Equipments For Electrical Engineering Lab In The Premises Of Government Polytechnic, Nawada--1 Voltage Source DC (12V) 5 2 Digital Multimeter 10 3 Stop watch 10 4 Connecting Leads 50 5 Alligator Clips 50 6 Ammeter of different ranges 05 Nos. of Each range 0-50 mA& 0- 250 mA & 0-1 A & 0-5 A 20 7 Wattmeter, 05 Each (0-75 W & 0-150 W) 10 8 Rheostat of different size, 05 Each (5A,8.5 Ohm) 5 9 Resister, Inductor, Capacitor of different value (Ω, k Ω, mH, microF) 10 Each 30 10 Auto transformer 1 KVA 2 11 Resonance RLC Kit 5 12 Insulated Copper Wires (1.5 1 13 Dual Trace Oscilloscope (Tektronic MDO 3000 Series) 2 14 Circuit Kit for verification of Superposition Theorem AC & DC 6 15 Circuit Kit for verification of Thevenins AC & DC 6 Theorem 16 Circuit Kit for verification of Nortons Theorem AC & DC 6 17 Circuit Kit for verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem AC & DC 6 18 AC function Generator 1 Kelvin’s Double bridge test kit Compact, portable Kelvin double bridge designed 6 2 Wheatstone bridge test kit compact, portable Kelvin double bridge designed 6 3 D.C. Potentiometer kit with 12v (D.C.) standard cell 12v (D.C.) standard cell 6 4 Temperature transducer kit Temperature Transducer (RTD & IC335) Experiment Board and Trainer Kit 6 5 Transformer oil dielectric strength testing kit upto 30kv 30KV 6 6 Ammeter 0-5A and 0-10A - Voltmeter 0- 300v and 0- 600v 0-1A, 0-5A and 0- 300v 6 7 1-ph and 3-ph energy meter testing kit 1-ph and 3-ph energy meter 6 8 Rheostats of various ranges 6 9 Digital multimeter 1000V AC/DC; 10A AC/DC (with test leads and current jacks); resistance to 50 MΩ; capacitance to 10,000 μF, frequency to 100 kHz; 10 temperature from -40 ℃ to 400 ℃. 10 Analog multimeter 12 ranges. 500 Volts AC/DC. DC milliamps 10 11 Wattmeter (0-75w), (0-150w) and (0-350w) 6 12 Meggar 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V and 1000 V /1000 Mega ohm Insulation 5 13 Earth tester 0-20Ω - 200Ω 1 D.C. shunt generator 110v/220v/230v, 8A, 5kw Along with D.C. motor as prime mover. 1 2 D.C. series generator 110v/220v/230v, 8A, 5kw Along with D.C. motor as prime mover. 2 4 D.C. shunt motor, 3H.P., 220v, 1500 rpm With mechanical breaking arrangement 1 5 D.C. series motor, 3 H.P., 220v, 1500 rpm With mechanical breaking arrangement 2 6 Three point D.C. motor starter 0-220V, 0-10A 3 7 Four point D.C. motor starter 0-220V, 0-10A 5 8 D.C. voltmer (0-230v), D.C. ammeter (0- 10A) 0-300V, 0-15A 1+2 9 1-ph transformer, 230/230v, 230/115v, 3kva with tapping at 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% housed in steel box 230/230v, 230/115v, 3kva with tapping at 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% housed in steel box with educational type terminals provided with control panel. (for O.C. and 2 with educational type terminals provided with control panel. (for O.C. and S.C. test) consists of the following accessories. S.C. test) consists of the following accessories.a) MCB (16A, 600v) – 1 pc b) Fuse 10A – 1Pc c) Analog Ammeter (0- 1A) – 1 Pc d) Analog ammeter (0-5A) – 1 Pc e) Analog voltmeter (0-50A) (0- 300v) – 1 Pc each f) Wattmeter 1/2A, 150/300v g) Wattmeter 5/10A, 75/150v h) 1-PHASE auto transformer (0- 270v), 5kVA i) Loading rheostat 1- PHASE 10 3-Phase transformer 400/230v, Y connected, 10A 2 11 1-ph transformer 220/110v, 13.62/27.25A, 3KVA 2 1 3-ph Induction motor squirrel cage type, 400v a.c., 50Hz, 5H.P., 8A 1400 rpm with control panel and loading arrangement 2 2 Study model of star-delta starter, 415/470v, 15A for 5 H.P. motor 2 3 Study model of Autotransforme r starter for 3- Phase 5 H.P. induction motor with switching arrangement. 3-Phase 5 H.P. induction motor with switching arrangement. 2 4 3-pahse Synchronous capacitor Three Phase, 415V±10%, 50Hz Machines Specification (2 nos.) AC Ammeter : 10A DC Ammeter : 10A AC Voltmeter : 450V DC Voltmeter : 300V Wattmeter : 1500W 1 5 Digital Tacho Meter 0 to 1500 RPM 5 6 Stroboscope 2