Repair To Certain Misc B/R Items At Air Force Station Under Age (I) Af Amritsar; 84. CEMENT (i) The Associated Cement (xii) Lafarge Cement (Lafarge India (xxiii) M/s Dhruv Industrial Company Companies Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.) Ltd. Brand: “ACC” Brand: “LAFARGE” Brand: “DHRUV” (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). (ii) M/s Cement Manufacturing (xiii) M/s Shree Guru Kripa Cement (xxiv) M/s Chettinad Cement Company Ltd. (Pvt.) Ltd. Corporation Ltd. Brand: “STAR” (OPC 43 Gr, Brand: “SARTAJ” Brand: “CHETTINAD” (OPC OPC 53 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). 43 Gr, PSC & PPC). (iii) M/s Birla Corporation Ltd Brand: (xiv) M/s Heidelberg Cement India (xxv) M/s Toshali Cements Pvt. Ltd. “BIRLA” Ltd. Brand: “GAJAPATI” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). Brand: “MYCEM” (PPC). (OPC 43 Gr, PSC & PPC). (iv) M/s JK Cement (xv) M/s My Home Industries Ltd. (xxvi) M/s Barak Valley Cements Ltd. Brand: “JK” Brand: “MAHA SHAKTI” for Brand: “BVCL” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). PSC, “MAHA” for OPC 43 Gr & (OPC 43 Gr) “MAHA SHAKTHI” for PPC. (v) M/s Orient Cement (xvi) M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. (xxvii) The India Cement Brand: “ORIENT” Brand: “ULTRATECH” (OPC 43 (OPC 43 Gr & PPC) (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). Gr, OPC 53 Gr & PSC). (vi) M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. (xvii) M/s Parasakti Cements Ltd. (xxviii) Andhra cement Ltd. Brand: “MANGALAM” Brand: “PRASAKTI” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (vii) M/s Shree Cement (xviii) M/s Zuari Cement Ltd. (xxix) Century Cements Brand: “SHREE” Brand: “ZUARI” Brand: “CENTURY” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (viii) M/s Jaypee Rewa Cement (xix) M/s OCL India Ltd. (xxx) Binani Cement Ltd. Brand: “JAYPEE” Brand: “KONARK” (OPC 43 Gr Brand: “BINANI” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (ix) M/s Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd (xx) M/s Saifco Cement Pvt. Ltd. (xxxi) JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. Brand: “DALMIA CEMENT” Brand: “SAIFCO” Brand: “JK LAKSHMI” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (x) M/s Sanghi Industries Ltd. Brand: (xxi) Ambuja Cement Ltd. (xxxii) Madras Cement “SANGHI” (OPC 53 Gr & PPC). Brand: “AMBUJA” Brand: “MADRAS” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). (xi) M/s Prism cement Ltd. (xxii) Saurashtra Cement (xxxiii) Grasim Industries Ltd Brand: “PRISM” Brand: “SAURASHTRA” Brand: “GRASIM” (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr. & PPC). (OPC 43 Gr & PPC). 