
Tender For Permanent Restoration Work On Various Roads Under Pwd Dn Beawar Pkg. No. Rj-36-06/Flood/Bar/2024-25, beawar-Rajasthan

Public Works Department has published Tender For Permanent Restoration Work On Various Roads Under Pwd Dn Beawar Pkg. No. Rj-36-06/Flood/Bar/2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-12-2024. Road Work Tenders in beawar Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Permanent Restoration Work On Various Roads Under Pwd Dn Beawar Pkg. No. Rj-36-06/Flood/Bar/2024-25
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Permanent Restoration Work On Various Roads Under Pwd Dn Beawar Pkg. No. Rj-36-06/Flood/Bar/2024-25; 1 (1) Permanent Restoration to CD work on Road Megarda to Malini at Km 0/100.Earth work in excavation for foundation of structurecompletewith all lift, dewatering, shoring and shuttering etc. including refilling of trenchesin250mmlayers,ramming,wateringanddisposalof surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth as per MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305 In hard soil, Depth upto 3 metre 2 Earth work in excavation for foundation of structurecompletewith all lift, dewatering, shoring and shuttering etc. including refilling of trenchesin250mmlayers,ramming,wateringanddisposalof surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth as per MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305 By blasting including blasting material in soft rock 3 Providing and laying Cement concrete for plain/reinforced concrete inopenfoundationasperdrawingandtechnicalspecificationas perMoRTHSpecification:Section1500,1700&2100including form work at any level. P.C.C. grade M15 4 Stonemasonry workincementmortar1:3 withmechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete, including all scaffolding etc. but excludingpointingandplasteringasperdrawingandtechnical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section 1000,1400 Random rubble masonry 5 Pointingofanydesignwithcementmortar 1:3onBrickworkin substructureatanyheightasperMoRTHSpecification:Clause 1309 6 ProvidingA.CpipeWeepholes150mmdiainMasonry/Plain Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall complete as per drawing and technical specfication as per MoRTH Specification Clause 2205 7 Providing and laying Steel reinforcement at any level in foundation complete as per drawing and technical Specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section: 1600 TMT Steel bar reinforcement 8 Providing and laying Expansion Joint complete as per drawing and technical specification Providing and fixing 20mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint complete. 9 StructuralCementconcreteuptoaheightof5mforreinforced concrete in superstructure complete including steel formwork, scaffoldingetc.asperdrawingandtechnicalspecificationasper MoRTH Specification 1500 & 1700 M 25 grade solid slab superstructure 10 Reinforced cement concrete wearing coat M30 grade at any level including formwork and reinforcement complete as per drawing and technicalspecificationasperMoRTHSpecification2202,1500 &1700 11 ProvidingandlayingPlaincement concrete mix with stone aggregate20mmnominalsizemechnically mixed and vibratedin foundation upto a depth of 1.50metres belowgroundlevel and/or1.50 metres aboveground/bed level as per MoRTH specification : clause 1000 & 1700. with all lead P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level 12 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall in 150mm layers, with mechanical compaction, complete with all lead and lift as per drawing and technical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Clause : 304 Sandy material 13 P&F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6 mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mmx75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with holdfast including paint logo as per approved design and colours.The logo shall be made out of 1.6 mm thick circular plate fix on 1200 mm x 150 mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6 mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500 x 600 mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300 x 300x 600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect. 14 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting specified graded crushed stone in sub-base course including premixing the material at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug mill), carriage of mixed material, laying in uniform layers with motor grader, F.E.loader on a prepared surface and compacting with vibratory compactorto achieve the desired density including all material, labour, machinery, lighting barricading and maintenance of diversion complete.[MoRTH specification Clause 401] with all lead 15 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken 16 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 17 Dismantling upto 1.5m in foundation and/or 1.5m above ground level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material, and stacking serviceable material within a lead of 1000m. [MoRTH Specification clause 202] Concrete Cement concerte plain 1:2:4 mix and precast cement concerte blocks. 18 (2) Permanent restoration of Road From Butiwas Ramawas Road to Babra km 0/0 to 2/0PartA Road WorkClearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bush, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking of serviceable material upto 1000m from road boundry as per MoRTH Specification : 201, By mechanical Means, in area of throny jungle. 