
Tender For As Per The Requirements Of Panchgani Municipal Council, Painting, Polishing Work, Repair And Maintenance Of Wooden Doors, Windows, Etc. For The Financial Year 2024-25, As Per The Guidelines Of The Municipal Council - Providing And Applying Two , Satara-Maharashtra

Local Bodies has published Tender For As Per The Requirements Of Panchgani Municipal Council, Painting, Polishing Work, Repair And Maintenance Of Wooden Doors, Windows, Etc. For The Financial Year 2024-25, As Per The Guidelines Of The Municipal Council - Providing And Applying Two . Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2024. Painting Tenders in Satara Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For As Per The Requirements Of Panchgani Municipal Council, Painting, Polishing Work, Repair And Maintenance Of Wooden Doors, Windows, Etc. For The Financial Year 2024-25, As Per The Guidelines Of The Municipal Council - Providing And Applying Two
Open Tender

Tender Details

As per the requirements of Panchgani Municipal Council, painting, polishing work, repair and maintenance of wooden doors, windows, etc. for the financial year 2024-25, as per the guidelines of the Municipal Council. - Providing and applying two coats of lead/zinc base oil paint/bituminous paint of approved colourandshade tonewwoodworkandfiberboardsincludingpreparingthesurface, knotting, scaffolding if necessary,excluding primer coat etc. complete. (SR. No. 1069. , SSR No. 35.01, BDO 1 Page No. 164) 2 Providing andapplying one coatoflead/zincbase oilpaint/bituminouspaintofapproved colour and shadetooldwoodworkpreviouslypaintedandfiberboardsincludingifnecessaryscaffolding,preparingsurface excluding primer coat etc. complete. (SR. No. 1070. , SSR No. 35.02, BDO 2 Page No. 164) 3 Providing and applying two coats of lead/zinc base oil paint/bituminious paint of approved colour and shade to old wood work and fiber boards previously painted including if necessary scaffolding, preparing the surfaceexcluding priming coat etc.complete. (SR. No. 1071. , SSR No. 35.03, BDO 2A, Page No. 164) 4 Providing and applying two coats of lead/zinc base oil paint/ bituminious paint of approved colourtonew structural steel work and iron work in buildings including scaffolding ifnecessary,cleaningandpreparing the surface etc.complete. (excluding primer coat). (SR. No. 1072. , SSR No. 35.04, BDO 3 Page No. 164) 5 Providingandapplyingonecoatofaluminiumpaintofapprovedmaketonewstructuralsteelwork in building and workshop including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing surface(excludingprimer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1073. , SSR No. 35.05, BDO 4 Page No. 164) 6 Providingandapplying2coatsofalluminiumpaintofapprovedmaketonewstructuralsteelworkin buildingsandworkshopsincluding scaffolding ifnecessary,cleaning andpreparing the surface(excludingprimer coat)etc.complete. (SR. No. 1074. , SSR No. 35.06, BDO 4A, Page No. 164) 7 Providing andapplying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour to new /old structural steel workandwoodworkinbuildings,includingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthesurface(excluding primer coat) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1075. , SSR No. 35.07, BDO 5 Page No. 164) 8 Providing and applying one coat of flat oil paint of approved colour to the old structural steel workandironworkpreviouslypaintedinbuildingincludingscaffolding,ifnecessary, cleaning and preparing surface (excluding primer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1076. , SSR No. 35.08, BDO 6 Page No. 164) 9 Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour to the old structural steel workandironwork previously painted in building including scaffolding, if necessary,cleaningandpreparingthe surface (excluding primer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1077. , SSR No. 35.09, BDO 6A Page No. 164) 10 Providing and applying one coat of flat oil paint of approved colour and shade to internal / externalplasteredsurfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthe surface (excluding primer coat) etc. complete (SR. No. 1078. , SSR No. 35.10, BDO 7 Page No. 164) 11 Providingandapplyingtwocoats(exteriorquality) offlatoilpaintofapprovedcolourandshadetothe plasteredsurfaceinbuildingsandworkshopsincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningthesurfaceandpreparing surface etc. complete. (excluding primer coat) (SR. No. 1079. , SSR No. 35.11,O, Page No. 164) 12 Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour and shade to internal / externalplastered surfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthe surface (excluding primer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1080. , SSR No. 35.12, BDO 7A, Page No. 164) 13 Providingandapplyingtwocoatsofwaterproofcementpaintofapprovedmanufactureandofapproved colourtotheplasteredsurfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthesurface,watering for two days etc.complete. (SR. No. 1081. , SSR No. 35.13, BDO 8, Page No. 164) 14 Providingandapplyingtwocoatsofwaterproofcementpaintofapprovedmanufactureandofapproved colourtoold plasteredsurfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthesurface,watering for two days etc.complete. (SR. No. 1082. , SSR No. 35.14, Page No. 164) 15 Providing andapplying three coatsof waterproof cementpaint ofapprovedmanufacture andofapproved colourto newplasteredsurfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthesurface,watering for two days etc. complete. (SR. No. 1083. , SSR No. 35.15,Page No. 165) 16 Providing andapplying three coatsof waterproof cementpaint ofapprovedmanufacture andofapprovedcolourtoold plasteredsurfacesincludingscaffoldingifnecessary,cleaningandpreparingthesurface, watering for two days etc. complete. (SR. No. 1084. , SSR No. 35.16,Page No. 165) 17 Removing old paint from steel andother metal surfaces andmaking the surfaces even with hand scrapping, scaffolding etc. complete. (SR. No. 1085. , SSR No. 35.18, BDO 8B Page No. 165) 18 Providingandapplyingprimingcoatovernewwoodandwoodbasedsurfaces,including preparing the surfacebythoroughlycleaningoil,grease,dirtandotherforeignmatter,sandpaperingandknotting,scaffolding etc. complete. (SR. No. 1086. , SSR No. 35.19, BDO 8C Page No. 165) 19 Providing andapplying priming coat over new/oldsteel andothermetal surfacesincluding preparingthe surface by thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter andscoured with wire brushes,finesteelwool,scrappersandsandpaper,scaffoldingetc.complete. (SR. No. 1087. , SSR No. 35.20, BDO 8D Page No. 165) 20 Providing and applying priming coat on concrete/ masonary/ Asbestos Cement plasteredsurfaces includingscaffoldingifnecessary,preparingthesurfacebythoroughlycleaningoil,grease,dirtandotherforeign matter and sand papering as required etc. complete. (SR. No. 1088. , SSR No. 35.21, BDO 8E, Page No. 165) 21 Providing and applying one coatof sealcement primerof approved manufacture and shedincluding scaffolding preparing the surface by cleaning dirt and other foreign matters,scrappingifnecessaryincluding scaffolding etc. complete. (SR. No. 1089, SSR No. 35.22, BDO 8F Page No. 165) 22 Providing and applying pearl/ luster finish paint of approved colour and shade to the existing plaster surface including scaffolding, preparing the surface, applying the acrylic wall putti etc.complete. (SR. No. 1090. , SSR No. 35.23, BDO,Page No. 165) 23 Providing and applying two coats of textured synthetic paint of approved shade and quality andonecoatof primerbeforeapplyingtexturedpaintincludingscaffoldingifnecessary preparing surface by thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other materials as required, etc. complete. (SR. No. 1091. , SSR No. 35.24, BDO, Page No. 165) 24 Providingand applyingtwocoatsof exterioracraylicemulsion paintconfirmingto corresponding I.S. of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces includingcleaning,preparingthe plastersurface,applyingprimercoat,scaffoldingif necessary , and watering the surface for two days etccomplete. (SR. No. 1092. , SSR No. 35.25, BDO,Page No. 165) 25 Providing and applying two coats of exteriorweather shield paint of approved manufacture andofapproved colourtotheplasteredsurfacesincludingcleaning,preparingtheplaster surface ,applying primer coat,scaffolding if necessary, and watering the surface for two days etccomplete.NOTE: ForItem Number 15 to 18 prior approval of Superintending Engineer will be necessary (SR. No. 1093. , SSR No. 35.26, BDO,Page No. 165) 26 Providing and applying external raincoat painting with crack fillingacrylic polymer basedchemical compoundcoatingtotheexternalsurfaceofwallstopreventwaterseepageinthemasonrywallsduring monsoonaddedwithrequiredshadeSteinertogiverequiredshadetothesurfaceintwocoats.Including providing three coatofpriming ofpolymerbaseprimerincludingpreparing surfacescrapping theexisting looseoldpaint,removinglooseparticlesofsand on the surface opening and cleaning the cracks developed in theexternalplaster, removinglooseparticlesbychiseling,fillingcracksbychemicals compoundofapproved makewithproperpenetrationetc.CoatingofRaincoatwiththehelpofbrush andasper instructions andspecificationgivenby manufacturerandwithinstructionfrom Engineer in- charge. Work shall be executed by certified applicator only and covering gurantee of 3 years on court stamp paper of Rs. 500/- and necessary testing etc. complete. (SR. No. 1094. , SSR No. 35.29, BDO, Page No. 166) 27 Providingandapplyingwhite-washinonecoatonold/newplasteredormasonrysurfacesandasbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming downetc. complete. (SR. No. 1095, SSR No. 36.02, BDP 1 Page No. 167) 28 Providing andapplying white-washintwocoatsonold/newplasteredormasonrysurfacesandasbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down etc. complete.(SR. No. 1096, SSR No. 36.03, BDP 1A Page No. 167) 29 Providingandapplyingcolour-washofapprovedcolourandshadeinonecoattonewsurfaceincluding scaffolding, brushing and brooming down (excluding base coats of white wash) etc.complete. (SR. No. 1097, SSR No. 36.04, BDP 2 Page No. 167) 30 Providing and applying colour-wash of approved colour and shade in two coats to newsurface includingscaffolding,brushingandbroomingdown(excludingbasecoatofwhite-wash) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1098, SSR No. 36.05, BDP 2A Page No. 167) 31 Providing and applying colour-wash of approved colour and shade in one coat to old surfaces which are to berecolouredincludingscaffolding,brushingandbroomingdown.