85. REINFORCEMENT SAIL/RINL/TISCO/ M/s Shyam Steel Industries Ltd, Durgapur (West Bengal)/M/s SPS Steel Rolling Mills Ltd STEEL (PRIMARY Durgapur (West Bengal)/ M/s Jai Balaji Industries Ltd Durgapur (West Bengal), M/s Steel Exchange India Ltd PRODUCERS) Hyderabad (AP), M/s Jindal Steel & Power Ltd Gurgaon (Haryana), M/s SRMB Srijan Ltd Kolkata (West Bengal), M/s Concast Steel & Power Ltd., M/s Adhunik Metaliks Ltd., M/s Shri Bajrang Power & Ispat Ltd., M/s JSW Steel Ltd., M/s Electrosteel Steels Ltd., M/s Shyam Metalics & Energy Ltd./any other primary steel producer approved by E-in-C‟s Branch 86. STRUCTURAL SAIL, RINL, TISCO, M/s Jindal Steel & Power Ltd Gurgaon (Haryana), any other primary steel producer STEEL (PRIMARY approved by E-in-C‟s Branch PRODUCERS) 87. STRUCTURAL (i) M/s K L Steel Pvt Ltd, Post Box No. 61, Lal Kuan, Bulandshahar Road, Ghaziabad (U.P) (Tele: 0120- STEEL 2867911, 2867915, Fax : 0120-2867917) (SECONDARY (ii) M/s Shri Badrinarain Alloys & Steels Ltd, 95, Stephen House, 4 BBD Bag, Kolkata – 700 001 (Tele: PRODUCERS) 033-2220 5381/2248 1601, Fax: 033-2248 8664) (iii) SRMB Udyog Ltd, 46, BB Ganguli Street, Kolkata – 700 012 (Tele 2236 9999) (iv) M/s Tata Steel Structure, Tata Steel-Tube Division, Jeevan Tara building, 1st Floor, 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 (Tele: 991112334, 264601734, 309983, 309986) (v) M/s K L Concast Pvt Ltd, Z-18, Naraina, New Delhi. (vi) M/s Karam Steel Corp, Nasrali Road, PO Box No. 56, Mandi Gobindgarh – 147 301 (vii) M/s T K Ispat (Pvt) Ltd, 409, City Tower, 17, Boat Club Road, Pune-411 001 (viii) M/s Doaba Steel Rolling Mills, Amloh Road, Mandi Gobind Garh (Punjab), (ix) M/s SPS Rolling Mills Ltd, Himalaya House, 3813, 8 th floor, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata-700 071 (x) M/s Shree Sharma Steel Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd, 90 ABC & 91-B, Industrial Area, Jhotwara, Jaipur (xi) M/s Shree Krishna Steel Rolling Mills, Jaipur (xii) M/s Fortune Metal Ltd, Mandi Gobind Garh (Punjab) (xiii) M/s Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd, A-1114, RIICO Industrial Area, Phase-III, Bhiwadi-301019, Distt: Alwar (Rajasthan) (xiv) M/s Paras Nath Steel Rolling Mills, Durga Pur (WB) (xv) M/s Amba Steels, 21/6, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110 008 (xvi) M/s Rathi Super Steel Ltd, 3-B, Vandana Bldg, 11, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi (xvii) M/s Madhav Udyog Pvt Ltd, PO Box No 61, Lakkuan –Buland Sahar Road, Ghaziabad (UP) (xviii) M/s Prem Steel & Allied Industries, GT Road (Sirhind Size) Mandi, Govindgarh, Punjab-147 301 (xix) M/s Kashmir Steel Rolling Mills, SIDW Industrial Complex, Bari Brahmana, Jammu (J&K) 88. Chloro-pyriphos Pest Control (India) Pvt.Ltd, Pest Delfin Pest Control Services New Delhi, emulsifiable Control Services, Delhi, Montari Dhawan Pesticides Delhi, Pest Control Services concentrate Industrial Ltd, New Delhi, JS Pest of India, New Delhi, BL Kapoor, New Delhi, (20 EC) Control Chandigarh, De-Nocil Dr Swarops Pest Control, Punjab United Pest Bombay Control Ludhiana, Pest Eradicators (India) New Delhi, Pest Control corporation Delhi, Pest Control organization Delhi, Trishul 89. Lindane-20 EC India Pesticides Ltd, Lucknow, Kanoria