
Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Mentioned Items -, Prayagraj-Uttar Pradesh

Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology Allahabad has published Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Mentioned Items -. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-12-2024. Scrap Tenders in Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Mentioned Items -
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Mentioned Items - Lummer bradhum Photometer Lummer bradhum Photometer Phols commutator Phols commutator Lummer bradhum Photometer Lummer bradhum Photometer Galvanometer Galvanometer Constant water level head Lummer bradhum Photometer Galvanometer Galvanometer Plate holder Phols commutator Physical balance Physical balance Physical balance Moving coil suspended type dead beat galvanometer with lamp and scale etc. Earth inductor Earth inductor Newton law of cooling apparatus Newton law of cooling apparatus Newton law of cooling apparatus Post office box Post office box Post office box Battery Ballistic galvanometer w/o lamp and scale arrangement Ballistic galvanometer w/o lamp and scale arrangement Ballistic galvanometer w/o lamp and scale arrangement Constant water level head Clamp and stand Clamp and stand Seals friction apparatus Stop clock Stop clock Stop clock Stop clock Stop clock Electric drill Zeiss external mirror Power meter im1 for laser H.N.A.188 Elation 188 of laser n.a. Helmholtz galvanometer Lamp, scale arrangement Lamp, scale arrangement Galvanometer Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Ammeter Stove Stove Two way key with two tape Two way key with two tape Viscosity apparatus rotting tape e/m apparatus. By magnetic focusing method e/m apparatus. By magnetic focusing method e/m apparatus. By magnetic focusing method e/m apparatus. By magnetic focusing method Reversing key Nail puller Plug key two way Plug key two way Plug key two way Plug key two way Flux meter Flux meter Spherometer Spherometer Sprit level Tripod stand Tripod stand Copper calorimeter Post office box Post office box Battery charger Battery charger Stefan’s constant Stefan’s constant Nodal slide assembly with bench Nodal slide assembly with bench Nodal slide assembly with bench Research optical bench Lamp and scale K gm slotted weight 6 set Solenoid Decade condenser Newton’s ring app. Newton’s ring app. Newton’s ring app. Vibrating bar for me ides app. Wire potentiometer Wire potentiometer Wire potentiometer Cross motion microscope Cross motion microscope Optical bench Micro eye piece Kelvin’s double bridge Conductivity attachment Mercury vapor lamp Cork boring machine Platinum Resistanes thermometer Clement and disarm apparatuses Clement and disarm apparatuses Plate from balance Tangent galvanometers Tangent galvanometers Tangent galvanometers Tangent galvanometers High resistance box solenoid solenoid Morse key Horse shoe magnet Horse shoe magnet Kind’s tube Dip circle Chart frame (without glass) Double type rheostat Induction coil X rays tube Positive ray tube Cathode ray tube Cathode ray tube Discharge tube Galvanometer 3 baton type Galvanometer 3 baton type Galvanometer 3 baton type cathetometer Aneroid barometer Taping key Taping key Taping key Condenser 1 MDF Condenser 0.5 MDF Condenser 1.0 MDF Mill icon oil drop experiment Mill icon oil drop experiment Vernier calipers Vernier calipers Vernier calipers Vernier calipers Vernier calipers Maximum and minimum thermometer Precision resistance standard 1 ohm Precision resistance standard 1 ohm Step down transformer Pinch cock mohar’s strong Lamp enclosure Lamp enclosure T.Tube Brass N.P. Charge and discharge key Charge and discharge key Weston standard cell Weston standard cell Automiser Automiser Tapered pole pieces Screw Driver sets Commutator 4plug type Commutator 4plug type Commutator 4plug type Commutator 4plug type Diamond point cutter Sprit leavel 3’’ long Glazing machine size 10*4 inch Roller squeezer Glazing sheet Plastic dish (12``x15``) K.B. Document printer Hot cold air blower Hot cold air blower Stabilizer power supply Bar magnet size 4inch Bar magnet size 3 inch Bar magnet size 3 inch Bar magnet size 3 inch Bar magnet size 3 inch Revolt Portable potentiometer Slotted weight set 5 100gms Power supply type ccp100 Straight cut trimmer Omega enlarger model606 Slotted weight set of 5(200)gm Leak transformer sodium vapor lamp Enameled dish size 16*20 inch Enameled dish size 12*15 inch Screw pinch clip [9 of 17] Resistance box Resistance box R.F. oscillator Sartorius weight box Analytic balance Oscilloscope Oscilloscope Oscilloscope Rams den eye piece Rams den eye piece Rams den eye piece Microscope objective working distance 2 inch Microscope objective working distance 2 inch Demonstration Ammeter Demostration D.C. Voltmeter Demonstration A.C Voltmeter Demonstration Galvanometer Tripod stand for camera Lens Hood Vernier Microscope Vernier Microscope Vernier Microscope Vernier Microscope Vernier Microscope Spanthariscope Plane Transmission Grating Micro ammeter Micro ammeter Micro ammeter Milli-voltmeter Milli-voltmeter Milli-voltmeter Milli-voltmeter Milli-voltmeter Battery Eliminator Battery Eliminator Battery Eliminator Battery Eliminator Battery Eliminator Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Standard Resistance coil Screw Gauge Screw Gauge Screw Gauge Screw Gauge Screw Gauge Screw Gauge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Carey Foster Bridge Bread Board Bread Board Stand for Bread Board Component storing rack Component storing rack Component storing rack Vacuum coating unit Wave length