
Bids Are Invited For Spare Electro Mechanical Relay Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm25 1004A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 Cj1015 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 1000A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam23 2541A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 , Bastar-Chhattisgarh

Ministry Of Steel has published Bids Are Invited For Spare Electro Mechanical Relay Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm25 1004A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 Cj1015 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 1000A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam23 2541A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 . Submission Date for this Tender is 20-01-2025. Electrical Products Tenders in Bastar Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For Spare Electro Mechanical Relay Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm25 1004A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 Cj1015 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 1000A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam23 2541A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Spare Electro Mechanical Relay Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm25 1004A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 Cj1015 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 1000A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam23 2541A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 2530A , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm11 11J 10 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm11 11J100 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa21zg 02Fch , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vajhm23 1003Bb , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 1004Aj , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa11yf 402Fch , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa11yf 7752Ca , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa11yf , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa11yf 8407F , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa21zg 1000Ba , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vagm22a F171g , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vtt11zg 23Lch , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Ske11bf 053Bch , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Cdg11af 13Sach , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa21zg 750Ba , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaj105 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm25 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam11 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvaam23 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvapm32 , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Vaa11yf 0753Ba , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Gbmvaxm , Ele Mech Rly Electro G E Mvajm14 Total Quantity : 132

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 13-01-2025 20-01-2025

Key Value

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