Tender For Tender Cum Auction For Obsolete, Unserviceable Stores And Scrap Items From Nit Rourkela-1. Department / Centre / Office: Student Activity Centre-Aqua Guard Tabular Battery Trade Mill Double Length metallic aluminum head Sony Projector Amplifier Microphone Crossover Photo Copier Machine Printer HP Laser Jet HP Desk jet printer office all in one printer Aqua Guard Invertor(800 VA) Tabular Battery window with glass fitting wooden rack with glass fitting T.T. Table Hockey goal post Grass cutting machine Lining lime machine Water cooler Trolley Hurdles Standing fan Unused wooden chairs Aqua guard Height Measuring stand Bench Press Wall fan Plastic Pipes Broken Iron Dumbbell-2.Department / Centre / Office: Mining Engineering= Personal Computer Personal Computer Personal Computer Personal Computer Personal Computer Personal Computer Aqua Guard HP Colour Printer PCS1350 Moisture Oven Precision Humidity Oven Surface grinder Universal Testing Machine Compressive Testing Machine Cut-off saw=3.Department / Centre / Office: Civil Engineering= Humidity oven Model-SHO/A Inner Chamber-Aluminum Semi-Secretariat Table Table with one drawer Steel Table Table without Drawer Conference Chair (wooden) Office Chair (wooden) Cushion & Revolving Chair (Re-module type) Classroom Chair (wooden) Wooden desk Chain pully block Rain gauge Recording, Non-recording & evaporation pan Automatic Weather station Steel filing cabinet Ducting testing Machine Sieve shaker electric driven Cement autoclave electrically operated Platform type balance,300kg Cap. Revolving chair Cushion Chair Needle Vibrator-4. Department / Centre / Office: Physics and Astronomy- Wooden Almirah Chair Wooden Stool Battery Charger Voltage 1idth1ator Model No-9144 Pid control oven Hi regulated power supply Ac voltage stabilizer Curie Temperature kit Power supply em bar magnet method model no-30 Millikan oil power supply Pulse position modulation and demodulation etb-114 Hot Oven Scr characteristics Etb-55 regulator variable dual power supply, icvd-301/1 Anderson bridge, etb-31 Universal BH curve tracer De sauty bridge, etb-67 Frequency modulation and demodulation Frequency counter Model no- 850 Analog to digital converter (digital voltmeter trainer) ltb- Spot-reflecting galvanometer resistance (600 ohms) Study of amplifiers Class a, b, class ab and push pull amplifier Low distortion audio generator, 2002 Low distortion rc 2idth2ator, 1001 515 d oscilloscope (cro) Amplitude modulation and demodulation Determination of internal resistance of a dc power source, etb-183 Hall effect set-up Dhe-21 8086 Plank constant kit Composite piezoelectric oscillator Stabilized power supply Maxwell Ic bridge, etb-135 Transistor free running multivibrator, etb-26 Phase shift keying (psk) modulation and demodulation, etb-206, 207 Frequency modulation and demodulation etb-98, 206 Study of ujt and relaxation Oscillator, pet-401 oscillator (various type) etb- 8-bit multiplying d/a converter, etb-834 Study of a transistor amplifier com feedback amplifier Study of solid state power supply Amplitude modulation and demodulation etb-96 Analog multimeter Polarimeter Ultrasonic inferometer Tow stage re couple transistor amplifier etb-45 CRT monitor Superconductivity apparatus Hil 2901 Discrete component trainer Hil 2921 digital ic trainer Plank constant kit Analog multimeter Digital gauss meter, Dgm-102 Sodium light source box and transformer 8 bit analog digital counter ltb-833 x-ray camera Latice dynamic