19 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil , manually including breaking of clods 20 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil ,In hard soil mixed with kankar, boulders etc. upto 20% , manually using pickaxe, shovel etc 21 Earthworkinexcavationincludingstacking/disposalofsurplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305).By blasting including blasting material,in hard rock 22 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 with lead 500mtr to 1000 mtr 23 Providing and laying granular sub-base material having P.I.not more than 6, including compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller at OMC to achieve desired density to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).Grading as per MoRTH specification : Table 400-1, 400-2 with CBR value not less than 20,To achieve 100% Proctor density 24 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken 25 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken 26 Scarifying, including picking up scarified material and stacking of old serviceable material with in a lead of 100 metres [MoRTH specification: Clause 501]. Top bituminous surface of surface dressing or premix carpet with all lift and lead upto 1000m for reusable materials. 27 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @8.5 kg /10 Sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause502,112 28 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 3 .25 kg /10sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 29 Providing and laying bituminous macadam on prepared surfacewith specified graded crushed aggregate as per table 500- 4, forbase/binder course including loading of aggregates with F.E.loader and heating and mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen(including cost of antistripping compound wherever required) in hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material in tipper to paver andlaying mixed material with sensor paver finisher to the requiredlevel and grade, rolling by power roller & vibratory compactor toachieve the desired density (as per job mix formula approved bythe department )excluding cost of primer /tack coat [MoRTHSpecification : Clause 504,112] with 3.30% bitumen with all lead. For grading-2 (layer thickness 50-75mm with bitumen grade VG 30 30 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 km. (MoRTH Specification : Clause 511,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. with bitumen grade VG 30 31 Providing and applying premixed seal coat type B comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 513] with all lead with bitumen grade VG 30 32 Providing, laying & fixing in position RCC spun or hume pipes ISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of hume or spun yarn and neatly finished with rich grout of cement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900. NP3 300 mm dia 33 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 34 PartB Protection WorkEarthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil 3m. Clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around hume pipes/masonry in 15cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 1000 metres.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 301,304]. Ordinary Soil 35 Providing and laying mechanically mixed and vibrated Cement Concrete in foundation upto a depth of 1.5 metres below ground level and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed level as per MoRTH Specification : Clause 1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix with crushed stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. 36 Providing and laying stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 with mechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete including all scaffolding etc. but excluding pointing and plastering as per drawing and technical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section 1000,140. Random rubble masonry 37 Providing Cement pointing Raised and cut pointing on stone work in CM 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) 38 Providing,laying&fixinginpositionRCCspunorhumepipesISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of humeorspunyarnandneatlyfinishedwithrichgroutofcement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900 600 mm dia 39 Providing Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 at all levels as per MoRTH Specfication: Clause:1000 & 1300 40 PART CROAD SAFETY WORKSupply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick MS sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5mm and 2 vertical posts of angle iron 65 x 65 x 6mm, 4.60m long with hold fasts including excavation and fixing with CC 1:4:8 (30 x 30 x 60cm) and transportation with painting with superior grade enamel paint of approved quality including lettering and figuring etc. complete as per IRC standard size 160 x 180cm (project board) 41 P&F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6 mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mmx75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with holdfast including paint logo as per approved design and colours.The logo shall be made out of 1.6 mm thick circular plate fix on 1200 mm x 150 mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6 mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500 x 600 mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300 x 300x 600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect. 42 Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5 mm and two vertical posts of angle size 65 x 65 x 6 mm, 3 m long with hold fasts, stove enamelled paint and reflective letters,numerals,symbols etc. complete of size : 900 x 750 mm 43 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 44 Supplyofcautionary / warningsignboard90cm equilateral triangle made out of 2.0 mm thickaluminumsheetfacetobe fully covered by white/blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting with Red / white symbol,cut out or screen printed background with epoxy paint complete confirming to MoRTH specificationsclause. 