Chemical india Ltd, Pest Control (India) Pvt Ltd. 91. Gammax-20 India Pesticides Ltd, Lucknow, Tata Chemicals, Pest Control (India) Pvt Ltd. 92. Pressed Steel Door M/s SK Steel Fabricators Ludhiana, SS Engg Industries, Ghaziabad, Dahiya M/s Anoop Frames/Chowkhats M/s Sehgal Doors, New Delhi, M/s Industries,Panchkula, M/s Metal Window Industries, M/s for Doors/Cupboard Bhawani Steel Fabriction, Gaziabad, Corporation, New Delhi, M/s Ishwar Industries, Mohata Engg & and Window frames M/s India Mart Intermesh Ltd, Hyat Meerut, M/s Trishul Industies, M/s Aswani & Construction Co, Interiors, M/s Ashish Industries Sons, M/s Jangid Engineering Works, Bikaner, M/s Ghaziabad, M/s GS Udyog, Kanpur, Shri ChhabraSteel Krishna Associates, Panchkula, Steel Master Udyog, Meerut,M/s Industries, Panchkula, Pioneer Fabricatrion Chandni Industries, Meerut, Vardhman Precision Tubes and M/s Ashish profiles, New Delhi M/s Royal Safe Works, Industries, M/s New Delhi, M/s Delite Safe works, New Delhi, Ashwani & Sons M/s Jangid Engineering Works, M/s Steelman Industries, Jalandhar,M/s laxmi steel Works, Rohtak, M/s Ashish Industries, M/s Ashwani & Sons 93. Steel Window/Vents Agew Steel Manufacturer Pvt. Ltd, Ganpat doors, Rajpura, M/s Metal Window Anup Industires, M/s Ahmedebad, Multiwyn Industial Corp, Corporation, M/s Mohindra Fabricators, M/s Chandni Industries, Kolkata, Satkar Industies, Pathankot SK Fabrication (India) M/s Gurjeet Industries, Sen Harvic, Mumbai, Rd Jalandhar, Arcat, M/s Ashish M/s GR Kalsi & Co, M/s SKS Industires, M/s M/s Bihar Bobbin & Industries Steel Plasts Machines, M/S Surbi Metal (India), Engg Works, Katihar, Govind Enterprises,Delhi, M/s GS Udyog, M/s Mohata Engg & Kanpur, M/s Shree Krishna Associates, Construction Co. Panchkula, M/s Jangid Engineering Works, Bikaner, M/s Ashish Jaipur, Godrej and Boyce, Mfg, Mumbai, Steel Industries Master Industires, Jalandhar, Shri Krishna Associates, Punchkula, M/s Bharat Steel fabrication & Engineer, Ghaziabad, M/S Laxmi Steel Works , Rohatak, M/s Steel Man Industries Jalandhar, M/s Ashish Industries 94. Rolling Shutters & Swastik Rolling Shutters & Prakash & Co, New Delhi, Ishwar Industries, Rolling Grills manufacturing works, Mumbai, Meerut Cantt, Dahiya Industries, Panchkula, Hercules Rolling shutters Bangalore, Shubdwar, M/s Prakash Industries, SKS Steel Standard Industries Pune Industires, New Delhi , M/s Akash Rolling Shutters, Delhi, M/s Auto Rolling Shutters Enterprises, Delhi, Rama Rolling Shutters industries New Delhi, Shri Krishna Associates, Panchkula, M/s Bharat Rolling Shutters Industries, Jabalpur, M/s Prakash Rolling Shuttter Delhi,M/S Steelman Industries, Jalandhar, Chabra Steel Udyog. 