Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P for erection , Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 3ph 09KVA LT Line, Installation of 11-0.4KV , 25KVA DP mounted S/S -01no , 11KV 3p 3w OH Line over 09 no 9 mtr long 300Kg PSC Pole with 55 mm2 AAAC=0.30Km & with 3CX35 mm2 11KV XLPE Cable=0.03 Km ,3P LT Service connection with 3P WC Energy meter for PWS to Kaluabadiunder Ganjam Block. .- 1 Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P for Erection, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of 11/0.4KV, 25 KVA DSS (DP mounted, to be H/O to TPSODL)=01 No.including Stock, Storage & Insurance,Transporation (as per REC Standard) and as per requirement of TPSODL 2 9 mtr long,300 KG, PSC pole 3 GI Base Plate.(500x500x10 mm) for PSC pole ( 20 Kg) 4 Earthing of support (coil type) 5 Danger Board 6 Back Clamp for danger Board (25x3 ) mm flat, 0.59kg/mtr flat of 0.510mtr. Length 2 Nos = (2x0.59x0.510). 7 GI Barbed wire (Anti climbing Device @3 Kg./support) 8 Back Clamp for anticlimbing devices (25x3) MM Flat, 0.59kg/mtr. Flat of 0.510 mtrs Length 8 Nos. = (8x0.59x0.510). 9 Pressure Channel (100X50x6) mm. 2.8 Mtr. Long 02 Nos.(9.2 Kg/Mtr) with Galvanisation Charges 10 Transformer Mounting Channel (100x50X6)mm 2.80 mtr. long 02 Nos (9.2Kg/mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 11 AB Switch & HG Fuse Mounting GI Channel (75x40X6)mm 2.8 Mtr long 4Nos (6.8 Kg./Mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 12 Cantilever GI channel for SupportingHG Fuse (75x40x6)mm MS Angle 1mtrs. Long, 2 Nos.(6.8 Kg./Mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 13 Cantilever channel for Supporting HG Fuse (50x50x6)mm MS Angle 1Mtrs. Long, 2 Nos.(4.5 Kg./Mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 14 Angle for cantilever arrangement for AB switch and HG Fuse (50X50X6)mm 2mtr. Long each, 2 Nos. (4.5 Kg./Mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 15 Transformer Belting (50X50X6)mm angle 2.8mtr. Long 2 Nos (4.5 Kg./Mtr.) with side angle (total 7 mtr.)Galvanisation Charges 16 Angle for mounting LT distribution box 35X35X5 mm 1.0mtr. each Long 2 Nos. (3.5 Kg./Mtr.) Galvanisation Charges 17 11 KV Disc Insulator (T&C) type 45 KN POLYMER 18 Hard Ware Fitting (T&C) Type 45 KN 19 AB Switch 11 KV, 3 pole, 200A, 50Hz 20 HG Fuse 11 KV, 3 pole, 200A 21 11 KV Lightening arrester12KV, 10KA 22 HT stay set (complete) REC Construction standard 23 HT Stay Insulator Type-C 24 HT Stay clamp (1.9 kg/ pair) 25 7/10 G.Istay Wire (Grade-2) 26 GI Pipe Earthing 40mm dia medium gauge 3mtr long for earthing device 27 No 6 G.I wire for Earthing 28 GI Flat (25x4mm) for Nutral Earthing 29 25KVA11/0.4KV (AL) transformer, BIS Energy Level-II 30 LT distribution box with MCCB alluminium busbar for single bay Kit Kat fuse for 25KVA S/S. 31 LT 3.5 Corfe 50 mm2 LT PVC cable (unarmored) 32 G.I Nuts.,Bolts & Washer. Of assoreted size 33 Sundries (Binding wire, insulating tape, pole numberig etc.) 34 Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P for Erection, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, erection of 11KV, 3P 3W , OH line over 9 No. 9Mtr. Long 300kg pSC Pole with 55 MM2 AAAC=0.3 Km. (08 spans) & with 3cX35 MM2 11KV, XLPE Cable= 0.03 Km. (0.1 span) .including Stock, Storage & Insurance,Transporation (as per REC Standard) and as per requirement of TPSODL 35 9 mtr long,300 KG, PSC pole (for support) 36 GI Base Plate.(500x500x10) mmfor pSC Pole (20 Kg) 37 Earthing of support (Coil type) 38 Danger Board 39 Back Clamp for danger Board (25x3) mm flat, 0.59kg/mtr flat of 0.510mtr. Length 2 Nos = (2x0.59x0.510). 40 GI Barbed wire (Anti Climbing Device @ 3Kg./ support) 41 Back Clamp for anticlimbing devices (25x3) mm Flat, 0.59kg/mtrs Flat of 0.510 mtrs Length 8 Nos. = (8x0.59x0.510). 