801 with angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6 mm. 3 mtr. long 45 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For single post 46 Providing and laying of hot applied thermo plastic compound inclusive of type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per table 800.3, 800.4 applied in uniform thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a road marking machine as per IRC : 35 complete with traffic diversion arrangement as per MoRTH specification clause 803.4. 47 S&FinpositionprecastR.C.C.stone(M-15mix)ofstandardIRC designincludingfinishingincementsandmortar1:3,paintingwith enamelpaint,printinglettersandnumeralsetc.complete(MoRTH specifications clause : 800)Ordinary km stone 48 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone (M-15 mix) of standard IRC design including finishing in cement sand mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint, printing letters and numerals etc. complete (MoRTH specifications clause : 800), 200m. stone 49 (3) Permanent Restoration of A/R to Jhadli Manpura at KM 0/0 to 1/500.PartA Road WorkClearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bush, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking of serviceable material upto 1000m from road boundry as per MoRTH Specification : 201, By mechanical Means, in area of throny jungle. 50 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil , manually including breaking of clods 51 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil ,In hard soil mixed with kankar, boulders etc. upto 20% , manually using pickaxe, shovel etc 52 Earthworkinexcavationincludingstacking/disposalofsurplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305).By blasting including blasting material,in hard rock 53 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 with lead 500mtr to 1000 mtr 54 Providing and laying granular sub-base material having P.I.not more than 6, including compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller at OMC to achieve desired density to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).Grading as per MoRTH specification : Table 400-1, 400-2 with CBR value not less than 20,To achieve 100% Proctor density 55 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken 56 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken 57 Scarifying, including picking up scarified material and stacking of old serviceable material with in a lead of 100 metres [MoRTH specification: Clause 501]. Top bituminous surface of surface dressing or premix carpet with all lift and lead upto 1000m for reusable materials. 58 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @8.5 kg /10 Sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause502,112 59 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 3 .25 kg /10sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 60 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 km. (MoRTH Specification : Clause 511,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. with bitumen grade VG 30 61 Providing and applying premixed seal coat type B comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 513] with all lead with bitumen grade VG 30 62 Providing, laying & fixing in position RCC spun or hume pipes ISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of hume or spun yarn and neatly finished with rich grout of cement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900. NP3 300 mm dia 63 Dismantlingupto1.5minfoundationand/or1.5maboveground levelincludingT&Pandscaffoldingwherevernecessary,sorting thedismantledmaterial,disposalofunserviceablematerial,and stackingserviceablematerialwithin aleadof1000m.[MoRTH Specification clause 202] Cement Concrete 1:4:8 or 1:5:10 mix. 64 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 65 PartB Protection Work Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil 3m. Clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around hume pipes/masonry in 15cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 1000 metres.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 301,304]. Ordinary Soil 66 Providing and laying mechanically mixed and vibrated Cement Concrete in foundation upto a depth of 1.5 metres below ground level and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed level as per MoRTH Specification : Clause 1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix with crushed stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. 67 Providing and laying stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 with mechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete including all scaffolding etc. but excluding pointing and plastering as per drawing and technical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section 1000,140. Random rubble masonry 68 Providing Cement pointing Raised and cut pointing on stone work in CM 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) 69 ProvidingandlayingPlaincement concrete mix with stone aggregate20mmnominalsizemechnically mixed and vibratedin foundation upto a depth of 1.50metres belowgroundlevel and/or1.50 metres aboveground/bed level as per MoRTH specification : clause 1000 & 1700. with all lead P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level 70 Providing Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 at all levels as per MoRTH Specfication: Clause:1000 & 1300 71 PART CROAD SAFETY WORK Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick MS sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5mm and 2 vertical posts of angle iron 65 x 65 x 6mm, 4.60m long with hold fasts including excavation and fixing with CC 1:4:8 (30 x 30 x 60cm) and transportation with painting with superior grade enamel paint of approved quality including lettering and figuring etc. complete as per IRC standard size 160 x 180cm (project board) 72 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 73 P&F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6 mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mmx75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with holdfast including