
Operation And Maintenance Of The Iep Including Supply Of Chemicals, Spares, Consumables And All Tools And Plants Etc. And For Distribution System, Rising Main Pipe Line Of Augmentation Piped Water Supply Scheme At Regent Estate. (For One Year), kolkata-West Bengal

Public Health And Engineering Department has published Operation And Maintenance Of The Iep Including Supply Of Chemicals, Spares, Consumables And All Tools And Plants Etc. And For Distribution System, Rising Main Pipe Line Of Augmentation Piped Water Supply Scheme At Regent Estate. (For One Year). Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2024. Pipe Laying Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Operation And Maintenance Of The Iep Including Supply Of Chemicals, Spares, Consumables And All Tools And Plants Etc. And For Distribution System, Rising Main Pipe Line Of Augmentation Piped Water Supply Scheme At Regent Estate. (For One Year)
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Operation And Maintenance Of The Iep Including Supply Of Chemicals, Spares, Consumables And All Tools And Plants Etc. And For Distribution System, Rising Main Pipe Line Of Augmentation Piped Water Supply Scheme At Regent Estate. (For One Year)-1 Labour charges for Operation and guarding of pump / valve/ disinfection arrangement with all complete in all respecta) operator / mechanics/valve operator @ 5 No. each per day.[Amount to be paid to employee- Rs. 453.74.07Minimum wage-Rs. 465.00Adding bonus @8.33% - Rs.38.73Total-Rs.465.00 + 38.73 = 503.73Less EPF & ESIC Contribution of Employee @Rs. 49.99 = Rs. (503.73 - 49.99) = Rs. 453.74] b) Electrical supervisor @ 1 No. in each fort night 2 Labour charges for repairing the bursting/damage/leakage of 80 mm. to 200 mm. dia. A.C. Pipeline with detachable joints including earth work in excavation tracing out the actual position of burst/leak, cutting pipe required length, refitting the same with new pipes and old/new detachable joints after chiseling and shaping the pipe, bailing out water from the trenches and refilling the trenches to its original condition all complete as per direction of E.I.C. (Extra A.C. Pipes and detachable joints with rubber ring, nuts and bolls etc. will be supplied from the scheme store, Surplus and unserviceable pipes and specials will have to be returned to the same store. The rates are inclusive of carriage to site of work and back carriage of materials to and from scheme store as mentioned above.)i) 80mm to 125 mm dia ii) 150mm to 200 mm dia 3 Extra repairing charges over item no. 2 for changing of gland packing of sluice valve/air valve with supplying of gland packing grease etc. bailing out of water including removing the top cover slab of valve chamber and refixing the same after completion of work as per direction of EIC.a) 80 mm dia to 125 mm dia b) 150 mm dia to 250 mm dia 4 Supplying, laying, fiting, fixing and jointing of UPVC pipes conforming toIS:4985-2000 with latest revision and amendments, if any, with necessary UPVC/CI specials, CIDF sluice valves, as per relevant I.S. specification including labour charges for earth work in excavation in any kind of soil including mixed soil with boulder ,road sub-grade and its flanks but excluding moorum and laterite or sand stonehard arock including cutting of brick payment without damaging the existing telephone/electrical cable line etc.(in case of damage of any type of cable line during excavation, necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respaective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost. Loading, unloading, carrying of pipes, specials, valves from the local store to work site and lowering laying of pipes specials valves carefully in trenches maintaining proper levels and alignment ,jointing the pipe and specials including supplying of good quality/approved brand solvent cement (as per IS:14182-1994 including cost of all fabricated PVC fitting i.e. tees,bend, reducers, adopter etc.as per IS:101-1988 and making flange joints including supplying required quantity nuts, bolts and rubber insertion (CIDF sluice valves will be supplied by the department free of cost) as required at site by adopting suitable method so as to facilate the maintenance of pipe line locally as per conventional method including back filling the trenches with good earth obtained from excavation of trenches including consolidation with watering in layer not exceeding 150mm thk. with maintaining an average depth of cushion of 1.10mtr. from the top of pipe line including making interconnection with distribution pipes etc. all complete as per drawing direction and satisfaction of the E.I.C.N.B. i) Manufacturer’s test certificate for UPVC pipe & specials to beproduced before laying of pipe line. ii) 3rd party inspection of UPVC pipe & specials to be done by CEPET or (India) SGS/NTH Kolkata or as per direction of EIC as per approved vender list.iii)No