
Tender For Repair Work Of Valve Chamber Of Water Pipe Line In Rand Er,Pal, A Dajan, Palan Pore, Jahangirabad, Jahangirpura, Variyav, Pisad, Adajan Gamtal, Bhatha, Bhatpore, Bhesan, Echhapore And Etc Area In West Zone (Rander) -, SURAT-Gujarat

Surat Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Repair Work Of Valve Chamber Of Water Pipe Line In Rand Er,Pal, A Dajan, Palan Pore, Jahangirabad, Jahangirpura, Variyav, Pisad, Adajan Gamtal, Bhatha, Bhatpore, Bhesan, Echhapore And Etc Area In West Zone (Rander) -. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-12-2024. Water Pipe Line Tenders in SURAT Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair Work Of Valve Chamber Of Water Pipe Line In Rand Er,Pal, A Dajan, Palan Pore, Jahangirabad, Jahangirpura, Variyav, Pisad, Adajan Gamtal, Bhatha, Bhatpore, Bhesan, Echhapore And Etc Area In West Zone (Rander) -
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repair Work Of Valve Chamber Of Water Pipe Line In Rand Er,Pal, A Dajan, Palan Pore, Jahangirabad, Jahangirpura, Variyav, Pisad, Adajan Gamtal, Bhatha, Bhatpore, Bhesan, Echhapore And Etc Area In West Zone (Rander) -1 Excavation for Founddation including all safet provision (barricadding, fencing, reflective Cautionary Warning Sign Board Of work in progress etc.) using site rails with shoring, strutting and stacking the excavated stuff upto 50.00 mt.complete for lift and strata as specified. The excavation shall be carried out in stable slope for which no extra payment will be made. complete as directed by the Engineer-incharge. (R & B SOR 2021-22 page No.64) (A) depth 0.00 to 1.50 mt. (B) depth 1.5 to 3.00 mt (C) depth 3.00 to 5.0 mtp 2 Excavation of ashphalt road or any kind of pavement of any thickness with stacking the same etc. complete as directed. (GWSSB SOR 2021-22 Page No.33) 3 Refilling of trenches including ramming, watering, consolidating, disposal of surplus stuff as directed within a radius of 3 km. (GWSSB SOR 2021-22 Page No.40) 4 providing and laying C:C 1:3:6 (1cement :3 course sand and :6 graded stone aggeregate of 40 mm nominal size) and curing compacting excluding cost of form work for P.C.C (gwssb sor 2021 - 22, part -1 c1, It 2.1) For Pipe Encasing/Thrust Block For foundation and plinth. 5 Providing and construting brick work using common fly Ash bricks confirming to IS:13757,IS:5454,IS:3495 having crusing strength not less than70kg./sq.cmbrick masonary as per the detailed drawing using brick of approval quality in foundation and plinth including racking our joint,watering etc. as directed in C.M.1:6(1 cement:6 fine sand) etc.complete. (R & B SOR 2021 - 22 Page No. - 84) 6 Providing and applying 10 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on brick / concrete walls similar surface for plastering and finished even and smooth with a floating coat of neat cement slurry mixed with admixture of lime required proportion etc. complete. (R&B SOR 2021-22 Page No. 142) 7 Providing and laying Cement concrete 1 : 1.5:3 (I.e in proporation of CM 1:1.5:3 (1- Cement : 1.5 - fine Agg.and 3- 20 mm nominal size kapachi) including cost of reinforcement including curing etc. complete. (GWSSB SOR 2021-22 Page No. 43) (A) Foundation, Footing, Base of Columns and mass concrete (B) Slabs 8 Providing, Cleaning straghtening , Cutting , bending binding in position TMT bar for Reinforced concrete work confirming to IS 1786 and Mild steel reinforcement confirming to IS 226 (GWSSB SOR 2021-22, Part-1 C1, It. 9.4)9 Providing and fixing C.I PVC steps of size 300 x 150 x 25 mm in the masnory chamber. The steps shall be fixed at the time of constructing the chamber. (R&B SOR 2021-22 Page No.180) 10 Providing & fixing R.C.C.Precast Manhole Frame with cover in M-350 as per drawing for manhole suitable for 450x600 cm opening of M.H. including cost of reinforcement M.S. Angles or Flate, curring mold work etc. complete. (GWSSB SOR 2021-22, page No 16 ,It. 10.4.A) (a) Heavy Duty 11 Providing and fixing M.S manhole frame and cover of required size including necessary hold fast arrangement. The frame shall be grouted in the RCC slab at the time of casting the slab including one coat of primer and two coat of oil paint. The frame shall be of M.S. angle of size 65 x 65 x 6 mm & 12 mm thick M.S plate as directed by Engineer - in - charge. (SMC Unit Rate) 12 Bailing out subsoil or drainage water by pumps as directed after excavation and during concreting / pipe laying work and keeping dry the area till the complete of work as per information given by the Engineer - in charge. (SMC Unit Rate) 13 Taking colour photographs of work in progress and submit with each R.A.Bill Photographs shall cover details of locations of the activity of work in progress. The Contractor shall submit photographs with Album in a set comprising 3 (three) copies (size of photographs is 4 x 6) and a soft copy of the same. Work shall be carried out as per the instruction of the Engineer-in-charge. (SMC Unit Rate)

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INR 5000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5 Lakhs /-
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