Tender for Up Keeping Of Lawn And Plants At Kesa House, Kesco, Kanpur. - Civil work: 2 Supply and stacking of compost manure at site including carriageupto 3 km ( Manure measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% forpayment). (CSI No. 23.04) 3 Supply and stacking of local sand at site including charges ofroyalty and carriage of the same at site including all leadsafter 8 kms. (CSI No. 23.05) 4 Mixing earth sand and manure in proportion specified or directedby the engineer I/C. (CSI No. 23.06) 5 Spreading of manure sand and good earth mixed in requiredproportion ( cost of manure, good earth & sand to be paidseparately ) (CSI No. 23.07) 6 Edging with bricks laid dry lengthwise including excavation, refilling, consolidating with hand packing and spreading neatly surplus earth within a lead of 50 m. 75 class designation 1 FPS bricks. (Old C.S.I No. 19.09) 7 Arranging one mali for maintenance of lawn & plants, including cost of Mali, required T&P and other miscellaneous work as per direction of Engineer I/c . (CSI No. 23.15) 8 Supply and plantation of approved 2 years old plants duly plantedin earthen Gamla of approximate size 300x 300 mm nominal size,filled with compost manure and sand mixed in approved proportionincluding cost of approved quality earthen gamla, compost manure, sand all other materials, labour and T&P etc reqd. for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 23.08) 9 Supply and plantingAshoka, Pendula, Mango, Neem,Peepal, Sheesham etc in pits including cost of all materials, labour and T&p etc complete in all respects.(Cost of digging pitshall be paid separetely as per item no. 23.08) (CSI No. 23.12) 10 Supply and planting permanent ornamental plant like Croten, Varil pristal, Glodulus, Lily, Fern, Bogenbelia etc. including cost of plants, manure, pesticides, fertilizer, labour and T&P etc complete also including preparation of flower bed. (CSI No. 23.11) 11 Supply and planting seasonal flower plants such as Genda, Rose, Ostar, Flox, Guldawadi,Gulmehndi, Cochia etc. including digging hole of proper size, manure and treatment with proper chemical etc., including cost of fertilizer, manure, all materials, labour and T&P etc complete in allrespects. (CSI No. 23.10) 12 Supplying at site lindane/pesticidesas per direction of E/I. (Old C.S.I No. 19.18) 13 Hedge plantation in a row distance between two hedge 15 to 25 cm including digging hole 6” to 12” ,manure and treatment with proper chemical etc., including cost of all materials,labour and T&P etc complete in all respects. (CSI No. 23.16) 14 Cutting down trees Girth exceeding 100 cm and not exceeding 100 cm.grubbing uproots,filling pits and levelling off ground,lopping branchestrimming removing (not exceeding 50 metres) and stackingserviceable materials and cleaning side.(CSI.22.12) (b) 15 Cutting down treesGirth exceeding 250 cm. and not exceeding 250 cmcm.grubbing uproots,filling pits and levelling off ground,lopping branchestrimming removing (not exceeding 50 metres) and stackingserviceable materials and cleaning side.(CSI. 22.12) (e)