
Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road At North Street And Iqbal Street In Lalpettai Town Panchayat, Cuddalore-Tamil Nadu

Town Panchayats has published Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road At North Street And Iqbal Street In Lalpettai Town Panchayat. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-12-2024. Road Work Tenders in Cuddalore Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road At North Street And Iqbal Street In Lalpettai Town Panchayat
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road At North Street And Iqbal Street In Lalpettai Town Panchayat; 1 Picking the existing surface 3 to 5 cm deep removal of picked up staff to the side berms and using the useful metal to the road hand packing to camber sectioning levelling etc.,complete as per including labour charges for picking and other tools and plants etc., complete as per standard specifications. 404 ofMORTH 2 Providing and laying Well Gravel to the specified thick including cost and conveyance ofWellgravel from approved quarry and stocking the same at road side to Departmental guage for premeasurement as directed by the Departmental Officers including labour charges for spreading in layers not exceeding 75 mm thick (or) as specified by the departmental officers, levelling, sectioning etc., and all other charges for tools and plants employed for the work and all other incidental charges such as barricading and providing danger lights etc., complete as per standard specification. as per clause 301 & 305 of MORTH 3 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates to Wet Mix Macadamspecification including premixing the materials with waterat OMC in mechnanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site laying inuniform layers with paver sin Sub Base/Base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to acheive the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per clause 406 of MORTH Rev-5 4 Providing and laying of prime coat using bitumen emulsion (SSI RC Drum) at the rate of 7 kg per 10sqm over the WMM surface preparatory to another construction over it. as per as per standar specification MORTHV 5 Providing and laying of tack coat usingBitumen Emulsion (RS1)at the rate of 2.5 kg per 10sqm over the WMM primed surface preparatory to another construction over it.as per as per standar specification MORTH V 6 Providing and laying 50mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous Macadam using 0.24cum of 26.50-13.20mm,0.25cum of 13.20-2.36mm and 0.23cum of 2.36mm & below and with 53.20Kgs of VG30/VG40 bitumen for premixing per 10sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing the min required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by Vibratory/Pneumatic Roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, Paver Finisher/9m paver finisher, Vibratory/Pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 505 MORTH Rev-5 7 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 40mm Consolidated thick using 0.13 cum of 19.00 – 9.50mm,0.17 cum of 9.50-2.36mm and 0.26 cum of2.36 mm & below with 45.27 kgs of 60/70 Grade Bulk bitumen and 5.03 kg of shredded Plastic waste for premixingper 10 Sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20 – 30 ton capacity, Conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading themix to uniform thickness of 40 mm with mechanical pavers to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by Vibratory/Pneumatic rollers to the required density etc., including labour for loading bitumen into bitumen tank and Metal to feeder unit,labour for attending to paver site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20 – 30 ton CMP With bitumen boiler tipper,trucks, paver Finisher/9M,Vibrator rollers and all other tools and plants required,including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification using CMP Clause 507 of MORTH Rev-5 8 Road marking with Hot Applied ThermoPlastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminious Surface Proving and Laying of Hot Applied thermoplastic Compound 2.5 mm thick inculding reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms per sqm area thickness of 2.5mm exclusive of surface applied glass beads As Per IRC: 35 The finished surface to be level uniform and free from streaks and holes Inculding all Charges etc.., complete

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INR 14000.0 /-
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