95. Welded wire Multiweld Wire Co Ltd, Mumbai, Mesh/Fabric Jainsons Sales Crop, Delhi, Jaisons industries 96. Factory made M/s MP Wood Product Indore, M/s Chandigarh Timber Products, Patiala, M/s New M/s Rajendra, M/s Paneled Door Jainwood Industires (Jayana Board) Jagdamba Doors, M/s AB Composites Pvt Ltd, Neha Shutters Delhi, M/s Jain Doors Pvt Ltd Sonipat. M/s Haryana Industries, M/s Supreme Doors Indusries, M/s Goel and allied products, kanpur, M/S NND Wood Brothers, Raipur, M/s Industries, Srigananagar, M/S Shakti Industries, Surbhi, Metal India Dhanaula. M/s Sarab Enterprises, Kangra, M/s Ltd Jodhpur. Ecocell Doors, Udaipur, M/s Massonite Doors, Pathankot, Pioneer Timber Products, Chandigarh, Goyal Industiral Corporation New Delhi, Shri Krishna industries, Panchkula, M/s Laxmi Doors, M/s Joinery Manufacturing Co Kolkata, 97. Factory made Flush M/s Green Ply Industries, M/s Sitapur Plywood Manufacturers Sitapur, M/s Harkirat Industries, door Shutters Centuary Ply, M/s dura Ply. Mysore M/s Laxmi Doors, Lucknow, Merino M/s PR Ceiling Products Chip Board, Archid, Swastik Ply Flush Door, Faridabad. MP Wood, Goyal Wood, M/s Jain Wood Industries Industries Faridabad 98. PVC Door Frame/ Sintex, Rajshri Plastiwood Ltd, M/s M/s Poly Window, Pune Accura, Polytech Shutters Dura Plast Extraction PVt Ltd, M/s Ahmedabad, Fixopan indo Plast Pvt Ltd Fenesta New Delhi 99. UPVC Window/ Fenesta, Veka Industries Pvt Ltd Accura Polytech, Kumar Arch Tech, Poly Doors Mumbai, Kundli Industrial Estate, windows, Pune, H2O Solution (Window & Sonipat doors) 100. Iron Mongery Mowjee, M/s Kitch Architectural Product Pvt Ltd, RS Industries. 101. Standard Mortice Godrej, Harrison, Link lock 102. Hydraulic Door Everest, Universal, Godrej Amar, Sandhu, Priya Closer 103. Anodised Aluminium Fenesta, Jindal, Indal , Hindalco, M/s Alumininum System Corp, Mumbai, Nairs M/s Ashish Industries Doors/ Window/ Ashish Industries Arkinetal Enterprises, New Delhi, Frames/ Partitions Aluminium Manufacturing Co, Kolkatta, Santosh & Co, New Delhi, Dada Aluminum Fabricators, Jalandhar, M/s Alumilite PVt Ltd, Dhiraj, M/s Ajay Industries, Bombay,M/s Ramniklal S Raste,, Jabalpur, M/s Aluminium Tech Industries, Delhi, M/s VR Associates, Delhi, Mahavir, Ambala,Consolidated Engineer Com, New Delhi, Aluminium PVT LTd, Ajit India Pvt. Ltd, M/s Ashish Industries 104. Aluminium wooden Argent Industries, Mowjee, Crown M/s Elite Enterprises, Mumbai, M/s Doors and Window Classic New Delhi, M/s aluminium Fittings Udyog, M/s Mohan Metal Industries Delhi 105. Aluminium Section Hindalco, Jindal, Indal Valco Industries Ltd Chandigarh, Banco Aluminium Ltd. Vadodra Gujrat. 106. Aluminium Sheets NALCO Pvt Ltd, CRIL, Jindal, Jagdish Aluminium Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, BALCO Gurjat, Alco Industires Pvt Ltd New Delhi 107. Aluminium ALCO Bond, Aluminium Clad, Alstone Composite Alstrong, Armstrong Panels 108. Particle Board Kitply, Nova Pan Industries, New Bakelite Hylam LTd Asis Particle Board, Shirdi (Veneered Delhi, M/s Green Ply Industries Ltd, Industries, Arolite Ceiling & Unveneered Archid Ply, Bhutan Board, Dura System Pvt Ltd , M/s Laminated) Board Mysore Chip Board Ltd Associate Décor Ltd 109. Plywood for General Dura