
Construction Of Full Package Ofd Works In Hingoniya Nayagaon-A Catchment, P.S. K. Patan, District Bundi - G-1 1402.17 88.00 G-2 1560 500.00 Boq Sno Total Qty Item Rate Random Rubble Stone Masonry (Using R. R. Stones Where 75 % Stones To Be Not Less Th, Bundi-Rajasthan

Command Area Development Authority has published Construction Of Full Package Ofd Works In Hingoniya Nayagaon-A Catchment, P.S. K. Patan, District Bundi - G-1 1402.17 88.00 G-2 1560 500.00 Boq Sno Total Qty Item Rate Random Rubble Stone Masonry (Using R. R. Stones Where 75 % Stones To Be Not Less Th. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-01-2025. Construction Material Tenders in Bundi Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Construction Of Full Package Ofd Works In Hingoniya Nayagaon-A Catchment, P.S. K. Patan, District Bundi - G-1 1402.17 88.00 G-2 1560 500.00 Boq Sno Total Qty Item Rate Random Rubble Stone Masonry (Using R. R. Stones Where 75 % Stones To Be Not Less Th
Open Tender

Tender Details

Construction Of Full Package Ofd Works In Hingoniya Nayagaon-A Catchment, P.S. K. Patan, District Bundi - G-1 1402.17 88.00 G-2 1560 500.00 BOQ Sno Total Qty Item Rate Random rubble stone masonry (using R. R. stones where 75 % stones to be not less than 15 cm in size in any direction and weighing not less than 23 kg.) for foundation including curing with all leads of all construction materials including curing etc. complete. (d) In cement sand mortar 1:6 Cum 9.9 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Nominal mix (1:4:8) including leads of all construction materials, curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto 9.9.4 20 mm cum Providing and laying 75mm thick sand layer in bed (over clays sub grade) duly stabilized with cement slurry (1:20) including all leads and lift of material. sqm Extra charges for disposal of excavated/re-handled material in required profile laid in uniform layers and given side slopes well dressed having layer thickness including loading and un-loading wherever required with cost of dewatering wherever required complete in all respect (b) Not exceeding 20 cm Cum Excavation including loading, unloading, disposal and dressing of excavated earth within initial lead of 50m and lift up to 1.5m including dressing of excavated area and dewatering wherever required complete in all respect (a) Soft/Loose soil Cum Excavation including loading, unloading, disposal and dressing of excavated earth within initial lead of 50m and lift up to 1.5m including dressing of excavated area and dewatering wherever required complete in all respect (b)Hard / dense soil Cum Taking fly levels of different spots as per requirement of site/instruction by Engineer incharge between water courses/Field channel and field drains to check low and high profile in the terraces and to maintain the individual Khasra work progress in record while doing operation of land shaping with TS/DGPS instrument and prepare and submit cutting/filling quantities calculation sheet on design profile plan including providing in hard and soft copy complete in all respect. (only for OFD works under CMA 2023-24)(As per CE (East) and Adll. Secretary CAD Jaipur letter No.4458 dated 05.01.2024) Ha Watering of earth including cost of carriage of water when source of water is (a) up to 1 Km Cum Compaction of earth or highly weathered strata (a) By manually or plain roller. (density 90% of Proctor) Cum Earth work in rough (borrow area) excavation for embankments in hard soil, morrum or highly weathered strata dry or moist, including laying in 20 cm layers (before compaction) and breaking of clods, sorting of grass, pebbles etc. and dressing when compacted by vibro compactor, vibro sheep foot roller, sheep foot roller/pneumatic tyred roller to obtain dry density of at least 98% of Standard Proctors density with initial lift of 1.5m (Excluding charges for compaction and watering) including loading and un-loading wherever required complete in all respect. (a) With initial lead of 250 m 5.17.2 Deduct in item no 5.16.1 to 5.16.4 above if Standard Proctors density to be achieved is at least 90% Cum Ploughing and picking of surface of old embankment Per 10 Sqm Scrapping of grass and shrubs Sqm 214412.80 4423252.25 43608.00 97691.83 193833.00 845111.88 17612.48 901340.49 291059.62 439565.49 100030.46 399980.12 G-21 38288 5.60 G-19 7753.32 109.00 G-20 3828.8 4.60 G-17 7753.32 12.60 G-18 7753.32 25.00 G-15 46560.55 95.00 G-16 184 237.00 G-13 12349.44 8.10 G-14 4347.61 92.00 G-11 61.07 4766.00 G-12 2301.39 191.00 G-10 212.43 4243.00 18.1 Cutting and clearance of jungle, bushes, shrubs Ankra/Ipomoea, Juliflora typna etc. on canal and bunds in dry/moist/slushy conditions including disposal as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. Cost of wood has been deducted from rates and thus will be property of contractor after cutting. 18.1.1 Ordinary sqm 18.8 Dag belling 18.8.2 Over 7.5 cm to 10 cm deep 10 M Supply of 3 cm x 3 cm x 30 cm size wooden pegs (Babul, mango or teak wood etc.) Each Assistance for pre survey work and Re-allotment of new field boundaries for help of Authorized Amin by Govt. to revenue agency by traditional method (only for OFD works under CMA 2023-24)(As per CE (East) and Adll. Secretary CAD Jaipur letter No.4458 dated 05.01.2024) Ha 16.14 Transfer of Dam / Canal alignment from sajra map to the ground and taking Levels by Auto level or DGPS, developing L-section and Xsection and submitting in hard copy three sets and soft copy in Auto Cad format, using layer system, showing all features. (Total length of Lsection and Xsection to be measured for payment) L-section of Dam/ Canal In Plain area - Levels for L-section to be taken at interval 30 meter.

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INR 1.35 Crore /-
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