Tender For Supply Of Chemicals At The Laboratories Of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physics, Chemistry, Botany And Zoology Departments-- 1 Botany(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 2 Acetone, 5 Ltr 3 2- hydromethyl anthraquinone, 1 gm 4 2,4,6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine, 1gm 5 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), 100 gm 6 8-hydroquinone, 100 gm 7 ABTS reagent, 500 mg 8 Acetic acid Glacial, 1 L 9 Acetic anhydride, 500 ml 10 Acetocarmine, 250 ml 11 Aluminium chloride, 500 gm 12 Ammonium hydroxide, 100 gm 13 Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate, 100 gm 14 Anthrone, 25 gm 15 Ascorbic acid (Standard), 500 gm 16 Atropine, 5 gm 17 Bavistin, 200 gm 18 Benzene, 500 ml 19 Beta carotene, 1 gm 20 Beta mercapto ethanol, 25 ml 21 Beta-sitosterol, 25 gm 22 Biotin, 1 gm 23 Bismuth nitrate pentahydrate, 100 gm 24 Brilliant blue, 100 gm 25 Bromocresol green, 125 ml 26 BSA, 5 gm 27 Calcium alginate, 500 gm 28 Catechol (Standard), 500 gm 29 Chloroform, 5 Ltr 30 Citric acid (Standard), 500 gm 31 Clove oil, 100 ml 32 Cobalt chloride hexahydrate, 100 gm 33 Congo red, 5 gm 34 CuSO4. 5H2O, 500 gm 35 Copper (II) sulphate, 250 gm 36 Cyanocobalamine, 100 gm 37 DCPIP (Dichlorophenolindophenol ), 25 gm 38 Diclofenac sodium, 100 mg 39 Dimethyl formamide, 500 ml 40 Diosgenin, 5 gm 41 DMSO, 500 ml 42 DPPH, 250 mg 43 DPX, 100 ml 44 Dragendorff reagent, 125 ml 45 EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), 100 gm 46 Esculin/Aesculin, 5 gm 47 Ethyl acetate, 1 Ltr 48 Fast Green, 100 ml 49 Ferric chloride, 500 gm 50 Ferric chloride hexahydrate, 500 gm 51 Ferroin indicator, 100 ml 52 Folin & ciocalteus phenol reagent, 100 ml 53 Formaldehyde, 500 ml 54 Gallic acid (Standard), 100 gm 55 Glycerin, 400 ml 56 Hexane, 2.5 Ltr 57 Hydrochloric acid (Conc), 2,5 Ltr 58 HiPer Phage Titration Teaching Kit, 10 Rxn/kit 59 Hydrogen peroxide, 100 ml 60 IBA (Indole-3-butyric acid), 5 gm 61 Iodine beads, 10 gm 62 Isopropanol, 2.5 Ltr 63 Lead acetate, 250 gm 64 Libermann burchard reagent, 100 ml 65 Linalool, 100 gm 66 Linoleic acid, 10 mg 67 Maganese chloride tetrahydrate, 500 gm 68 Carbinol, 500 ml 69 Molishs reagent, 100 ml 70 Molybdenum trioxide, 100 gm 71 Mueller Hinton agar, 500g 72 Nalbuphine, 10 gm 73 Ninhydrin (0.3%), 25 gm 74 Nitric acid Conc., 500ml 75 Paraffine with ceresin, 500 gm 76 PD broth, 500 gm 77 Per Iodic acid, 25gm 78 Picric acid , 500gm 79 Petroleum ether, 500ml 80 Phenol, 500gm 81 Phenolphthalein, 125ml 82 Phenylalanine, 100 gm 83 Potassium acetate, 500 gm 84 Potassium chlorate, 100 gm 85 Potassium dichromate, 250g 86 Potassium ferrocyanide, 500 gm 87 Potassium hydroxide, 500 gm 88 Potassium iodide, 100gm 89 Potassium nitrate, 500 gm 90 Potassium persulphate, 500 gm 91 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, 500 gm 92 Proline, 10 gm 93 Quercetin, 25g 94 Saffranin, 100ml 95 Securidaside, 100gm 96 Schiffs reagent, 500ml 97 Silica gel for column chromatography (60-120 particle size), 500gm 98 Silver nitrate. 