
Tender For Fatehpur Sewerage And Sewage Treatment Scheme Zone-I, Distt. Fatehpur, Including Successful Testing And Commissioning On Percentage Rate Turnkey Basis, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The Project Area Including Soil Investigation, En, fatehpur-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Fatehpur Sewerage And Sewage Treatment Scheme Zone-I, Distt. Fatehpur, Including Successful Testing And Commissioning On Percentage Rate Turnkey Basis, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The Project Area Including Soil Investigation, En. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-12-2024. Sewerage Construction Tenders in fatehpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Fatehpur Sewerage And Sewage Treatment Scheme Zone-I, Distt. Fatehpur, Including Successful Testing And Commissioning On Percentage Rate Turnkey Basis, Investigation And Survey (On Gis Basis) Of The Project Area Including Soil Investigation, En
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Fatehpur Sewerage And Sewage Treatment Scheme Zone-I, Distt. Fatehpur, Including Successful Testing And Commissioning On Percentage Rate Turnkey Basis, Investigation and survey (on GIS basis) of the project area including soil investigation, Engineering (hydraulic, structural design as required), Procurement of all labour & material, T&P etc. and construction of various components complete for Fatehpur Sewerage and Sewage Treatment SchemeZone-I District Fatehpur, U.P., India, including successful testing and commissioning of associated works on Works on percentage rate Turn-key basis Sl. No. Item Description 1 Construction of 18 MLD STP and its appurtenant works 2 Supplyof all materials, labour, T&Petc and construct Sewage Pumping Plantbased on SBR technology (18 MLD on modular basis) as per standard drawings, design provided by the contractor based on IS codes, manuals and approved by the competent authorityincluding testing, commisioning of each unit and includingthe following:SupplyandinstallationofallElectricalMechanicalequipments with labour, T&P etc complete including the following:Parameter (NGT norms) BOD=<10mg/l , TSS =<10mg/l, TN=< 10mg/l, dissolved phosphorus =<2mg/l, Feacal Coliform=< 230 (MPN/100ml) Office Building & provision for water supply in campous, CCTV and Level sensors and MCS and LCS Room, Boundary Wall and Gates, Sub Station Building, DG set and Transformer, Residences and laboratory Room, HT/LT Building, Meter room and Generator Room, Construction of CC internal roads and Drain inside the campus., Site Development including plantation and landscaping, Digital performance tools.All above and other such necessary activities required for proper completion of work upto the satisfaction of Engineer-in charge. (18 MLD) 3 Supply of Sewer cleaning machine and safety equipments which includesa) Supply of 3 nos Combined High Pressure Jetting and sewage suction Machine of 3000lt capacityb) Supply of 2 nos Mobile Flushing Van of 4000Lts clear water tank capacityc) Supply of 6 nos Sewer Cleaning Machineof Power Bucket Typed) Supply of 5 set submersible Dredger Pumps 600Lpm, 8m heade) supply of 5 sets of Sewer Cleaning Safety Equipments 4 MAIN PUMPING STATION 5 Supply of all materials labour, T&P etc complete and construction of 47 MLDsewage pumping station of required diameter as per detail design & drawings provided by contractor firm and approvedby thecompetentauthorityincludingconstruction ofeach units, MCS, SCADA room, committeeroom andCC campus road, drain, Boundarywallandgates etc and supply all material, labour, T&P etc and fabrication and installation of screens and ensuring basic amenities electricity, water for proper functioning, site development etc as per directions of Engineer-in-charge 6 Intermediate Pumping Station-1 7 Supply of all materialslabour, T&Petc completeandconstruct 18 MLD sewagepumping station of required diameter asperdetailed design & drawingsprovided by the contractor firm and approved by the competent authority including construction, testing, commissioning of each units, SCADAroom, committeeroom CC campus Road, drains andBoundarywalland gatesetcandsupplyallmaterial,labour, T&P etc and fabrication and installation of screens and ensuring basic amenities electricity, water for proper functioning, site development etc as per directions of Engineer-in-charge 8 Rising Mains 9 Supply of the following sizes of D.I. pipes Class K-7 including supply of DI joints, specials etc conforming to latest I.S. 8329/2000and all necessary work required for making lengths complete in all respect F.O.R. destination including all taxes and insurance. 10 600 mm dia K-7 11 1000 mm dia K-7 12 Cartingfromthestore(upto8Km.)The following sizes of D.I. double pipe K-9 and specialstothesiteofworkloweringthem in to trenches and laying true to alignment andgradientincludingjointing,testingof pipelineandincludingsupplyofjointing materialsuchasnut&bolts,rubber insertion,whiteleadetc.completeFormakingoflengthsbut including making joints. 13 600 mm dia K-7 14 1000 mm dia K-7 15 Excavationforpipelinetrenchesin ordinarysoil, (lime, clayorsandincluding liftupto1.5mandleadupTo50mand refilling,watering,rammingofexcavated earth in to trenches and disposal of surplus earthupto50mfromthecenterofthe foundation trenches. 16 600 mm dia K-7 17 1000 mm dia K-7 18 Construction of RCC thrust block at the bend including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete. 19 For 500-750 mm dia 20 For 750-1000 mm dia 21 Dismantling offollowingtypeofsurface of any thickness includingsortingoutandstakingof serviceablematerials of disposal of unserviceable materials. 22 B.O.E. Road 23 Bituminous road 24 C.C. Road 25 Reinstatement of followingtypeof surface includingsortingoutandstakingof serviceablematerials of disposal of unserviceable materials 26 B.O.E. Road 27 Bituminous road 28 C.C. Road 29 Provision of dismantling and reinstatement/ crossing of culvert along the alignment of pipe line with double beam piles of required dia, RCC M20 Beam, columns and slab to support DI Pipe and culvert along the alignment of pipeline and specials and their laying, jointing, testing etc all complete 30 Crossing span 3- 5m 31 Crossing span 5- 7m 32 Distribution Network 33 Providinganderecting1.00meterhigh temporarybarricadingatsiteasperdrawing /directionofEngineer-in-chargewhich includeswritingandpainting,arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site for day and night, glowlamps,reflectivesigns,marking,flags, cautiontapeasdirectedbytheEngineer-in- charge. The barricading provided shall be retainedinpositionatsitecontinuouslyi/c shiftingofbarricadingfromonelocationto anotherlocationasmanytimesasrequired duringtheexcavationoftheentireworktill itscompletion.Rateincludesits maintenance for damages, painting all incidentals,labourmaterials,equipments andworksrequiredtoexecutethejob.The barricading shall not be removed without priorapprovalofEngineer-in-charge.(Note: Onetime payment shall be made for providingbarricadingfromstartofworktill completion of work i/c shifting. The barricadingprovidedshallremaintobethe propertyofthecontractor upon completionof the work). 34 Excavationinfoundationbymechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ manual means in ordinary soil (loan, clay or sand) including lift up to 1.5 mand lead upto50m.fitting,wateringand ramming of excavated earth into the trenchesorintothespacebetweenthe building and the sides of foundation trenchesorintotheplinthanddisposal of surplus earth fromthecentreofthefoundation trenches. (Excluding Barricading ) 35 Manual Excavation 36 0.00-1.50 M B.G.L. 37 By Mechanical Excavation 38 0.00-1.50 M B.G.L. 39 1.50-3.00 M B.G.L. 40 3.00-4.50 M B.G.L. 41 4.50-6.00 M B.G.L. 42 6.00-7.50 M B.G.L. 43 Providingallmaterials,labourand T&P etc.fixingfollowingtypeoftimberingin trenches with50mm.Thickcountry woodplanks.150x75mmsizesalwood balliesand125mmdiasalwoodballies for struts 1.5m. c/c. including removal of alltimberingafterlayingofsewersetc. all complete. 