Ply, Archid ply, Bhutan Board, Swastik Ply, Jaipur, National PlywoodSh Ram Pannels Pvt Ltd Purposes Archid Board, Century, Industries Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, Merino Punjab, Rams Wood & Durian,Mysore Chip Board Ltd Plywood, Mayur Ply, Jayna Plywood, M/s General Industries Ltd, Janardhan Ply Board Industries BLJ Plyam Marketing Pvt Ltd, MP & Co. 110. Decorative Archid Lam, Sunmica, Merino, Lam, Sungloss, Formica, ecolam, Bakelite Laminates Mysore Chip Board,Greelam Hylam 111. Fibre Board(Medium Novapan, Bhutan Board, Kit Ply, Managalam Timber Products, Kolkatta, Density) Mysore Chip Board Ltd, Green Panel Ramco Industries Ltd, DECO, Green Max (plain exterior Grade Panel Max Plain exterior MDF MDF/prelam/veneered MDF/Green Floormax Laminated) 112. Pre Fab Panel Lafarge, Boral Gypsum Board Pvt Ramco Industries Pvt Ltd, Endura M/s PR Ceiling Product, Boards/Wall Lining Ltd, Shri Nepal Board Ltd, Aerolite Modular Systems, Reliance Bldg System, Dexune Marketing Pvt ceiling tiles Ceiling System Pvt Ltd, Hilux, BPB India Gypsum Ltd Ltd, M/s Bharat Steel Roll Armstrong BahadurGarh(Calsi Brand) 113. Galvanised steel SAIL, TATA, Jindal Aone Industires, Bhushan, CRIL, Prestar sheets & Colour Coated galvanized steel sheets 114. Polycarbonate Sheets Duratuff, Lexan , VMT Plaste Ltd M/s Coxwell Domes Engg Pvt Ltd 115. Galvalume sheets Indian Ispat, TATA Blue scope, JSW Multicolor, aone industries, metco Global, CRIL, Kirby, Prestar 116. AC Sheets/AC Boards Charminar, Ramco, Everest Swastik, Bombay, M/s Eternit (Corrugated, Semi Everest Ltd, UP Asbestos Ltd Corrugated) 117. Gypsum Board India Gypsum, Lafarge, Son Industries Kanpur 118. PVC Tiles/Sheet Primer Polyfilm Ltd, Wonder Floor, Rikvin Floot Ltd, New Delhi, Armstrong Fixopen Machineries, New Delhi, Krishna Tiles, Polyfin 119. Glass Mosaic Tiles Johnson, Italia, Coral Mosaic, NITCO Paladio, Accura, Bisazza, Mridul, Unistone, Arihant 120. Terrazzo Tiles / PCC NTC,NITCO, Eurocon, Duracrete Ultra Tiles Pvt Ltd Bharat Oasis vitrified Pvt Ltd. Tiles/ PCC Chequered tiles Tiles, Mehtab Tiles, Regent Tiles, Hindustan Tiles, SS tiles 121. Interlocking Tiles/Exterior Unistone, NTC, NITCO, Ultra, Johnson Terra Firma, A-One tiles, Shree Tiles Tiles/ Paver Blocks Coral, Mehtab, Tiles, Pavit, SS Tiles, Hindustan Tiles 122. Decorative Unitile, Bakelite Hylam (Heritage) NCL Luxture surface coatings, textures/Coatings AltekSeccolor, Dulux (Acratex), Apex Spectrum Paint (Duracast) 123. Exposed Brick Façade Unistone, Pioneer Bricks, Regent Tiles 124. Glazed Earthen Ware H &R Johnson, Kajaria, Somani Orient Ceramic, Asian, Tiles Vermora, Orient Bell 125. Glazed Ceramic/non Skid Kajaria, H&R Johnson, Cera, Unistone, National tiles , Ultra, tiles, Victory Ceratec, Sogo Wall/Floor Tiles Somani, NITCO, Eurotiles, Spartek Orient Ceramic, Asian, Ceramics, Oricle Swastik, Varmora, Orient Granites, Royal tiles, Bell, Bonzer-7 (Trial) GEM tiles, Regency, Romano, Ferrous- Crete, Mashusudan