(excludingbasecoatofwhitewash)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1099, SSR No. 36.06, BDP 3 Page No. 167) 32 Providingandapplyingcolour-washofapprovedcolourandshadeintwocoatstoold surfaceswhich aretoberecolouredincludingscaffolding,brushingandbroomingdown. (excluding base coat of white-wash) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1100, SSR No. 36.07, BDP 3A Page No. 167) 33 Providing and applying washable powder distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in one coat including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces (excluding the priming coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1101, SSR No. 36.08, BDP 4 Page No. 167) 34 Providing and applying washable powder distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding the primer coat) etc .complete. (SR. No. 1102, SSR No. 36.09, BDP 4A Page No. 167) 35 Providingandapplyingwashableoil-bounddistemperofapproved colourand shadetooldand newsurfaces in one coat including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding theprimercoat.)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1103, SSR No. 36.10, BDP 5 Page No. 167) 36 Providingandapplyingwashableoil-bounddistemperofapproved colourand shadetooldand new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding the primer coat.) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1104, SSR No. 36.11, BDP 5A Page No. 167) 37 Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old andnewsurfaces intwocoatsincludingscaffolding,preparingthesurface.(excludingthe primer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1105, SSR No. 36.12, BDP 6 Page No. 167) 38 Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old surface in three coats including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding primer coat) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1106, SSR No. 36.13, BDP 6A Page No. 167) 39 Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade tonew surface in three coats including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding primer coat) etc. complete. (SR. No. 1095, SSR No. 36.02, BDP 1 Page No. 167) 40 Washing and cleaning of decorated wall surfaces with soap, soda and water etc. complete. (SR. No. 1108, SSR No. 36.15, BDP, Page No. 168) 41 Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old and new surfaces in single coat including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding the primer coat)etc. complete. (SR. No. 1109 SSR No. 36.16, BDP, Page No. 168) 42 Scrapping the oldplasteredinternalsurface withsandpaperandcoatingthe entiresurface with mixtureof whiting or glue and linseed oil including scaffolding etc. complete as directed. (SR. No. 1110, SSR No. 36.19, BDP, Page No. 168) 43 Providing and applying interior wall finish luster of approved make on internal wall surface as detailed below Scrapping the surface with emery paper andwipe clean wall primer with brush withmineralturpentine withbrush8to10%andoil15to20%withrollerand allowingtodryforaperiod6to8hours. wallputtywithappropriateproportionofwater allowing to dry forperiod4to 6hours.Scrapping with Emerypaper180andwipe clean. Applyingwall primer withbrushwithmineral turpentine 8 to 10% and oil 15 to 20% with rollerScrappingEmerypaper320andwipeclean,interiorwallfinishluster1st coatwith brush/rubber/spraywithmineralturpentine 7to 9%andOilwithroller19 to 21% After8 hours of activity Applying 2nd coat or wall finish Lustre with mineral turpentine 7 to 9% withbrushand Oil withroller 19 to 21% after allowing dry for the period of 6 to 8 hours activity.(With prior approval of S.E.) (SR. No. 1111, SSR No. 36.20, BDP, Page No. 168) 44 ProvidingandapplyingRoyaleLuxuryEmulsionofapprovedmakeoninternalwallsurfaceas detailed belowScrappingforsurfacewithemerypaperandwipecleanforarea. wall primer withbrushby adding mineral turpentine oil by 8 to 10 % or water by 15 to 20% allowing to dryfor 6 to8 hoursAfter applying acrylic wall putty with appropriate prpportion of water of allow to dry for period of4to6hours ofactivity.Scrappingwithemerypaper andwipecleanApplying paints Royale Luxury emulsion 1st coatwithbrushwatercontentwater40to45%or65to70%byroleApplyingpaintsRoyaleluxury emulsion 2nd coat with brush with water content 40 to 45%or 65 to 70 % by roller. (With prior approval ofS.E.) (SR. No. 1112, SSR No. 36.21, BDP, Page No. 168) 45 Providing and fixing frame with / without ventilator of size as specified with Country cut teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300mm x 40mm x 5mm with oilpainting, etc. complete (SR. No. 1192, SSR No. 39.01, BDT , Page No. 179) 46 Providing andfixing frame with/without ventilatorof size as specifiedwithCountrynon teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300mm x 40mm x 5mmwith oil painting, etc. complete. (SR. No. 1193, SSR No. 39.02, BDT , Page No. 179) 47 Providing andfixing the Countrycut teak woodsecondclass fully glazedopenable fanlight rectangularin shapeasperdetaileddrawingexcludingtheframe,stainlesssteelfixturesandfasteningsandfinishingthewood work with 3 coats of oil painting. (SR. No. 1194, SSR No. 39.03, BDT-4 , Page No. 179) 48 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood double or single leaf second class fully panelled door shutter with 35mmthickstyleandrailwith25mmthickpanelswithopenablefanlightasperdetailed drawings. Excluding the door frame 60mm x 100mm stainless steel fixtures andfasteningand finishingthewood workwithoilpainting3coats.