electrical analog experiment, es-328 Plank constant by vacuum type photo cell, es-317 Charging and discharging of condension Study of kelvin bridge Transistor characteristics Zener regulator Ic regulated power supply etb-199 Em helical apparatus Digital to analog counter, ltb-813 Mutlivibrator solid state, etb-95 Scientific cro sm 203 m Hysterisisiloop tracer, nv6108 Forbidden energy gap kit Battery eliminator, be-12/2 Multiple power supply, psd-3304 8085 ic microprocessor Study of monostate multivibrator 8085 microprocessor ic trainer, dej-85a Physical balance of guoy method Em helical apparatus Hot air oven 8086 microprocessor Thermo EMF Newton’s law of cooling Specific heat of liquid by newtons law heat capacity of solids (ES-321) Thermal conductivity of copper Determination of J by calendar & Bernie’s method Monitor CRT VXL Monitor Monitor CRT CPU CPU CPU Monitor CRT Computer with monitor UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer For measurement of solid pellets, thin films and liquid films Monitor of PC Monitor of PC Monitor of PC IBM Think center CPU HP LaserJet 1150 Printer Compaq R191 Monitor APC UPS ES 650 PC CPU Keyboard CPU Printer UPS Printer UV-VIS-Spector Photometer Fabrication & Calibration of high voltage Dc power supply High voltage Dc power supply for polling 5. Department / Centre / Office: Life Science-Bio Spectrometer Micro Centrifuge With Rotor -35◦ C deep Freezer Freeze Dryer -80◦C Deep Freezer CPU Water bath UPS-6. Department / Centre / Office: Chemical Engineering -Sieve Shaker Auto Clave Tray Dryer Air Classifier/Cyclone separator Hot Air Oven Mass Transfer with/without reaction Water bath-7. Department / Centre / Office: Purchase & Works-Toshiba Digital E-Studio 255/305 (DF-2520 ASD)-=8. Department / Centre / Office: Ceramic Engineering= Birla Yamah Gen. Set TGA 1200 C Chamber Furnace 1200 c Vacuum Pump Microprocessor Research Centrifuge Research Centrifuge Tube Furnace 1450 C Carrier AC (Split type) 1.5 ton Vertical Autoclave OHP Projector vacuum Cleaner Microscope Microscope Grinding, Policing, M/C (Three disc wheel) High Temp. Chamber Furnace Raising health Furnace Lab furnace 1200c Humidity Chamber Voltage Stabilizer Gravity Convection type Hot air Oven Vickers Hardness Tester Tube Furnace 1700C Sand Bath Hot water bath BET Surface area & Pre size analyzer : Model-Autoharp 1 Vickers Semi Macro Hardness , Tester: Model-LV700,-9. Department / Centre / Office: Metallurgy & Material Science- High Temp. Tubular Furnace with accessories Isostatic cold press Pillar Drilling Machine Universal Milling Machine with accessories chamber type furnace Surface Grinder Hydraulic Hackshaw machine Online UPS (10KVA) Abbrasive Cutoff Machine Wear & friction Monitor Air Jet Errosion Tester 1.5T Window AC 1.5T Window AC 1.5T Window AC AIR Compressor with accessories Single Pan Weighing Balance High pressure Airjet Sand Blasting Experimental Setup, Gas arrangement with Furnace Deep Freezer (-20 C) Humidity & temp Chamber (Refrigerated) Hot air Oven 3 KVA online UPS 3 KVA online UPS on disk wear & Friction tester 3 KVA online UPS 1 KVA online UPS Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Colour TV 29 Colour TV 29 Xerox Macine VEB Elektro Polishing Machine PH Meter Conductivity Meter Potentiostat UPS Computer-10. Department / Centre / Office: Humanities and Social Science- Wireless LCD Projector Window AC UPS 800VA Wall mount Fan LaserJet printer LaserJet printer LaserJet printer Add-on DDR2 1GB