Ceramics, Pavit Ceramic, Oasis Vitrified 126. Vitrified Tiles Somani, Kajaria, Johnson, Orient Bell, Murdushwar Ceramics Ltd, Oasis Vitrified, Oracles (Normal/Anti skid) NITCO Orient, Asian, Swastik, Granito. Crystal, Bonzel-7 (Trial) 127. HDPE Storage Water Sintex, polycon, sheetal Rotex, Fusion, SPL, Diplast Uniplus Tanks Plastics, Aqua Polymers 128. Sanitary appliances/ fittings Hindustan Sanitary Ware, Parryware, Duravit, Madhusudan Blue Star Sanitary, (Chinaware) Cera, Jaquar, Neycer Ceramics Anupam Industires, Sona Ceramic, Prakash Industries, SFMC Solution 129. Water Closet Seats and Parryware, Jaquar, Somani, Commander, Supreme, Prayag, Polytuff, Ajanta, Precision cover (Solid Bakelite) CERA, Neycer Milennium Products Thermostat Moulded toilet seat cover 130. PVC Flushing Cisterns Hindustan Sanitary Wares, Commander, Khodiyar Pottery Works, Precision Products Parryware, CERA, Jaquar, Johnson Pedar, Milennium, Supreme, Prayag Neycer 131. CI Flushing Cistern Hindustan Sanitary Ware, Parryware, Sanifix Inida, Phenoweld Areal Bros, Hind Iron Orient Sanitary Ware Polymer, Anupam industries Foundry, Jaipur Maze Products 132. Stainless Steel Kitchen NIRALI, Kobra, Neelkanth, Jayna Blue Pheonix, Diamond, AMC, RA EngineeringSink with or without Star Prestige, Allex, Neel, Prayag Industries, Plasto Craft, Draining Board, Plate Polymers, Anupam Industries, Impex Sanitation, Kodar Rack Vardhaman Enterprises (Jain Industries ko), Elite Metal Products, Franke India Pvt Ltd Prakash Sanitary Appliance, Shakti Enterprises 133. Ball Valves (Horzontal Dripless Faucets India, Flowjet , Ball Hind Enterprises, Prakash & Plunger type) Valves India. Co, Leader valves, Bombay metal, Taurus Engineering Industries, Prima 134. Shower Roses Chromium GEM,JAQUAR Jainko, Blustar, Prima 135. Bath room Fancy fittings JAQUAR,GEM,MARC, Anchor, Spectrum, Pico, Dripless, Kingston, Prima 136. Bib Taps and Stop Taps JAQUAR, PARKO, GEM, Marc, ESS ELITE, Zim, Prima, Essco, (CP) Fancy fittings ESS, Jainko, Prayag 137. Ready Made Bathroom Jaquar, Cera, Commander, Parryware Gratolite,Alpina,Prayag Cabinets 138. Salt Glazed Stone Ware Devraj Industrial, Buran, Perfect Santiary Shri Kamakshi Agencies, Hind Bhaskar Sons, TriumatiPipes/ Glazed Stone Ware Pipe, Superme Pipe and fittings Creamics, Bhardwaj stone Ware, Moulds, Kiran Potteries Pipes Binary Udyog, Creamic Industries 139. Concrete Hume Pipes Indian Hume Pipe Company Jain Spun, Daya Spun Delhi Hindustan Pressure Spun pipe, Ramnik Enterprises Pipes, Bhasker Sons 140. AC Pipes Hyderabad Asbestos,Everest, Ganga JK Super Pipes, Sarbamangala Poddar Industrial Asbestos, Konark Cement and Asbestos Manufactruing Co, Maharashra Corporation Asbestos 141. PVC Rain Water Supreme, Finolex, Reliance Kissan, Prince, Diplast Plastics Pipe/Sewage Pipes 142. GI Pipe /fittings Jindal, TATA, NECO, UNCO Steel Nidhi Pipe Ltd,Swastik Ltd, Tirupati, J-Steel, JTL Industries, Bharat Steel Tube Delhi Surya