Various Item Yearly Unit Rate For Year 2024-25 For Sipu Project Division=1 Clearing the seat of earthen dam including seat of spillway and HR including removing the trees, shrubs, bushes, etc. including depositing the materials outside the seat of dam beyond 50m from the toe line and upto 200m lead as directed etc.complete. 2 Stripping the seat of dam in all sorts of soils including soft murrum & hard murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for dam seat & inspection road etc. with lead upto 1 km and all lifts etc. complete. 3 Providing and lying dry rubble pitching with base of inverted filter as per design and drawing including providing headers or (pre cast headers of concrete M 15) hand packing trimming and dressing of slopes etc. complete for leads as specified and all lifts etc. complete. (d) 23 cm thick pitching 4 Drilling and grouting work in all foundations and formations. (a)Drilling upto 35mm or specified dia.hole upto required depth. 5 Providing & fixing gauge posts with 15cm wide Oil painted M.S.Channel(150 x 75mm x 5mm)of standard designs and sections and of required length near head requlator and spillway section including providing with approved Oil paints etc. complete. 6 Dewatering for Earthen dam and allied works,foundation areas,pits,trenches with diesel or electrical pumping arrangements including all cost of pipe line,materials,labours as directed with all lifts etc.complete. 7 Providing and lying 60cm dia half round cement pipe for catch water drain and chute drain on berms and down stream slopes of earthen dam. 8 Providing and supplying mechanically double twist hightly galvanized with (PVC) poly chloride coating gabions made of mesh size 10 X 12 mm woven wire as per ASTMA- 975 - 97 size of gabion 1 m X 1 m X 1 m including providing and laying stones in the gabions and arranging them in a required manner in the secion of break water or such other structure including quarring,blasting,loading at quarry site, transporting at work site and arrange in the gabions in workman like manner with required layer thickness and arranging this gabions in required layers with the crane of required. capacity (if reqd. as per drawing or as directed) with all material,labour,tools etc. complete. 9 Excavation in all sorts of strata and formations including depositing the unuseful excavated stuff as and where directed including sorting and stacking useful materials as required and upto lead of 200mt. And all lifts etc. complete, including dewatering. (a) In Overburden including hard murrum. 10 (b) In Soft Rock 11 (c) In Hard Rock 12 Providing and laying graded filters of sand, gravel and over size metal (100 mm to 150 mm) behind the retaining wall and wing walls as directed as per approved drawing with all lead & lifts etc. complete. 13 Providing and laying in position cement concrete using cement, sand and crushed aggregate by weigh batching and mixing including providing and fixing necessary form works and centering, smooth specified finishings, vibrating, curing as directed with all leads and all lifts etc. comp. excluding cost of steel. (a) Bucket and end sill concrete M-25 (M.S.A.-40mm) 14 (b) Bucket and end sill concrete M-20 (M.S.A.-40mm) 15 (c) Ogee, crest, upstream & downstream face skin concrete M-20 (MSA-40 mm) 16 (d) Pier concrete M-20 (MSA-40 mm) 17 (e) For conduits & gallaries, shafts and similar work in spillway M-20 (MSA - 40 mm) 18 (f) Coping work, platforms etc. M-15 (MSA - 40mm) 19 (g) Key trench, foundation, apron, platform etc. M-10 (MSA-80 mm) 20 Cement pointing in cement mortar of proportion (1:3) to stone masonry after racking out joints 20 mm deep including smooth finishing etc complete 21 Providing cement plaster 20mm thick in C.M. (1:3) including racking out joints 20 mm deep including smooth finishing etc complete. 22 Providing and Laying HYSD/TMT Fe 415, 500D steel bar reinforcement for RCC works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting, bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads & lifts etc. complete. (C) TMT Fe 500 steel bars 23 Providing and fixing marble plate 45 cms x 60 cms size including engraving for letters as directed etc. complete. 24 Providing weep holes 100 or 110 mm dia. pipe in the retaining wall etc complete. (b) P.V.C.Pipe(6kg/cm2) 25 Back fill with selected earth from out side borrow area or from excavated usefull material including watering, ramming, consolidation etc. with pneumatic templing and lead upto 1.0 Km. and all lift etc. completed. 26 Excavation for depening of pond /check Dam including transporting and spreading the excavated material for raising of embankment in uniform layer or as directed including dressing breaking clods etc for Lead up to 1 km and all lift without rolling and watering etc. complete. 