
Amrut Sarovar No.1, Patan-Gujarat

Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency has published Amrut Sarovar No.1. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-12-2024. Lake Development Tenders in Patan Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Amrut Sarovar No.1
Open Tender

Tender Details

Amrut Sarovar No.1; Deepening of Pond 1 0.60 Jungle clearance of specified category and ushes for canal/dam work as directed with disposig materials etc. complete. (Excluding tree of girth above 0.5mt.) (b) For medium dence (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 6, Item No. 5(b), Pg. No.25) 20013.84 Ha 12008.30 2 3500.00 Excavation for depening of pond / check Dam including transporting and spreading the excavated material for raising of embakment in uniform layer or as directed including dressing breaking clods etc for leap up to 1 km and all lift without rolling and watering etc. complete. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 4, Item No. 22, Pg. No.15) 69.30 Cum . 495148.50 Paver Block 1 30.75 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M15 using cement sand and machine crushed course aggregate including providing necessary form work compaction, finishing and curing as required etc complete. (SOR N.W.W&K.D P.No.12, I.No.5) 4293.63 Cum. 132029.12 2 205.00 Providing and fixing pre-cast rubber dye / stel dye inter locking concrete block 60mm thick with grade of concrete M300 pneumatic compressed / vibrated mechanically and as per approved design confirming to IS 15658 : 2006 including 35 mm sand layer for leveling and filling the joint with sand in proper line and level as per guidelines of IRC : SP 63-2018 etc Complete. (SOR R&B 2021-22, Pg No. 96, Item NO.14033) 725.84 Sqm. 148797.20 3 23.04 Back fill with selected earth from out side borrow area or from excavated useful material including watering, ramming, consolidation etc. with pneumatic temping and lead upto 1.0 Km. and all lift etc. completed. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 2, Item No. 24, Pg. No.8) 88.11 Cum. 2030.05 4 1.00 Providing & fixing R.C.C. Sign board 0.90 x 1.20 mtr with good writing desing as per site incharge. (MR) 4500.00 No. 4500.00 Pond In late 1 33.00 Excavation for depening of pond / check Dam including transporting and spreading the excavated material for raising of embakment in uniform layer or as directed including dressing breaking clods etc for leap up to 1 km and all lift without rolling and watering etc. complete. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 4, Item No. 22, Pg. No.15) 69.30 Cum. 2286.90 2 48.75 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M15 using cement sand and machine crushed course aggrigate including providing nesessary form work compaction, finishing and curring as required etc complete. (SOR N.W.W&K.D P.No.12, I.No.5) 4293.63 Cum. 209314.46 3 60.00 Providing cement plaster 20mm thick in C.M. (1:3) including racking out joints 20 mm deep including smooth finishing etc. complete. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 2, Item No. 26, Pg. No.8) 198.99 Sqm. 11939.40 4 335.89 Back fill with selected earth from out side borrow area or from excavated usefull material including watering, ramming, consolidation etc. with pneumatic templing and lead upto 1.0 Km. and all lift etc. completed. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 2, Item No. 24, Pg. No.8) 88.11 Cum. 29595.27 5 1.00 Providing and fixing marble plate 45cms x 60 cms size including engraving for letters as directed etc. complete. (S.O.R. NWS & KD 2023-24, Chpt. 3, Item No. 11, Pg. No.11) 989.00 No. 989.00

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 900 /-
INR 12368.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.36 Lakhs /-
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