Tender For Karkar Model Sewerage Scheme (Ward-43) Nagar Nigam , Ghaziabad - Excavatrion in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay & sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m watering & rammin of excavated earth into the tranches or into the space between the building and the sides of the foundation or into the plinth and disposal of surplus earth upto a distance of 50m from centre of trenches. 3 0.00 to 1.50 m 4 1.50 to 3.00 m 5 3.00 to 4.50 m 6 Providing and laying 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse Sand : 8 Stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) including watering, ramming consolidating and dressing complete- All work up to plinth level : 7 In Beddding 8 Providing and laying 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse Sand : 4 Stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) including watering, ramming consolidating and dressing complete- All work up to plinth level : 9 In Beddding 10 Provide all material, labour and T&P etc. fixing of following type of timbering in trenches with 50 mm thick country wood planks, 150 X 75 mm size sal wood wallers and 125mm dia. sal wood ballies for struts 1.5 m c/c including removal of all timbering after aying of sewer etc. all complete. 11 A. Open Timbering(0.00 TO 3.00m) 12 Provide all material, labour and T&P etc. fixing of following type of timbering in trenches with 50 mm thick country wood planks, 150 X 75 mmsize sal wood wallers and 125mm dia. sal wood ballies for struts 1.5 m c/c etc. complete. 13 A. Close Timbering(0.00 TO 3.00m) 14 A. Close Timbering(3.00 TO 6.00m) 15 B. Close Timbering(6.00 TO 9.00m) 16 Disposal of surplus earth with municipal limits upto a distance of 8 km as per direction of E/I. 17 Providing of Double wall corrugatedpipes, (DWC), SN-8 grade. 18 200mm 19 250mm 20 Providign non-pressure S/S R.C.C NP-3 pipes including testing of joints etc. complete. 21 300 mm 22 350 mm 23 400 mm 24 Carting, Laying, Jointing,field testing, sand filling including sand bedding (excluding supply of local sand etc) the following sizes of Double Wall Corrugated Pipes (DWC) pipes and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including testing of pipeline. 25 0.00 - 1.50m 26 200mm DWC Pipe 27 1.50 to 3.00 m 28 200mm DWC Pipe 29 250mm DWC Pipe 30 3.00 to 4.50 m 31 200mm DWC Pipe 32 4.50 to 6.00 m 33 Carting, Jointing & field testingfrom store (upto 8km) the following sizes of R.C.C NP-3 pipes and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including testing of pipeline. 34 1.50 to 3.00 m 35 300 mm 36 400mm 37 Supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. and constructing Brick circular M.H. of following sizes as type design and drawing. 38 900 mm dia X 1650 mm depths 39 1200 mm dia X 2300 mm depths 40 1500 mm dia X 4950 mm depths 41 Addition or Substraction due to varition in shaft for following size of M.H. 42 900 mm dia X 1650 mm depths 43 1200 mm dia X 2300 mm depths 44 1500 mm dia X 4950 mm depths 45 Supply of local sand for cushion and protection of pipe in trench. 46 temporary barricading at site as per drawing/ direction of Engineer-in-Charge which includes writing and painting, arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site for day and night, glow lamps, reflective signs, marking, flags, caution tape as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge. The barricading provided shall be retained in position at site continuously i/c shifting of barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the execution of the entire work till its completion. Rate include its maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour materials, equipments and works required to execute the job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.(Note :- One time payment shall be made for providing barricading from start.(@ 20% of Total length) 47 Providing & Construction of Inter Connecting Chamber 30x30x45cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) with C.I. Cover to serve as house sewer connecting chamber @ 1no. between 1 houses & per hotels/ resort 1 no. As per unit estimate. 48 Addition or Substraction due to varition in Inter Connecting Chamber shaft of Size: 30x30x45cm (as per unit estimate.) 49 Providing & Construction of House ConnectingChamber 60x60x75cm, inside with 75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4coarse sand) with C.I. Cover to serve as house sewer connecting chamber @ 1no. between 2 houses & per hotels/ resort 1no. 50 Addition or Substraction due to varition in House Connecting Chamber shaft of Size: 60x60x75cm (as per unit estimate.) 