
Tender For Supply Of Cardiology Items, mumbai-Maharashtra

Medical Education And Research has published Tender For Supply Of Cardiology Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2024. Medical Equipment Tenders in mumbai Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Cardiology Items
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For supply of CARDIOLOGY items 1 Aesculap 2mm Burr 2 Aesculap 2mm Burr 3 Aesculap 2mm Burr 4 Aesculap 3mm Burr 5 Aesculap 3mm Burr 6 Aesculap 3mm Burr 7 Aesculap 4mm Burr 8 Aesculap 4mm Burr 9 Aesculap 4mm Burr 10 Aesculap 5mm Burr 11 Aesculap 5mm Burr 12 Aesculap 5mm Burr 13 Aesculap 6mm Burr 14 Aesculap 6mm Burr 15 Aesculap 6mm Burr 16 Aesculap Anesurisum Clip T-Bar 17 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Byonate 18 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Fenestrated 19 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Straight 20 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Standard 21 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Temporary 22 Aesculap Aneurisum Clips Mini 23 Aesculap Cutter 24 Biopolar Cable Aesculp Disposable 25 Biopolar Cable Aesculp Reusable 26 Codman ICP Express 27 Codman ICP Express Cable For Device Reusable 28 Codman Perforator 9 mm 29 Codman Perforator 11 mm 30 Codman Perforator 14 mm 31 Hardy Bipolar Forcep 32 Manman Cutter 33 Manman Perforater 34 Microsensor Skull Bolt Kit 35 Pressure Transducer Kit 36 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 2.3 mm 37 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 3.0 mm 38 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 3.5 mm 39 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 4.0 mm 40 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 4.5 mm 41 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 5.0 mm 42 Aesculap Elan 4 Burr 6.0 mm 43 Absorbable Dural Repair Patch 2 x 2 44 Absorbable Dural Repair Patch 3 x 3 45 Adhesion Barrier Matrix 2 x 2cm 46 Adhesion Barrier Matrix 3 x 3cm 47 Solution For Electro Cautery 4ml 48 Bilateral Broncheal Blocker 49 Bilayer Biological Absorbable Microporous Dural Repair Patch 5 x 5 cm 50 Bilayer Biological Absorbable Microporous Dural Repair Patch 7.5 x 7.5 cm 51 Bovine Collagen Patch Coated With Synthetic SealantSize - 45mm x 90 mm 52 Bovine Collagen Patch Coated With Synthetic Sealant Size- 45mm x 45 mm 53 C Arm Cover 54 Camera Cover 55 Chhabra VP Shunt Low Pressure 56 Chhabra VP Shunt High Pressure 57 Chhabra VP Shunt Medium Pressure 58 Craniotomy Drape 59 Craniotomy OT kit 60 Endobronchial Blocker Tube Technical 61 Fibrin Sealant 2ml 62 Fibrin Sealant 4ml 63 Factor II, VII, IX & X 64 Flexometalic Reinforced Tube With Stylet 65 Flowable Gelatin 10 cc 66 Flowable Gelatin 5 cc 67 G Bone Synthetic Hydroxyl Apatite Granules 1x 0.5 x 0.5cm 68 G Graft Hydroxyapatite With Collagen Granules 30 x15 x 6mm 69 Laminectomy OT Kit 70 Lamino Spinal Drape 160 x 300cm 71 Large Trolley Sheet 120 x 210cm 72 LMA Fastrach 73 LMA Proseal 74 LMA Supreme 75 Lumbo Peritoneal Shunt 76 Mayo’s Trolley Cover Small 120 x 66cm 77 Monopolar Cable Aesculap 78 Multilayer Structured Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Size 10.0 x 10.0 79 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Size 2.5 x 2.5 cm 80 Cellulose Size 2.5 x 5.0 cm 81 Cellulose Size 5.0 x 10.0 cm 82 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Size 5.0 x 5.0 cm 83 O Scope Drape E 214 L 84 O Scope Drape E 214 L70 85 Radial Femoral Arterial PE Catheter With Anti-Kinking Collar 20 G 86 Radial Femoral Arterial PE Catheter With Anti-Kinking Collar 22 G 87 Raney Clips Adults 88 Raney Clips Paediatric 89 Silicon Patties 60 x 80mm 90 Turbo Clean Closed Suction System Size 12 Fr 91 Turbo Clean Closed Suction System Size 14 Fr 92 Y Connector 93 AEOS sterile drape 94 Medtronic Diamond Burr 2.3 95 Medtronic Diamond Burr 2.3 96 Medtronic Diamond Burr 2 97 Medtronic Diamond Burr 3 98 Medtronic Diamond Burr 4 99 Medtronic Diamond Burr 5 100 Medtronic Diamond Burr 6 101 Medtronic Diamond Burr 2 102 Medtronic Diamond Burr 3 103 Medtronic Diamond Burr 4 104 Medtronic Diamond Burr 5 105 Medtronic Diamond Burr 6 106 Medtronic Diamond Burr 2 107 Medtronic Diamond Burr 3 108 Medtronic Diamond Burr 4 109 Medtronic Diamond Burr 5 110 Medtronic Diamond Burr 6 111 Draeger Anasthesia Circuit 112 Draeger Defend 113 Draeger Sample Line 114 Draeger Transducer 115 Flexomatalic ET Tube (All 116 Soft Roll 117 Yanko Suction Set 118 Romovac Set (All Sizes) 119 Minivac Set (All Sizes) 120 Triple Lumen CVC 121 Epidural Catheter 16 Fr 122 Epidural Catheter 18 Fr 123 Spiral Tubing 124 Laminectomy Drape 125 Disposable Sealed Pre Liner Bag 126 Disposable Sealed Final Liner Bag 127 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 