(Excludingthedoor frame) (SR. No. 1195, SSR No. 39.04, BDT 7 and 8 , Page No. 179) 49 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood single leaf panelled door shutter without fanlight and 25mm thick as per drawing consisting ofT.W.top railsize 100mm x 25mm andbottom lockrail 200mmx 25mm insert pannel 12 mm thick commercial ply faced T.W. particleboardwithphenolformaldehyde synthetic resin (Generally confirming to ISI 3097) excluding frame,includingstainlesssteelfixtureand fasteningandT.W.beadingtojunctionsof panelled inserts and as instructed by the Engineer in charge including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete. (SR. No. 1196, SSR No. 39.05, BDT-11 , Page No. 179) 50 Providingandfixingsingleordoubleleafpanelleddoorshutterexcludingframewithglazedopenable fanlightshutter35mmthickasperdetaileddrawingconsistingpanelledvertical styles 100 mm x 35 mm and lock and bottom rail 200 mm x 35 mm and panels 12 mm thick both side commercial ply faced particle board including stainless steel fixtures and fastening and T.W. beading at junctions of panel insertsandas instructedbytheEngineerinchargeincluding3coatsofoilpaintingetc. complete. (SR. No. 1198, SSR No. 39.07, BDT-11 , Page No. 179) 51 Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldingsandlipping,wroughtironholdfasts,chromiumplated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortiselock,chromiumplatedhandlesonboth sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. complete. (SR. No. 1200, SSR No. 39.09, BDT-34 , Page No. 179) 52 Providingand fixingsolid coreflush door shutter commercial in single leaf 32 mmthickwithout ventilator commercial type of exterior grade as per detaileddrawings withwrought iron hold fast, stainless steel fixtures and fastenings and handles on both sides and finishing with oil painting 3 coats complete. (SR. No. 1201, SSR No. 39.10, BDT-36 , Page No. 180) 53 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood single leaf door shutter with teak wood style and rail of 25 mm thick including fixing 50 mm x 25 mm size welded mesh of 10 gauge as per detailed drawing or as directed with stainless steel fixture and fastening finishing with 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete. (SR. No. 1203, SSR No. 39.12, BDT-39 , Page No. 180) 54 Providingandfixingfactory madepanelleddoorshutterinsingle leaf35mm thickstyleandrailwithout ventilator with CCTW panels 12 mm thick including wrought iron hold fast and stainless steel fixtures withoil painting 3 coats etc. complete.(SR. No. 1204, SSR No. 39.13, BDT, Page No. 180) 55 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood single leaf panelled door shutters 35 mm thick style and rail and 19 mm thickT.W. panels as per detailed drawing including wrought iron hold fast stainless steel fixtures andfastening and three coats of oil painting etc. complete.(SR. No. 1205, SSR No. 39.14, BDT, Page No. 180) 56 Providing and fixing fully glazed double leaf window shutter with openable fanlightincluding Countrycutteakwood25mmthickstyleandrailswithplain/obscuredglass panels 5 mm thick as per drawing or as directed by the Engineer in charge with stainless steel fixtures and fastening and finishing the wood work with oil painting three coats etc. complete.(SR. No. 1206, SSR No. 39.15, BDT-42 , Page No. 180) 57 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood windows / ventilators with double leaf panelled shutters25mm thick without ventilators as per detailed drawing including stainless steelfixturesandfasteningsandfinishing the wood work with oil painting 3 coats etc. complete.(SR. No. 1209, SSR No. 39.18, BDT-43 , Page No. 180) 58 Providingandfixingsteelwindowofvarioussizesasperdetaileddrawingwithouthotdipzinccoating, without ventilators, including fabricating / glazing with plain/ obscuredglass panels of approvedtype andquality, iron oxidised fixtures and fastenings, oil painting two coats complete. (SR. No. 1210, SSR No. 39.19, BDT-53 , Page No. 180) 59 Providingandfixingsteelwindowofvarioussizesasperdetaileddrawingwithouthotdipzinccoating, without ventilators, including fabricating / glazing with plain/ obscuredglass panels of approved type and quality, iron oxidised fixtures and fastenings, finishing with oil painting two coats complete (with guard bars12 mm square at 10 cm c/c.)(SR. No. 1211, SSR No. 39.20, BDT-53 , Page No. 180) 60 Providing and fixing steel window C.R.C. sheet as per I.S. 1513 : 1986. gauge sect. 65 x 40 x 25 mm shutter single sheet of 24 gauge single leaf joinedby fusion welding at appropriate points with vertical grooves of 15 mm wide and 15 mm deep at a distance of 45 mm. The first andlastribshouldbe60mmawayfrom verticaledgeoftheshutter.theshuttershallbe welded, with angle to from the periphery of the shutter. At the center of the frame there shall beangleweldedtobifurcatetheframeintosegmentswithtwoleaf shuttersquare12mm square guard bars at 120 mm center with all accessories(SR. No. 1212, SSR No. 39.21, BDT , Page No. 181) 61 Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum size and shape with square bar, suspension shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm thickness and of any size at top and safety devices including mechanical gear operation arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels and worms of high grade cast iron or mild steel and one coat of red lead primer etc. complete. (I.S. 62481979) (Without mechanical gear) (SR. No. 1215, SSR No. 39.24, BDT-55 , Page No. 181) 62 Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum size and shape with square bar, suspension shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm thickness