27 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M15(MSA 40) using cement, Sand and machine crushed course aggregate including providing necessary form work, compaction, finishing and curring as required etc. completed for checkdams. (without Mobile Batching) 28 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M15(MSA 40) using cement, Sand and machine crushed course aggregate including providing necessary form work, compaction, finishing and curring as required etc. completed for checkdams. (with Mobile Batching) 29 Excavation in all sorts of soil (including wet and slushy condition of soil) with yellow, sandy, gravelly soil including soft murrum & H.M. including sorting & stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers as and where directed upto lead of 30 m and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc. compute (including dewatering). (A) For all canal capacity (a) 0 to 3 Mt. depth 30 (b) 3 to 6 Mt. depth 31 (c) 6 to 9 Mt. depth 32 Excavation in all sorts of soil (including wet and slushy condition of soil) with yellow, sandy, gravelly soil including soft murrum & H.M. including sorting & stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers as and where directed upto lead of 30 m and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc. compute (including dewatering). (B) For foundation trenches of C.D. work (a) 0 to 3 Mt. depth 33 (b) 3 to 6 Mt. depth 34 (c) 6 to 9 Mt. depth 35 Extra lead charges for lead between 30 Mt. to 200 Mt. etc. complete. 36 Earth work in embankment from borrow pits in all sorts of soil and soft murrum or other suitable strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc. complete.(A) For all canal capacity (a) 0 to 30 Mt. 37 (b) 30 to 200 Mt. 38 (c) 200 to 1000 Mt. 39 Extra lead charges for each additional km lead or part thereof beyond 1.0 km and upto 5.0 km for embankment work including all lifts etc. complete. 40 Providing Hard Murrum including spreading the same and dressing the top surface in required grade and camber etc. comp. 41 U.C.R. masonary in foundation & superstructure in C.M. indifferent proportion using stones from approved quarry including racking out joints 20mm deep where required including providing scaffolding curing finishing as directed with all lifts etc. complete (a) C.M. 1:5 42 (b) C.M. 1:3 43 Providing burnt brick masonary 2nd class in cement mortar in 1:5 proportion for foundation & superstructure upto 6.00 mt. height including striking out joints 20mm deep curing watering finishing joints and providing scaffolding as directed as comp. 44 Providing and laying foundation concrete of proportion as under by using cement, sand and machine crushed course aggregate laid in situ including necessary temping, smooth finishing, watering and curing as directed with all leads and lifts etc complete. (a) PCC 1:3:6 45 (b) PCC 1:4:8 46 Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 grade using cement, sand & crushed metal incuding providing & erecting necessary form work, centering, vibrating, smooth finishing, watering & curing as directed with all leads & lifts etc. complete. (a) Sub structures 47 (b) Super strucutres 48 Providing & laying 7.5 cms thick cast in situ C.C. 1:2:4 grade with the use of crushed aggregates for canal lining works incl. use of all equipments, scaffolding, centering form work etc. with finishing as required to the exposed surface, making asphalt joints as directed and watering and curing (without sleepers) with all lead & lifts etc. complete. 49 Providing & laying 10 cms thick cast in situ C.C. 1:2:4 grade with the use of crushed aggregates for canal ling works incl. use of all equipments, scaffolding, centering form work etc, with finishing as required to the exposed surface, making asphalt joints as directed & watering & curing (without sleepers) with all lead and lifts etc. complete. 50 Providing, Supplying, Laying & Fixing in position under ground R.C.C. hume pipe of NP 2 class as per I.S.I. Standered specification of prescribed diameter incl. filling the joints & with providing necessary collars with cement mortar of proportion C.M. 1:1 inclusive of testing for leakage and working pressure as directed with all cost of materials & labour for all leads and lifts etc. complete. (a) 150 mm dia 51 (b) 225 mm dia 52 ( c ) 300 mm dia 53 (d) 450 mm dia 54 (e ) 600 mm dia 55 (f) 750 mm dia 56 (g) 900 mm dia 57 (h) 1000 mm dia 58 (i) 1100 mm dia 59 (j) 1200 mm dia 60 (k) 1400 mm dia 61 Providing cement pointing to stone masonary after racking out joint 20mm deep including scaffolding watering and curing etc. complete. (a) In C.M. 1:3 62 (b) In C.M. 1:2 63 Providing cement pointing to brick masonary after racking out joints 20mm deep including scaffolding watering curing etc. complete. (a) In C.M. 1:3 64 (b) In C.M. 1:2 65 Providing cement plaster of cement & sand to brick masonary including racking out joint with scaffolding finishing watering curing etc. complete. (a) 12 mm thick C.M. 1:2 66 (b) 12 mm thick C.M. 1:3 67 Providing cement plaster of cement and sand to stone masonary including racking out joint with scaffolding finishing watering curing etc. complete. (a) 20 mm thick C.M. 1:2 68 (b) 20 mm thickC.M. 1:3 69 Clearing silt from canal /drain bed by digging the same to the required bed level and gradiant incl. depositing the excavated earth regularly in spoil bank for utilising the same for preparing the bund after breaking clods as and where directed for lead up to 200 m & lift up to 3 m as under (excluding weed cutting). (a) For canal below 20 Cusecs. 