paint logo as per approved design and colours.The logo shall be made out of 1.6 mm thick circular plate fix on 1200 mm x 150 mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6 mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500 x 600 mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300 x 300x 600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect. 74 Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5 mm and two vertical posts of angle size 65 x 65 x 6 mm, 3 m long with hold fasts, stove enamelled paint and reflective letters,numerals,symbols etc. complete of size : 900 x 750 mm 75 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 76 Supplyofcautionary / warningsignboard90cm equilateral triangle made out of 2.0 mm thickaluminumsheetfacetobe fully covered by white/blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting with Red / white symbol,cut out or screen printed background with epoxy paint complete confirming to MoRTH specificationsclause. 801 with angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6 mm. 3 mtr. long 77 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For single post 78 Providing and laying of hot applied thermo plastic compound inclusive of type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per table 800.3, 800.4 applied in uniform thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a road marking machine as per IRC : 35 complete with traffic diversion arrangement as per MoRTH specification clause 803.4. 79 S&FinpositionprecastR.C.C.stone(M-15mix)ofstandardIRC designincludingfinishingincementsandmortar1:3,paintingwith enamelpaint,printinglettersandnumeralsetc.complete(MoRTH specifications clause : 800)Ordinary km stone 80 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone (M-15 mix) of standard IRC design including finishing in cement sand mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint, printing letters and numerals etc. complete (MoRTH specifications clause : 800), 200m. stone 81 (4) Permanent restoration to Road From Sumel to Rawaniya Km 0/900 to 5/0PartA Road WorkClearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bush, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking of serviceable material upto 1000m from road boundry as per MoRTH Specification : 201, By mechanical Means, in area of throny jungle. 82 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil , manually including breaking of clods 83 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil ,In hard soil mixed with kankar, boulders etc. upto 20% , manually using pickaxe, shovel etc 84 Earthworkinexcavationincludingstacking/disposalofsurplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305).By blasting including blasting material,in hard rock 85 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 with lead 500mtr to 1000 mtr 86 Providing and laying granular sub-base material having P.I.not more than 6, including compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller at OMC to achieve desired density to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).Grading as per MoRTH specification : Table 400-1, 400-2 with CBR value not less than 20,To achieve 100% Proctor density 87 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken 88 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken 89 Scarifying, including picking up scarified material and stacking of old serviceable material with in a lead of 100 metres [MoRTH specification: Clause 501]. Top bituminous surface of surface dressing or premix carpet with all lift and lead upto 1000m for reusable materials. 90 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @8.5 kg /10 Sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause502,112 91 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 3 .25 kg /10sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 92 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 km. (MoRTH Specification : Clause 511,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. with bitumen grade VG 30 93 Providing and applying premixed seal coat type B comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 513] with all lead with bitumen grade VG 30 94 Providing, laying & fixing in position RCC spun or hume pipes ISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of hume or spun yarn and neatly finished with rich grout of cement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900. NP3 300 mm dia 95 Dismantlingupto1.5minfoundationand/or1.5maboveground levelincludingT&Pandscaffoldingwherevernecessary,sorting thedismantledmaterial,disposalofunserviceablematerial,and stackingserviceablematerialwithin aleadof1000m.[MoRTH Specification clause 202] Cement Concrete 1:4:8 or 1:5:10 mix. 96 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 97 PartB Protection Work Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil 3m. Clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around hume pipes/masonry in 15cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 1000 metres.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 301,304]. Ordinary Soil 98 Providing and laying mechanically mixed and vibrated Cement Concrete in foundation upto a depth of 1.5 metres below ground level and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed level as per MoRTH Specification : Clause 1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix with crushed stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. 