
Providing Electrical Material And Street Light Maintenance Services At Wadhu Bk Tal Shirur, Pune-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Providing Electrical Material And Street Light Maintenance Services At Wadhu Bk Tal Shirur. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-12-2024. Street Lighting Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Providing Electrical Material And Street Light Maintenance Services At Wadhu Bk Tal Shirur
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Tender Details

Providing Electrical Material And Street Light Maintenance Services At Wadhu Bk Tal Shirur-2 Supplying and erecting modulartype switch6A / 10A ISImark approved make duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete.(8-1-2) 3 Supplying and erecting Street light bracket for erection ofSingle fitting made from 40 mm. dia ‘B’ class G.I. pipe 1.0 m in length along with pole cap of 300 mm length 100 mm dia duly welded as per specification no. 4 Providing cement concrete foundation including excavation for the poles 60 cm x 60 cm x 1.5 m deep in 1:3:6 cement concrete (20 x 25 mm stone metal) and 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm/45 cm dia. x 45 cm height plinth duly plastered and with necessary curing and finishing inan approved manner.(for 8.5 to 9 m poles) (16-3-2) 5 Supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole139.7x114.3 x 88.9 mm. dia with 4.5x3.65x3.25 mm thickness (4.5+ 1.75 + 1.75m) length respectively and total 8 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation.(weight 101 kg.) as per specification no.OH-PL/STP 6 Supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole165.1x139.7 x 114.3 mm. dia with 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.65 mm thickness ( 5 + 2 + 2m ) length respectively and total 9 m long with pole cap,base plate in provided foundation(weight147kg)as per specification no. OH-PL/STP 7 Supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole165.1x139.7x114.3mmdia.with4.5x4.5x3.65mmthickness (5.60+2.7+2.7m)length total 11mlong with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation(weight175kg.)asper specification no. . OH-PL/STP 8 Supplying and erecting Street light bracket made from 25mm.dia‘B’classG.I.Pipe,0.6m.inlengthalongwith polecap of 300 mm length and 80 mm dia duly welded withprovided leads as per specification 9 Supplying,TPMCB 40A to 63A in provided distribution board 10 Providing pair of duly tested rubber hand gloves as perIS:4770 suitable for working upto 22kV supply. 11 Supplying and erecting Insulated D.P. switch surfacetype/flush type 32A 240Vwith indicator lamp & fuse 12 Supplying H.C. pattern porcelain fuse bridge swith base &HC type fuse links240V 32A 13 Supplying and erecting Programmable Digital AlmanacTimer Microcontroller based with real time clock to operate on derived switching “ON” & switching “OFF” streetlight as per daily sunset and sunrise respectively 14 1.25 mm CRCA sheet metal enclosures with 20A. 15 SupplyingPVCinsulatedPVCroundsheathed1.5sq.mm (30 no. x 0.25 mm dia.) 3 core flexible multi stranded copper Industrial cable for voltage grade up to 1.1 kV (1-3-29) 16 SupplyinganderectingLEDstreetlightfittingsuitablefor 60Wlamp, includinglamp, with PF > 0.95 class IP 65 and aboveHousingofpressurediecastalluminiumalloyandheat sink 2-9-5 17 SupplyinganderectingLEDstreetlightfittingsuitablefor 26wTo36wLEDStreetLight,includinglamp,withPF>0.95classIP65andaboveHousingofpressurediecastalluminium alloy and heat sink 2-9-5 18 Supplying and erectingLED street light fitting suitable for 90 w LED Street Light, including lamp, with PF > 0.95 class IP 65 and above Housing of pressure die cast alluminium alloyand heat sink 2-9-5 19 SupplyinganderectingLEDFloodlightfittingof120W, includinglamp,withPF>0.95,classIP65andabove Housing of pressure die cast aluminium alloy and heat sink extruded aluminium complete per specification No FGODF/FLS-2 20 Supplying & LayingPVC armoured cable 4core 6sq mm 21 Supplying & LayingPVC armoured cable 4core 10 sq mm7-1-15 22 Supplying & LayingPVC armoured cable 2core 10 sq mm 23 Supplying & LayingPVC armoured cable 4core 16 sq mm 24 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 6A to 32A, B- series(for lighting) 5-3-3 25 Supplying, erecting & marking DPMCB 6 A to 32 A Bseries(for lighting) 5-3-7 26 Supplying,erecting&markingTPMCB6Ato32Ampinprovided distribution board 5-3-14 27 Supplying, erecting & marking FPMCB 40A to 63A inprovided distribution board 5-3-17 28 Supplying & erecting crimping type Aluminium lugs for cableupto 16 sq mm complete 7-10-1 29 Supplying&erectingcrimpingtypeCoperlugsforcableupto 1.5 To 6sq mm complete… 30 Supplying and erecting two pole power contactor 250V 32A for time switch complete erected on wooden block/providedbox, with necessary materials. 