
Supply Of Machines And Laboratory Equipment’S For Electronics Engineering In The Premises Of Government Polytechnic, Saharsa, Saharsa-Bihar

Department Of Science And Technology has published Supply Of Machines And Laboratory Equipment’S For Electronics Engineering In The Premises Of Government Polytechnic, Saharsa. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-12-2024. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Saharsa Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Of Machines And Laboratory Equipment’S For Electronics Engineering In The Premises Of Government Polytechnic, Saharsa
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Machines And Laboratory Equipment’S For Electronics Engineering In The Premises Of Government Polytechnic, Saharsa-1 C.R.O. Dual Channel 100MHz 2 Function generator 100MHz Function & Arbitrary Generator,500MSa/s-DG4102 3 Dual Power supply Digital Dual Output DC Power Supply, Input Voltage: 230 V Ac, Output Voltage: 0 To 128 V 4 Bread Board MB 102 Breadboard with Power Supply Module, Jumper Wires, Battery Clip,830 & 400 tie-Points 5 Bread Board DM-86 Digital Multimeter AC Frequency Response: 40-400Hz Low Battery Display: Approx. < 7.5V 6 Digital Multimeter DM-86 Digital Multimeter AC Frequency Response: 40-400Hz Low Battery Display: Approx. < 7.5V 7 Galvonometer Measurement ranges: ± 35 µA; Scale division: 1 µA; Internal resistance: 1000 Ohm 8 Voltmeter Voltmeter - i/p, range is from ± 1 V to ± 1000 V, the accuracy is about ± 1 percent for a 3-digit digital voltmeter and ± 0.002 percent for a 6-digit digital voltmeter Ammeter – 0 to 50A 9 Ammeter 10 Multimeter 11 Crompton Potentiometer DC crompton potentiometer 12 Potentiometer •      1st Dial 17 x 0.1V = 1.7 V •      2nd Dial (slide wire) 100x0.001 = 0.1V 13 Various bridge kits Operating voltage – 220 V, Kalvin bridge, wine bridge, Hays bridge, Wheatstone, Anderson’s 14 LVDT kit LVDT displacement range – 10inch 15 RTD RTD temp. range - -250 to 1000°c 16 Thermistor kit Thermistor temp. range- −100 °C to 300 °C 17 Digital IC Trainer Kits Power Supply: +5V, +/- 12V Display Type: 2 Digit BCD to Decimal Display 18 Logic Gates ICs Two input and 3-Input 19 Bread Board MB 102 Breadboard with Power Supply Module, Jumper Wires, Battery Clip,830 & 400 tie-Points 20 Digital Multimeter DM-86 Digital Multimeter AC Frequency Response: 40-400Hz Low Battery Display: Approx. < 7.5V 21 IC Tester •        Package: Digital ICs of 14, 16, 18,20,24,28 & 40 pins dual in line. •        Range: Tristate, Open Collector & Bidirectional TTL/CMOS ICs. •        Method: Truth table comparison. •        Sockets: 20 and 40 pin ZIF. •        Keyboard: 24 feather touch keys. •        Display: 16 digit 0.5 Seven segment LED display. •        Voltage: 230 volts + 10% 50Hz, AC. 22 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Dual Trace 50 MHz, Input impedance -1Mega ohm, with component tester and function generator 23 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Signal BW: 50/100MHz, TFT color LCD, Dual channel, Real time sampling: 1GSa/s, Equivalent sampling: 25GSa/s, Memory 1M pts, 10 waveforms and 10 setups can be stored 24 RF signal generator Wide frequency range 100KHz to 150MHz fine frequency adjustment by calibrated dial built-in audio frequency generator 25 Regulated Power Supply DC supply voltage dual DC: 2 X 0-30V,0-2 A automatic overload (current protection), constant voltage and constant current operation 26 Amplitude Modulation DSB/SSB AM modulation and demodulation. On board carrier generator 100KHz, on board modulating signal oscillator 0-1KHz, fixed DC power supplies 15V DC, 27 Demodulation Trainer Kit 250mA, operated on mains power 230V, 50Hz 28 FM Trainer Kit FM modulation and demodulation. On board carrier signal, FM Modulation using XR 2206 IC, 4th Order LPF, Internal Power Supply +5V, +12V/500mA, user friendly front panel block diagram 29 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digital display, 9999 count digital multimeter measures: Vac, Vdc (1000V max), Adc, Aac (10Amp max),Resistance (0-100M ohm), Capacitance and Temperature measurement 30 Trainer kit for FM modulator using IC 566 AC source: 600Hz to 2.5KHz, FM