99 Providing and laying stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 with mechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete including all scaffolding etc. but excluding pointing and plastering as per drawing and technical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section 1000,140. Random rubble masonry 100 Providing Cement pointing Raised and cut pointing on stone work in CM 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) 101 Providing,laying&fixinginpositionRCCspunorhumepipesISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of humeorspunyarnandneatlyfinishedwithrichgroutofcement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900 1000 mm dia 102 Providing,laying&fixinginpositionRCCspunorhumepipesISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of humeorspunyarnandneatlyfinishedwithrichgroutofcement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900 750 mm dia 103 Providing Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 at all levels as per MoRTH Specfication: Clause:1000 & 1300 104 PART CROAD SAFETY WORK Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick MS sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5mm and 2 vertical posts of angle iron 65 x 65 x 6mm, 4.60m long with hold fasts including excavation and fixing with CC 1:4:8 (30 x 30 x 60cm) and transportation with painting with superior grade enamel paint of approved quality including lettering and figuring etc. complete as per IRC standard size 160 x 180cm (project board) 105 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 106 P&F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6 mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mmx75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with holdfast including paint logo as per approved design and colours.The logo shall be made out of 1.6 mm thick circular plate fix on 1200 mm x 150 mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6 mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500 x 600 mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300 x 300x 600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect. 107 Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5 mm and two vertical posts of angle size 65 x 65 x 6 mm, 3 m long with hold fasts, stove enamelled paint and reflective letters,numerals,symbols etc. complete of size : 900 x 750 mm 108 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 109 Supplyofcautionary / warningsignboard90cm equilateral triangle made out of 2.0 mm thickaluminumsheetfacetobe fully covered by white/blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting with Red / white symbol,cut out or screen printed background with epoxy paint complete confirming to MoRTH specificationsclause. 801 with angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6 mm. 3 mtr. long 110 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For single post 111 Providing and laying of hot applied thermo plastic compound inclusive of type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per table 800.3, 800.4 applied in uniform thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a road marking machine as per IRC : 35 complete with traffic diversion arrangement as per MoRTH specification clause 803.4. 112 S&FinpositionprecastR.C.C.stone(M-15mix)ofstandardIRC designincludingfinishingincementsandmortar1:3,paintingwith enamelpaint,printinglettersandnumeralsetc.complete(MoRTH specifications clause : 800)Ordinary km stone 113 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone (M-15 mix) of standard IRC design including finishing in cement sand mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint, printing letters and numerals etc. complete (MoRTH specifications clause : 800), 200m. stone 114 (5) Permanent Restoration of Magarda to Fatekhera Road Km 0/0 to 1/500PartA Road WorkClearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bush, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking of serviceable material upto 1000m from road boundry as per MoRTH Specification : 201, By mechanical Means, in area of throny jungle. 115 Scarifying, including picking up scarified material and stacking of old serviceable material with in a lead of 100 metres [MoRTH specification: Clause 501]. Top bituminous surface of surface dressing or premix carpet with all lift and lead upto 1000m for reusable materials. 116 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 with lead 500mtr to 1000 mtr 117 Earth work in excavation including stacking/ disposal of surplus earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters exclusive of compensation of earth (MoRTH specification Clause 301 to 305). in ordinary soil, mechanically by power shovel including mechanical loading and carriage upto 1 km by tipper/dumper 118 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting specified graded crushed stone in sub-base course including premixing the material at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug mill), carriage of mixed material, laying in uniform layers with motor grader, F.E.loader on a prepared surface and compacting with vibratory compactorto achieve the desired density including all material, labour, machinery, lighting barricading and maintenance of diversion complete.[MoRTH specification Clause 401] with all lead 119 Providing and laying granular sub-base material having P.I.not more than 6, including compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller at OMC to achieve desired density to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).Grading as per MoRTH specification : Table 400-1, 400-2 with CBR value not less than 20,To achieve 100% Proctor density 120 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken 121 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specific sizeas pertable400-6&400-7to WaterBound Macadamspecificationincludingspreadinginuniformthickness, handpacking,rollingwithpowerroller8-10tonnes,instagesto proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screeningto fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates,watering(withwaterbrowser)androlling,making necessaryearthen bundto protectedegs, lighting,guarding, barricadingandmaintenanceofdiversionetc.