Ram 17 TFI in Liew 17 CRT Xeon Server 19TFI in Liew 17 CRT LCD Projector with bag no.MVC00347005158 Single Blower Air Cooler-11. Department / Centre / Office: Mechanical Engineering- Helium Liquefier model Koch process system-1610 660MM Dia pen hype Centrifugal Blower Plasma Spray Torch & auxilary Vacuum Vassel double walles HT 1800 MM Vacuum Vassel double walles HT 1640 MM Motor(Electric) UTM-60T Capacity Dial Indicator Dynamic balancing M/C 1. Digital Stroboncope Load indicator load Cell 2. PC BANED DIGITAL VIBRATION CONTROLLER RANDOM VIBRATION CONBULAR PIEZOELECTRIC ACCLERATOR METER SOLAR ABSORPTION SYSTEM VAPOR COMPRESSOR REFERIGETOR SYSTEM HEAT PIPE PIN-FIN APPARATUS PARALLEL AND COUNTER FLOW HEAR EXCHANGE DESKTOP COMPUTER=12. Department / Centre / Office: Career Development Centre- Xerox Machine Projector Scanner Scanner Fax Machine Laptop Laptop Monitor with mouse Printer Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Mouse Mouse Mouse UPS UPS UPS UPS= 13. Department / Centre / Office: Biotechnology and Medical Engineering=Colony count Serological water bath Digital pH meter (Only cover) Nitrogen inert loop Lyolab lyophilizer Remi centrifuge Microscope (-)20◦C Deep freezer=14. Department / Centre / Office: Electronics and Communication Engineering= Function generator, TDM Pulse Amplitude Modulation/Demodulation trainer ST2102 Sl. No. 0203288, 0203289 Delta Adaptive, Delta Sigma Modulation/ Demodulation trainer Model ST2105, Sl. No. 0203289, 0203291 TDM PCM receiver trainer Model-ST2104, S. No. 0603391, 0603393 Data formatting & carrier modulation transmitter trainer, model ST 2106, Sl. No. 0503352, 0503353 Data formatting & carrier demodulation receiver, Model-2107, Sl. No. 0403338 & 0403339 Binary Data generator, model-2111, Sl. No. 09345, 090346 CRO 20 MHz, Model-366522-7-F, Function generator 20 Mhz Model 367710-&-F, Function generator, Instek make dual Trace 60 Mhz Digital Storage oscilloscope, Model GDS806C Instek make dual Trace 100 Mhz Digital Storage oscilloscope, Model GDS810C LAN trainer I Sequence Cryptography Network security assurance Lab TDM Pulse Code modulation Transmitter trainer, Model ST-2103, Sl No. 0503414, 0503415 Sampling & reconstruction trainer, model- ST-2101 Sl No. 0703349, 0703350 PAM, PPM, PWM modulation & demodulation trainer, Model ST-2110, Sl. No. 0503211, 0503212 Data conditioning & Carrier Modulation Kit. Product code- DCLT-005 Data re-conditioning & Carrier de-Modulation Kit. Product code- DCLT-006 TDM Pulse amplitude modulation + demodulation kit. Prod code- DCLT-002 Pulse Amplitude/Pulse width/Pulse position modulation kit. Product code DCLT-007 Amplitude Modulation Transmitter kit (ACL-01) Amplitude demodulation receiver kit ACL-002 Frequency modulation transmitter kit ACL-003 Frequency demodulation kit ACL-004 Satellite Communication trainer kit. Model ST-2271 Sl. no. 120560 OFT- Optical Fiber + Digital Communication trainer. Vinytics AM/FM/PM/PAM/PWM Modulation/Demodulation kit Dual trace DSO- Sl no. 25741, Model – HM205-2, CDMA training kit, Model ST 2131-A, Sl. No. 110518 Man & Tel Bluetooth trainer kit Model BT2001. HP Compaq Monitor(large size LCD) Sl no. CN322XP216 HP Compaq dc7800 CPU Core 2 DUO- used by Prof P Singh Sl No. INA80205ZQ Core 2 Duo HP Compaq dc7800 Sl no INA8040061 Intel p4 CPU SN INI33304MZ, Product no. DM200p#ACJ HP Compaq dc7800 core 2 duo cpu SN INA804006M, P/N- GC758AV Counter universals Hil-2702 Asahi Mainframe Bread Board With Logic Board (Cds) Bread