44 Close timbering 3.0-6.0m 45 Shoring box 6.0-9.0m 46 Same as item No. 5.3 but timbering left intrenches 47 3.00-6.00 m 48 6.00-9.00 m 49 SameasitemNo.5.3butforopentimbering 50 1.50 to 03.00 m 51 SupplyofISImarkedRCCPipes F.O.R destination Conformingto relevant IS-specifications including all the accessories, T&P, taxes etc forproper completion of work 52 200mm NP3 53 250mm NP3 54 300mm NP3 55 350mm NP3 56 500mm NP3 57 300mm NP4 58 350mm NP4 59 400mm NP4 60 500mm NP4 61 600mm NP4 62 800mm NP4 63 900mm NP4 64 1000mm NP4 65 CartingoffollowingsizesofRCCPipe fromstoretoactualsiteofwork loweringthesameintotrenches,laying truetoalignmentandgradientjointing with lead & including supply of all materials,labourandT&P forproper completion of work. 66 200 mm dia NP3 pipe 67 00.00 -0 1.50 m 68 01.50 -0 3.00 m 69 03.00 - 04.50 m or above 70 250 mm dia NP3 pipe 71 00.00 -0 1.50 m 72 01.50 -0 3.00 m 73 03.00 - 04.50 m 74 300 mm dia NP3 pipe 75 03.00 - 04.50 m 76 350 mm dia NP3pipe 77 03.00 - 04.50 m 78 04.50 - 06.00 m 79 500 mm dia NP3pipe 80 04.50 - 06.00 m 81 06.00 - 07.50 m 82 300 mm dia NP4pipe 83 01.50 -0 3.00 m 84 03.00 - 04.50 m 85 04.50 - 06.00 m 86 06.00 - 07.50 m 87 350 mm dia NP4pipe 88 03.00 - 04.50 m 89 04.50 - 06.00 m 90 06.00 - 07.50 m 91 400 mm dia NP4pipe 92 06.00 - 07.50 m 93 500 mm diaNP4pipe 94 06.00 - 07.50 m 95 600 mm diaNP4pipe 96 06.00 - 07.50 m 97 800 mm diaNP4pipe 98 06.00 - 07.50 m 99 900 mm diaNP4pipe 100 06.00 - 07.50 m 101 1000 mm diaNP4pipe 102 06.00 - 07.50 m 103 Supplyofallmaterials,labourandT&P and constructing circular manholes of followingsizesaspertypedesignand drawing. 104 900 mm dia @ depths 105 0.00-1.00m 106 1.00-1.25m 107 1.25-1.5m 108 1200 mm dia @ depths 109 1.50-1.75m 110 1.75-2.00m 111 2.00-2.25m 112 2.25-2.5m 113 2.5-2.75m 114 2.75-3.00m 115 1500 mm dia @ depths 116 3.00-3.25m 117 3.25-3.50m 118 3.50-3.75m 119 3.75-4.00m 120 4.00-4.25m 121 4.25-4.5m 122 1500 mm dia @ depths 123 4.5-4.75m 124 4.75-5.00m 125 5.00-5.25m 126 5.25-5.50m 127 5.50-5.75m 128 5.75-6.00m 129 1800 mm dia @ depths 130 6.00-6.25m 131 6.25-6.5m 132 6.5-6.75m 133 6.75-7.00m 134 7.00-7.25m 135 7.25-7.50m 136 Dismantlingof following type of road surface of any thickness for laying of pipeline along and across the road under dividers for locations where open trench excavation is possible includingsorting out and staking of serviceable materialsofdisposal of unserviceablematerials 137 B.O.E Road 138 Bituminous Road 139 C.C. Road 140 Interlocking tiles Road 141 Reinstatementoffollowingtypeof road surface of required thickness for laying of pipeline along and across the road under dividers for locations where open trench excavation is possible including sorting out and staking ofserviceable materialsofdisposalof unserviceablematerials as per drawings and specification laid out in tender document for roads other than PWD Roads 142 B.O.E Road 143 Bituminous Road 144 C.C. Road 145 Interlocking tiles Road 146 Provision forproviding new telephone cablesin case of damage done to the existing cablefallingin the alignment of conveying main during excavationandthe restoring the same as per Directions of Engineer-in charge etc. 147 Provision for shifting and restoring newwatersupplymains including fabrication and supply of required bends in case of damage done to existing asset at locations where repair is not possible fallingin the alignment of conveying main during excavationand the restoring the same to its original conditionetc. 148 Provision for Shiftingelectricalpole. 149 Provision for crossing sewers through existingdrains/nalas and restoring drains to original condition comingacross the alignmentofsewerincluding supply of pipes and specials and making it good after laying the pipe, jointing, testing etc complete. 150 Crossing Drain 600mm(W) or 900mm(D) 151 more than 601mm(W) upto 1000(W) or more than 901mm(D) upto 1200(D) 152 more than 1001mm(W) or more than 1200mm(D) 153 Supply ofgranular material(wellgradedcrushed rockor gravelmaximumsize20mm)forclassB bedding (granular bedding) 154 Filling granular material (well graded crushed rock or gravel maximum size 20mm) into the trenches for class B bedding(granular bedding) including carting of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 155 For depths 0.0-1.50m 156 For depths 1.50-3.0m 157 For depths 3.0-4.50m 158 For depths 4.50- 6.00m 159 For depths 6.00-7.50m 160 CementConcretework inbedding belowG.Latspecifieddepthwith cementcoarsesandand10mmgauge approvedstoneballast(1:2:4)including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc.requiredforthepropercompletion of work. 161 For depths 3.0-4.50m 162 For depths 4.5-6.0m 163 For depths 6.0-7.50m 164 CementConcretework inbedding belowG.Latspecifieddepthwith cementcoarsesandand10mmgauge approvedstoneballast(1:4:8)including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc.requiredforthepropercompletion of work. 165 For depths 3.0-4.50m 166 For depths 4.5-6.0m 167 For depths 6.0-7.50m 168 Provision forsupply andlaying of MS pipe sewer line by trenchless technology including supply of, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Minimum 8 mm thick pipefor pipe dia upto 500mm dia and 10mm thick pipe for dia ranging from 600mm to 1000mm with anti-corrosive paint on both surfaces as per IS code and Manual and including making of pits, proper bed and side fill, barricading etc all complete 169 350mm 170 400mm 171 450mm 172 500mm 173 600mm 174 700mm 175 Provision for laying of sewer line by trenchless technology including supply of different sizes MS carrier and casing pipe,proper welding, testing including labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per the specifications laid down by concerning NH department with anti-corrosive pain PU coatingof 1000micron on inner surfaces and bituminous coating on the outer surface as per IS code and Manual and including excavation, making of pits, proper bed and side fill, barricading and restoring to original condition etc all complete. 176 600mm (10mm thick) pipe with casing of 800mm (12mm thick) 177 1000mm(10mm thick) pipe with casing of 1200mm(16mm thick) 178 Dismantling and Reinstatement of PWD Bituminous Roads for laying of pipeline along and across the road under dividers including supply of labour, materials, T &P required for restoring the roads to original condition as per PWD specifications 179 Depth up to 1.50 M 180 Depth 2.00 M to 3.00 M 181 Depth 3.00 M to 4.00 M 182 Depth 4.00 M to 5.00 M 183 Depth above 5.00 M 184 Dismantantling and Reinstatement of PWD CC Roads for laying of pipeline along and across the road under dividers including supply of labour, materials, T &P required for restoring the roads to original condition as per PWD specifications 185 Depth up to 1.50 M 186 Depth 2.00 M to 3.00 M 187 Depth 3.00 M to 4.00 M 188 Depth 4.00 M to 5.00 M 189 SEWER HOUSE CONNECTIONs 190 Construction of following sizes house connection chamber as per drawings and as per IS 4111 part 1, at suitable and required places (approved list will be provided by department which will be based on survey report submitted by contractor) of following sizes including making connection of new sewer pipes into existing manhole including cutting, jointing and finishing both surfaces, cleaning of manholes and chambers required with supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer Incharge. (Excavation upto required depths and levels with disposal of surplus earth upto a lead of 50 m, Bed concrete in 1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone ballast of 40 mm nominal size and 150 mm thick, 1st class 1 brick thick Brick work in 1 cement : 5 coarse sand with english bond as per IS 2212, 12 mm thick plaster on both surface 1 cement : 3 coarse sand with neat coat cement on inside surface,CC in 1:2:4 using graded stone ballast upto 20 mm nominal size of average thickness of 70 mm in benching with neat cement coat and 100 mm thick below walls and 75 mm thick in foundation and fixing of manhole collar with 75 mm thick PCC 1:2:4 using graded stone ballast upto 20 mm nominal size stone ballast ) 191 30 X 30 X 70 cm deep outside House 192 30X 30 X 60 cm deep inside House including Supplyandfixingofbends,Ptraps for Kitchen and bathroom pipes and 6kg or equivalentISI marked pipeofrequiredsize and MOCandanyotherspecialrequiredfor properconnectionofoutletofkitchenandbathroomand1 toilet connection to the inter connecting chamber including pluggingandunpluggingofrunningblackandgreywaterlines, demoliton and reinstatement of floor by cement concrete (1:2:4). 