Modulator: VCO test points, circuit diagram engraved on front panel with transparent rear panel 31 Trainer kit for FM demodulator using IC 565 AC source: 600Hz to 2.5KHz, FM Demodulator: PLL test points 32 Variable DC power supply 0-30V, 2A Dual Tracking power supply 33 Dual Power supply ± 15V 2A Dual Tracking power supply 34 CRO 0 to 20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope & 100 MHz 35 DSO 25MHz/60MHz/100MHz, 500MS/s to 1GS/s sample rate 36 Function Generator 0- 2 MHz with sine, square and triangular output with variable frequency and amplitude 37 Function Generator 20 MHz with sine, square and triangular output with variable frequency and amplitude 38 Digital multimeter 4 ½ digit display, 9999 count, 0-30V, 10 A max, 0-100M Ohm 39 Electronic Work Bench Bread board 840 1000 contact point, positive & negative power rails on opposite side of the board 40 IC 741C Dual-In-Line or S.O. Package 41 Breadboard 5.5 cm X 17 cm (minimum 1000 points) 42 Resistors 82Ω, 1KΩ, 1.5KΩ, 3KΩ, 3.3KΩ, 10KΩ, 12KΩ, 15KΩ, 33KΩ, 39KΩ, 100KΩ(10 Each) 43 Potentiometer 1KΩ, 10KΩ, 20KΩ, 50KΩ, 1MΩ(10 Each) 44 Capacitors 0.01µF, 0.1µF, 1µF(10 Each) 45 Diode 1N4007 46 IC-555 8 Pin, DIP 47 IC LM324 14 Pin, DIP 48 Analog IC tester Suitable to test analog ICs 49 Connecting Wires Single strained Teflon coating (0.6mm diameter) 50 Microcontroller Trainer kit Single board systems with 8K RAM, ROM memory with battery backup, 16X4,16 X2, LCD display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler, RS- 232, USB, interfacing facility with built in power supply 51 Stepper Motor 50/100 RPM 52 7- segment LED Display 7-segment LED Display: - 0.56 in 1-digit, common anode/common cathode 53 Trainer board ADC (0808) trainer board 54 Trainer board DAC (0808) trainer board 55 Trainer board LCD trainer board 56 Sensors LM35 57 Sensors ADXL345 58 Sensors AD590 59 Sensors BMP085 60 Sensors DT11 61 Sensors NTC 62 Sensors IIS3DWBTR 63 Sensors Temperature sensorLM35) 64 Sensors Ultrasonic sensor 65 Sensors Light-dependent resistor (LDR) 66 Trainer Kit for generation and detection of PAM, PWM & PPM Power Supply 110 – 240 V, 50Hz, Lab Manuals with detail 67 PCM, DPCM, DM and ADM Trainer kit Power Supply 110 – 240 V, 50Hz, Lab Manuals with detail 68 ASK, FSK and PSK Trainer Kit for generation and detection Power Supply 110 – 240 V, 50Hz, Lab Manuals with detail 69 FHSS and DSSS Trainer Kit Power Supply 110 – 240 V, 50Hz, Lab Manuals with detail 70 QPSK and QAM Trainer Kit Power Supply 110 – 240 V, 50Hz, Lab Manuals with detail 71 Variable DC Power Supply Output: -15 to +15V (Variable), 0 – 5A 72 Digital Oscilloscope Bandwidth 50MHz to 100MHZ, Real-time Sampling Rate at least 500 MSa/s, Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GSa/s., Memory Depth: 32Kpts, Trigger types: Edge, Pulse width, Video, Slope, Alternative, Digital Filter function and Waveform Recorder function, Support pass/fail function, Auto Measure function, Save/recall types: Setups, Waveforms, CSV file, Picture, Waveform Intensity, and grid brightness can be adjusted, Standard configuration port: USB Host: Support USB flash driver save/recall function and update firmware, USB Device: Support PICT Bridge compatible printer and support PC remote control, RS232 73 Function Generator Signals of choice up to at least 50 MHz with sine , square, and triangular wave output with variable frequency and amplitude 74 Spectrum Analyzer Frequency range up to 1 GHz Resolution Bandwidth: 1 Hz to 8 MHz Noise Floor/Dynamic range: -163 dBm to +30 dBm 75 LCR meter Digital 76 Digital IC tester Test a wide range of Digital IC’s such as 74 series, 40/45 series of CMOS IC’s microcontroller, memories 77 Analog IC tester Test the general-purpose analog IC’s: OP-Amp, Voltage regulator, power amplifier, PLL, VCO 78 SMD SOLDERING EQUIPMENT Comprising of •     soldering iron with a fine tip and a brass sponge. •     thin solder is your friend, pref. 0.4 – 0.6mm. •     SMD tweezers. •     desoldering braid to the rescue! •     desk lamp. •     magnifying glass. •     SMD storage box 79 Cables/connectors Different types of electronic and electrical cables, connectors, sockets, terminations. 