and of any size at top and safety devices including mechanical gear operation arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels and worms of high grade cast iron or mild steel and one coat of red lead primer etc. complete. (I.S. 62481979) (With mechanical gear) (SR. No. 1216, SSR No. 39.25, BDT-55 , Page No. 181) 63 Providing and fixing collapsible steel gate in one / two leaves with hot rolled vertical channels of 18 x 9 x 3 mm minimum size, crossings of M.S. flats of size 18 x 5 mm T or E section for runner of minimum 40 x 6 mm size for flange, M.S. flat for top runner of minimum size 40 x 12mmwithrollerwheelsconfirmingto gradeF.G.150fittedwithsnapheadedrivetsof minimum size 6 mm max. spacing of vertical channels be 100 mm enclosed gate position and clearspaceof150mmbetweentwosetsofcrossingswithhold fasts,stoppers,spaces, handles, locking arrangement andone coat of red lead primer andoil painting etc. complete. (I.S. 105211983).(SR. No. 1217, SSR No. 39.26, BDT-57 , Page No. 182) 64 Providingandfixingpartitionofweldedmeshof3mm dia.wires50mm x25mmsizemeshincluding integratednonteak seasoned woodframe 80x 50mm ofvertical andhorizontal scantling and finishingwith oil painting 3 coats etc. complete (SR. No. 1218, SSR No. 39.27, BDT-67, Page No. 182) 65 Providing and fixing sheet glass of 24 oz. for all size including putty etc. complete (SR. No. 1219, SSR No. 39.28, BDS, Page No. 182) 66 Providing and fixing steel ventilator fully glazed partly fixed as per detailed drawing without hotdipzinc coatingincluding fabricatingglazing withplain/obscuredglasspanes5mm thick and approved type and quality and iron oxidized fixtures and fastening oil paint 2 coats etc. complete. (SR. No. 1220, SSR No. 39.29, BDT-53 , Page No. 182) 67 Providingandfixingsteelventilatorfullyglazedpartlyfixedasperdetaileddrawingwithhotdip zinc coatingincludingfabricatingglazingwith plain /obscured glasspans 5mmthickandapprovedtype quality and iron oxidized fixtures and fastening with guard square bars 12 mm 10 cm c/c and oil painting 2coats etc. complete. (SR. No. 1221, SSR No. 39.30, BDT-53 , Page No. 182) 68 ProvidingandfixingM.S.grilldoor24Kilogram/SquareMetreofvarioussizeasperdetaileddrawingswithout hot dip coating, iron fixtures and fastenings and 3 coats of oil painting etc (SR. No. 1222, SSR No. 39.31, BDT , Page No. 182) 69 ProvidingandfixingCCTWbeadingofsize40mmx20mmtothedoorframe includingchamferingfinishing with 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete (SR. No. 1223, SSR No. 39.32, BDT, Page No. 182) 70 Providing and fixing steel frame of angle 50 x 50 x 6 mm size for window with 16 mm with mild steel bars horizontally at 10 cm c/c for ventilator portion and at 15 cm c/c for remaining portion with M.S. flat of size 40 x 6 mm vertical at center including iron hold fast boxes for fixing40x6mmverticalatcenterincluding iron hold fastboxesforfixing40 x 6 mm verticalat centerincluding ironholdfastboxes forfixing shutters including welding finishing painting etc. complete. (SR. No. 1224, SSR No. 39.33, BDT , Page No. 182) 71 Providing and fixing steel frame door of angle 50 x 50 x 6 mm with mild steel bars 16 mm dia. horizontally at 10mm c/c for ventilator portion including iron hold fast boxes for fixing shutters including welding, finishing,painting etc. complete. (SR. No. 1226, SSR No. 39.35, BDT , Page No. 182) 72 Providing and fixing steel frame door of angle 40 x 40 x 5 mm with 16 mm dia. mild steel barshorizontally at10cmc/cforventilatorportionincludingironholdfastforthefixing shuttersincluding welding, painting, finishing etc. complete. (SR. No. 1227, SSR No. 39.36, BDT , Page No. 182) 73 Providingandfixinginposition.(asperI.S.1868/1982)Aluminiumslidingwindowoftwotrackswith rectangular pipe having overall dimension ?63.50 x 38.10 x 1.02 mm at weight0.547 Kilogram/Running metre. and window frame bottom track section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.20 mm atweight 0.695Kilogram/Running metre.Topandside track section61.85x31.75x1.30 mm at weight 0.659 Kilogram/Running metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Running metre. Inter locking section 40 x 18 x1.10 mm at weight 0.469 Kilogram/Running metre. And handle section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Running metre. and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Runningmetre.As per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer in chargewithallnecessaryAluminiumsections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section ofshutterincluding 5mm thickplainglasswithallrequiredscrewsandnutsetc,complete.Withpowdercoating without box (SR. No. 1231, SSR No. 39.40, BDT , Page No. 184) 74 Providingand fixinginposition (asper1868/1982)Alluminiumslidingwindowofthreetrackswith rectangularpipe 95x38.10x0.90mm atweight0.637Kilogram/Running metre.withwindowframe bottom track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 1.070 Kilogram/Running metre.. Top and side track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 0.933 Kilogram/Runningmetre.Theshuttershouldbe ofbearingbottom40x18x1.25mmat weight 0.417Kilogram/Running metre.Inter locking section40x 18x 1.10mm atweight0.469Kilogram/Runningmetre.andhandleandtopsection40x18x1.25mm atweighto.417Kilogram/Runningmetre.Asperdetaileddrawingsandasdirectedby EngineerinchargewithallnecessaryAluminiumsectionsfixturesandfasteningssuchasrollerbearingin nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mmthickplainglassand aluminiummosquitonetshutterwithstainlesssteeljailwithall required screws and nuts etc, complete. With colour Anodising with box (SR. No. 1232, SSR No. 39.41, BDT , Page No. 184) 75 a)Supplyingandfixinginposition Aluminiumfourtrackslidingwindowswithouterframe made fromsectionofoverallsize122mmx45mm,bottomsectionwithdrainsectiontrackweighing 1.83Kilogramper metre andtop andside section of size 122x 31.75 mm weighing 1.15Kilogramper running metre with shutter sections made of 18 mm x 40 mm size having average weight of 0.6Kilogramper running metre (or as required size) with change in proportionate weight, with 6 mm float glass in three equal panels andalluminiumcoatedstainless steel mosquito net in one(2/3of opening)panel fixedwith new neoprene gasket, shutters to be provided with nylon encased stainless steel rollers, necessary locks and handlescomplete. (SSR No. 39.45, BDT , Page No. 185) 76 a) Colour anodized (SR. No. 1236, SSR No. a,Page No. 185) 77 b) Powder Coated (SR. No. 1237, SSR No. b,Page No. 185) 78 ProvidingandFixing30MMthickBOTHSIDEPRELAMINATEDSOLIDPANELPVCDOOR SHUTTER consisting of frame made out of M.S tubes of 19 guage thickness and, size 19 x 19 mm for styles and 15 x15 mm for the top and bottom rails, M.S frame shall have a coatofmetelprimerof approvedmake andmanufacture. M.Sframe shallbe coveredwith heat mouled PVC C channel made from 5 mm (+/0.25) thickprelaminatedsheetof density600 Kilogram/cbm ,of size 30mm thickness70mm widthout ofwhich 50mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45? angle on either side forming stiles ; and5 mm thick ,95 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be falt and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be falt and 20 mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail.Top,bottom and lock rail shall be provided either side of the panel. An additional 5 mm (+/0.25) thick PVC strip of 20 mm width is to be stuck on the bottom side of the c channel prelaminated paneling of 5 mm (+/0.25) thick PVC sheet to be fitted inside the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the styles and rails with 5 mm (+/0.25) x 30 mm PVC sheet beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc ,10 mm thickness (5 mm (+/0.25) x 2 nos ) 20 mm wide cross PVC sheet as gapinsert for the rail and bottom rail. Door to be fixed to frames with 3nos M.S.powdercoatedbuthingesof (SR. No. 1238, SSR No. 39.47, BDT , Page No. 186) 79 Providingandfixingcoldrolledsteelhollowdoorframe105mmx60mmforanysizes including hold fasthinges, tie members withredoxide andgray paint etc.complete asperI.S.I.specificationsandcodeofpracticeprescribedincludinganticorrosivetreatmentas directed by theengineer. (SR. No. 1240, SSR No. 39.49, BDT , Page No. 186) 80 Providingandfixinginpositionaluminiumopenablewindowofanysizeasperdetailed drawingand asdirected byEngineerin chargewith allnecessaryaluminumsections including necessary fixtures and fastening with 5 mm thick clear float glass etc. complete. a) With colour anodizing NoteWhilearriving attherateofitemofitemweightat6.90 Kilogram/Square Metre is considered. (SR. No. 1241, SSR No. 39.50, BDT , Page No. 186) 81 Providingandfixinginpositionaluminiumopenablewindowofanysizeasperdetaileddrawingandas directedbyEngineerinchargewithallnecessaryalluminiumsectionsincludingnecessaryfixturesandfastening with 5 mm thick clear float glass etc. complete.(SSR No. 39.51, BDT , Page No. 186) 82 a) Colour anodized (SR. No. 1242, a , Page No. 186) 83 b) Powder Coated (SR. No. 1243, b, Page No. 186) 84 Providingand fixingin position aluminiumfixed window fully glazed of any sizeasperdetailed drawingandasdirectedbyEngineerinchargewithallnecessaryalluminiumsectionsincludingnecessary fixtures and fastening such as 5 mm thick clear float glass etc. complete.Note While arriving atthe rateofitem ofitem weightat6.90 Kilogram/Square Metre is considered. (SSR No. 39.52, BDT , Page No. 186) 85 a) Colour anodized (SR. No. 1244, a, Page No. 187) 86 b) Powder Coated (SR. No. 1245, b , Page No. 187) 87 a) Colour anodized (SR. No. 1246, a , Page No. 187) 88 b) Powder Coated (SR. No. 1247, b , Page No. 187) 89 Providingandfixinginpositionaluminium partlyopenableandpartlyfixedwindowofanysize as per detaileddrawingandasdirectedbyEngineerinchargewithallnecessary alluminium sections including necessary fixtures andfastening with5 mm thick floatglass etc.complete.a)With colour anodizingNote Whilearrivingattherateofitemofitem weight at 6.90 Kilogram/Square Metre is considered. (SR. No. 1248, SSR No. 39.53, BDT , Page No. 187) 90 Providingandfixingfiberglassreinforcedpolysterdoorshutter30mmthickasperIS14856(2000) (Reaffirmed2006)withoutventilatorincluding chromiumplatedfixturesandfasteningwith chromium plated handles on both sides, etccomplete (SR. No. 1252, SSR No. 39.58, BDT , Page No. 187) 91 Providingandfixingacrylicplasticsheetpanelsofapprovedqualityinrequiredthickness plain clear or any colour or obscured linings in lieu of glass pans to doors/windows including providing and fixing clips,putty etc. complete. (a) 2.00 mm thick.