193 45 X 45 X 90 cm deep outside House (1 for 2 houses) 194 60 X 60 X 100 cm deep outside House (1 for 2 houses) 195 Sewer connecting pipe from HCC to Manhole (150 mm AC maza including excavation, supply, carting, laying, jointing, sand bedding, refilling of earth, disposal of earth etc incusive of all material, T&P, labour required for proper completion of works) 196 Sewer connection from Household to HCC (including excavation, supply of SN-8, 110 mm dia dwc HDPE, excavation, carting, laying, jointing, dismantling and reinstatement of House ramp/s, dismantling and reinstatement of drain/s, supply and fixing of PVC door bend with gas vent and jaali, suppy and fixing of PVC bend, other specials as per requirement, refilling of earth, disposal of surplus earth etc complete in all respect incusive of all material, T&P, labour required for proper completion of works) 197 Domestic Sewer Connection from HH to outside Interconnecting Chamber or to outside Sewer Connecting Chamber or to Manhole using 110 mm DN SN-8 DWC HDPE Pipe including excavation, supply of SN-8, 110 mm dia ISI marked dwc HDPE pipe, excavation, carting, laying, jointing, dismantling and reinstatement of House ramp/s, dismantling and reinstatement of drain/s, supply and fixing of PVC door bend with gas vent and jaali, suppy and fixing of PVC bend, other specials as per requirement, refilling of earth, disposal of surplus earth, cutting and repairing of Manhole etc complete in all respect incusive of all material, T&P, labour required for proper completion of works) 198 Dismantlingof following type of surface of any thickness including sorting out and staking of serviceable materialsofdisposalof unserviceablematerialsuptoadistance of 50 m. 199 B.O.E Road 200 Bituminous Road 201 C.C. Road 202 Interlocking tiles Road 203 Reinstatementoffollowingtypeof surface including sorting out and staking ofserviceable materialsofdisposalof unserviceablematerialsuptoadistance of 50 m as per drawings and specification laid out in tender document 204 B.O.E Road 205 Bituminous Road 206 C.C. Road 207 Interlocking tiles Road 208 Effluent Sewer Works 209 Supply, laying, carting jointing of RCC NP3 pipe with including proper barricading, excavation upto required depth, timbering, proper bedding as per manuals and including disposal of surplus earth. Providing all materials, labour and T & P for constructing circular manholes of 1500 mm diaupto required depth and finishing etc, providing erosion protection works at the outfall point etc, providing access and ease for collection of treated effluent samples during O&M period etc all complete as per directions of Engineer-in chargedia of pipe 1200 mm dia RCC NP3 210 Site development and Construction of RCC Approach Road with nominal reinforcement to meet the service type conditions to STP, MPS, IPSof 4.5m width and 1m width for pathways. Storm water drainage should be provided with RCC NP3 pipe of required dia laid at proper slope with ncessary chambers at appropriate locations. 211 E/M works (IPS for Zone 1) 212 HT Panel comprising with 1 no incomingand 3 nos outgoing. 2 mm thick ms sheet fabricated factory wired dust and vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel comprising of following items. 213 Incoming Panel : 11KV/630 Amp 3 phase, 3 wire, 50Hz, HT Incoming panel with a short circuit breaking current upto required capacity draw out type vacuum circuit breaker fitted with 3 Nos. single phase double core epoxy bar primary time current transformer of suitable ratio of class 1 accuracy and CL 5 p 10 for protection core with burden of 15 VA per core, 1 No. 3 phase resin cast draw out type P.T. of suitable rating of class 1 accuracy and 100VA burden, 1set of closing and tripping coil suitable for 30 Volt D.C, Mechanical Indicator for On/OFF, Emergency Mechanical tripping through push lever, Rear/side entry cable box to accommodate suitable size cable, Energy Analyzer (Digital Multifunctional metre )of measuring parameters such as current, voltage, KW,KWH, KVA and P.F, Indicating lamp assembly for breaker On/Off, tripping, spring charge, Over current and Earth fault Relay, C.D.G. 31 having elements for over current and one for earth fault etc, Incoming and outgoing panel will be followed by a Power Pack unit, Supply of 03 nos in built type power pack 30 volts complete with battery and charging device complete.Outgoing panel : H.T.out going panels for feeding two transformers and one no spare similar to incoming panel but without following accessories.Volt meter with selector switch, KWH meter with M.D.I., Potential transformers, Out going battery charger. 214 Transformer: Oil type step down transformer suitable for out door installation and parallel operation for 400 KVA, (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge), 11/0.4 KV and as per I.S.2026 and 11171 with its all accessories and mountings complete.The transformer should be provided with off load circuit tapchanger for +10% to –5% in steps of 2.5% each.These tapings should be controlled by an externally operated off circuit tap changing switch. The temperature rise of winding by measuring resistance should not exceed 55ºC over an ambient of 45ºC maximum. The transformer should have cable box on HT/LT side for termination of cables. The vector group transformer will be DYN-11 with following accessories and mountings. Rating and diaphram plate, Earthing terminals, Lifting lugs, Dial type thermometer for winding temp. indication, Marshalling box, Enclosure, Under base skid with flat roller, L.T.& H.T. terminal boxes, silica gell breath. 215 Main L.T. Panel:2mm thick MS sheet fabricated factory wired dust & vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel comprising of : 216 Incoming Panel : Reputed make 03 nos cubical floor mounting extensible type panel complete with 4Pole air insulated aluminium Bus bar of 630 Amp. with neutral of reduced section, system voltage 415/440 volts 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz indoor installation type and comprising of 630 Amp. 4Pole Horizontal draw out type ACB Housed in sheet steel cubical panel fitted with followings. (2workng+1spare), One set of Mechanical On/OFF Indicator, One No shunt trip coil, One set T.P.I.D. M.T. Non directional combined over current and earth fault relay having setting 50-200% for over current and 20-80% for earth fault or equivalent, Two CTs of suitable ratio and class for protection and Indication, One no neutral link, One no.96sq mm voltmeter(0-600)volt, One No three way and off voltmeter selector switch, One No.96sq mm Ammeter of and suitable range, One no.3 way and off Ammeter selector switch, One Set of red green indicating lamp, Cable connection arrangements, Inter locking arrangements (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge)., Bus coupler : Bus coupler complete with internal wiring aluminium bus bar comprising of Extensible type 1000 Amp. capacity Aluminium bus bar arrangement for phase and neutral, 1000 Amp 4 Pole E.D.O.A.C.B. fitted with over load under voltage shunt trip short circuit release with safety shutter etc, Ampere meter of suitable range with selector switch and CTs, Voltmeter(0-600) volt with selector switch, Electrical and mechanical inter locking arrangement, ACB On/Off indicating lamp, HRC fuses, TP contactors, Auxiliary contactors, Breaker control switch, Auto Power Factor Correction Panel: Floor mounting extensible type dust and vermin proof auto power factor correction relay, LT contactors suitable size capacitor bank, TP switch fuse unit complete with internal wiring suitable for 400 KVA load. The capacity of power capacitor bank will be suitable to improve the power factor upto 0.98, Load Distribution panel : Comprising of following standard metal clad control panel to operate 55 KW submersible pump set consisting of extensible type 1600 Amp. Capacity bus bars, comprisiong 630 Amp ACB with suitable, Amp meter, Voltmeter, Indicating lamps, control panel also suitable to meet the basic requirement of motor protections such as No volt and under voltage protection and thermal over load protection. panel are equipped to take signals from the thermistor in the windings, the seal monitor and the Reverse rotation trip device and automatic start/stop device according to level in the sump.06 Nos Digital Soft Starter capacity of 55 Kw, Floor mounting extensible type with common aluminium bus bar arrangement comprising of SFU, HRC fuses, suitable C.Ts operated ampere meter, ON/OFF indicator selector switch and internal wiring etc complete in all respect. Spare outgoing of100Amp.x2Nos, 63Amp.x2Nos, 32Amp.x2Nos (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) 217 Packing & Transportation Charge of LT Panel 218 Power wiring and Earthing : 219 Supply and laying of 120 sq mm 3 core 11 KV grade XLPE cable from P.P.C.L.