128 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 129 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 130 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 131 Osteostrip 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 132 Osteostrip 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 133 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair 134 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair 135 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair 136 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair and Extra Venticular Drainage 137 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair and Extra Venticular Drainage 138 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt, C-Shape for Burr hole repair and Extra Venticular Drainage 139 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 140 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 141 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 142 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 143 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 144 Osteoplug 3D Printeded Bioresorabable PCI Impalnt 145 Tissue Engineered Bovine Pericardial Patch, Non Glutrahydret, CE certifited 146 Tissue Engineered Bovine Pericardial Patch, Non Glutrahydret, CE certifited 147 Tissue Engineered Bovine Pericardial Patch, Non Glutrahydret, CE certifited 148 Tissue Engineered Bovine Pericardial Patch, Non Glutrahydret, CE certifited 149 Dispossable cranial perforator make Adeor 150 Dispossable cranial perforator make Adeor 151 Dispossable cranial cutter make Adeor 152 Dispossable Diamond Burr make Adeor 153 Dispossable Diamond Burr make Adeor 154 Dispossable Diamond Burr make Adeor 155 Dispossable Diamond Burr make Adeor 156 Dispossable Diamond Burr make Adeor 157 G Bone Synthetic Hydroxyl Apatite Granules 1x 0.5 x 0.5cm 158 G Graft Hydroxyapatite With Collagen Granules 30 x15 x 6mm 159 Monopolar Cable 160 Surgical Sponge Nasal Dressing 8cm 161 SMOKE EVACUATION DISPOSABLES 162 Absorbable Gelatine based Topical Absorbable flowable haemostat with 6cc syringe pre-filled with haemostatic matrix. With 14.3cm white applicator tip & 14.6 cm blue flexible applicator tip WITH THROMBIN 3000IU 8ML 163 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose based Topical Absorbable Haemostat, Structured Non-Woven material, with Bactericidal property. Ease-of-use in both open and minimally invasive procedures. Approved by US FDA size 2x4 inch SELFLIFE 3 YEARS 164 Structured Non-Woven material, with Bactericidal property. Ease-of-use in both open and minimally invasive procedures. Approved by US FDA size 4x4 inch SELFLIFE 3 YEARS 165 Absorbable Gelatine based Topical Absorbable haemostat standard size 7cm x 5cm x1.0 cm pack of 20 with self-life of 4 to 5 year 166 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose based Topical Absorbable Haemostat, densly woven knit form, with Bactericidal property. Provide matrix to platelet adhesion and aggregation suitable for heab=vier bleeding. Approved by US FDA size 3x4 inch 5-year selflife 167 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose based Topical Absorbable Hemostat, with Bactericidal property. Ease-of-use in both open and minimally invasive procedures. Approved by US FDA 2 x 3 inches year selflife 168 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose based Topical Absorbable Hemostat, with Bactericidal property. Ease-of-use in both open and minimally invasive procedures. Approved by US FDA 4 x 8 inches year selflife 169 Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose based Topical Absorbable Hemostat, Stru171ctured Non-Woven material powder form, with Bactericidal property. Ease-of-use in both open and minimally invasive procedures. Approved by US FDA 3gm 170 Synthetic biodegradable dermal matrix with matrix layr of 2mm in thickness 5x5 cm Approved by US FDA, CE 171 Synthetic biodegradable dermal matrix with matrix layr of 2mm in thickness 10x10 cm Approved by US FDA, CE 172 Stryker Fine Diamond Extended Bur 3.0 mm 173 Stryker Fine Diamond Extended Bur 4.0 mm 174 Stryker Round Diamond Burr 2.0mm 175 Stryker Round Diamond Burr 3.0mm 176 Stryker Round Diamond Burr 4.0mm 177 Stryker Round Diamond Burr 5.0mm 178 Stryker Round Diamond Burr 6.0mm 179 Stryker Craniotomy Perforator Bit Large 14-11mm 180 Stryker round fluted Burr Aggressive 2.0mm 181 Stryker round fluted Burr Aggressive 3.0mm 182 Stryker round fluted Burr Aggressive 4.0mm 183 Stryker round fluted Burr Aggressive 5.0mm 184 Tapered tool with 2.3mm

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 18-12-2024 Corrigendum Technical Bid 27-12-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
Tender Value
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