ist class ( izFke Js.kh )42 II Class43 Stone aggregate Flaky Material44 iRFkjs iVVh (Ave. Length 3 to 4, Width 2 to 3, Thick 1 to 2 Flaky Material )45 Sandstone(DPC,Sill,Coping,Lintel,Tand,Almirha etc) Upto 25mm thickness46 25-40mm thickness47 Upto 40-50mm thickness48 Upto 50-75mm thickness49 Upto 75-100mm thickness50 Upto 100-150mm thickness51 Flooring/Strip Patan Katla Stone Flooring slabs upto 35mm Thick, min. 3 sqft or more Area52 Strip Patan slabs 60-75mm Thickness, min. 3 sqft or more Area53 Unpolished Rough Kota Stone (more than 3 Sqft)900 oxZ lseh rd54 901 ls 2300 oxZ lseh rd55 2300 oxZ lseh ls vf/kd56 Polished Kota Stone(One side polished) (larger than 3 Sqft)900 oxZ lseh rd57 901 ls 2300 oxZ lseh rd58 2300 oxZ lseh ls vf/kd59 Marble Stone(larger than 3 Sqft)edjkuk vMUxk ekcZy 15 ls 20 lseh eksVkbZ900 oxZ lseh rd60 901 ls 2300 oxZ lseh rd61 2300 oxZ lseh ls vf/kd62 jktuxj izFke DokfyVh ekcZy 15 ls 20 lseh eksVkbZ900 oxZ lseh rd63 901 ls 2300 oxZ lseh rd64 2300 oxZ lseh ls vf/kd65 Marble chips66 Marble powder67 Stone framesSingle patam size 100 X 75 mm.68 Double patam size 125 X 75 mm.69 Stone slabsUp to 1.5m Length, Minimum 40mm thick70 1.5 to2.40mLength, Minimum 50mm thick71 2.4 to3m Length, Minimum 65mm thick72 Above 3m Length, Minimum 75mm thick73 Local wood with fittings (for doors, windows and furniture)Mango74 Acacia75 Others76 Factory made doors (30mm thick, solid core single leaf)77 MeshIron mesh (24 gauge, 14 mesh)78 Cement concrete mesh Akash Patal 40mm thick79 Glass3mm thick glass80 Colour paintEnamel paint81 Distemper82 Lime for whitewashing (Aras / Kali)83 Primer84 Petroleum Product Diesel HSD85 Movil Oil86 Bitumen Shalitax Board87 Sanitary Indian W.C.88 Orrisa W.C.89 European W.C.90 Foot Rest91 Porcelain Urinal with Lid 430*350*300mm with Cupel, Bracket and PVC Waste Pipe92 Wash-Basin 450*300mm with Cupel, Bracket and PVC Waste Pipe93 Stone Fir (S.W.) Pipe 100 mm. Diameter, 0.6 m. Long94 C.P. Pillar Cock (IS Mark)95 C.P. Bib Cock (IS Mark)96 125 CP Grating of 1000mm diameter97 RCC NP3 Hume Pipe with Collar 1200mm dia98 1000mm dia99 750mm dia100 600mm dia101 450mm dia102 300mm dia103 FR PVC Insulated Copper Conductor Single Core Cable ISI Marked 0.50 sq.mm104 1.00 sq.mm105 1.50 sq.mm106 2.50 sq.mm107 4.00 sq.mm108 6.00 sq.mm109 13/0.20 mm Twin core PVC sheathed flat flexible copper cable110 Steel Conduit ISI Marked20 mm. Diameter111 25 mm Diameter112 PVC Conduit ISI Marked20mm Diameter113 25 mm Diameter114 Junction Box20mm, One Way115 20 mm two way116 25 mm two way117 20 mm One Way (PVC)118 Modular GI Box for 2 modules119 for 3 modules120 eksM;qyj csl o doj IysV for 2 modules121 for 3 modules122 Modular Switch One Way, ISI MarkedSP 5/6 Ampere123 SP 15/16 Ampere124 Modular Socket Outlet, ISI Marked3 pin 5/6 Ampere125 6 pin 15/16 Ampere126 MCB DB2+2 Way, SPN, Single Door127 2+4 Way, SPN, Single Door128 2+6 Way, SPN, Single Door129 GI Pipe (Medium Grade)15.00 mm Diameter130 40.00 mm Diameter131 Copper wire 8 SWG (4.00 mm dia) (0.117 kg/m)132 CI/MS cover plate lAttached to frame of locking arrangement133 Charcoal134 ih- oh- lh- ckVj Vss e; doj135 Equipments rateDiesel Road Roller 8 to 10 Ton136 Sheep Foot Roller137 Truck 9 Ton138 Tractor (25-40 HP)139 Tractor Trolley140 Tractor with Water Tanker 4000Ltr capacity with water141 Cement Concrete Mixer 5-7 Cubic Feet142 Pumping Set 15 H.P.143 Niddle/Plate vibrator with operator144 Camel cart/Bullock cart with driver145 Grinding machine with operator(big, motor driven)146 Compressor147 Hydraulic Excavater/JCB (bucket capacity 0.4cum)148 Dumper149 Scraper150 Shuttering wooden plank with pole and other material *151 Shuttering ply with pole and other material *152 Shuttering iron plate with pole and other material *153 Water and pumping charges (filling)154 Grinding machine with operator(small, hand driven)155 Iron form for well (diameter 3m, height 75cm) * with TP. side to be fixed156 dYVhosVj157 Precast Tiles/BlocksGlazed Size-30X45 cm158 Mosaic Size-40mm Thick159 Vitrified Size-60X60 cm160 Interlock Tiles/Brick/Block for Road WorkCement Interlocking Block M-30grade, 60mm Thick161 Cement Interlocking Block M-30grade, 80mm Thick162 Cement Interlocking Block M-30grade, 100mm Thick

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 99000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 49.50 Lakhs /-
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