70 (b) For canal 20 to 250 Cusecs. 71 (c) For canal 250 to 500 Cusecs 72 (d) For canal above 500 Cusecs. 73 (e) Additional lead of 200 mt.. 74 (f) Additional lift of 3.0 mt. 75 Clearing silt from canal/drain bed by digging the same to required bed level and gradiant including depositing the excavated earth regularly in spoil bank for utilising the same for preparing the bund after breaking clods as & where directed for all lead & lift- By Machinary (a) For all lead and lift. 76 Clearing the shrubs like Akdas, weeds & other vegetation incl. depositing the same outside and buring etc. comp. from canal bed & both slope of banks etc. comp. for canal & drain. (a) Above 7 Cumec 77 (b) 0.56 to 7.00 Cumec 1 78 (c) Below 0.56 Cumec 1 79 (d) For Drain above 15 Cumecs 1 80 Clearing the shrubs like Akdas, weeds & other vegetation incl. depositing the same outside and buring etc. comp. from canal bed and both slope of banks etc. comp. for canal & drain-- By Machinary (a) Above 7 Cumec 1 81 (b) 0.56 to 7.00 Cumec 1 82 (c) Below 0.56 Cumec 1 83 (d) For Drain above 15 Cumecs 1 84 De-silting of various structures of canal and distribution system including depositing the same as directed with all lifts and lead for canal syphone,airvent,T.O. Kundies etc. complete. A) Canal Syphon well 1 85 B) For kundies 1 86 Jungle clearance of specified category and bushes for canal/dam work as directed with disposing materials etc. complete. (Excluding tree of girth above 0.5 Mt.) (a) For Light Dence 1 87 (b) For Medium dence 1 88 (c) For heavy Dence 1 89 Cleaning the slope of dam within the dam boudary by removing the bushes, shrubs, girth and smoll trees including depositing the materials as and where directed up to 50 mt. lead and all lift etc. complete. 1 90 Prolviding & Filling the empty bag filled with good selected earth or sand including stiching and laying or stacking as and where directed with all lead and lift etc. complete. (excluding the cost of bags) 1 91 Providing murrum on canal service road incl. Spreading the same and dressing the top surface in required grade and camber etc. complete. A) Hard murrum 1 92 B) Soft murrum/binding material 1 93 Providing current repairs general / maintenance watch and ward and other miscellaneous works for irrigation management incl. Operating of gates of HR/CR of Main canal/Branch canal etc. during irrigation season as directed. (For canal capacity above 250 cusecs) 1 94 Providing current repairs general / maintenance watch and ward and other miscellaneous works for irrigation management incl. Operating of gates of HR/CR of distributory etc. during irrigation season as directed. (For canal capacity between 21 to 250 cusecs) 1 95 Providing current repairs general / maintenance watch and ward and other miscellaneous works for irrigation management incl. Operating of gates of HR/CR of Minor sub-minor etc. during irrigation season as directed. 1 96 Oiling & greasing to gates & its components incl. removing of old grease, cleaning the surface and embeded parts and applying new grease to gatesand its components as directed etc. comp. 1 97 Providing & fixing M.S. Screw gates with Capston nut & thrust bearing as per detailed designed with steel R.S.J at top incl. Necessary locking arrangements, guide channel at bottom & fastening & 3 coats Oil painting for main outlet. 1 98 Providing M.S Plate, Channel & angle etc. as required of required sizes for repairing old gates incl. Removing the old gate from site removing rust, broken old plates canals etc. as directed & welding fixing the repaired gates & all type of transportation 1 99 Removal of Grass, weeds, vegetation, Ghabajaria etc. observed in canal water in floating/stagnant condition including removal of silt deposited on slope/bed upto 30 cm in running water,dry bed or muddy condition and disposal of waste recovered to out side of the canal using long boom excavator having 11.20 m super long boom, 8.60 m super long arm with suitable bucket having horizontal land reach of 19.80 m and vertical digging reach of 16.40 m. 1 100 Dismentalling road surface including sorting & stacking of useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled materials as directed under detailed specifications etc. complete. (a) Cement Concrete 1 101 (b) Asphalt 1 102 (c) W.B.M. 1 103 (d) Metal 1 104 Dismentalling masonary in lime or cement & stacking of useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled materials as directed under detailed specification etc. comp. (a) Brick 1 105 (b) Stone 106 Dismentalling riprap pitching sorting and stacking of useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled materials in lead upto 200 mt. as directed under detail specification etc. complete. (a) 30 cm thick pitching with filter 107 (b) 45 cm thick pitching with filter 108 Dismentalling C.C. foundation or flooring sorting & stacking useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled materials in lead upto 200mt. as directed under detailed specifications etc.comp. 109 Removing lime or cement plaster including racking out joints 20 mm deep etc.comp. 110 Removing lime or cement pointing including racking out joints 20 mm deep etc.comp. 111 Dismentalling of RCC work viz. slab, beam,lintel,barrel,staircase etc. including removing the steel from the dismentelled portion without damage to reinforcement sorting & stacking of useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled materials as directed under detailed specifications etc. complete. 