Tender For Sup. & Inst. Of Precast & Cast In Situ Rcc Drains Bop Upstrm 27022492 10 10 10 Excavation (NGL to -1.8 M) [Excavation M 23,000 M3 20 Backfilling & compaction (Available eart 10,000 M3 30 Providing & laying PCC M10 concrete 1,250 M3 40 Pro. & lay. RCC M30 concrete, compaction 1,700 M3 50 Pro., Fixing & removing shuttering at al 9,000 M2 60 Fixing of TMT FE 500/550D (TMT will be p 1,000 TO 70 Pro. & erection (lifting, shifting, plac 3,500 M 80 RCC Breaking including cutting of rebars 100 M3 Email : HARNISHKUMAR.DESAI@AMNS.IN Contact : Name : Harnish Desai Item Details : * Scope of Work:- - Nature of job Supply <(>&<)> Installation of Precast RCC Drains including Excavation, PCC, Backfilling and leakage Test - Approx Drain Size 1500mm (W) x 1600 mm (D) - Length of drain (RMT) 4500 RM (including cast in situ) * SIZE DIMENTION OF U SHAPE DRAIN B H B1 H1 C D 1500 1600 1700 1740 1260 1660 • For any level difference it needs to be cast in situ drain to match the level at the joint of that specific location and also below all tower . That specific cast in situ part will be in vendors scope. • The minimum grade of pre-cast concrete must be (M-50). • RMC is in vendor’s scope along with placing and laying (M-30) for any cast-in situ drain. Cement <(>&<)> GGBS are in contractor’s scope as per mix design. GGBS would be as per AMNS-I vendor’s list. No extra cost will be paid for GGBS. Mix Design to be approved by AMNS-I. • Excavation, backfilling with slag and compaction after every 250 mm of layer filling with roller along with placing and laying of PCC (M 10 GRADE) beneath the precast will be in vendor’s scope. Slag will provide by AMNS-I. • All unloading, drain chamber etc. from trailer, stacking, erection of drain (Lifting, shifting, placing, pushing of Precast Drain Chamber) By Farana will be in vendor’s scope. • Erection of precast drain cover will be in vendor’s scope. Load capacity of lid must be 5 TON • All types of tools and tackles for unloading and erection of drain chamber, precast cover will be in contractor’s scope. • Leakage test before handover will be in vendor’s scope and tests must be approved by AMNS-I quality dept. • Dewatering by providing mono block pump and de watering pipe will be in vendor’s scope. • Every joint must be filled with joint filler and joint fillers sourced exclusively from AMNSI-approved vendors. In the rare case where the preferred vendors joint sealing product is unavailable, the concern contractor must ensure approval from AMNSI before opting for an alternative vendors joint sealant. • Reinforcement cutting, bending, placing, and fixing. (TMT-used FE550D), in vendor’s scope. • For survey point co-ordinates of any work, TBM will be given only once at one location by AMNS-I. There after all co-ordinates and level markings and other all survey works are in contractor’s scope. • Shoring and slope protection etc. are part of excavation. No extra line item for this same work is applicable. • Breaking of hard surface (construction debris, slag, LF etc.) from ground level. • All testing gauges should be digital with valid calibration Page 2 of 2 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000125782 Date 16.12.2024 Submission Date 25.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Shubham Shirgire Contact Email SHUBHAM.SHIRGIRE@AMNS.IN MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details certificates. • All required manpower, tools tackles, Plant machineries<(>&<)> manpower shall be in contractor’s scope. • Vendor shall follow all the safety norms of AMNS-I and deploy safety officers as per policy and guidance of AMNS-I HSE. • Bill certification will be done on actual quantity executed basis also as per IS Code. • The cube test will be conducted as per IS specification and will be done by contractor in presence of AMNS engineer. • All work shall be executed as per approved drawings. • Mix design is attached. Batching plant fully automatic and with calibration and approved by AMNSI. • If concrete cube fails, contractor must do concrete etc at their risk and cost again free of cost. • All testing shall be done as per location decided by AMNSI. • Making of approach if required for the work is in contractor’s scope. • Illumination for any construction work is in contractor’s scope. • The contractor needs to complete the job in the required time frame after discussion and mutually agreed upon with EIC. • If contractor is willing for the work in extra hours, they may do after necessary permission from AMNS-I in safe manner. • Contractor needs to submit the QAP before start of job and take the approval from client/EIC. • Work shall be executed strictly as per instruction of AMNS Engineer-In charge. • All construction materials MTC and IMIR to submit before construction activities. • Contractor to establish lab for testing concrete strength, workability etc. • The contractor needs to complete the job as per the mutually agreed timeline or 1 month from the last drawing released. • HIRAC/JSA/PTW/Method statement will be approved by AMNSI before start of any activity at site. • Quality control <(>&<)> assurance and the following of all safety norms of AMNSI are must and to be adhered to at any cost. • Vendor to submit all RA bills as per AMNSI checklist. • Facilities at site for workmen and vendor’s staff are mandatory. • Rebar caps /bolts protections/curing etc. are mandatory where necessary * Scope of Work for AMNS:- • AMNS will provide construction power and water point at single location. Further distribution shall be done by the contractor if r equired.