
Tender For Lab Equipments And Chemical - To Study The Dynamics Of A Lattice Using Electrical Analogy Omega Type Es-328 To Study Hall Effect And To Determine Hall Coefficient Omega Type Es-248 Study The Charactersitics Of A Given Kylstron And Calcul, Sikar-Rajasthan

Department Of College Education has published Tender For Lab Equipments And Chemical - To Study The Dynamics Of A Lattice Using Electrical Analogy Omega Type Es-328 To Study Hall Effect And To Determine Hall Coefficient Omega Type Es-248 Study The Charactersitics Of A Given Kylstron And Calcul. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-12-2024. Chemical Supply Tenders in Sikar Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Lab Equipments And Chemical - To Study The Dynamics Of A Lattice Using Electrical Analogy Omega Type Es-328 To Study Hall Effect And To Determine Hall Coefficient Omega Type Es-248 Study The Charactersitics Of A Given Kylstron And Calcul
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Lab Equipments And Chemical - To study the dynamics of a lattice using electrical analogy OMEGA TYPE ES-328 To Study Hall effect and to determine hall coefficient OMEGA TYPE ES-248 Study the charactersitics of a given Kylstron and calculate the number E.T.S and transit time OMEGA TYPE ES-501 Verifcation of Braggs law using microwaves OMEGA TYPE ES-508 To study Hartley Oscillator OMEGA TYPE ETB-025 To study Analog to Digital and Digtal to Analog conversion OMEGA TYPE LTB-812 & LTB-813 To study Multivibrators OMEGA TYPE ES-141 To study Dielectric Constant by Lecher Wire OMEGA TYPE ES-318 Heat Capacity of Solids OMEGA TYPE ES-321 Specimen of Four Probe Es-246 practical Semiconductor Sample only for department of physics - 1 Formaldehyde-5L 2 Acetic acid-500 ml 3 Acetone-1L 4 Ether-1L 5 Alcohol-2.5 L 6 Disttiled Water-5L 7 Magnus Sulphate-100gm 8 Sodium Chloride - 100gm 9 Silica Powder-500gm 10 Agar Agar-100gm 11 Agarose-50 gm 12 Ammonia Solution-100 ml 13 Antigen kit 14 Glycerin-1L 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Bradfords Reagent 100 ml Chloroform 500 ml Heamatoxyline-100ml Eosin Solution-250ml Hydrochloric acid-500ml Leishmans Stain Solution -250ml Methyl Orange 250 ml Sodium Sulphate 23 Xylene 500 ml 24 Sodium Nitropruside 25 DNA Extraction kit Animal For Dissection (Preserved) 1 2 3 4 5 Earthworm-500 Piece Cockroach-500 Piece Prawn-100 Piece File-200 pieces Any Edible fish (Rohu/ Katla)-100 Piece Materials for Permanent Slide Preparartio (each 10 Vails) 1 Neries Parapodia, Heteroneries Parapodia 2 Obelia-Medusae/Polyp 3 Sycon Gemmule 4 Hydra 5 Sponge Spicules 6 Earthwarm(Ovary) 7 Protozoa-Paramecium, Euglena 8 Onian Root tip. 9 Chironomus larva 10 Drosophila-Male 11 Drosophila Female Instrumentation 1 Micropipette-10-100 µl Bexco/Dragon/Borosil/Glassco Company 2 Micropipette-2-10 µl 3 Micropipette-100-1000 m 4 Micropipete-Plastic Tip-100 with Plastic Stand 5 Centrifuge mini- Remi bench top doctor 10k RPM 6 7 8 9 Double beam UV-VIS. Spectrophotometer (Systronics Type-AU2603) Stereoscopic Microscope - Olympus Trinocular Microscope With digital Camera (Magnus MX21i Microscope Olympus) Electrophoresis Unit With Electric Supply (Horizontal) Glass Pipette Sucker Pump Glassco Company (each one for 2,5, 10 ml) Glass Pipette-2 ml,5ml, 10ml, 20 ml (each 10), 10 11 12 Pipette stand vertical (Plastic)- 2 13 Glass/Plastic Burette With Stand Poly Lab marka-20 14 Heating Mantle-500ml 15 Hot plate with magnetic stirrer 16 Slide containing Box-5 Plastic 17 Test Tube glass-100 (Borosil) 18 Test Tube Stand-10 19 Watch glass-100 petri dish- 100 21 Dissecting Box-1 22 Insect Trap net-5 23 1 2 Euglena and Paramecium 3 4 Zooplankton Net with Glass Bottle-5 Permanent Mount Slide (Non Chordata) - (Each Slide -2 min.) Radiolarian & foraminifera ooze Binary fission & Conjugation in Paramecium Monocystis 5 Nyctotherus 6 Sponge-Gemmule 7 Sponge-Spicules 8 V.S. Sycon 9 T.S. Sycon 10 Obelia-Polyp 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Obelia-Medusa Miracidium Larva of Liver fluke Redia and Cercaria Larvae of Liver fluke Scolex of Taenia Mature and Gravid Proglottids of Taenia solium Dracunculuss Enterobius Wuchereria T.S. of leech Through Crop Pockets Trochophore larva 21 Daphnia 22 Cyclops 23 Nauplius 24 Get used to it 25 26 28 29 30 Megalopa Vegetation and Glochidium larvae of Mollusca Bipinnaria and Auricularia larva of Starfish T.S Balanoglossus through Collar and Proboscis Would become larvae Permanent Slide of Chordata 1 2 Oikopleura barrel 3 4 Latch Larval form of Protochordata - Ascidian Tadpole Larva 5 VS. Skin of Fish 6 V. 5. Skin of Bird 7 V.5. skin of Mammalia T.S. of Mammalian Liver, Kidney, Stomach, Intestine, Spinal Cord, Lung, Duodenum, Pancreas, Testis and Ovary for department of zoology

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INR 6.60 Lakhs /-
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