112 Removing the damaged precast CC block lining including breaking the joints, removing the same sorting and stacking of useful and unuseful material from the dismentalled material upto lead of 200 directed under detail specification etc. complete. (a) Up to 7.50cm thick 113 (b) Up to 7.50cm thick incl. Base layer of LDPE, sand and plaster. 114 Dismentalling the rubble pitching including sorting out and stacking of useful materials at site upto lead 200 mt. including removing the rubbish as directed etc. complete. (i) 23 cm thick pitching 115 (ii) 30 cm thick 116 (iii) 45 cm thick 117 (iv) 60 cm thick 118 Dismentalling the existing RCC pipes including sorting out and stacking of the usefull material (pipe) upto lead 200 directed under the specification. (i) 225mm to 400 mm diameter 119 (ii) 450mm to 600 mm diameter 120 (iii) 650mm to 900 mm diameter 121 (iv) 1000mm to 1200 mm diameter 122 Maintenance, Gate Operations, Cleaning of dam offices of Main Spillway. Inspection of Dam Peripheri, operating Gate, Eletric work and helping Karkoon for maintaining record etc. complete for Sipu Dam / Mukteshwar Dam / Hadmatiya / Balaram Dam (a) Electrician 123 --do-- (b) Helper 124 --do-- (c) Data Collection (Skilled) 125 --do-- (d) Gate Operator (Semi Skilled) 126 --do-- (e) Chowkidar (Mazdoor) 127 Providing and laying geo fabric filter (GWF-40-200 category)over the excavated surface as per specification including stiching with overlap to design profile as directed in tidal range etc. complete. 128 Providing and laying geo fabric filter (GWF-50- 300 catogary) over the excavated surface as per specification including stiching with overlap to design profile as directed in tidal range etc. complete. 129 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 1m (mesh size 100mm x 100mm)of rope 9mm dia P.P. materials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 1.5 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 130 Suplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 2m (mesh size 100mm x 100mm) of rope 9mm dia p.p. naterials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stones ( approximate weight 3.0 tonne ) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing the top of gabions and tieing to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all lead and lifts as directed etc. complete. 131 Suplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 3m (mesh size 100mm x 100mm) of rope 9mm dia p.p. naterials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stones (approximate weight 4.5 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing the top of gabions and tieing to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all lead and lifts as directed etc. complete. 132 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 3m x 1m x 0.60m (mesh size 100mm x 100mm)of rope 9mm dia P.P. materials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 2.70 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 133 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1mx1m x0.60m (mesh size 100mm x 100mm)of rope 9mm dia P.P. materials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 0.90 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 134 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 2mx1mx 0.60m(mesh size 100mmx100mm)of rope 9mm dia P.P. materials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 1.80 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 135 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 1m (mesh size 150mm x 150mm)of rope 9mm dia P.P. materials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 1.5 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 136 Suplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 2m (mesh size 150mm x 150mm) of rope 9mm dia p.p. naterials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stones ( approximate weight 3.0 tonne ) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing the top of gabions and tieing to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all lead and lifts as directed etc. complete. 137 Suplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x 3m (mesh size 150mm x 150mm) of rope 9mm dia p.p. naterials filled with 10 to 40 kg trap rubble stones (approximate weight 4.5 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing the top of gabions and tieing to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all lead and lifts as directed etc. complete. 