51 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc and construction of sewer house connection fromInter Connecting Chamber to House connecting chamber as per required length as per type design and drawing given in along with supply, laying & jointing of 120 MM(OD) DWC HDPE PIPEconfirming to IS- 16205 Part 24 or its latest amendment including supply to allspecials like - door bend, p-trap etc. jointing materials, iincluding required excavation of trenches and back filling, ramming, compacting, dismentling and reinstatement of ramp of house hold / drain with all safety precautions such as temporary barricating, lighting display of caution boards and disposal of all debris and surplus earth etc complete 52 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc and making construction from House Connecting Chamber toManhole as per type design and drawing given in Schedule-B along with supply, laying & jointing of 160 MM(OD) DWC HDPE PIPEconfirming to IS- 16098 Part 2 or its latest amendment including supply to allspecials. jointing materials, all taxes, excie duty, insurance, freight charge, cartage upto the site, and including required excavation of trenches and back filling, ramming, compacting, dismentling and reinstatement of ramp of house hold / drain with all safety precautions such as temporary barricating, lighting display of caution boards and disposal of all debris and surplus earth etc complete 53 Dismantling manually/ mechanically including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material as per direction of Engineer-in-charge: 54 Bitumen Road 55 CC Road 56 Tile Road 57 Reinstatement of Road 58 Bitumen Road 59 CC Road 60 Tile Road (40% New) 61 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc and construction of sewer house connection from house hold (including outlet pipe from Toilet, Kitchen, Bathroom & Septic Tank)to inter connecting chamber (ICC) as per required length as per type design and drawing given in along with supply, laying & jointing of 120 (OD) MM DWC HDPE pipe confirming to IS- 16098 Part 24 or its latest amendment including supply to allspecials like - door bend, p-trap etc. jointing materials including required excavation of trenches and back filling, ramming, compacting, dismantling and reinstatement of ramp of house hold / drain with all safety precautions such as temporary barricating, lighting display of caution boards and disposal of all debris and surplus earth etc complete. 62 SCHEDULE-G-2 (E&M) 63 P/2 PumpSet: 64 Supply of submersible sewage bottom suction non clog Pumps having Speed 1460 RPM and motor rating around 30 HP or suitable size & compatible with VFD Starter suitable for handling raw sewage of Sp. Gr. 1.05 with Automatic Coupling having following parameters:-(a) Capacity59 LPS(b)Total head18 Mtrs.(e) Material of Construction-:(i) Casing-2% NI-CI with hardnessranges 220- 275 BHN approx. with suitable coating of 500 micron DFT inside the casing.(ii) Impeller - Duplex stainless steel CD4MCU (Chromium 24.5% minimum, Carbon <= 0.04% )as per ASTM , Hardness 220-260 BHN. (ii) Shaft -SS 410 with ceremic coating, hardness 700 BHN at the minimum.(iii) Bearing- anti frictional L-10 with 60000 hours life.(f) Operational Voltage 380±10% 3 phase AC Supply. Total nos. of 03 Pumpsets are proposed in module of operation in 2 nos. are working , 1 Pump sets is store standby. (NOTE- Pump Discharge & Head are tentative and may vary as per actual site condition at the time of execution.) 65 Pump set accessories such as duck foot bend,pedestal auto coupling with guide pipe only (SS) for pump set. 66 VFD starter push button suitable for operation on 415V ±6% , 3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply with OLPD & SCPD protections along with power factor correction feature and suitable to abovemotor. 67 NON-PEAK FLOW Pump Set: 68 Supply of submersible sewage bottom suction non clog Pumps having Speed 1460 RPM and motor rating around 15 HP or suitable size & compatible for handling raw sewage of Sp. Gr. 1.05 with Automatic Coupling having following parameters:-(a) Capacity25 LPS(b)Total head18 Mtrs.(e) Material of Construction-:(i) Casing-2% NI-CI with hardnessranges 220- 275 BHN approx. with suitable coating of 500 micron DFT inside the casing.(ii) Impeller - Duplex stainless steel CD4MCU (Chromium 24.5% minimum, Carbon <= 0.04% )as per ASTM , Hardness 220-260 BHN. (ii) Shaft -SS 410 with ceremic coating, hardness 700 BHN at the minimum.(iii) Bearing- anti frictional L-10 with 60000 hours life.