Auction Sale Of Cut Up Iron And Steel Scrap Of Condemned Icf Bg Coaches, 02=04 Units With Non ?Ferrous, Wood, Pvc And Other Coach Items Attachment Excluding Complete Bogie Assembly Coach No. 04425 Wgs /Ecr & 024110 Gs/Ecr Condemnation Details , Built Up Year 08/2004 And 02/2002 , Place Of Condemnation Bandikui Yard Jp Division. Exluded Items List As Per Pcme Nwr Crse Chg Nwr L.No. Nwr/Hq/M/C&W/24/Loose Dated-22.12.2021Coach Items:-1. Irs Side Buffer Casing For Coaching Stock Qty. 08 Nos = Gross Wt. 0.32 Mt, 2. Buffer Plunger In Riveted Qty. 08 Nos= Gross Wt. 0.32 Mt, 3. Draw Hook Qty. 04 Nos.= Gross Wt. 0.12 Mt, 4.Draw Bar With Castle For Draw Gear Arrangment Qty. 04 Nos= 0.08 Mt, 5. Distributor Valve Without Common Pipe Bracket Qty. 02 Nos= 0.1 Mt, 6. Auxiliary Reservoir 200 Ltrs Qty. 02 Nos.=0.2 Mt, 7. Centre Pivot Pin Qty. 04 Nos.= 0.2 Mt, 8. Draft Key Qty. 04 Nos.= 0.08 Mt, 9. Enhanced Capacity Screw Coupling Assembly Qty. 04 Nos.=0.2 Mt, 10. Wearing Piece For Side Bearer Qty. 08 Nos.= 0.024 Mt, 11. Buffring Spring Parting Plate Size-41X178x5 Mm Qty. 32 Nos.= 0.16 Mt Total Coach Itmes Net Weight= 1.804 Mt, Bogie Items 17. Bogie Complete With Wheel Set Assembly With All Fitting (1. Brake Beam, 2. Brake Block Hanger, 3. Axle Box Hosing, 4. Lower Spring Seat, 5. Equalising Stay For Lower Spring Beam, 6. Pull Rod Size-32X125x524mm, 7. Lower Spring Beam For Non Ac16t, 8. Anchor Link, 9. Double Acting Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, 10. Bg Coaching Axles 16.25 Tonnes Rough, 11. Bg Coaching Wheels, 12. Helical Spring For Axi Box(Nac), 13. Helical Spring For Bogie Bolster, 14. 203 Mm Air Brake Cylinder With Slack Adjuster, 15. Adjuster For Brake Block, 16. Bogie Frame Arrangement) 04 Nos.= 24 Mt Note:-Wearing Piece 04 Nos And 16 Nos Dashpot Spring Available With Sse/C&W/Bki And Bio-Tank Not Available With Coach.Total Weight Of Excluded Item= 25.804Summary Of Saleable Quantities Of Condemned Coaches (All Weights In Tones) (Coaches No. 024110 & 04425) Type Gs/Ecr & Wgs/Ecr= Tare Weight=73.390 Mt, Water Tank + Alternator + Fan + Battery (Removed By Workshop)= 02.072 Mt, Effective Tare Weight= 71.318 Mt, Excluded Item Weight= 25.804 Mt, (Floor Type Boord) Total Deducation Weight= 27.876 Mt, Net Saleable Weight= 45.514 Mt, Total Saleable Qty.(Approx Weight In Mt)- S/Steel =0.264 Mt, Aluminum+(Electrical Aluminum) (1.334+0.024)=1.358 Mt, Rubber= 0.024 Mt, Wooden= 04.320 Mt, Electrical Copper=0.090 Mt, Electrical Lead= 0.340 Mt, Ferrous= 39.118 Mt