138 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 0.5m x2m of rope 9mm dia 4 Strand P.P. materials mesh opening 100mm x 100mm filled with 20 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 1.5 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 139 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 0.5m x3m of rope 9mm dia 4 Strand P.P. materials mesh opening 100mm x 100mm filled with 20 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 2.25 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 140 Supplying and laying flexible gabions of size 1m x 1m x0.5m of rope 9mm dia 4 Strand P.P. materials mesh opening 100mm x 100mm filled with 20 to 40 kg trap rubble stone (approximate weight 0.75 tonne) as per drawing including packing, inter locking of stones and stiching, fusing top of gabione and tying to each other and laying to the required line, level, slope with all leads and lifts as directed etc. complete. 141 Providing and laying Non Woven Geo Fabric Filter over the excavated surface as per specification including stitching with overlap to design profile as directed in tidal range etc. complete. 142 Providing & fixing in position sign boards of standard size 0.45mx0.30m with M.S.angle 40mmx40 mmx6mm with 3mm thick iron plate fixed in 1:5:10 prop. Concrete block size 40cmx40cmx75cm including radium paint on both side etc. complete. 143 Providing & fixing in position sign board of standard size of 0.60mx0.45mx with M.S angle 40mmx40mmx6mm with 3mm thick iron plate including fixing in 1:5:10 prop. Concrete block size 40cmx40cmx75 cm including painting existing data on the board etc. complete. 144 Providing & fixing in position sign board of standard size of 1.20mx0.90m with M.S angle 40mmx40mmx6mm with 3mm thick iron plate including fixing in 1:5:10 prop. Concrete block size 40cmx40cmx75 cm including painting existing data on the board etc. complete as directed. 145 Providing videography on the ocassion of function or for on going construction work including dubbing, titeling etc. complete including cost of cassette/CD (a) For whole day 146 (b) Up to 4.00 hours 147 Providing and fixing 1.20 Metre high fencing with 2.0 Metre long M.S. Angle posts 40mm x 40 mm x6 mm and oil painting 3 coats fixed at 2.5 Mt,C/c. with five Horizontan lines and two diagonals of galvanised steel barbed wire weighting 9.38 Kg. per 100 Metre, strained and fixed to posts with G.I,staples including fixing the postsin ground with 0.5 M x 0.5.M x 0.5 M. block in C.C1:5:10 etc complete. 148 Hydraulic Excavator 1 cum bucket capacity @ 60 cum per hour 149 Tractor Trolley (Considering 1 Tractor Trolley for 20 Days (8 Hours per Day Rs.245 per Hour) 150 Dozer - 240 HP 151 Hydraulic Excavator of 1.2 cum bucket 188 HP 152 Hydraulic Excavator of 1.1 cum bucket 162 HP 153 Jack Hammer (attachment of Hydraulic Excavator) 154 Tipper-10 Cum 178 HP 155 Vibratory Soil Compactor (10 tonne) 99 HP 156 Smooth Wheeled Roller 8 tonne 98 HP 157 Pneumatic Road Roller 114 HP 158 Water Tanker (12 KL) 150 HP 159 Tractor-trolley 42 HP 160 Air Compressor -250 cfm 5 HP 161 Mobile Concrete Batching / Mixing Plant 60 HP 162 Generator 250 KVA 303 HP 163 Generator 125 KVA 154 HP 164 Generator 100 KVA 129 HP 165 Concrete Pump 15 HP 166 Kerb Casting Machine 50 HP 167 Needle Vibrator 5 HP 168 Plate Compactor 8 HP 169 Mobile Hydraulic Crane 10 tonne capacity 48 HP 170 Mobile Hydraulic Crane 15 tonne capacity 49 HP 171 Boat to carry atleast 20 persons 172 Centrifugal water pump 173 Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) 174 Carpenter I Class 175 Diver 176 Mali 177 Mason (IInd class) 178 Mate / Supervisor 179 Mazdoor 180 Medical Officer 181 Heavy Plant Operator 182 Para medical personnel 183 Helper 184 Bentonite 185 Cement 186 Curing compound 187 Flag of red color cloth 600 x 600 mm 188 Flowering Plants 189 Pesticide 190 Traffic cones with 150 mm reflective sleeve 191 Unstaked lime / Stone Dust as Filler 192 PTZ Camera (including CCTV Controller) 193 Supplying & laying of drainage composite for use behind walls, between two different fills, alongside drains of road, below concrete lining of canals etc. Geocomposite for planar drainage, realized by thermobonding a draining core in extruded monofilaments with two filtering nonwoven geotextiles that may also be working as separation or protecting layers. The draining three dimensional core will have a “W” configuration as longitudinal parallel channels. Minimum thickness to be 7.2mm, with two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile of minimum thickness of 0.75 mm having pores of 150 micron and tensile strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as separation or protecting layer, geocomposite having in plane flow capacity of 2.1 L / (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kpa pressure and tensile strength of 18 kN/m , with mass per unit area of 740 gsm, supplied in the form of roll for easy transportation to site of work as per detailed specification all complete as per directions of Engineer in charge. 