10gm 99 Sodium acetate, 500gm 100 Sodium alginate, 500gm 101 Sodium benzoate, 250 gm 102 Sodium bicarbonate, 500gm 103 Sodium biphosphate dihydrate, 500gm 104 Sodium carbonate, 500gm 105 Sodium citrate, 125 ml 106 Sodium hydroxide, 500gm 107 NaH2PO4 H2O, 500gm 108 Sodium molybdate dihydrate, 500gm 109 Sodium nitrate, 500gm 110 Sodium phosphate monobasic, 500gm 111 Sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate, 500gm 112 Sodium salicylate, 500gm 113 Sodium silicate, 500gm 114 Sodium thiosulphate, 1 ltr 115 Starch, 500 gm 116 Sucrose, 500 gm 117 Sudan III, 10gm 118 Sulphuric acid conc., 2.5 ltr 119 Tannic acid, 100 gm 120 Teepol, 50 ml 121 Thiamine, 500 gm 122 Threonine, 10 gm 123 Triphenyl tetrasolium bromide, 1 gm 124 Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride, 10 gm 125 Trisodium phosphate, 500 gm 126 Vanillin, 25 gm 127 Vincristine sulphate, 10 mg 128 Wagners reagent, 125ml 129 Xylene, 500ml 130 Zinc oxide, 500 gm 131 Zinc oxide nanopowder (<100nm size),10 gm 132 ZnSO4 7H2O, 500g 133 Autoclavable screw cap bottles, 50ml 134 Autoclavable screw cap bottles,100ml 135 Autoclavable screw cap bottles, 250ml 136 Autoclavable screw cap bottles, 500ml 137 Autoclavable screw cap bottles, 1000ml 138 Autoclavable screw cap bottles (brown), 50ml 139 Autoclavable screw cap bottles (brown), 100ml 140 Autoclavable screw cap bottles (brown), 250ml 141 Autoclavable screw cap bottles (brown), 500ml 142 Beaker, 50ml 143 Beaker, 100ml 144 Beaker, 250ml 145 Beaker, 500ml 146 Beaker, 1000ml 147 Burette, 50ml 148 Centrifuge tube, 15 ml - 25/pkt 149 Centrifuge tube, 50ml - 25/pkt 150 Conical flask, 1000ml 151 Conical flask, 500ml 152 Conical flask, 250ml 153 Conical flask, 100ml 154 Conical flask, 50ml 155 Conical flask, 25ml 156 DO Bottle, 300ml 157 Embryo cups, 20ml 158 Glass capillary 90mm length, 100 tubes/ pack 159 Glassrod, 20cm 160 Measuring Cylinder, 5ml 161 Measuring Cylinder, 10ml 162 Measuring Cylinder, 50ml 163 Measuring Cylinder, 100ml 164 Measuring Cylinder, 250ml 165 Measuring Cylinder, 500ml 166 Measuring Cylinder, 1000ml 167 Microslide (75*25*1.4mm), 50/pkt 168 Petriplates (100*15mm), 100*15mm 169 Standard flask, 25ml 170 Standard flask, 50ml 171 Standard flask, 100ml 172 Standard flask, 250ml 173 Standard flask, 500ml 174 Test tubes, 15ml - 100/box 175 Autoclavable micropestle, 1 set * 12 units 176 Autoclave cover, 25/pkt 177 Beaker (Plastic), 100ml 178 Beaker (Plastic), 250ml 179 Blade (normal), 1 pkt 180 Blue tip box 181 Brush 182 Buds, 2 box 183 Bunsen burner 184 Cellulose nitrate membrane, (47mm diameter-0.22u pore size)100/pkt 185 Cling film roll 186 Coarse filter paper, 100/pack 187 Column chromatography with sintered disc and stop clock, 500*18mm 188 Coverslip, (22*22mm50/pkt) 189 Coverslip, (24*50mm) 190 Cryotubes , 5ml.25/pack 191 Cuvette (Plastic) for spectrophotometry, 2mm 192 Cuvette (Plastic)for spectrophotometry, 1mm 193 Dropper (Glass), 25ml 194 Dropper (Glass), 50ml 195 Dropper (Plastic) 196 First aid box 197 Forceps 12 198 Forceps 