(f) Operational Voltage 380±10% 3 phase AC Supply. Total nos. of 02 Pumpsets are proposed in module of operation in 1 No. is working , 1 Pump set is store standby. (NOTE- Pump Discharge & Head are tentative and may vary as per actual site condition at the time of execution.) 69 Pump set accessories such as duck foot bend,pedestal auto coupling with guide pipe only (SS) for pump set. 70 VFD Starter suitable for operation on 415V ±6%, 3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply with OLPD & SCPD protections and suitable to above motor. 71 APFC Panel of 15 KVAr or suitable KVAr rating with relay in 6 steps for correcting power factor from 0.8 to 0.99 complete 72 Sluice valve 73 Manually operated CIDF sluice valve PN 1.0 FG200 Grade having body door, dome gland in graded cast iron, four faces and spindle nut of Bronze LTB 2 Spindle of St. Steel 410 and of following sizes. 74 150 mm dia 75 200 mm dia 76 250 mm dia 77 Cast iron pipes & specials. 78 Supply ofgalvanized nut- Bolt SS-304 and rubber packing material for erection. 79 Reflex Valve 80 CIDF double flanged single/multi door swing check valves PN 1.0 FG200 Grade having body comprising inlet & outlet sheets in gradeed cast iron diaphragm fitted woth st. steel, faces,diaphragm plate and door , sub pins and shall be of following sizes: 81 150 mm dia 82 200 mm dia 83 CI Dismantling Joints 84 150 mm dia 85 200 mm dia 86 250 mm dia 87 COARSE SCREEN 88 ManualS.S.316 bar coarse screen 1.00 x 0.6 meter size having spacing 20 mm , thickness 10 mm as per site requirement. MAKE JASH / HOOBERpreferably.(Note : Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions.) 89 Sluice Gate:Manually operated thimble mounted CI Sluice Gate of rising spindle type with gearbox, suitable for 600mm dia incoming sewer as per site requirement.Note: Size is tentative and may vary as per actual site conditions. 90 Monorail Travelling trolley with chain pulley block. 91 Monorail Travelling Trolley with spur gear and 3.0 tonne capacity chain pulley block with 16 m lift. 92 Pressure Guage 93 150 mm dia 0-6 Kg/ sq cm. digital pressure guage with S.S. tubing stop cock and necessary fittings. 94 L.T. Panel BoardConforming to IEC-60439 95 L.T. Panel Board suitable for operation on 400 V, 3 Phase 50 Hz. A.C. supply in sheet steel enclosure in cubical pattern floor mounting with following fitted on the phase of the panel with bus incomer bar of 200 amps. Capacity. Bus Bar size of 25x10 mm. and neutral of half the capacity and neutral of half the capacity sectionalized through a bus section. The panel shall comprise of the following. 96 02 No. incoming feeder from 01 Nos. Transformer & 01 No. D.G. Set with following details:- 97 01 nos.Micro processor based 200A amps, 25 KA M.C.C.B.for Incoming LT supply incomer preferably schneider/ABB with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator. 98 01 nos.Micro processor based 200A amps,25 KA M.C.C.B.for D.G.Set incomer preferably schneider/ABB with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator. 99 One set of current transformer of ratio 200/5A 100 One No. CT operated ammeter 0-200A with ammeter 101 One No. Voltmeter 0-500 V with voltmeter 102 One No power factor meter 0.5 lag/ 1-0.5 lead 103 One No Surge arrestor Relay & One no. UV/OV Relay 104 One No frequency meter. 105 Total 09 Nos. outgoing feeder as follows- 106 02 nos. MCCB of 125 amps, 25KA capacity with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator for bigger pumps. 107 01 no. MCCB of 63 amps, 25KA capacity with indication lamp mechanical on/off indicator for smaller pumps. 108 Ammeter with selector switch. 109 Single phasing preventer. 110 Sets of timer and relays for overload and underload. 111 03 Nos. level indicators with control cable from L.T. Panel to pumping plant for automatic level operation of pumping plants including moisture sensor and other protection for 03 Nospumping plants. 112 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB for lighting. 113 One Nos. 63 Amps. MCCB asMisc. load 114 One Nos. 32 Amps. MCCB forspare. 115 OneNos. 32 Amps. MCCB as spare with auto operation. 116 Electromagnetic type Flowmeter 250 mm dia (SBEM /Endress Hauser/ABBmake) complete with control cable and display with application in Sewage . 117 Power and control cables 118 1100 V grade, 3.5 core 25mm2or suitable sizePVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x2x30 mtr.) 119 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x16 mm2 or suitable size PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to Big motor.