-H.T. panel to 11 KV incoming Panel and 11 KV out going panels to 400 KVA transformers. 220 Supply and laying of 1100 volt grade 2x400 sq mm 3½ core PVC Armoured Aluminium cable from transformer to L.T. panel (2 run for each transformer) 221 Cable jointing and lugging : This includes the cable jointing with all jointing materials of suitable capacity Out door cable box with jointing kit to connect the H.T. cable with transformer 6 Nos. Jointing kit to connect the 2 Nos. transformer, and LT panel with 3½x400mm²Aluminium conductor cable with suitable lugs, Jointing kit to connect load distribution panel to starter and starter to motor, 222 Earthing : 223 Supply and burying of 900x900x6mm, G.I. Plate for earthing vertically with its, Topat least 3 meter below ground levelcomplete with 40mm G.I. pipe and funnelfor watering. 30 cm square C.I., framewith hinged cover masonry housing alternate layer of charcoal/coke and salt at least 150mm thick alround etc, Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall be executed as per IS:3043 and I.E. rules. 224 Supply and laying of 50x6mm G.I. strip in ground approx 1000mm below the ground level for contribution the earth grid and making double earthing of the equipments including connecting the points by electric welding excavation of earth and back filling as per direction of Engineer in charge of the work and as per latest Indian electricity rules and as per ISS. 225 Installation and Commissioning : 226 Installation and commissioning of 11 KV/0.4 KV substations including HT Panels and L.T. main control panel, TPMO switch with material, including all labour T&P complete in all respect. 227 Provision for routine testing of equipments such as transformer, HT Panels and Main LT Panel at manufacturer’s work’s and at site 228 Electrical Safety clearance charges 229 PUMPING PLANTS : Thesubmersible non clog pump motor set should be single stage having two vanes enclosedimpellercoupled with submersible motor of 55 kw Rating (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge), 400 Volt ±10%,3 phase 50 Hz,6200 lpm solid handling capacity 150mm, suitable to pump raw sewage with an specific gravity 1.05 having following construction of material.Casing-2% Ni Cl. IS.210 grade F.G.220 with hardness 275 BHN.Impeller-Duplex stainless steelshaft-stainless steel AISI-410 ( Hardend)Discharge of pump= 6200 lpmTotal Head= 33 M (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge)Speed=960 rpm 230 Guide rail system :(06 nos guide rail system 14 m each) (Automatic coupling system) for 55 kw submersible pump sets comprises of guide pipe, SS 316 chain with D shackle in the distance of 1.5 M in full length,, Pedestal, bracket, upper guide rail holder etc complete for above pump set. 231 Main piping and Valves. 232 Main piping and valves for 250 mm dia delivery, 500 mm diacommon header line (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge), including all valves Confirming to IS 780/2906 as applicable PN rating- 1.0, Type of liquid tobe handled-sewage(sp.gr-1.05), Material of construction : Body-CI,IS-210 grade FG 200, Wedge-CI IS210 Grade FG200, Spindle-Stainless steel AISI304, Sheet and face Ring-SS ASTMA 743 Grade C.F.8 M, Channel & Shoe-S.S.AISI,.304, Drain& Air plug-S.S.AISI.304, Bushing arrangement-Halprene on bronze, Rivets-AISI:304, Fasteners-SS, 233 Sluice Valve .(with rising type spindle) 250 mm dia 234 Sluice Valve 500 mm dia or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge, 235 Reflux valve 250 mm dia N.B. 236 Reflux valve 500 mm dia N.B. 237 Dismantling joints. 238 Dismantling joints for flowmeter 239 Pipings : Total weight for Piping of pump delivery ,suction side,and common headar etc complete. As per required at site Note : Regarding the size of pipes and Valvesthe contractors are required to Design them selves and may got it approved by the department before execution of works along with layout drawing. 240 Nut bolts washer (S.S.) 241 Rubber packing. 242 150 mm dial glycerine filled pressure gauge of fiebig / H.Guru make of diaphram type with fittings for header line. 243 150 mm size glycerine filled compund and pressure gauges of diaphram type of suitable capacity with necessary fittings for suction and delivery line of pumps. 244 Electro magnetic flow meter suitable to measure 0 MLD to 40 MLD flow to be fitted in 500 mm dia main header line having following technical specification, Remote Trasmitter Microprocessor-based, Min Velocity (Without change in linearity) 0.01m/sec, Min Conductivity: 0.5 micro-S/cm (Standard), Liner Material:PTFE, Electrode Material:SS 316, Process Pressure : Upto 40 Bar, Process Temperature:- 40deg C to 160 deg C, Accuracy: ±0.2%, Electrical Earthing: Built-in Earthing electrodes, Display : Backlit LCD,3-Line with Push Buttons operation, Display Cover-Storm Proof, Displayed Parameter: Flow Rate (Selectable units), Totalizer, Velocity of Flow, Percentage of Flow, Coil strength (in MV), Alarms / Diagnostics, Output: 4-20 m A, Pulse / Frequency, Communication:RS-485,GSM (built-in), Cable Entry : Thread M 18 with Double Comp GI, Process Connection:Flanged-ANSI, Flange Material:SS306, Power Supply : Battery Powered (Built-in Lithium Battery), Input Supply:230 V(Variation:85-260V), Power spike withstanding Capacility:Upto 360 Volts, Protection: Upto IP 68 for Flow Tube (Non-compact), 245 Errection, commissioning,Testing charges of above pipings 246 LIFTING ARRANGEMENT E.O.T. Crane : SITC of E.O.T. crane of 5 tonne capacity along with gantry gurders, chain pulley block and geared trolley suitable for 10 m span 18m clear lift complete in all respect for pump house. Detailed specifications are as below confirming to I.S. 3177 and I.S.3832 Approved make chain Pulley Block Capacity 5 Tone with 18mts lift and hand chain of 5 meters along with indef make traveling trolley capacity 5 Tone with 5 m hand chain fitted on gantry Gurders and transverse movement rail arrangement. (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) 247 Spares parts for above pump motor set set. 248 Impeller of Duplex stainless steel 249 Mechanical seal 250 Tools and Plants : 251 Toolbox of 30x18x11Fabricated from 18 Gauge mS sheet fuly black painted comprising of, Ring Spanner of 12 PCs-1Set, D/E Spanners of 12 PCs-1Set, Adjustable wrench12-1 No, Pipe wrench 24size-12 No, Pipe wrench 18 size-1No, Pipe wrench 12 Size-1No, Bearing Puller-1No, Crimpling Tools upto 400mm², Heavy duty sockets 20mm to 50mm-1Set, Chain wrench 36-2Nos., Omsi;ated plier-1No, L&Key set-1Set, Screwdriver-1Set, Rotary oil pump 1 No, For Substation and Power Control Room, 252 Megger with testing lead For 1000Volt 253 Fire Extinguisher confirming to ISS 254 12.5/25 mm thick Rubber Electric Resistance sheet as per ISS forLT & H.T.Panels. 255 First Aid Box 256 Steel Almirah of 6’x3’in 20 Gaugesheet. 257 Steel Tubular chair 258 Steel tubular table 259 Fire Stand with buckets 260 Fire chart 261 Map Board chart. 262 Chequerred plate and guards 263 M.S chequerred plate over all the run of cables trenches to cover properly and M.S. grill and M.S. guard over all pipes ducts and other point where required as per site condition. 264 INSTALLATION TESTNG & COMMISSIONING : 265 Installation,Testing & Commissioning of all 6 Nos. Pump set, starters,Piping & Valves, Gauges as mentioned in above. 266 TRANSPORTATION : 267 local handling from store to site including loading carting, unloading and proper stacking. 