part payment at any stage on account of supply of materials shallbe entertained.iv)Payment will be made on actual consumption of materials.v)UPVC pipes for the works to be supplied as per approved vendor listand as per direction & satisfaction of EIC. No pipes will be allowedbeyond recommendated vendor list.vi)Submission of drawing of pipe line with statement of materialsconsumed between node to node points against each R.A. & final bill.ifso.vii) Any deviation from required clear cover of 1.10mtr.due to siteadverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from EIC andpayment for such work will be made on prorate basis over the rate ofentire item.viii)All pipe connection shall be completed in all respect and as perdirectionof EIC. Decision of EIC in this respect is final & binding. In case of any deviation/or any left out pipe connections an amount ofRs.10,000.00 for each pipe connection will be realized/recovered fromthe bill.(ii) Laying of pipe line including cost of pipe & fittings/specials butexcluding cost of valves. a) 90 mm dia (OD) Class - III b) 110 mm dia (OD) Class - III c) 125 mm dia (OD) Class - III d) 200 mm dia (OD) Class - III Sl. No. Description of Work 5 Repairing of flange joint after dismantling the joints, removing the unserviceable rubber insertion and supply new rubber insertion and supply upto 50 % of new nuts and bolts all complete including necessary earth work dewatering etc.all complete as per direction of EIC. a) 80 mm dia to 100 mm dia b) 125 mm dia to 200 mm dia 6 Extra charge for cutting CI/DI (all type) pipe by Chisel / Hackshaw including rendering the surface smooth to make it suitable for rubber gasket/lead joint/ detachable joints complete as per direction of EIC. a) 80 mm dia to 125 mm dia a) 150 mm dia to 200 mm dia 7 Making lighting arrangement for work during night including all charges. 8 Making barricading for protecting the trench to avoid any accident including making arrangement of road light during the night. 9 Withdrawing of DI/CI pipes / AC pipe after excavation of earth and with the help of chain pully derrick etc. by dismantling of jointing of rubber gasket joint or lead joint or flange joint and stacking the withdrawn pipes and specials at site store /road flank godown etc. all complete as per direction of ElC. a) 80 mm to 125 mm AC/DI/CI Pipe b) 150 mm dia to 200 mm AC/DI/CI Pipe 10 Dismantling existing ferule with fitting and refixing the same after cleaning and washing of pipe line upto stand post. 11 Labour charges for reparing of UPVC pipe by using UPVC socket and solvent cement including earth work in excavation with dewatering and necessary tracing out the actual position of brusting / leakage, cutting the pipe to required length in the trenches and replacing the same with new pipe (as per required length) including fitting fixing after roughing the UPVC surface & supplying and applying solvent cement, back filling the trenches with excavated earth upto the same as per direction of EIC all complete (UPVC pipes and specials, solvent cement to be supplied by the Agency). Unserviceable broken withdrawn a) 90 mm dia b) 110 mm dia c) 125 mm dia d) 200 mm dia 12 Opening the cap / plug of washout point and opening sluice valve to clean the pipe cleaning the cap / plug and sluice valve after completion of the work including earth work in excavation and refilling the same, draining out washed water etc. as per direction of EIC and replacing RCC Top slab cover where necessary including refixing the opened cap/plug in position complete.a) Opening 13 Dewatering from the excavated trenches for repairing any type of pipe line including hire cgarge of pump / carriage / fuel & lubricant / operator etc. for big dia pipes more than 200 mm dia all complete as per direction EIC. (This item will be excuted after the permission of EIC.) 14 Cleaning the chokage of AC/DI/CI/UPVC pipes in the existing line by spilt bamboo passing through the new pit on the line and cleaning silt, bats or any obstructed materials in the line and cleaning by washed water. (Work to be executed as per prior approval and direction of EIC). 15 Taking out of old and damaged valve of any type from the existing line after dismantling of Flange joint or Socket joint and fitting, fixing of new valve. [Cost of dismantling of joint and renewing the same to be added with this item to complete the job in all respect] a) 80 mm dia to 100 mm dia b) 125 mm dia to 150 mm dia c) 200 mm dia to 250 mm dia 16 Clearing compound premises of shurbs, plants, jungles etc. by cutting and removing as directed (Specific permission of Engineer-in-Charge prior to execution will be necessary). (Payment to be made on area cleared) of Rates of respective Circle.

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INR 29223.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 14.61 Lakhs /-
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