194 Bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid Supplying & laying of bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid conforming to MORT&H specification for base/sub-base reinforcement having minimum tensile strength 15kN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction, with 5kN/m and 7kN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in the longitudinal and transverse direction, junction efficiency not less than 95% and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening. 195 Supplying & laying of bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid conforming to MORT&H specification for base/sub-base reinforcement having minimum tensile strength 20kN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction, with 7kN/m and 14kN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in the longitudinal and transverse direction, junction efficiency not less than 95% and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening. 196 Printing new letter and figures of any shade (Printing new letter and figures of any shade with synthetic enamel paint black or any other approved colour to give an even shade) English and Roman 197 Retro- reflectorised Traffic signs (Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing) ( ix) 90 cm x 75 cm rectangular 198 Kilo Metre Stone (Reinforced cement concrete M15grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc) (iii) Hectometer stone (Precast) 199 Boundary pillar (Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in position including finishing and lettering but excluding painting) 200 Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier (Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed bythe Engineer, all as specified) (i) M 25 grade concrete 201 Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier (Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed bythe Engineer, all as specified) (ii) M 30 grade concrete 202 Metal Beam Crash Barrier (A) Type - A, W : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a W metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMCseries channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 811) 203 Metal Beam Crash Barrier Type - B, THRIE : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a Thrie metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 85 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 2 m high with 1.15 m below ground level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a space of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 546 mm long complete as per clause 811) 204 Water Filled Barricades Work zone sheeting (Providing water filled barricades made up of LDPE to segregate the vehicular movement and workzone as per IRC SP 55 shall be in Trapezoidal Shape 800 mm to 1000 mm in length, 700 mm in height for Major Roads and expressway and 500 mm tall for other roads with interlocking arrnagements, To be placed 0.5 m from the edge of the carriageway for expressway and 0.3 m for other roads. It should have reboubdable workzone sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 S2.) 205 Repair of joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar Repair of spalled joint grooves of contraction joints, longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete pavements using epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete) 206 Repair of old Joints Sealant (Removal of existing sealant and re sealing of contraction, longitudinal or expansion joints in concrete pavement with fresh sealant material) 207 Maintenance of Lawns or Turfing of Slopes (Maintenance of lawns or Turfing of slopes (rough grassing) for a period of one year including watering etc) 208 Turfing Lawns with Fine Grassing including Ploughing, Dressing (Turfing lawns with fine grassing including ploughing, dressing including breaking of clods, removal of rubbish, dressing and supplying doobs grass roots at 10 cm apart, including supplying and spreading of farm yard manure at rate of0.6 cum per 100 sqm) 209 Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for one Year (Planting of trees by the road side (Avenue trees) in 0.60 m dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge mannure, planting the saplings, backfilling the trench, watering, fixing the tree guard and maintaining the plants for one year) 210 Tree Guard with MS Iron (Providing and fixing MS iron tree guard 60 cm dia and 2 metre high above ground level formed of 4 Nos (25 x 6 mm) and 8 Nos (25 x 3 mm) vertical MS riveted to 3 Nos (25 x 6 mm) iron rings in two halves, bolted together with 8 mm dia and 30 mm long bolts including painting two coats with paint of approved brand over a coat of priming, complete in all respects.) 211 Geotextile Filter (Laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment slopes on which pitching is laid to prevent escape of the embankment material through the voids of the stone pitching/cement concrete blocks as well as to allow free movement of water without creating any uplift head on the pitching.) 212 Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical specification A Cement Grout 213 Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical specification (B) Cement mortar (1:1) Grouting TOTAL