(SR. No. 1254, SSR No. 39.60, BDT , Page No. 187) 92 Providing andfixing 24 gauge plainaluminium sheet on the face of door shutter including cutting to required size and fixing the screws including making good the damages if any to existing door shutter and frame etc.complete as directed or as per detailed drawing (SR. No. 1256, SSR No. 39.62, BDT , Page No. 188) 93 Providingandfixinginposition,Doubleshutteredaluminiumextrudedpowdercoated openable door of specified size with aluminium door frame of powder coated section 101.60 x 44.75mm ,3.18mm thickand shuttercomprising ofpowder coatedsection having bottom and lock rail of size 150 mm x 44.5 mm x 3.00 mm thick top rails 47.62 x 44.45 mm x 3.00 mm thick , vertical style 47.62 x 44.45 mm, 3.00 mm thick and for shutter plain glass panes 5 mm thick for top panels and 12mm thick both side laminated phenol bonded particle board panels for bottompanels etc. , I.S.I. mark , heavy duty, Hydraulic floorspringof 150Kilogramcapacity , having heavy duty concealedlock, necessary beading, glazing clips, PVC gaskets, 250mm length aluminium tower bolts, 150mm dia. pad handle, etc. as perdetailed design and drawing or as directed by engineer in charge including all materials ,labours,andequipment etc.complete (SR. No. 1257, SSR No. 39.63, BDT , Page No. 188) 94 Providingandfixinginposition,Singleshutteredaluminiumextrudedpowdercoated openable door of overall size 0.90 m x 2.40 m with aluminium door frame of powder coated section 101.60 x 44.75mm , 3.18 mm thick and shutter comprising of powder coated section having bottom andlock rail of size 150 mm x 44.5 mm x 3.00 mm thick top rails 47.62x 44.45 mm x 3.00 mm thick , vertical style 47.62 x 44.45 mm, 3.00 mm thickandforshutterplain glass panes 5 mmthick for top panels and 12mm thick both side laminatedphenol bonded particle board panels for bottom panels etc. , I.S.I. mark , heavy duty, Hydraulic floorspringof150Kilogramcapacity ,havingheavyduty concealed lock, necessarybeading,glazing clips, PVCgaskets, 250mm lengthtower bolts, 150mm diam. padhandle, etc. as per detaileddesign and drawing or as directed by engineer in charge including all materials ,labours,andequipment etc.Complete (SR. No. 1258, SSR No. 39.64, BDT , Page No. 188) 95 Providing and fixing 50 mm x 50 mm Mild Steel square pipe framed steel windows of various sizes as per details with welded square bars 12 mm at 10 cm center to center without hot dip zinccoatingwithout/with ventilatorincludingfabrication,glazingwithplain/obscured glass panes 5 mm thickof approved type and quality, all fixtures and fastenings and finishing with one coat of primer complete.(SR. No. 1260, SSR No. 39.66, BDT , Page No. 188) 96 Providing andfixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows / ventilator of varioussizes withpowdercoatingasperdetaileddrawingandspecificationsincluding aluminiumframes80x38 mmx1.22mmboxtype,5mmthicksheetglasslouvers,of approved quality etc. complete. (SR. No. 1261, SSR No. 39.68, BDT , Page No. 188) 97 Providing and fixing partitions made up of CCTW frame of size 75 mm x 50 mm at 60 cm c/c with 9 mm thick commercial ply and 4mm thick veneer on both sides with French polish etc. complete. (SR. No. 1262, SSR No. 39.69, BDT , Page No. 189) 98 Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood partly veneered and partly glazed partition with 75mmx50 mmframeat60cmcenterand9mmthickcommercialplyonbothsides, decorative veneer of 4 mm thick and plain glass 5 mm thick, including French polishing etc.complete (SR. No. 1263, SSR No. 39.70, BDT , Page No. 189) 99 Providing and fixing welded mesh of 50 mm x 25 mm and (11 gauge) to Country cut teak woodframework asperdetaileddrawingorasdirected,ironfasteningwithonecoatof primer,scaffolding, including TW frame work of 70 mm x 75 mm and covering CCTW battens of 45 mm x 10 mm etc. complete.(SR. No. 1264, SSR No. 39.71, BDT , Page No. 189) 100 Providng and fixing in position anodised extruded aluminum partitions, partly glazed andpartly laminated having frame made out of extruded tubular section of size 40 mm x 60 mm with 12 mm thick three layeredflatpressedteakwoodparticleboardbondedwithBWPtypeexteriorgradephenolformaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS 128231990, laminated on both sides,Novateakor equivalent and 5 mm thick selected quality plain/ float glass panels fixedwithaluminum glassclips12mm x12mm andrubber cushioningbeadingtoglass partitions as per approved drawing etc. compete (SR. No. 1265, SSR No. 39.72, BDT , Page No. 189) 101 Providingand fixingin position extruded aluminiumpartitions havingframemade out ofextruded tubular section of size 65 mm x 40 mm with 12 mm thick three layered flat pressed teak woodparticleboard bonded with BWP type exterior grade phenol formaldehyde syntheticresin conforming to IS 129231990,laminatedonbothsides,Novateakorequivalentwith aluminium glazing clips of size 12 mmx 12 mm (conical) as per drawing etc. complete. (SR. No. 1266, SSR No. 39.73, BDT , Page No. 189) 102 Providing and fixing fly proof mesh shutter toventilator / window using CCTW members of size 45 x22 mm for frame work and35 x 22 mm for middle support andfixing fly proof mesh on it and coveringTW battens of size 20 x 10 mm including priming and two coats of oil painting to the new wood and steel work and all labour charges including all fixture and fastenings etc. complete (SR. No. 1267, SSR No. 39.74, BDT , Page No. 189) 103 Providingcoloured anodisingtreatmenttoaluminiumsectionsof thedoors ,windows, andventilators including all the intermediate supports ,side supports,screws andall the necessary fixtureswithallleads, lifts, fixing charges etc. complete (Complete measurement on actual square meter basis of opening