Providing Mechanical/Electrical Equipment With All Ancillaries And Auxiliaries Including Intake (Low Lift) Pumping Machineries, Illumination Arrangement Of Shilla Sub-Surface Based Piped Water Supply Scheme Under Purba Bardhaman District Phe Dte.- 1 LOW LIFT: Supply and deliveryof clear water vertical wet type submersible pump suitable for bore well conforming to IS : 8034 ( and as amended there after ) with standard MOC for potable clear coldwater and BEE 3 Star Rated capable of discharging noted 50 M³/hr against head of 35 mtr water column. The pump shall be directly coupled with a continuous rated 2- pole suitable wet type verticalsquirel cage induction motor conforming to IS : 9283 (and as amended thereafter),suitable for operation in AC Three phases 415 V,50HZ (category B motor). Test certificate along with characteristic curve should be submitted at the time of delivery. 2 Supply,Delivery at site and storage of2mm.thickCRCASheetSteel EnclosedCubicaltypeIndoorFloorMounted415VoltPDB panel suitable for power distribution to the PMCC panel to low lift pumping machinery with having other feeders for voltage stabilizer operation for details go through the technical specifications of eNIT . 3 Supply,Delivery at site and storage of2mm.thickCRCASheetSteel EnclosedCubicaltypeIndoorFloorMounted415Volt PMCC Panel suitable for operation of 8 nos submersible low lift pumping machinery and other electromechanical items (eqipped with dedicated APFC), illumination system, ventilation,and other requiredNo.ofFeeders for Low Lift pumping machinery as per NIT specification. 4 Supply, Delivery and storageat site 185 sqmm 3.5 Core 1.1KV Grade XLPE insulated Al. Armoured Power Cable .(FromPDB Panel to PMCC Panel -2 run).(supply should be made as per actual site condition) 5 Laying of two cables above 35 sqmm and upto 185 sqmm in anunderground trench in single tier formation (horizontal), the trenchsize : 680 mm x 760 mm average depth, with brick protection onthe top of each cable 8 (eight) Nos. bricks per Mtr. and 4 (four)Nos. bricks per Mtr. as separator between the bricks and cablesand also trench to be filled up with shifted soil, levelling up andrestoring surface duly rammed 6 Supplying and fixing compression type gland complete with brassgland, brass ring & rubber ring for dust & moisture-proof entry ofXLPE/PVC armoured cables as below 7 3.5 core upto 185 sqmm 8 Supply, delivery at site and storage of3 Core 4 sq.mmwater proofFlat Submersible Cable. 9 Supply, delivery at site and storage of3 Core 16 Al. Ar. XLPE Cable for Incomer for 10 Nos. Submersible Pump. 10 Supplying and fixing compression type gland complete with brassgland, brass ring & rubber ring for dust & moisture-proof entry ofXLPE/PVC armoured cables as below 11 3 core upto 16 sqmm 12 Supply, delivery and storage of following valves, pipes and gaskets etc. at site: (a) 80 mm Dia UPVC Standard type column pipe (Cream colour with both side threaded and one end side socket with register KPMG). 13 3 Mtr long 14 1.5 Mtr long 15 80 mm dia CI top and bottom adopter 16 Making MS fabricatedsealed type top cover of 200mm/suitable dia ground tube well made of 12 mm thick MS plate with suitable hole for entry 80 mm dia column pipe and 40mm/suitable dia pipe cable protection entry and necessary drill holes on the peripheral srface of the top cover for fixing on the tubewell flanged(Supply and welding with tubewell) and fittings of the heavy type MS pipes specials and valve properly including all joints and specials as per direction of EIC. 17 80mm dia. Non-rising spindle sluice valve (PN-1.0 rating) as per IS14846 for wash out line,MOC & TC needed for valve. 18 80mm dia. N.R.V (PN-1.0 rating) as per IS5312, MOC & TC needed for valve. 19 CIDF 90°bend-1no., CI flanged tee-1no. blank flange-1no., CI/ MS flanged short piece 0.50 mtr.-1no, CI/ MS flanged pipe 1 mtr. 1 no. etc (as per IS specification and certification registered) for construction of delivery pipe line and wash out line. 20 Suitable kiox box for cable connection of submersible pump motor set with Degree of protection IP 65 including suitable legs and 3 Nos. Al. Bus bar for 32 Amps and all necessary earthing arrangement and insulator as per direction of EIC. 21 Making CC foundation for support of the kiosk box after excavating the earth upto a depth of 0.6 Mtr below the GL including supply of all materials complete with 12 mm thick cement plastering with net cement finishing complete as per direction of EIC (size: 3 x 1 x 5) 22 Supply & Making necessaryGI Medium pipe (dia of pipe not less than 32mm)protection for submersible cable from kiox box to Submersible pumpincluding supply of all specials and complete the job. 23 Laying of two cables up to in an underground trench in single tier formation (horizontal) the trench size : 680 mm x 760 mm average depth with brick protection on the top of each cable with 8 nos. bricks per Mtr. and 4 nos. bricks per mtr. as separator between the brics and cables also the trench to be filled up with shifted soil, levelling up and restoring surface duly rammed. 24 Laying of cable upto 2 core 25 sqmm on wall/surface incl S & F MS saddles with earthing attachement in 10 SWG GI (Hot Dip) wire making holes etc as necy. Mending good damages and painting. 