14 199 Glass Spirit lamp 200 Gram staining kit 201 Mortar and pestle (agate), 6cm 202 Needle with plastic handle 203 Paper chromatography chamber 204 Ph 7 capsule, 25/Bottle 205 Pipette, 1ml 206 Pipette, 5ml 207 Pipette, 10ml 208 Rubber bulb for pipette, Large 209 Spatula 6 210 Spatula 8 211 Spatula4 212 Sterile petriplates, (90*90mm) 10/pkt 213 Syringe, 20ml 214 Syringe filter, (13mm diameter-0.22u pore size)100/pkt 215 Test tube holder 216 Test tube stand 217 Thermal sticker label, Roll 218 Thermometer 219 TLC sheet, 50/pkt 220 Toothpicks, 2 sets 221 Whatman filter paper, (125mm)100/box 222 Wick 223 BIO-CHEMISTRY(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 224 Hydrochloric Acid A.R, 500ml 225 Sulphuric acid A.R, 500ml 226 Nitric acid, 500ml 227 Acetic acid glacial-99.5%, 2.5L 228 Chloroform AR 99-99.4%, 500ml 229 Orcinol monohydrate 99%, 10g 230 Ammonia Solution 99% pure, 500ml 231 Acetone 99%, 500ml 232 1-Naphthol, 100g 233 Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride 97%, 100g 234 Copper sulphateA.R.99.5%, 500g 235 Sodium Potassium Tartarate 99%,Nice, 250g 236 Sodium Tungstate,96%, 100g 237 Albumin Bovine Fraction V powder-98%, 5g 238 Folin Ciocalteu Reagent, 125ml 239 Ninhydrin Extra pure 99%, 25g 240 Resorcinol, 250g 241 Thiourea pure,98%, 500g 242 Para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde,98%, 100g 243 Cholesterol, 5g 244 Sodium Nitroprusside, 100g 245 Methanol, 2.5L 246 Sodium Hydroxide, 500g 247 Sodium Bicarbonate, 500g 248 Egg Albumin, 250g 249 Trichloro acetic acid, 100g 250 Proline, 100g 251 Cysteine, 25g 252 Sodium hypochlorite,500 ml 253 Mercuric Nitrate ,25 g 254 ZOOLOGY(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 255 Acetic acid glacial, 500 mL 256 Aluminium foil, L 9mts x W 30 cm, roll of 1 Kg 257 Amber bottle (Borosil) - 10mL 258 Amber bottle (Borosil) - 25mL 259 Amber bottle (Borosil) - 50mL 260 Anthrone, 25g 261 Anti A, B & D-blood grouping kit 262 Beaker-Borosilicate -1000ml 263 Beaker (Borosil) - 500mL 264 Beaker graduated- Borosilicate- 250 ml 265 Beaker- Borosilicate -100ml 266 Beaker-borosilicate-10ml 267 Beaker-borosilicate-20ml 268 Beaker-borosilicate-250ml 269 Beaker-borosilicate-50ml 270 Biosol for spirit lamp, 500mL 271 Janus Green B 65%-5 gm 272 Cavity block with cover/lid-40 x40 mm 273 Cavity block with cover/lid-55 x55 mm 274 Chloroform, 500mL 275 Chromatographicchamber with lid,glass type, 11x6x15 cm 276 Cleansol-Laboratory detergent improved, 500mL 277 Conical flask- borosilicate glass 250ml 278 Conical flask- borosilicate glass-1000ml 279 Conical flask- borosilicate glass-25ml 280 Conical flask-500ml 281 Conical flask-50ml 282 Coplin jar with lid-glass type, 6 wells , 764 x 153 x 157mm – 60mL 283 Cotton (Absorbant)-500g 284 Cover Glass Superior Quality (Blue star Number 1) 0.13 - 0.16 mm Thickness, Square Size 24 x 24 mm Pack of 10 gm 285 Diethyl ether, 500mL 286 DPX- 100mL 287 Eppendorf tube 1.5ml packet 288 Eppendorftubes 2 ml packet 289 Ethanol - 500mL 290 Ethyl acetate, 500mL 291 Ferrous chloride -500g 292 Filter paper sheets (Whatman) 46 X 57 cm, pack of 100 293 Filter paper sheets 46 X 57 cm 294 Flat bottom flask for rotavapor , narrow mouth , short neck withjoint , (Borosil) - 250mL 295 Flat bottom flask for rotavapor, narrow mouth , short neck with joint(Borosil) - 50mL 296 Flat bottom flask for rotavapor, narrow mouth , short neck with joint(Borosil) - 500mL 297 Flat bottom flask for rotavapor, narrow mouth , short neck with joint(Borosil) - 1L 298 Flat bottom flask for rotavapor, narrow mouth , short neck with joint(Borosil) -100mL 299 Formaldehyde- 5L 300 Glass Funnel -30mm diameter 301 Glass Funnel -40mm diameter 302 Glass Funnel -65mm diameter 303 Giemsa stain- 125mL 304 Glass rod (Borosil) with curved tip 305 Glass slides ( Borosil), Pack of 50 306 Glycerol (Himedia) - 100mL 307 Haematoxylin powder- 5g 308 Hydrocholoric acid AR, 500mL 309 Iodine Crystals, 100g 310 Isopropyl alcohol (SRL) - 2.5L 311 Leishmans stain solution 250 ml 312 Measuring cylinder (Borosil) - 50ml 313 Measuring Cylinder Polypropylene-500 ml 314 Measuring Cylinder, Borosilicate, graduated. Hexagonal base-10 ml 315 Measuring Cylinder, Borosilicate, graduated. Hexagonal base-100 ml 316 Measuring Cylinder, Borosilicate, graduated. Hexagonal base-250 ml 317 Mercuric oxide (SRL) - 25g 318 Methylene blue 125mL 319 Cover glasses (Blue star or equivalent), 24 x 60mm, packet of 10 gm superior quality 320 Nitric acid,500mL 321 Paraflim M: one roll size 4ʺ x 125” 322 Phenophthalein, 100mL 323 Aspirator bottle with stopcock – 10 L 324 Aspirator bottle with stopcock – 5L 325 Plastic Dropper for laboratory- 3ml -Pack of 100 326 Plastic tray 10’’x12’’ 327 Plastic tray 10’’x8’’ 328 Potassium aluminium sulphate (Potash alum)-100g 329 Potassium iodide-99%, 100g 330 RBC diluting fluid-125 ml 331 Reagent bottle (Borosilicate) - 100mL 332 Reagent bottle (Borosilicate) - 500mL 333 Schiff’s reagent -125ml 334 Screw cap bottle (Borosilicate) - 100mL 335 Silver nitrate powder, 10g 336 Sodium hydroxide flakes, 500g 337 Sodium iodate (SRL) - 25g 338 Spatula , steel, 8’’ 339 Sulphuric acid LR, 500mL 340 Test tube stand metal,Double Tier, No. of Holes 12, 20 mm 341 Test tube stand metal,Double Tier, No. of Holes 24, 20 mm 342 Test tube 15x125mm, borosilicate, thick walled 343 Test tube 25 x 150 mm borosilicate, thick walled 344 Glass thermometer-10 to 110 degrees celsius 345 Tissue paper Roll 346 Tween (Himedia) - 100mL 347 Wash bottle -250ml 348 Wash bottle -500ml 349 WBC diluting fluid, 125mL 350 Zinc chloride-500g 351 Chemistry(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 352 Aniline 99% AR 500 mL 353 Ammonium ferrous sulphate AR 500g 354 Chloroform AR 2.5L 355 Ferric alum AR 500g 356 Ferroussulphate AR 100g 357 Hydrochloric acid AR 2.5L 358 Phenol 99% AR 500 mL 359 AcetoneLR 2.5L 360 Ammonia Solution (20-30%) LR 2.5L 361 Ammonium thiocyanateLR 500g 362 Calcium sulphate LR 500 g 363 Borsches reagent LR 100 mL 364 Diethyl etherLR 500 mL 365 Diphenyl carbazide LR 10g 366 Erichrome Black T 25g 367 Ferric chloride hydrated