area shallbe paid.) (SR. No. 1268, SSR No. 39.75, BDT , Page No. 189) 104 ProvidingandfixingaluminiumgrilldiamondmeshtypeDG202of7.5mmthickincludingfixing in positionanodisedaluminium framesectionof80x38mm x1.22mm sizebox, cutting to the requiredsize with all wastage , labour, lead lift etc. complete. (SR. No. 1269, SSR No. 39.76, BDT , Page No. 189) 105 Providingandfixingweldedmeshof11gaugewireshavingmeshsize50mmx25mm includingM.S Angle frame of size 35 mm x 35 mm x5 mm in position with oil painting 3 coats etc. complete (SR. No. 1272, SSR No. 39.79, BDT , Page No. 190) 106 Providing and Fixing 32 mm thick One piece single moulded puff ABSTRONE BUTADYNE STYRINE(ABS)Doorshutterforinternaluseincluding toiletsmade upof outerABSsheetof1.2 mmthickhavingpuffinsulationof35to40Kilogram/Cubic Metredensity and 10 mm dia.for steel bars 2 Nos., wooden block to receive fixtures, having M.S. hinges 100 mm length, M.S. handles 150 mm length and 10 mm dia sliding door bolt etc. complete (SR. No. 1273, SSR No. 39.80, BDT , Page No. 190) 107 Providingandfixing30mmthick SOLIDPANELPVCINTERNALDOORSHUTTER consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 40mm x 20mm for stiles ,top, lock and bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of steel primers of approved makeandmanufacture.M.S.frameshallbe coveredwith5mmthickheatmolded PVC channel of size 30 x 100mm forming stiles, and 5mm thick, 125mm wide PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on either side, and15mm (5mm x 3) thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail and bottom rail. Paneling of 10 mm thick prelam PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles and rails with 30mm wide x 5mmthickPVC sheetbeadingoneitherside,andjoinedtogetherwithsolventcement adhesive etc. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on the interior side of the C Channel using PVC solvent cement adhesive. includingstainlesssteelfixturesand fasteningCompleteasper direction of Engineerincharge,manufacturersspecification and drawing.(SR. No. 1274, SSR No. 39.81, BDT, Page No. 190) 108 Providing andfixing 30mm thick PVCFLUSHLDOORSHUTTERconsisting ofpanelofhollowPVC profile of 20 mm thickness consisting frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x 19mminserted inside the hollow section of stiles rails top ?and bottom railsandtwo19x19mm MStubes insertedhorizontallyinsidethe hollowprofile section using 4/5 mm sheet using screws hollow profile shall be lipped with 10 mm (5mm x2) thickx20mmwidthonstilesandrailsusingsolventcement.The innerpanelshallbe laminatedwith5mm thicktermite proofwaterproof plain/prelam PVCsheet using solventcement on the both sides of the panel including stainless steel fixtures and fastening etc. Complete as per direction of Engineer incharge, manufacturers specification and drawing. (SR. No. 1275, SSR No. 39.82, BDT , Page No. 190) 109 Providingandfixingpartition4mmthickIndianteakVeneerononesideand6mm commercial type plywoodon the other side including C.T.W. frame of 70 x 35 mm at 60 cm C/C onbothways,including finishing with French polishing to Veneer face and oil painting / french polishing to other face etc.complete.(without skirting) (SR. No. 1276, SSR No. 39.83, BDT , Page No. 190) 110 Providing andfixing partitions with12 mm thick three layered flatpressedteakwoodparticle board both facescommercialbonded with phenolformaldehydesyntheticresin including CTW vertical 70 x 70 mm and top and bottom rail of 70 x 35 mm and covering batten of 20 x 10 mm at 1.00 metre apart on both ways or as directed including finishing with one coat of primer complete. (SR. No. 1277, SSR No. 39.84, BDT , Page No. 190) 111 Providing and fixing partitions with 12 mm thick three layerd flat pressed teakwoodcommercial boardcompressedonefaceandotherteakveneerbondedwithphenolformaldehydesynthetic resin including CTW vertical 70 x 70 mm and top and bottom rail of 70x35mmandcoveringbattenof20x10mmat1.00metreapartonbothwaysoras directed including finishing with one coat of primercomplete. (SR. No. 1278, SSR No. 39.85, BDT , Page No. 190) 112 Providing and fixing in position C.C.T.W. brackets for weather sheds of section 70 x 45 mm withmortise andtenonjoineryat1.2to 1.5metre centerto centerorasdirectedandteak wood battens of required section, including fixing three numbers of iron nut and bolts to each bracket, necessary scaffolding and twocoats of painting to wood work etc. complete. (SR. No. 1280, SSR No. 39.87, BDT , Page No. 191) 113 Providing and fixing 22 B.W.G. plain galvanised iron sheets on top of weather shed,including scaffolding, fixing by means of nut and bolts or as directed etc. complete. (Brackets of 70 x 45 mm to be paidseparately) (SR. No. 1281, SSR No. 39.88, BDT , Page No. 191) 114 Providingandfixing22B.W.G.plainFRPsheetsontopofweathershed,includingscaffolding, fixing by means of nut and bolts or as directed etc. complete. (Brackets of 70 x 45 mm to be paid separately) (SR. No. 1282, SSR No. 39.89, BDT , Page No. 191) 115 Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in double leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldingsandlipping,wroughtironholdfasts,chromiumplated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortiselock,chromiumplatedhandlesonboth sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. complete. (SR. No. 1287, SSR No. 39.95, BDT , Page No. 191)

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