Roshni (Prakash) Indus Tubes Ltd 143. CI Pipes Fittings (For SKF,SRIF, Singhal Iron Foundry, Ashutosh Casting Ltd, Veetus Bhara Industrial corpn Sewerage/Rainwater) Hindustan Engineering Products, Jindal Industries Ltd, Anand Founders Delhi, New India Saw, NECO (Jayaswal), HEPCO (Binary & Engineers, Electrosteel, Foundry, Ludhinana, Udyog) Kesoram, BIC. Mahavir Iron Foundry 144. Soil Waste Pipes fittings/ SKF, Singhal Iron Foundry, NECO, BIC steel Manhole Cover SILC 145. PPR Pipes SFMC ,SAFE,WETFLOW Diplast Plastics, VeekayHindustan Plastics & Technocrat Pvt Ltd, AmitexMachine Corpn Polymers, Kitec Industries Ltd 146. HDFE Pipes/SNR Gamson India, Dustron, Rex Kirti Industries India Ltd, Vertex Nandi Polymer, Tirupati, Pipes(Water/Sewage) Polyextrusion Green Poly Pipes, Uniplus, Structurals Ltd, SRIF, SKF Diplast Plastics 147. Sand Cast Iron Spigot & SRIF, RIF (Gola Castings), NECO Raj Iron, Foundary, BIC KK Pumps Socket Soil Waste, Vent (Jayaswal), HIF Kolkatta, Kajecao Pipes & fittings 148. Cement Based Paints Snowcem,Asian, Jenson & Nicholson, Acquolac Paints, Godavari Gattocem, Rubycem, Berger, Duracem Paints, Rajdoot Paints, Classic Cemkote, Snow White Paints, Acro Paints Industrial Corpn149. Dry Distemper/Oil Bound Goodless Nerolac Paints, Jenson & Shalimar Paints, Godavari Distemper/ Plastic Nicholson, Berger Paints, ICI Dulux, paints, Acro Paints Emulsion/ Exterior Asian paints emulsion/ Silicon paints & Coating 150. Plastic Emulsion Paint Berger (Silk,Rangoli easy clean), Asian Berger (Rangoli emulsion), Berger (Bison emulsion), (Royale, Apcolite advance), Akzo Nobel Asian (Premium emulsion), Asia (Tractor emulsion), (Velvet touch), Nerolac (Impression Akzo Nobel (Super smooth), Akzo Noble (Rainbow), Ecoclean, impression 24 carat) Nerolac (Lotus Touch Beauty Nerolac (Beauty silver, Gold), Jenson & Nicholson Little Master), Jenson & (Eqvt. Make), Shalimar (Eqvt. Nicholson (Eqvt. Make) Make) Shalimar (Eqvt Make) 151. Paint Exterior Berger (Weather Coat all guard), Asian Berger (Weather Coat smooth), Berger (Walmasta), (Apex Ultima) Akzo Noble (Weather Asian (Apex weather proof) Asian (Ace) Akzo Noble shield max), Nerolac (Excel total) Akzo Noble (Weather shield), (Promise), Nerolac Nerolac (Suraksha Advanced) (Suraksha Plus) 152. Synthetic Enamel Paint Goodless Nerolac Paints, Jenson & Aquolac Paints, Shalimar Paints, Nicholson, Berger Paints, ICI Dulux, Acro Paints Asian paints 153. False Ceiling Tiles/ Board Lafarge, Boral, Gyproc, Armstrong, Reliance big System , BPB India Dexune Marketing, (Gypsum Board/ POP/ Diaken, Lloyds, Luxalong. Ltd, Shree Nepal Boards, Bhutan Endusa Modular System Mineral Fibre) Boards, Duratuff, Anchor 154. Drapery rods Vista Levalor Vista Levalor Vista Levalor 155. Mirror Looking Saint Gobain, Modi Float, Triveni Float Saint Gobain, Modi Float, Saint Gobain, Modi Glass Triveni Float Glass, Crown, Float, TriveniFloat Prayag polymers Glass, Crown, Prayag polymers ... more in document