268 PAINTING 269 Painting of all pumps piping and valves with two coat enamel paint. 270 LIGHT WIRING : Light wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room,D.G.Room, Store and staff quarters. 271 Wiring point for light with 1.5 Sqmm PVC in suitable multi core copper cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit pipe concealed in wall, complete with 1/18 Coipper wire earth continuity wire and piano type switch etc complete in all respect as per I.E. Rules. 272 Wiring point for LED Lamp 75 watt/power plugwith 2.5sqmm PVC insulated multi core cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit canceled in wall complete with 1/18 copper wire. Earth Continuity wire with 16 Amp. metal clad SPN switch/15 Amp Piano type switches complete in all respect. 273 Supply and fixing of main suitable Distribution boards with MCBs for controlling the lighting system. 274 Supply and fixing of factory wired HPF box type fluorescent tube complete including tube etc. on wall 275 Supply and fixing of LED 110 watt Lights with its all accessories. 276 S/F of steel tubular swaged poles of 9m length including its all fitting as per I.E. rules SP 27. 277 450mmsize exhaust fans for HT/LT room, pump house& DG room. 278 Aluminium conductor PVC insulated cables of following sizes for drawing power to feeder pillar and from pillar to poles for campus external lighting (a)1x2x6sqmm (unarmoured) 279 M.S.TRUSSES : 280 Construction of trusses with the help of M.S. Channels, M.S. angle irons, nut bolts and rivets as required for supporting the out going and common header line in the pump house in single stream for the pumps to be installed. 281 D.G.Set : Diesel Generating set with Accoustic Enclosure 282 Provision for D.G.Set of 380 KVA capacity (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) diesel Engine of 1500 RPM coupled to an alternator developing an out put of 400 KVA at 0.8 power factor lag at 1500 rpm,50Hz 415 volt 3 phase 4 wire A.C. supply mounted on a common base plate complete with fuel tank, battery with leads and suitable control panel and synchronising panel complete. 283 Diesel Engine :Diesel Engine turbo charged water cooled confirming to B.S.5514 complete with all accessories. 284 Control panel : control panel fabricated from 2mm thick CRCA sheet steel totally enclosed dust and vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type factory wired and comprising of followings. 285 Control Panel : D.G. Incomers- followed with auto mains failure panel for Auto cut arrangement, panel comprises of following, Aluminium Bus bar-1000 amp. capacity extensible type, Air circuit breaker-630 amp capacity (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) T.P.E.D.O. type with over load short circuit and under voltage release with shunt trip 230Volt A.C., safety shutter,200Amp. T.P.I.C. neutral isolating contactor A.C. ampere Meter (0-1200)amp. range with CTs of ratio 1000/5A 15 V.A. with selector switch. C.T.1000/5 A class 5 P10 Voltmenter 0-600 Volt with selector switches. Frequency meter of 45-50-55 range. KWH Meter-3 phase 4 wire 415 volt A.C. power factor meter-3phase 4 wire 415 volt A.C. 2Over current and 1 Earth fault relay Reverse power relay, Load sharing relay, Motorized potentio meter speed control with control switch., motorized potentio meter voltage control, Suitable size auxiliary contractor, line voltage monitor, Battery charger consisting of transformer rectifier resistance, D.C. Voltmeters, D.C. Ammeter, etc., Engine control switch, indicating lamp for load, 8-point 240 volt D.C. Audio visual annunciation for H.W.T/L.L.O.P./over speed/over current/Earth fault/Reverse power. Auxiliary contact, spring return type switch, breaker control switch and auto load sharing 24Volt Hooter for audio alarm, Push button for start. Stop, H.R.C. Control fuses with link, Bottom entry plate of suitable size as per cable., Complete internal wiring, Bus bar for neutral and earth 286 Under Ground Cable:- 287 Supply of 400 sq mm size 3½ core 1100 Volt grade Armoured PVC Aluminium Cable from D.G. set out going panel to Bus coupler and 400sq. mm size 3½ core 1100 volt grade armored PVC aluminium cable fromAlternator to DG incomer panel 288 400Sqmm size x3½ corex2run 289 240Sqmm size x3½ corex4run 290 Cable End terminal material for 291 a.400Sqmm size x3½ core 292 b.240Sqmm size x3½ core 293 Earthing materials : Earthing shall be done as per latest I.E. rule and as per I.S S Earthing materials comprising of following. 294 G.I. plats 900x900x6mm-1no. 295 Watering pipe-3m. G.I.earth cover- 1no. Charcoal and Salt as required G.I. strips 50mmx6mm 296 Chequerred plate & Guards : 8mm thick MS chequerred plats over all the run of cables trenches of D,G, Set Panels to cover properly & M.S. grill and M.S. guard over all pipes ducts and other point where required as per site condition. 297 Electric Resistance Rubber sheets 298 12.5 mm thick Electric Resistance Rubber sheet for LT panels of Main LT room and D.G. Set panel 299 25 mm thick Electric Resistance Rubber sheet for HT panels. 300 Installation commissioning and testing. 301 Installation, commissioning and testing of 2 Nos. D.G. sets, with associated T&P complete in all respect.This will also include the syncronising this D.G.Set with existing D.G. Set. 302 (i)Installation and commissioning. 303 (ii)Testing of DG Sets, control panel at manufacturer’s works. 304 Manual Bar Screen (40 mm) Stage-I 305 Provision of suitable manual bar screen having 40 mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 45° duly followed with actuator with gear arrangement of suitable size in width 306 Mechanical Bar screen Stage-II 307 Provision of suitable multirake mechanical bar screen having 20mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 75° duly followed with conveyor system including electric motor, starter, cable etc of suitable size in width 308 Manual Bar Screen(20 mm) 309 Provision of suitable manual bar screen having 20mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 45° 310 Provision of C.I.Sluice gate confirming to IS13349/92 or AWWA AC-501 having Fshaped wall thimble rising spindle type flush bottom closure 311 Frame-Cost Iron, Shutter-Cost Iron, Stem-SS-410, Stem nu-Gun metal, Fasteners-SS-304, suitable size 312 Installation,Testingand commissioning 313 Mechanical Bar screen 314 Manual Bar Screen 315 Sluice Gate 316 Testing at manufacturers works and at site 317 MPS For zone-1 318 HT Panel comprising with 1no incomingand 3 nos outgoing. 2 mm thick ms sheet fabricated factory wired dust and vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel comprising of following items. 319 Incoming Panel : 11KV/800 Amp 3 phase, 3 wire, 50Hz, (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) HT Incoming panel with a short circuit breaking current upto required capacity draw out type vacuum circuit breaker fitted with 3 Nos. single phase double core epoxy bar primary time current transformer of suitable ratio of class 1 accuracy and CL 5 p 10 for protection core with burden of 15 VA per core, 1 No. 3 phase resin cast draw out type P.T. of suitable rating of class 1 accuracy and 100VA burden, 1set of closing and tripping coil suitable for 30 Volt D.C, Mechanical Indicator for On/OFF, Emergency Mechanical tripping through push lever, Rear/side entry cable box to accommodate suitable size cable, Energy Analyzer (Digital Multifunctional metre )of measuring parameters such as current, voltage, KW,KWH, KVA and P.F, Indicating lamp assembly for breaker On/Off, tripping, spring charge, Over current and Earth fault Relay, C.D.G. 31 having elements for over current and one for earth fault etc, Incoming and outgoing panel will be followed by a Power Pack unit, Supply of 03 nos in built type power pack 30 volts complete with battery and charging device complete. 320 Out going panel : H.T.out going panels for feeding two transformers and one no spare similar to incoming panel but without following accessories.Volt meter with selector switch, KWH meter with M.D.I., Potential transformers, Out going battery charger. 