42 (100X50x6) mm. Channel St Cross arm with galvanistion (1.20mtr each06 Nos.) 9.2 kg/mtr. 43 11KV GI V Cross arm (10.2 Kg each.) 44 GI Back Clamp for 11 KV V Cross arm (0.85 kg each) 45 11KV F Clamp 46 Top bracket (100X50X6) MM MS channel (2kg each) 47 Fish Plate (50X8) MM, Each 0.28 Mtr. 0.97 Kg./Mtr. 48 11 KV Pin Insulator (POLYMER) 49 Disc Insulator (T&C) type 45 KN POLYMER 50 Hard Ware Fitting (T&C) Type 45 KN 51 (75X40X6) MM MS Channel with galvanisation (@6.8 Kg. / Mtr.)1.2 Mtr. Long 02 nos. For supporting of LAs 52 11KV Lightening arrester (For 11KV XLPE Caable) (12KV, 10KA) 53 Heat Shrinkable jointing kit for 3CX35 MM2 11 KV XLPE cable(out door type) 54 3CX35 MM2 11KV XLPE Cable (ARMOURED) A2XFY 55 7/12 SWG G.I. Stay wire for support of XLPE Cable 56 11KV XLPE cable clamp to hold support wire 57 Pole clamp for Eye hook for XLPE cable 58 Eye Hook for XLPE cable 59 Conductor dead end clamp 60 40MM nominal bore GI pipe (medium gauge) earthing device, 3 mtr. Long (02 Nos for XLPE cable + 01 No. Fo LA) 61 (25X4) mm GI Flat for earthing of XLPE cable & LA 62 HT stay set complete 63 HT stay insulator 64 HT Stay clamp (1.9 kg/ pair) 65 7/8 SWG G.I.stay Wire, Grade-2 66 55 MM2 AAAC conductor 67 PG Clamp for 55 MM2 conductor 68 GI Bots, Nuts & washers of assorted size 69 sundries (Binding wire, insulating tape, pole numberig etc.) 70 Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P for Construction of Civil works. 71 Construction of brick boundry wall with civil & MS Materials with metal & sand spreading 72 Concreting of supportC.C. 1:1.5:3, 0.375cum @ Rs. 6400.00 for 9mtrs. PSC pole. 73 Couping with C.C 1:1.5:3, 0.1125 Cum @ Es.6400.00 74 Cement concreting for Stay Anchor plate with C.C. 1:2:4, 0.2cum @ Rs.6177.92/- 75 Materials for earthing including masonary work for earth pit, and cement plate cover including salt, charcoal etc. 76 Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P for Erection of 3P LT service connection with 3P WC energy meter=01 No. 77 3.5CX 35 mm2 LT PVC Cable 78 No 8 SWG 4.06mm dia G.I. Wire 79 100AMP kit Kat Fuse 80 Sundries (Al Binding Tape, Insulation Tape, Paint etc.) 81 Supplying of all materials, labour, T&P forInstallation, Fitting, Fixing, Testing, Commissioning etc. of Internal wing toRWSS Pump House including Stock, Storage & Insurance ,Transporation (as per REC Standard) and as per requirement of TPSODL & RWSS. 82 Iron frame of size 3-0x4-6 made out of flat angle wall mounted for fixing of bus bar, kit-kat, 63A and 32A and control pannel etc., 83 Supply & fixing of 38/40 mm dia Gi pipe of required length as per I.E. Rule with perforated holes from bottom to top and upper end threaded and fitted with suitable flange for making connection of earth continuity wire fixed by G.I. nut and bolt and the earth pit have an altimate layer of charcoal and salt & replastering the grooved , cutted walls of pump house with cement mortar after laying the wire from main switch to earth electrode. 84 Supply & fixing of 63A, 415V I.C. TPN main switch with fuse unit, 2 nos of 63Amp, 415V kit kat fuse mounted on the iron frame and 2 phase bus bar mounted on the iron frame for distribution of power supply with surface wiring to phase indicator point fixing on suitable size of metalic box with 3mm thick laminated plate with all accessories and connection. 85 Supplying and fixing of 32A, 415V, TPN main switch with double fuse unit fixed on MS frame with all accessories etc., complete. 86 Supply , fitting, fixing ofsuitable wiringupto single phase motor 2 nos with 63Amp main switch, 32 Amp main switch 2 nos with suitable bus bar and 63Amp. Kit kat unit indicator with provision of light point 3 nos, plug point-1no, fan point-1no, and 2 nos earthing device by providing 16Amp, 230V D.P. main switch fixed on frame with nut and bolt etc., complete