4-4-3 31 Supplying&erectingmainswith2x1.5sq.mmF.R copperPVC insulated wire laid in providedconduit/trunking/inside pole 1-3-3 32 SupplyinganderectingmainswithISImarkWP2x6sq. mm. 1100 V. Grade aluminium PVC insulated PVCsheathed wires on G.I. bearer wire No. 8 SWG 1-4-3 33 SupplyinganderectingmainswithISI markWP2 x2.5 sq mm. 1100 V. Grade aluminium PVC insulated PVCsheathed wires on G.I. bearer wire 34 Supplying and erecting mains with ISI mark WP2 x 10.00 sq mm. 1100 V. Grade aluminium PVC insulated PVCsheathed wires on G.I. bearer wire 35 25 Amp, 32 Amp Three Phase L/T Contactor 36 2.5 Sq. mm Multistand Copper Wire 37 Insulation Tape 38 Water Proof Tape 39 Cable Joint Kit upto 16 Sq. MM Cable 40 Street Light Pole Box FRP 41 Cement Street Light Pole Clamp 42 M.S. Street Light Pole Clamp 43 Servicing And Primary Maintenance of Street Light Pole 1 vis 44 Supplying and laying (including excavation of suitable width & 45 Servicing And Primary Maintenance For Street Light Pole. 46 Light Poles painting in Silver Colour 47 26W LED Light To 100W LED Light Repairing 48 Old Pole Shifting, Rework and Foundation Work per Poleetc. 49 Supply &Fixing of Shakle Hardware with Nut Bolt 50 Supply and Installation of Mini Feeder Pillar with Stand 51 RCC Road Cheasling Charges with Tractor Breaker (1 Hours 52 Tree Triming for Overhead Line 53 SupplyinganderectingSolarpanelcomprising 54 Supplying and erecting approved makebattery with capacity 55 ServicingAndPrimaryMaintenanceofSolarLightPole1 56 Solar Light Fixture with Light 9W / 12W Aluminim Dia Casting with Charge Controller & Lithinium Battery WithAuto On / Off System.. 57 Providing Rental basis Hydraulic Bucket Vehicle of Highth 13 58 7-1-33 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armouredcable 4 core 70 sq. mm. aluminium conductor with 59 7-1-31 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armouredcable 4 core 35 sq. mm 60 7-1-34Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armouredcable 4 core 95 sq. mm 61 7-1-35 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured 62 5-3-4 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 40A to 63A C- series (for motor/power) in provided distribution board asper specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 63 5-3-5 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 40A to 63A, B-series (for lighting) in provided distribution board as per specification no. SWSWR/ MCB 64 5-3-8 Supplying, erecting & marking DPMCB 40A to 63A, C- series (for motor/power) in provided distribution board asper specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 65 5-3-9 Supplying, erecting & marking DPMCB 40A to 63A, B- series (for lighting) in provided distribution board as perspecification no. SWSWR/ MCB 66 5-3-15 Supplying, erecting & marking TPMCB 40A to 63A inprovided distribution board as per specification no. SW- SWR/MCB 67 5-3-17 Supplying, erecting & marking FPMCB 40A to 63A in provided distribution board as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCB 68 5-3-27 Supplying, fixing and commissioning MCB type change over switch 2 pole, 25 A with 3 positions (I-O-II) with centre off position as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBCOS 69 5-3-28 Supplying, fixing and commissioning MCB type change over switch 2 pole, 40 A with 3 positions (I-O-II) with centre off position as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBCOS 70 5-3-29Supplying, fixing and commissioning MCB type change over switch 2 pole, 63 A with 3 positions (I-O-II) with centre off position as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBCOS 71 5-3-32 Supplying, fixing and commissioning MCB type change over switch 4 pole, 63A with 3 positions (I-O-II) with centre off position as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBCOS 72 7-9-4 Supplying & erecting crimping type copper lugs for cable 50 sq. mm. complete as per specification no. CB-CL/CU 73 7-9-5 Supplying & erecting crimping type copper lugs for cable 70 sq. mm. complete as per specification no. CB-CL/CU 74 7-9-7 Supplying & erecting crimping type copper lugs forcable 120 sq.mm. complete as per specification no. CB- CL/CU 75 4-4-5 Supplying and erecting four pole power contactor 430 V, 40 A for time switch complete erected on providedwooden block/ box, with necessary materials. 76 supplying and erecting ICDP Switch 10A to 63A 77 Cable Joint Kit for armoured cable 20 upto 120Sq. MMCable 78 GI Tar 79 Ahuja Speaker System(PA) 110w to 250w with mic 80 Kit kat Type fuse 16A 32A 63A 120A 81 Taparia Tester 82 Spaner Set 83 Control Panel HRC Fuse 84 Supplying And Erecting Transformer Fidder Piller 85 5-2-19 Supplying & erecting street light control panel in 86 2-5-5 Supplying and erecting LED street light fitting suitable 87 Service Charges For Maintainance Of Aboe Material Per Day

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INR 236 /-
INR 1000.0 /-
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