321 Transformer:Oil type step down transformer suitable for out door installation and parallel operation for 400 KVA,11/0.4 KV (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) and as per I.S.2026 and 11171 with its all accessories and mountings complete.The transformer should be provided with off load circuit tapchanger for +10% to –5% in steps of 2.5% each.These tapings should be controlled by an externally operated off circuit tap changing switch. The temperature rise of winding by measuring resistance should not exceed 55ºC over an ambient of 45ºC maximum. The transformer should have cable box on HT/LT side for termination of cables. The vector group transformer will be DYN-11 with following accessories and mountings. Rating and diaphram plate, Earthing terminals, Lifting lugs, Dial type thermometer for winding temp. indication, Marshalling box, Enclosure, Safety interlock facility for doors, Under base skid with flat roller, L.T.& H.T. terminal boxes, Silica gell breath 322 Main L.T. Panel 323 2mm thick MS sheet fabricated factory wired dust & vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel comprising of following. 324 Incoming Panel : Reputed make cubical floor mounting extensible type panel complete with 4Pole air insulated aluminium Bus bar of 1000 Amp. with neutral of reduced section,system voltage 415/440 volts 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz indoor installation type and comprising of 1000 Amp. 4Pole Horizontal draw out type ACB Housed in sheet steel cubical panel fitted with followings.(2workng+1spare), One set T.P.I.D. M.T. Non directional combined over current and earth fault relay having setting 50-200% for over current and 20-80% for earth fault or equivalent., Two CTs of suitable ratio and class for protection and Indication, One set of Mechanical On/OFF Indicator, One No shunt trip coil, One no neutral link, One no.96sq mm voltmeter(0-600)volt, One No three way and off voltmeter selector switch, One No.96sq mm Ammeter of and suitable range, One no.3 way and off Ammeter selector switch, One Set of red green indicating lamp, Cable connection arrangements, Inter locking arrangements. 325 Bus coupler 326 Bus coupler complete with internal wiring aluminium bus bar comprising of Extensible type 1000 Amp. capacity Aluminium bus bar arrangement for phase and neutral, 1000 Amp 4 Pole E.D.O.A.C.B. fitted with over load under voltage shunt trip short circuit release with safety shutter etc, Ampere meter of suitable range with selector switch and CTs, Voltmeter(0-600) volt with selector switch, Electrical and mechanical inter locking arrangement, ACB On/Off indicating lamp, HRC fuses, TP contactors, Auxiliary contactors, Breaker control switch, 327 Auto power factor correction panel 328 Floor mounting extensible type dust and vermin proof auto power factor correction relay, LT contactors suitable size capacitor bank,TP switch fuse unit complete with internal wiring suitable for 675 KVA load. The capacity of power capacitor bank will be susitable to improve the power factor upto 0.98 329 Load Distribution panel 330 Comprising of following standard metal clad control panel to operate 132 KW submersible pump set (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) consisting of extensible type 2000 Amp. Capacity bus bars, comprisiong 1250 Amp ACB with suitable , Amp meter, Voltmeter, Indicating lamps, control panel also suitable to meet the basic requirement of motor protections such as No volt and under voltage protection and thermal over load protection. panel are equipped to take signals from the thermistor in the windings, the seal monitor and the Reverse rotation trip device and automatic start/stop device according to level in the sump. 06 nos Digital Soft Starter 132 Kw (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge), Floor mounting extensible type with common aluminium bus bar arrangement comprising of SFU, HRC fuses, suitable C.Ts operated ampere meter, ON/OFF indicator selector switch and internal wiring etc complete in all respect. Spare outgoing of100Amp.x2Nos, 63Amp.x2Nos, 32Amp.x2Nos 331 Packing & Transportation Charge of LT Panel 332 Power wiring and Earthing 333 Supply and laying of 240 sq mm 3 core 11 KV grade XLPE cable from U.P.P.C.L. H.T. panel to 11 KV incoming Panel and 11 KV out going panels to 1000 KVA transformers. 334 Supply and laying of 1100 volt grade 2x400 sq mm 3½ core PVC Armoured Aluminium cable from transformer to L.T. panel (2 run for each transformer) 335 Cable jointing and lugging. 336 This includes the cable jointing with all jointing materials of suitable capacity Out door cable box with jointing kit to connect the H.T. cable with transformer 6 Nos. Jointing kit to connect the 2 Nos. transformer, and LT panel with 9x3½x400mm². Aluminium conductor cable with suitable lugs Jointing kit to connect load distribution panel to starter and starter to motor 337 Earthing 338 Supply and burying of 900x900x6mm G.I. Plate for earthing vertically with itsTopat least 3 meter below ground levelcomplete with 40mm G.I. pipe and funnelfor watering. 30cm square C.I., framewith hinged cover masonry housing alternate layer of charcoal/coke and salt at least 150mm thick alround etc, Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall be executed as per IS:3043 and I.E. rules. 339 Supply and laying of 50x6mm G.I. strip in ground approx 1000mm below the ground level for contribution the earth grid and making double earthing of the equipments including connecting the points by electric welding excavation of earth and back filling as per direction of Engineer in charge of the work and as per latest Indian electricity rules and as per ISS. 340 Installation and Commissioning 341 Installation and commissioning of 11 KV/0.4 KV substations including HT Panels and L.T. main control panel, TPMO switch with material, including all labour T&P complete in all respect. 342 Provision for routine testing of equipments such as transformer, HT Panels and Main LT Panel at manufacturer’s work’s and at site 343 Electrical Safety clearance charges 344 PUMPING PLANTS 345 Thesubmersible non clog pumpset should be single stage having two vanes enclosedimpellercoupled with submersible motor of 132 kw Rating (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) 380 Volt ±10%,3 phase 50 Hz,15560 LPM solid handling capacity 150mm, suitable to pump raw sewage with an specific gravity 1.05 having following construction of material.Casing-2% Ni Cl. IS.210 grade F.G.220 with hardness 275 BHN.Impeller-Duplex stainless steelshaft-stainless steel AISI-410 ( Hardend)Discharge of pump= 15560 lpmTotal Head= 29 M (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge)Speed=960 rpm 346 Guide rail system : 06 Nos guide rail system 14 m each (Automatic coupling system) for 132 kw submersible pump sets comprises of guide pipe, SS 316 chain with D shackle in the distance of 1.5 M in full length, Pedestal, bracket, upper guide rail holder etc complete for above pump set. 347 Main piping and Valves. 348 Main piping and valves for 400 mm dia delivery,800 mm diacommon header line. (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) Valves Confirming to IS 780/2906 as applicablePN rating- 1.0, Type of liquid tobe handled-sewage(sp.gr-1.03), Material of construction, Body-CI,IS-210 grade FG 200, Wedge-CI IS210 Grade FG200, Spindle-Stainless steel AISI304, Sheet and face Ring-SS ASTMA 743 Grade C.F.8 M, Channel& Shoe-S.S.AISI,.304, Drain& Air plug-S.S.AISI.304, Bushing arrangement-Halprene on bronze, Rivets-AISI:304, Fasteners-MS 349 Sluice Valve with rising type spindle 400 mm dia or as per site requirement & direction of engineer incharge 350 Sluice Valve 800 mm dia as per site requirement & direction of engineer incharge 351 Reflux valve 400 mm dia N.B. as per site requirement & direction of engineer incharge 352 Reflux valve 800 mm dia N.B. as per site requirement & direction of engineer incharge 353 Dismantling joints. 354 Dismantling joints for flowmeter 355 Pipings : 356 Total weight for Piping of pump delivery, suction side,and common headar etc complete. As per required at site Note : Regarding the size of pipes and Valvesthe contractors are required to Design them selves and may got it approved by the department before execution of works along with layout drawing. 357 Nut bolts washer (S.S.) 358 Rubber packing. 