Tender For 03 Urban Health And Welness Establishments Under Urban Health Mission , For 3 Hwcs Establishments , Air Conditioner (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Stablizers (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Celling Fans (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Water Putifiers(Ro) With Water Cooler (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Inverter 1 Kv With Battery & Stand , Refrigerators 200-240 Ltr (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Led Tv 50 Inch (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Audio System (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Internal Partitions As Per Requirement Of Facility(Aluminium Frame Partitions And Related Materials Inclusive Of Installation) , Writing Tables With Table Sheet (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Miscelleneous(Chairs, Curtains, Internal Fittings And Arragements Etc) , Laptop (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Laser Printer With Scanner (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Miscellaneous( Internetconnection, Antivirus & Modem Etc) , Health Day Celebration (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , 10Iec Poster(Hwc Services Like Free Medicine, Healthy Life Style, Yoga, Wellness Calender, Diabetes, Bp, Telemedicine, Oral Health, Communicable Disease)-(As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Referral Slip (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Opd (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Jan Arogya Samiti(Jas) Register (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Opd Register (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Stock Register, Follow Up Register,Ncd Register & Drug Register (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Poster(Pmjay,Hwc Services, Drugs & Diagnostic) (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , 5 Types Of Pumphlet(1200 Each)-Hwc Services, Healthy Life Style, Oral Health Care Services, Anc,Ncd Lelemedicine (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Medicine Envelop (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Citizen Charter For Each Hwc (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Led Acrylic Glow Sign Board Per Urban Hwc (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Eat Right Magic Box (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Notice Board(3*4 Feet)(As Per Given Specification In T&C) , White Board (2*3 Feet) (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Uhnd Standee Per Anm (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Pen Drive With Iec Resources For Display In Tv (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , Arrow Board On Metallic Rust Proof Tin Sheet(Name Of U-Hwc) (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , District Level Activities (As Per Given Specification In T&C) , External(Façade) Branding Of U-Hwc As Per Ayushman Nharat Guideline , Bp Apparatus Table Model-2 , Stethoscope-2 , A Labour Table With Matress , Suction Machine(Foot Operated) , Facility For Oxygen Administration , Emergency Drug Tray , Delivery Kits Including Those For Normal Delivery And Assisted Deliveries. Privacy Of Women In Labour Should Be Ensured As Per Quality Assurance Issue. , Kidney Tray For Keeping Used Instuments , Bowl For Anticeptic Solution , Cheatles Forceps , Tongue Depressor , Torch , Thermometer Clinical , Calorimeter , Glucometer , Needle Destroyer , Examination Table , Plastic Chairs( For In Patients Attendants) , Armledd Chairs , Full Size Steel Almirah , Bench For Waiting Area , Wheel Chairs , Bed Stread Iron (For In Patients) , Stool , Fans , Tube Lights , Basin Stand , Buckets , Mugs , Lpg Stove , Lpg Cylinder , Matress For Beds , Bed Sheets , Pillow With Covers , Blankets , Towels , Curtains With Rods , Dustbins , Instruments Trolly , Iv Stand , Fire Extinguisher (Type Abc) , Bed Pan Sheet , Bed Sde Screen , Emergency Lights , Executive Chairs For Mo , Standard Surgical Set ( For Minor Procedures Like Episiotomies Stiching) , Equipements For New Born Care And Neonatal Resuscitation Kit , Iucd Insertion Kit , Aduslt Weighing Scale , Baby Weighing Scale , Height Measuring Scale