Board With Logic Board (Cds) Digital Lcr Meter Battery Operator Plcr-8a (Pacific) Decade Resistance Box Decade Inductance Box Ace Pune Cards Automatic Voltage Stabilizer (1phase 7.5kva) Aplab Power Supply Model No:7444. M-COIL DC AMMETER- 0-5-10 Ma M - Coil Dc Ammeter 0-100-500 M - Coil Dc Voltmeter 0-5-10v M - Coil Dc Millivolt meter 0-500-1000 M - Coil Dc Voltmeter 0-1 V Function Generator Hm-5030 Scientific Pulse Generator Scientific Digital Multi meter 3-1/2 Digits Scientific Cro 10 Mhz Sine Tech Cro 25 Mhz Aplab Function Generator Programmable (Systronics) (One Already Mention In Communication Lab) Decade Condenser Box Omega M - Coil Dc Ammeter 0-1-2 Amp M - Coil Dc Ammeter 0-5-10 Amp M - Coil Ac Voltmeter 0-250-500v M - Coil Dc Voltmeter 0-150-300v M - Coil Ac Voltmeter 0-150-300v M - Coil Dc Voltmeter 0-100-200mv Multimeter Analog - Hung Chung Function Generator Aplab Ups Apc Make Ic Tester Analog + Digital Power Supply Scintific Psd 3304 Oscilloscope 30 Mhz Aplab, 3706cr Distortion Factor Meter Scientific Power Supply Scientific Inp7001 Digital Table Top Multimeter Tektronix Dynalog Function Generator 30mhz, Dx4002 DSO -60 Mhz CDS 4 1/2digit Table top DMM CDS Power Supply DSO Multiple i/p and Multiple o/p system 500VA UPS, DSP Starter kit DSP Complier DSP Starter kit TMS320005402 DSP Starter kit TMS320006211 DSO 100 MHz 5KVA online UPS DSP Starter kit TMP320c6711 Work Station Work Station 10 KVA online UPS Function Generator (3 MHZ) PDC-20 Component Development System Table with one sleve for CPU, One keyboard Drawer, One cub board/three drawer HP Elite 8100 pc CPU Sl.No. INA102S5RD, Monitor Sl. No.- CNC014P2X8 UPS 650VA UPS 650VA PC CPU Sl No.: INA9270349 Monitor Sl No.: CNT92090K2 Table with one side cub board and otheside three drawers PC CPU Sl. No.: INA102S5QW Monitor Sl. No.: CNC009RDF2 PC CPU Sl. No.: INA102S59S Monitor Sl. No.: CNC014P3FG PC Monitor UPS PC UPS PC, Monitor, UPS Image Daughter Card, digital media developers Kit Sundance video and imaging module MATROX imaging solution based MATROX imaging solution based APC UPS 1.5 Ton AC (Siera) 15. Department / Centre / Office: Computer Science Engineering-Multi Vibrator using OPAM PN junction diode Scientific function generator 5000 Transistor Characteristics Kit Rectifier trainer kit Crystal Oscillator Old Analog voltmeter and ammeter Analog type ammeter Window AC Split AC (old) Water Cooler Wall Fan Exhaust Fan Pedestal Fan HP ELITE 8200 COMPUTER HP COMPACQ 8300 COMPUTER HP COMPACQ 8300 COMPUTER P3 Computer P4 Computer P4 Computer P4 Computer P4 Computer P4 Computer 8085 KIT 8086 KIT Universal 16/32 bit Microprocessor Trainer Emitter Couple differential Amplifier Regulated Power Supply Logic Analyzer BJT Biasing Circuit Trainer Integrator and Differentiator using OPAM Pulse Code Modulation & Demodulation Kit PWM & PPM Demonstrator Class A - Class B power Amplifier Oscilloscope 20Mhz dual trace Oscilloscope 20Mhz dual trace Function Generator 1hz – 1mhz with counter Pulse Code Modulation Kit Computer Table (godrej) Computer Table Table Computer rack with sun mica Workstation Table 600VA UPS 600VA UPS 600VA UPS 600VA UPS 600VA UPS 600VA UPS 600VA UPS P4 Computer P4 Computer P4 Computer= 16. Department / Centre / Office: Mathematics Sharp Xerox UPS PC Monitor Printer PC Monitor Printer PC Monitor Monitor UPS PC Monitor Printer PC Monitor Printer Printer PC Monitor PC Monitor PC Monitor Monitor PC-17. Department / Centre / Office: Academic Office-xerox machine