359 150 mm dial glycerine filled pressure gauge of fiebig/H.Guru make of diaphram type with fittings for header line. 360 150 mm size glycerine filled compund and pressure gauges of diaphram type of suitable capacity with necessary fittings for suction and delivery line of pumps. 361 Electro magnetic flow meter : Suitable Electro magnetic flow metersuitable to measure 0MLD to 90 MLD flow to be fitted in 800 mm dia main header line having following technical specification. Electromagnetic Flowmeter-Remote, Trasmitter Microprocessor-based, Size available:10 to 3000mm, Min Velocity(Without change in linearity):0.01m/sec, MinConductivity: 0.5micro-S/cm(Standard), Liner Material:PTFE, Electrode Material:SS 316, Process Pressure : Upto 40 Bar, Process Temperature:- 40deg C to 160 deg C, Accuracy: ±0.2%, Electrical Earthing: Built-in Earthing electrodes, Display : Backlit LCD,3-Line with Push Buttons operation, Display Cover-Storm Proof, Displayed Parameter: Flow Rate(Selectable units), Totalizer, Velocity of Flow, Percentage of Flow, Coil strength(in MV), Alarms/Diagnostics, Output: 4-20 m A, Pulse/Frequency, Communication:RS-485,GSM(built-in), Cable Entry:Thread M 18 with Double Comp GI, Process Connection:Flanged-ANSI, Flange Material:SS306, Power Supply:Battery Powered(Built-in Lithium Battery), Input Supply:230 V(Variation:85-260V), Power spike withstanding Capacility:Upto 360 Volts, Protection: Upto IP 68 for Flow Tube(Non-compact), 362 Errection, commissioning,Testing charges 363 LIFTING ARRANGEMENT E.O.T. Crane 364 SITC of E.O.T. crane of 5 tonne capacity (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) along with gantry girders, chain pulley block and geared trolley suitable for 10 m span 18m clear lift complete in all respect for pump house. Detailed specifications are as below confirming to I.S. 3177 and I.S.3832 Indef make chain Pulley Block Capacity 5 Tone with 18mts lift and hand chain of 5 meters along with indef make traveling trolley capacity 5 Tone with 5 m hand chain fitted on gantry Girders(03 Nos) and transverse movement rail arrangement. 365 Spare Parts For above Pump Motor Set. 366 Impeller of Duplex stainless steel 367 Mechanical seal 368 Tools and Plants 369 Toolbox of 30x18x11Fabricated from 18 Gauge mS sheet fuly black painted comprising of Ring Spanner of 12 PCs-1Set, D/E Spanners of 12 PCs-1Set, Adjustable wrench12-1No. Pipe wrench 24size-12No., Pipe wrench 18 size-1No. Pipe wrench 12 Size-1No. Bearing Puller-1No. Crimpling Tools upto 400mm², Heavy duty sockets 20mm to 50mm-1Set, Chain wrench 36-2Nos. Omsi;ated plier-1No., L&Key set-1Set, Screwdriver-1Set, Rotary oil pump 1 No, For Substation and Power Control Room, 370 Megger with testing lead For 1000Volt 371 Fire Extinguisher confirming to ISS 372 12.5/25mm thick Rubber Electric Resistance sheet as per ISS forLT&H.T.Panels. 373 First Aid Box 374 Steel Almirah of 6’x3’in 20 Gaugesheet. 375 Steel Tubular chair 376 Steel tubular table 377 Fire Stand with buckets 378 Fire chart 379 Map Board chart. 380 M.S chequerred plate over all the run of cables trenches to cover properly and M.S. grill and M.S. guard over all pipes ducts and other point where required as per site condition. 381 INSTALLATION TESTNG & COMMISSIONING 382 Installation,Testing & Commissioning of all 6 Nos. Pump set, starters,Piping & Valves, Gauges as mentioned in above. 383 TRANSPORTATION : 384 local handling from store to site including loading carting, unloading and proper stacking. 385 PAINTING 386 Painting of all pump piping & valves with two coat enamel paint. 387 LIGHT WIRING 388 Light wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room,D.G.Room, Store and staff quarters. Wiring point for light with 2.5 Sq. mm PVC in suitable multi core copper cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit pipe concealed in wall, complete with 1/18 Coipper wire earth continuity wire and piano type switch etc complete in all respect as per I.E. Rules. 389 Wiring point for LED Lamp 75 watt/power plugwith 2.5sqmm PVC insulated multi core cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit canceled in wall complete with 1/18 copper wire. Earth Continuity wire with 16 Amp. metal clad SPN switch/15 Amp Piano type switches complete in all respect. 390 Supply and fixing of main suitable Distribution boards with MCBs for controlling the lighting system. 391 Supply and fixing of factory wired HPF box type fluorescent tube complete including tube etc. on wall 392 Supply and fixing of LED 110 watt Lights with its all accessories. 393 Supply and fitting of steel tubular swaged poles of 9m length including its all fitting as per I.E. rules SP 27. 394 450mmsize exhaust fans for HT/LT room, pump house& DG room. 395 Aluminium conductor PVC insulated cables of following sizes for drawing power to feeder pillar and from pillar to poles for campus external lighting 396 (a)1x2x6sqmm(unarmoured) 397 M.S.TRUSSES 398 Construction of trusses with the help of M.S. Channels, M.S. angle irons, nut bolts and rivets as required for supporting the out going and common header line in the pump house in single stream for the pumps to be installed. 399 D.G.Set 400 Diesel Generating set with Accoustic Enclosure Provision for D.G.Set of 500 KVA capacity (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) diesel Engine of 1500 RPM coupled to an alternator developing an out put of 500 KVA at 0.8 power factor lag at 1500 rpm,50Hz 415 volt 3 phase 4 wire A.C. supply mounted on a common base plate complete with fuel tank, battery with leads and suitable control panel and synchronising panel complete. Diesel Engine turbo charged water cooled confirming to B.S.5514 complete with required accessories. 401 control panel fabricated from 2mm thick CRCA sheet steel totally enclosed dust and vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type factory wired and comprising of followings.D.G. Incomers- followed with auto mains failure panel for Auto cut arrangement, Aluminium Bus bar-2000 amp. capacity extensible type. Air circuit breaker-1250 amp capacity (or as per actual site condition & direction of engineer incharge) T.P.E.D.O. type with over load short circuit and under voltage release with shunt trip 230Volt A.C., safety shutters. 200Amp. T.P.I.C. neutral isolating contactor. A.C. ampere Meter (0-1200) 1500 Amp. range with CTs of ratio 1000/5A 15 V.A. with selector switch. C.T.1500/5A class 5 P10 Voltmenter 0-600 Volt with selector switches. Frequency meter of 45-50-55 range. KWH Meter-3 phase 4 wire 415 volt A.C. power factor meter-3phase 4 wire 415 volt A.C. 2Over current and 1 Earth fault relay Reverse power relay Load sharing relay Motorized potentio meter speed control with control switch. motorized potentio meter voltage control Suitable size auxiliary contractor Battery charger consisting of transformer rectifier resistance, D.C. Voltmeters, D.C. Ammeter, etc. Engine control switch 8-point 240 volt D.C. Audio visual annunciation for H.W.T/L.L.O.P./over speed/over current/Earth fault/Reverse power. Auxiliary contact, spring return type switch, breaker control switch and auto load sharing 402 Auto Synchronizing Panel and auto load sharing panel 403 Incomer panel 01 Nos : Hinged type auto synchronizing panel suitable to synchronized 2 nos. 500 KVA D.G. Sets equipped with Synchronoscope, Double frequency meter, Volt meter, Synchronizing panel On-Off Switch, D.G. Selector switch, Auto synchronizing relay, H.R.C. Control fuses, Auxiliary Contactors, Complete internal wiring, PT415/110 Volt A.C., 15 watt synchronizing lamp with holder., Toggle switches. ACB-850 A-EDO Type 404 D.G.Set out going Panel 02 Nos : 800 Amp. Capacity, out going panel complete with internal wiring Aluminium Bus bar fabricated in accordance with relevant I.S.S. and equipped with, Aluminium bus bar 2000 Amp. capacity and copper bus bar for neutral and Earth, 800 Amp. E.D.O-ACB with overload short circuit under voltage release safety shutters. Ampere meter of suitable range with C.T. & selector switch, Voltmeter of suitable range with selector switch, Indicating lamps, Breaker control switch, Control fuse with link, Push button for ACB On/Off, Cable gland Plate of suitable size for out going cable. C.Ts.