AR 100g 368 Hexane LR 2.5L 369 Nitrobenzene LR 2.5 L 370 Petrolium ether LR 2.5 L 371 Phenolphthalein solution LR ( 100 mL) 372 Potassium iodideLR 100g 373 Potassium permanganate LR 500g 374 Silica gel G for TLCLR 500g 375 Schiffs reagent LR 100 mL 376 Sodium bicarbonate LR 500g 377 Sulphuric acid LR 2.5 L 378 Toluene LR 2.5 L 379 Beaker 100 mL Borosil® 380 Burette 50 mL Borosil®with glass stopcock, B class with work certificate 381 3 Finger Burette condenser clamp with boss head 382 Spatula steel-6 inch stainless steel 383 Standard flask100 mLBorosil® A class with work certificate 384 MIcrobiology(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 385 Acetone pure, 99%-500 ML 386 Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth - 250gm 387 Nutrient Agar- 500gm 388 Nutrient Broth- 500gm 389 Nitrate Broth- 500gm 390 MR-VP broth- 250gm 391 Saborauds Dextrose Agar-100gm 392 TSI agar-250gm 393 Starch Casein Agar- 500gm 394 Cedar wood oil-30gm 395 Alberts stain A-125ml 396 Alberts stain B- 125 ml 397 Formaldehyde solution-500ml 398 Paradimethyl amino benzaldehyde-100gm 399 Alpha naphthyl amine-25gm 400 Chloroform-500ml 401 Extran-5L 402 Lamposolv-500ml 403 Bacterial conjugation teaching kit- 10expts 404 RPR kit (diagnostic)- 50tests 405 WIDAL test (Tube test) 406 RF test kit (Diagnostic)- 50tests 407 ASO kit (diagnostic)- 50tests 408 Cotton (Absorbant; roll)-300gm 409 Klin wrap- thin plastic film-300mmX3M 410 Aluminium foil- roll, 9M 411 Tissue paper- roll, 10cmX10M 412 Gloves- nonsterile, latex, medium 413 Micropipette tip box- 1000ul 414 Micropipette tip box- 200ul, 415 Filter paper, sheets, normal 416 Whatman No. 1 filter paper, circles, 150mm 417 Spatula, length 500mm, SS 418 Syringe filter, sterile, 25mm, PVDF, 0.2um; 50/pack 419 Forceps, Metal, 150mm 420 Penicillin G Discs (100discs/vial) 421 Ampicillin discs (100 discs/vial) 422 Chloramphenicol discs (100 discs/vial) 423 Ceftriaxone discs (100discs/vial) 424 Streptomycin discs (100discs/vial) 425 Nalidixic acid discs (100discs/vial) 426 Amoxyclav discs (100discs/vial) 427 Tetracyclin discs (100 discs/vial) 428 Azithromycin discs (100disc/vial) 429 Gentamycin discs (100discs/vial) 430 HBsAg detection card (Immunochromatography) 431 Kovac reagent-125ml 432 Barritts reagent A-125 ml 433 Barritts reagent B-125 ml 434 Streptomycin Powder- 1gm 435 Physics(See Specification file for details like required quantity, quality etc) 436 Acetone, 2.5L 437 Niobium (V)oxide, 10g 438 Tantalum(V) oxide ,25g 439 Vanadium (IV) oxide sulfate hydrate,10g 440 Bismuth Nitrate Pentahydrate, 250g 441 Cerium Nitrate Hexahydrate, 100g 442 Gadolinium (III) nitrate hexa hydrate, crystals and lumps,25 g 443 Urea, 500g 444 Cerium oxide, 100g 445 Samarium nitrate, 25g 446 Titanium isopropoxide, 100g 447 Zirconium (IV) oxynitrate hydrate, 100g 448 Diluent for DNA extraction (ethanol), 500ml 449 Melamine,5g 450 Molybdenum trioxide,100g 451 Thiourea,50g 452 Disodium phosphate ,5g 453 Nickel nitrate hexahydrate,20g 454 Thioacetamide,25g 455 Cobalt chloride,5g