spectrometer I.F. test oscillator Tool kit Box for Valve R.F. signal generator Vacuum tube voltmeter Constant deviation prism Metal camera Spectrographic slit with adapter Bar fit condensing lenses Pulse generator Bar Accessory bar46 inch Extension manual b-339 (UNESCO) Compass box Compass box Solid state ultrasonic cleaner Cal lender and barns apparatus Cal lender and barns apparatus Cal lender and barns apparatus Cal lender and barns apparatus Cal lender and barns apparatus Daniel Cell Daniel Cell Daniel Cell Daniel Cell Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Rheostat Soldering iron Remington rend typewriter Measuring tape Measuring tape Measuring tape Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Milli ammeter Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiometer Jaegers’ apparatus Jaegers’ apparatus Electronic calculator Polarimeter Biquartz Plug key one way Plug key one way Plug key one way Plug key one way Plug key one way Copper steam boiler Copper steam boiler Copper steam boiler Sonometer Sonometer Sonometer Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Alkaline cell Sextant Sextant Sextant Sextant Sextant Sextant Sextant Metal penning gauge. Head Adopter of penning gauge Sodium lamp with auto transformer Sodium lamp with auto transformer Viscosity apparatus Viscosity apparatus Viscosity apparatus Avometer Avometer Avometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Tuning fork Tuning fork Tuning fork Stop watch Stop watch Stop watch Stop watch Stop watch Lummer bradhum Photometer Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Searls thermal conductivity apparatus Vibration magnetometer Vibration magnetometer Vibration magnetometer Vibration magnetometer Vibration magnetometer Deflection magnetometer Deflection magnetometer Deflection magnetometer Deflection magnetometer Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Voltmeter High intensity Monocromator Motor drive Lamp housing for HM 104 R.L.C. circuit Diode Characteristic Apparatus Optical bench Transformer winding machine Scientific calculator Telescope with stand Hall effect apparatus Verification of law of photoelectric Planck’s constant apparatus Planck’s constant apparatus Planck’s constant apparatus e/m by helical method e/m by helical method e/m by magic eye method Bahimd compensator Compelete Step-down transformer Ten wire potentiometer Ten wire potentiometer Ten wire potentiometer e/m magnetron method Tangent galvanometer Tangent galvanometer Tangent galvanometer Tangent galvanometer Tangent galvanometer Electrically power supply Ultrasonic diffraction apparatus electronic Electronic Standard cell Michelson interferometer Traveling microscope Traveling microscope Polaroid Polarizer and analyzer Battery charger com eliminator Battery charger com eliminator Viscosity apparatus Viscosity (Searle’s pattern viscometer) Viscosity (Searle’s pattern viscometer) Viscosity (Searle’s pattern viscometer) Viscosity (Searle’s pattern viscometer) Overhead, projector Slide projector Hot plate Hot plate Water still stainless steel Water still stainless steel Screen for projector with tripod stand Spectrometer prism Steam generator 2 ltr. Viscosity apparatus manometer type Plug key (four way type ) Table lamp Table lamp Thermal conductivity of rubber tubing Thermal conductivity of rubber tubing Thermal conductivity of rubber tubing Precision dial Pattern Newton’s ring etc. Geiger counting system Type GC 602 End window GM Detector type GM 120 End window GM Detector type GM 120 Stand for End window gm detector [16 of 17] Aluminum absorber set type AA 270 Radioactive source kit.(containing one gamma &beta source) Radioactive source kit.(containing one gamma &beta source) Grinding and Polishing Machine Strong beta source of high activity Physical balance Physical balance e/m bay bar magnet type e/m bay bar magnet type Sonia multi meter p-3 Dial type resistance box (5 dial) Dial type resistance box (5 dial) Dial type resistance box (04 dial) Multi meter sawn BTR 300 Eliminator0-12V 500 ma Eliminator0-12V 500 ma Eliminator0-12V 500 ma Bar magnet 1.5 inch Diamond saw machine Precession auto collimator (micro tic-type) Workshop auto collimator (angle Dekker) Foucault’s knife edge test apparatus Strain viewer Fizeau interferometer Optical spectrometer Electrical balance optical cap.500 gm Electrical balance optical cap. 200 gm Stefan’s Law Stefan’s Law Stefan’s Law Stefan’s Law Stefan’s Law B.H. curve apparatus w/oscilloscope B.H. curve apparatus w/oscilloscope B.H. curve apparatus w/oscilloscope Stewart Gee tangent Galvanometer wooden D. c. galvanometer and sensitive micro D. c. galvanometer and sensitive micro Stop watch 1/10 sec racer, Stop watch 1/10 sec racer, [17 of 17] Vernier Calipers in velvet Inco Screw Gauge Traveling microscope for Newton’s ring experiment 8.1.99 Sodium lamp Alkaline cell125 AH Alkaline cell125 AH Traveling microscope vertical and horizontal movement Traveling microscope vertical and horizontal movement Traveling microscope vertical and horizontal movement Fractional box resistance box range 1to5 ohms Fractional box resistance box range 1to5 ohms Rheostat 30/100/ ohms Rheostat 30/100/ ohms Rheostat 30/100/ ohms Resistivity of semi conductor by four robe method Alkaline accumulator 125AH2.4 volt Alkaline accumulator 125AH2.4 volt Newton’s ring complete set Carey fosters bridge Galvanometer0-30 range Newton’s ring exp. Tangent galvanometer Fresnel’s biprism experiment. (compl. etc set.) Helmholtz Galvanometer Power Supply(regulated) Hot air oven .

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