-400 Amp./5 Amp 15 VA, 405 Under Ground Cable:- 406 Supply of 400 sq mm size 3½ core 1100 Volt grade Armoured PVC Aluminium Cable from D.G. set out going panel to Bus coupler and 400sq. mm size 3½ core 1100 volt grade armored PVC aluminium cable fromAlternator to DG incomer panel. 407 400Sqmm size x3½ corex2run 408 240Sqmm size x3½ corex4run 409 Cable End terminal material for 400Sqmm size x3½ core 410 Cable End terminal material for240Sqmm size x3½ core 411 Earthing shall be done as per latest I.E. rule and as per I.S S, Earthing materials comprising of following. 412 G.I. plats 900x900x6mm-1no., Watering pipe-3m., G.I.earth cover- 1no, Charcoal and Salt as required 413 G.I. strips 50mmx6mm 414 Chequerred plate & Guards 415 8mm thick MS chequerred plats over all the run of cables trenches of D,G, Set Panels to cover properly & M.S. grill and M.S. guard over all pipes ducts and other point where required as per site condition. 416 12.5 mm thick Electric Resistance Rubber sheet for LT panels of Main LT room and D.G. Set panel 417 25 mm thick Electric Resistance Rubber sheet for HT panels. 418 Installation commissioning and testing. 419 Installation, commissioning and testing of 2 Nos. D.G. sets, with associated T&P complete in all respect.This will also include the syncronising this D.G.Set with existing D.G. Set. 420 (i)Installation and commissioning. 421 (ii)Testing of DG Sets, control panel at manufacturer’s works. 422 BAR SCREEN AND GATE 423 Manual Bar Screen (40 mm) Provision of suitable manual bar screen having 40 mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 45° duly followed with actuator with gear arrangement of suitable size in width 424 Mechanical Bar screen : Provision of suitable multirake mechanical bar screen having 20mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 75° duly followed with conveyor system including electric motor, starter, cable etc of suitable size in width 425 Manual Bar Screen (20 mm) Provision of suitable manual bar screen having 20mm clear gap between screen bar of S.S. flat shall be 50mmx10mm size and angle of installation 45° 426 Sluice Gate 427 Provision of C.I.Sluice gate with actuator confirming to IS13349/92 or AWWA AC-501 having Fshaped wall thimble rising spindle type flush bottom closure, Frame-Cost Iron, Shutter-Cost Iron, Stem-SS-410, Stem nu-Gun metal, Fasteners-SS-304, suitable size 428 Installation,Testingand commissioning 429 Mechanical Bar screen 430 Manual Bar Screen 431 Sluice Gate 432 Testing at manufacturers works and at site 433 Automation of IPS 434 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each IPS to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 435 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC caopabke to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping station internet charges as specified in the tender technical specification 436 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 437 Motor Operated Actuator with 250 mm dia sluice valve 438 Motor Operated Actuator with 500 mm dia sluice valve 439 Auto Phase Reversal Unit Suitble for above IPS with Inbuilt time delay and Enclosure (confirmation to IEC:60947-1 & IEC: 60947-b-1) 200Amp 440 CE/UL certified radar type level transmitter for sumpwell 441 CE/UL Certified Pressure Transmitter 442 CE/UL certified surge protector for control panel 443 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 444 Complete cabling for IPS including all power and control cables of all equipments 445 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments seprate for control 24V and power equipments 446 Security serveillance IP camera with recorder 447 Installation, Testing and Comm of above Equipments 448 Test and trial run for three months for one IPS 449 Automation of MPS 450 CE&UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and Power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, for each MPS to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender technical specification 451 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC caopabke to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping sttion internet charges as specified in the tender technical specification 452 CE/UL CertifiedIntelligent Smart Energy Meter 453 Motor Operated Actuator with 400 mm dia sluice valve 454 Motor Operated Actuator with 800 mm dia sluice valve 455 Auto Phase Reversal Unit Suitble for above pumping plant with Inbuilt time delay and Enclosure (confirmation to IEC:60947-1 & IEC: 60947-b-1) 200Amp 456 CE/UL certified radar type level transmitter for sumpwell 457 CE/UL Certified Pressure Transmitter 458 CE/UL certified surge protector for control panel 459 CE/UL Certified 7 HMI Touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display and control of process parameter 460 Complete cabling for MPS including all power and control cables of all equipments 461 Control panel with IP-54 protection industrial grade for all equipments seprate for control 24V and power equipments 462 Security serveillance IP camera with recorder 463 Installation, Testing and Comm of above Equipments 464 Test and trial run for three months for one MPS 465 Construction of LCS 466 CE/UL & BIS certified industrial grade LED Monitor with latest configuration as per specification, 65 467 Desktop PC with i5/i7 processor for as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 468 CE/UL certified 3 KVA UPS with batteries as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 469 Full development version / run time version of required TAGS SCADA software with customization of software for LCS as per requirement as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 470 CE/UL certified local control room PLC with redundant CPU & power supply at LCS in IP 54 encloser as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 471 GSM based wirewless/Broadband/Equipment communication system for PLC capable to transfer & received data & gather data from remote sites to control station. All accessories included signal enhancer antenna along with running expenses till DLP 472 CE/UL Certified Firewall for network protection 473 SURGE PROTECTOR FOR ETHERNET communication protection 474 CE/UL Certified industrial grade Ethernet Switch 475 Canon/HP or equivalent Lazer Printer 1018 0r equivalent 476 Security Serveillance IP Camera with recorder 477 Installation, commissioning and testing including required furniture, A/C, etc. 478 Trial Run for 3 Month period 479 Construction of MCS 480 CE/UL & BIS certified industrial grade LED Monitor with latest configuration as per specification, 65 481 Video Wall Media Player of same OEM 482 Desktop PC with i5/i7 processor for as per specification mentioned in technical bid document 483 CE/UL certified 5 KVA UPS with batteries as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 484 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA software with customization of software for MCS as per requirement as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 485 CE/UL certified master control room PLC with redundant CPU & power supply at MCS in IP 54 encloser as per specs mentioned in technical bid document 486 CE/UL certified Field gateway agent for transfering data from MCS to Central control room 487 GSM based wirewless/Broadband/Equipment communication system for PLC capable to transfer & received data & gather data from remote sites to control station. All accessories included signal enhancer antenna along with running expenses till DLP 488 CE/UL Certified Firewall for network protection 489 SURGE PROTECTOR FOR ETHERNET communication protection 490 CE/UL Certified industrial grade Ethernet Switch 491 Mobile App Facility system architecture ( industries internet based & viewed through apps for increased local & Remote Visibility 492 Canon/HP or equivalent Lazer Printer 1018 0r equivalent 493 Security Serveillance IP Camera with recorder 494 Installation, commissioning and testing including required furniture, A/C, etc. 495 Trial Run for 3 Month period

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 23600 /-
INR 23267000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 232.67 Crore /-
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