25 Making brick pillar 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.75 Mtr/Suitable hight for supporting of valves and pipes with 12mm thick plaster and net cement finish complete. 26 Providing laddertype cabletray forlaying of power cable and G.I Perforated cable tray for laying of control cable atClear water pump house havingproper M.S.structuralsupportaspertechnical specification of NIT. 27 Providing Earthing&lighteningprotectionforpumping stationasperIS and IE rules and as per technical specification of NIT. (No of earth pits minimum 27 nos) 28 Supply delivery at site, storage and installation of safety equipment like Fire Extinguisher (3 nos. 4.0 Kg Dry Chemical powder cartidge, 2 nos. 9 Ltr. capacity ISI marked Foam (AFFF), Rubber Mats of 6 Mtr Length, 2.5 mm thick and 1 Mtr width, 4 nos. fire bucket, 1 no. shock treatment chart of English, hindi, Bengali and 1 no. first aid box, 2 nos. 11000 volt danger board complete as perdirectionand uptotheentiresatisfactionof EIC. 29 Supply & delivery of moulded Chair as per directon of EIC. 30 Supply & delivery of moulded Table as per directon of EIC. 31 Installation of all items as mentioned under 1.00 to 15.00 including supply of all erection materials, pipe supports,valve supports etc. as required for installation of pumpingmachinery, Steel work or construction ofM.S ladder, checker plate, foundation ofpump, including gland, socket earthing & lightning protectionwith suitable size GI HOT dip earthing attachement, making hole as necessary mending good damages, and MS work for fabrication to the entire satisfaction of EIC in compliance with NIT specification for Clear water pumpinginstallation, Rate is inclusive of labour and hirecharges of generator, welding set, fuels, lubricants etc. for completion of work. Paintingofthe installation by two coats of enamel paint(colour tobedecided by department) over a coat of primer as per NIT specification & direction of EIC. 32 Painting of the installation by two coats of enamel paints (colour to be decided by the Department) over a coat of primer as per NIT specification & direction of EIC. 33 Testing & Commissioning of the entire installationi.e.Pumps, Motors,valves mentioned above as perdirectionandtotheentire satisfactionof EIC. 34 Yard Lighting arragement for CWR, OHR,Low Lift sites.Supply & delivery of following materials at sites :- 35 GRP street light pole in conical shape using thermoset resign having minimum 65% glass content with following specifications :Length – 7 mtr.Top I.D – 85 ± 2 mm.Bottom I.D – 176 ± 2 mm. Thikness – 5 ± 0.5 mm. Type – Non buried (above ground)The above pole is provided with suitable size MS base plate, foundation bolt & nut set, internal junction box & MS ring arm(Test certificate will be submitted at the time of delivery) 36 16 sq. mm 2 core 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated Al. armoured Cable conforming to IS:7098 (Part-I) 2011 with upto date amendments.(materials should be supplied as per actual site condition) 37 100W LED flood light luminarie with IP 65 protection. Type - BVP 38 Making RCC foundation (as per drawing & measurement provided by GRP Pole manufacturer) for pole erection by using suitable reinforcement & concrete grade M20 inlcuding making provision looping cable line, excavation & refilling of earth pit with shifted soil & ramming properly as per specification & direction of EIC . 39 Laying of one no. 16 PVC Al. Ar. cable in underground trenche 460mm. wide X 760mm. average depth, with brick protection on the top of the cable with 8 (eight) nos. bricks per mtr, including filling the space between the brick & cable & also the trench with shifted soil, levelling up & restoring surface duly rammed. 40 Laying 16 PVC Al. Ar. Cable through pump house wall including supply of sockets for clamping and grouting the above cable in each pole foundation (Approx 10 mtr length) 41 Supply & delivery of outdoor type Kiosk box (Size: 10x 6x12) with suitable gauge M.S. sheet along with hinged type front door with locking arrangement including M.S leg angle frame covered consisting 3 way Aluminium busbar 63 amp. fixed on a Porcelain material and grouting its legs in brick piller. 42 Installation of above supply Kiosk bokand making brick/PCC foundation (Size: 14x 10x 18) with supplying bricks/stonechips, sand, cement etc including plastering and neat cement & making electrical connection complete as per direction EIC 43 Supply & drawing of 2 X 2.5 sq. mm and1 x 1.5 sq. mm (for earthing) FR PVC insulated 1.1 KV grade single core copper cablefrom pole junction box to LED fixture at the top of the pole and making electrical connection complete 44 Erection of GRP pole on RCC foundation with help of MS base plate, foundation bolts, nuts, washers etc. and fitting & fixing of four (4) nos. flood light luminaris on pole ring arm with necessary inter connection and jointing of cable and testing complete of entire set as per direction EIC 45 Earthing of Loop Box by spike earhing (20mm X 2 mtr.) with drawing 8 SWG GI wire as per IE rule. 46 Supply & fitting fixing 16 Amp. SPN MCBwith enclosure & 16 Amp Piano key type Switch with pvc boxinside the pump house wall and making connectin with supply cable for operating the compund light with supply necessary materials all complete as per direction of EIC.