80 Maintenance kit Logic probe, logic pulser, current tracer, soldering iron: 25 W, 240 V, with solder materials, Soldering Iron Changeable bits 10 W, De- soldering pump, Neon tester:500 V, etc. 81 TOOLS Screw driver set (set of 5 ) 82 TOOLS Insulated combination pliers: 150 mm, Insulated side cutting pliers: 83 TOOLS 150 mm long nose pliers: 150 mm 84 TOOLS Electrician knife 85 TOOLS Tweezers: 100mm 86 TOOLS Crimping tool (pliers) 87 TOOLS Allen key set (set of 9) 88 TOOLS Magnifying lenses: 75mm with illumination 89 TOOLS Continuity tester 90 Components Passive components analog and digital Ics general purpose PCBs bread board, etc. 91 Microwave test bench X Band (Klystron based)/ or any other equivalent, Klystron Power Supply, Klystron tube with Klystron mounts, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, Detector mount, Wave guide stand, SWR meter, oscilloscope, E Plane Tee, H Plane Tee and Magic Tee, Isolator, Circulator, Directional Coupler, Horn Antenna proto type 92 Klystron power supply Voltage - 240 - 420 VDC, Variable Current - 50mA, Regulation - 0.25% for 10%, Ripple - 5mVrms (ON Load), Repeller Supply - P-18 V to -270 V DC Variable (ON Load), Filament Supply 6.3 VDC (adjustable on rear panel), Over-Load trip current - 65mA 93 Microwave test bench –X Band (GUNN Diode based) Voltage Range : 0 to 12 Volts (Positive) Current: 750mA (max.) Stability : 0.2% for ±10% variations in the mains voltage. Ripple : 1 mV rms. Modulation Voltage : 0 - ±10 Volts (P-P) Frequency : 800 – 1100 Hz. Output connector : BNC Female for Gunn Oscillator TNC Female for Pin Modulator)/ or any other equivalent, Gunn oscillator, Gun power supply, PIN modulator, Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, Detector mount, Wave guide stands, SWR Meter, Cables and accessories 94 VSWR meter Range: 70 dB input attenuation provides 60 dB in 10 dB steps, accuracy +/- 0.2 dB per 10 dB steps maximum cumulative error +/- 0.5 dB. Input Connector: BNC(F) Frequency: 1000Hz +/- 10% Power: 230 Volts AC, 50Hz, mains supply Noise level: At least 5 dB below full scale 95 Frequency meter Frequency range: 8.2 -12.4 GHz Waveguide type: WR- 90,Flange type: UG- 39/U Calibration accuracy: ± 2%, Min. insertion loss: 0.2 dB 96 PIN Modulator Bias Voltage 10 Volts ,Output Connector TNC(F) Frequency Band J X Ku K Ka 97 DSO 70 MHz, Dual Channel 98 DC Regulated Power Supply 0-30 V, 2A, Ripple free 99 Synchro transmitter and receiver trainer kit Standard make 100 Servo motor AC 101 Servo motor DC 102 ON-OFF control kit, Temperature Sensor Sensor (Thermocouple or RTD Pt 100), relay, comparator, and heater (230V supply) 103 PI controller Kit, Temperature Sensor Sensor (Thermocouple or RTD Pt 100), relay, comparator, and heater (230V supply) 104 PD controller Kit, Temperature Sensor Sensor (Thermocouple or RTD Pt 100), relay, comparator, and heater (230V supply) 105 PID controller Kit, Temperature Sensor Sensor (Thermocouple or RTD Pt 100), relay, comparator, and heater (230V supply) 106 PLC PLC system hardware and software for ladder programming, computer interface with digital and analog I/O, switches, relay lamp operation digital I/O-16 Nos. Analog I/O-4 Nos. Each I/O module shall have a LED per channel to indicate the status of each input/output. (Allen Bradly, Siemens or other suitable make) 107 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digital display, 9999 count digital multimeter measures: Vac, Vdc (1000V max), Adc , Aac (10Amp max), Resistance (0-100M ohm), Capacitance and Temperature measurement 108 Microcontroller Trainer kit Single board systems with 8K RAM, ROM memorywithbatterybackup,16X4,16X2, LCD display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility, single user cross-compiler, RS- 232, USB, interfacing facility with built in power supply. 109 Stepper Motor 50/100 RPM 110 7-segment LED Display 7-segmentLEDDisplay: -0.56in1-digit, common anode/common cathode 111 Trainer board ADC (0808) trainer board 112 Trainer board DAC (0808) trainer board 113 Trainer board LCD trainer board 114 Microcontroller board Arduino 115 Microcontroller board NodeMCU 116 Microcontroller board Raspberpi

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