[MoRTH specification : Clause404](by manual means)withallleads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken 122 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @8.5 kg /10 Sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause502,112 123 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 3 .25 kg /10sqmwith a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 124 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 km. (MoRTH Specification : Clause 511,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. with bitumen grade VG 30 125 Providing and applying premixed seal coat type B comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 513] with all lead with bitumen grade VG 30 126 Providing, laying & fixing in position RCC spun or hume pipes ISI marked with proper jointing in required slope packed in the gasket of hume or spun yarn and neatly finished with rich grout of cement moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring joint made with prefectly air and water tight including testing of joints as per MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 & 2900. NP3 300 mm dia 127 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 128 Part B PROTECTION WALLEarthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil 3m. Clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around hume pipes/masonry in 15cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 1000 metres.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 301,304]. Ordinary Soil 129 Providing and laying mechanically mixed and vibrated Cement Concrete in foundation upto a depth of 1.5 metres below ground level and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed level as per MoRTH Specification : Clause 1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix with crushed stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. 130 Providing and laying stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 with mechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete including all scaffolding etc. but excluding pointing and plastering as per drawing and technical specification as per MoRTH Specification : Section 1000,140. Random rubble masonry 131 Providing Cement pointing Raised and cut pointing on stone work in CM 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) 132 ProvidingandlayingPlaincement concrete mix with stone aggregate20mmnominalsizemechnically mixed and vibratedin foundation upto a depth of 1.50metres belowgroundlevel and/or1.50 metres aboveground/bed level as per MoRTH specification : clause 1000 & 1700. with all lead P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level P.C.C.gradeM-15infoundation&plinth upto1.5 mtr.from ground level 133 Providing Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 at all levels as per MoRTH Specfication: Clause:1000 & 1300 134 PART CROAD SAFETY WORKSupply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick MS sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5mm and 2 vertical posts of angle iron 65 x 65 x 6mm, 4.60m long with hold fasts including excavation and fixing with CC 1:4:8 (30 x 30 x 60cm) and transportation with painting with superior grade enamel paint of approved quality including lettering and figuring etc. complete as per IRC standard size 160 x 180cm (project board) 135 P&F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6 mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mmx75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with holdfast including paint logo as per approved design and colours.The logo shall be made out of 1.6 mm thick circular plate fix on 1200 mm x 150 mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6 mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500 x 600 mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300 x 300x 600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect. 136 Supply of direction and place identification sign boards made out of 2mm thick sheet framed to angle iron 40 x 40 x 5 mm and two vertical posts of angle size 65 x 65 x 6 mm, 3 m long with hold fasts, stove enamelled paint and reflective letters,numerals,symbols etc. complete of size : 900 x 750 mm 137 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For double post 138 Supplyofcautionary / warningsignboard90cm equilateral triangle made out of 2.0 mm thickaluminumsheetfacetobe fully covered by white/blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting with Red / white symbol,cut out or screen printed background with epoxy paint complete confirming to MoRTH specificationsclause. 801 with angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6 mm. 3 mtr. long 139 Installation of sign boards having the posts like mandantory, cautionaryandinformatoryboardsincludingexcavation,fixingof posts in 300 mm dia. RCC hume pipe (IS marked) 1.20 m long, 75 cm embeddedinground,theinsideofpipeshallbefilledwithcement concrete1:4:8withsemi-circularhumpattop,thepipeshallbe painted white with enamel paint including transportation etc. complete.For single post 140 Providing and laying of hot applied thermo plastic compound inclusive of type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per table 800.3, 800.4 applied in uniform thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a road marking machine as per IRC : 35 complete with traffic diversion arrangement as per MoRTH specification clause 803.4. 141 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone (M-15 mix) of standard IRC design including finishing in cement sand mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint, printing letters and numerals etc. complete (MoRTH specifications clause : 800), Ordinary km stone 142 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone (M-15 mix) of standard IRC design including finishing in cement sand mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint, printing letters and numerals etc. complete (MoRTH specifications clause : 800), 200m. stone

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