
Tender For Construction Of Oht Compound Wall And Paver Block Laying At Weekly Shandy In Ettayapuram Town Panchayat, ettayapuram-Tamil Nadu

Town Panchayats has published Tender For Construction Of Oht Compound Wall And Paver Block Laying At Weekly Shandy In Ettayapuram Town Panchayat. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-12-2024. Paver Blocking Tenders in ettayapuram Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Oht Compound Wall And Paver Block Laying At Weekly Shandy In Ettayapuram Town Panchayat
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Oht Compound Wall And Paver Block Laying At Weekly Shandy In Ettayapuram Town Panchayat; 1 Earthwork excavation for foundation in all soils and sub soils in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and to full depth as may be directed,except in hard rock,requiring blasting including shoring and shuttering and bailing out of water wherever necessary,refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth or sand in layer of not more than 15cm thick.well rammed and consolidated and depositing on bank with initial lead and lift of 10m & initial lift of 2m and depositing the surplusr earth within the compound in places shown by the departmental officers with iniital lead and lifts,clearing and levelling the site etc., complete as per SS20B and as directed by departmental Engineers(TNBP No.17,23,24). 2 PlainCement Concrete 1:4:8 mix (One Part of Cement, Four part ofFine Aggregate and Eight part of Coarse Aggregate) Using 40mm ISS HBG metal for foundation and basement including dewatering if found necessary and laid in layer of not more than 15cm thick and consolidated including all cost conveyance of materials and labour charges etc. complete as per standard specifications and as directed by departmental Engineers(TNBP No.28). 3 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting uptp 3.29m height for plane surfaces in all floors with all cross bracings using mild steel sheets of size 90cmx60cm and 10 gauge stiffened, welded with mild steel angles of size 25mmx25x3mm for boarding laid over silver oak (country wood) joist of size 10cmx6.5cm dia spaced about 90cm centre to centre and supported by casuarina props of 10cm to 13cm dia spaced at 75cm centre tocentre etc.complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental engineers. TNBP No.30 4 A) Column 5 B) Grade beam & Footing 6 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 mix (One cement and One and a half Fine Aggregate and Three Coarse Aggregate) Using 20mm ISS HBG metal including all cost conveyance of materials and labour charges for curing,finishing but excluding centering,shuttering and cost of reinforcement grills, including vibrating charges etc. complete as per standard specification and as directed by departmental Engineers(TNBP No.30). 7 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position mild steel or TMT rods for all reinforced cement concrete works as per design given including cost of steel and binding wire with all conveyance and lead charges in all floors etc.complete complyingwith standard specifications and as directed by the deparmental engineers.TNBP No:30 8 Brick Work in CM 1:5 (One part of cement & five parts of sand) mix using Third Class Country Brick Kiln Burnt bricks 9 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 2 ¾ including cost and conveyance of materialsto work site and including all labour charges for mixing, laying, curing the concrete etc., complete as per standard specifications and as directed by departmental Engineers – TNBP No:31 9 Plastering with CM 1:5(One part of cement & five parts of sand) mix for 12mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materialsto work site and including all labour charges for mixing, laying, curing,finishing etc., complete as per standard specifications and as directed by departmental Engineers – TNBP No:56&57 10 Painting the new walls two coats over one coat of priming with best weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint of approved colour and quality including preparation of surface and finishing neatly etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by departmental officersComplete as per standard specification. 11 Supplying and fixing of M.S grill of approved design for doors, windows and ventilators using necessary mild steel flats for inner and outer memebers which should be fixed to window frames inclusive of priming coat of best approved quality red oxide primer etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 12 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage to mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achive the desired density complete as per clasue 406 of MORTH specifications. 13 Supplying and laying Rubberised interlocking Paver blockM40 grade Providing and laying of83mmthick high strength type conforming IS 15658-2006 of rubberized interlocking paver lock in size of minimum compressive strength of 40N/mm2 in uniform shape of approved make to be laid in flurring bone pattern with sand cushion below the uniform shap of approvednon skitting surface in the top and the rate including levelling the base preparation ofpavers as sub base, sand cushion 100mm thick layingout of pavement cut the pieces to fix the edge vibring the pavers,sweeping tranporting loading unloading of laying paver block as per standard specification,.

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INR 8000.0 /-
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