(2x2x30 mtr.) 120 1100 V grade, 4 core 16mm2or suitable size PVC insulated PVC sheathed Aluminium Armoured conductor cablefrom LT panel to juction box.(1x1x30 mtr.) 121 1100V grade, 2Rx3C x6 mm2or suitable size PVC insulated PVC sheathed submersible copper flat cable from junction box to small motor.(2x1x30 mtr.) 122 Control cable 1*10C, 1.5 mm2 PVC insulated PVC sheathedcopper conductor cable for moisture sensor, level sensor, Reverse protection thermistor relay etc.(25+25=50m. For each) X 3 Nos.pumps 123 Al.junction box in SS304, IP65 with instruments for pumps with Busbar. 124 EARTHING 125 Complete earthing of all the equipments as detailed above shall be done as per IS/IER/PWD specification with G.I Plates, watering pipe and loop earthing with adequate size of G.I/ Al. strip etc. (PS-702) for Pumps &. LT Panel. Size of earthing plate 600mm x 600mm x6 mmwith salt and coal. 126 Lighting system: 127 Supply & erection of M.S. Tubular Poles SP-36, 9.5 M height. 128 S/F of 72 watt LED with lumen reflector, CRI (Ra 80-100)CCT 5000K-6500KBeam Angle 15 degree to 120 degree. IP-20 Indoor and IP- 68 Outdoor. 129 Supply and laying of 4x16mm2 Al. armoured cable. 130 Supply and fixing of 280x170x130 mm.size sintex junction boxes on poles. 131 Supply and laying of unarmoured cable 6 mm2 core Flat PVC insulated for connection of LED to junction boxes. 132 Internal electrification with fixtures. 133 Earthing of street light pole (SOR-41) 134 Supply and installation of DCP type of 5 Kg. Fire existinguisher(PS-1132) 135 12 mm thick rubber mating for safe working on. 136 Tools 137 Mannual crimping tools 138 Tong tester, multimeter, meager, screwdriver, plier. 139 Chain wrench & pipe wrench 140 Installation of above equipments 141 Testing of pumping plantat works 142 Commissioning of pumping plants 143 Chequered plate of required size so as to cover all trenches. 144 Erection of All above equipments and fencing with iron mesh (if required)etc. complete in all respect. 145 D.G. Set 4th, Emision Control Device as per latest version of CPCB Norms. 146 Supply of 82.5 KVA silent type DG set rated capacity at 415 V +/- 6% 50 Hz A.C. Supply of 0.8 P.F lag. Self exciting alternator coupled with 1500 RPM diesel engine of suitable BHP and AC brushless SPDP alternator mounted on a common base frame and coupled through flexible coupling or closed coupled. Alternator shall be self regulated with over voltage, over speed and under voltage standard protection. Engines shall have silencer upto 10 mtr. exhaust piping, electronic/mechanical governor, manual and electric start, batteries, fuel tank with stand and piping, control panel (16G) wirh MCCB (4P, 25 KA) Ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, energy meter, hour meter, engine instrument panel, AVM pads and with weather proof, powder coated Accoustic Enclosure for DG set for sound attenuation febricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet steel structure with side wall fabricated from 2.0mm CRCA sheet and filled with 100mm thick glass wool as per IS the doors of 100mm thick and fabricated from 1.6mm CRCA sheet, Floor ofMS chequrred Plate 5.0mm thick, canopy fixed with axial flow fan of alstom, CG, Almonard make. The enclosure has protection and Tripping of DG set against temprature of more than 50 degree centigrade. All controls for operation of DG set are from outside the enclosure with DG control panel mounted inside enclosure. The enclosure should be suitable for over mentioned capacity of DG set and Alternator. Method of cooling- waterMethod of Aspirartion- Turbo ChargedAs per CPCB 4+ guidlines. 147 Supply of Auto Mains Failure Panel (AMF) fabricated from CRCA sheet steel 2mm thick power coated finished, start and stop commands, control relays, selectors switch for ammeter and voltmeter, timers, hooter, visual and alarm indication for faults, UPS, operator inter face panel complete in all respect suitable for above DG sets. 148 Supply and laying of 1100 voltage grade,1x3.5Cx70 mm2 Al conductor, XLPE armoured cable or suitable size from DG terminal to DG.Panel & from DG Panel toLT Panel. 149 Installation with Stacking height, Double Earthing Al. strip size 25x6mm , testing and Commissioning of D.G. Set& AMF Panel complete as per IS & IER. 150 Commissioning of all above equipments etc. complete in all respect. 151 Operation & Maintenance of the plant in the course of Trial run of 03 months including all consumables such as Dieseletc. or until & unless plant is handed over to the concerning agency / authority as per direction of the Engineer in charge.