Tender For Supply Of Academic Books For The Central Library Of Bethune College-- 1 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 2 Title: Communalism in Modern India. Author: Bipan Chandra Publisher: HarAnand Publications Pvt.Ltd. 3 Title: The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India. Author:Gyanendra Pandey Publisher: Oxford India Perennials 4 Title: Communal Riots in Bengal. Author: Suranjan Das Publisher:Oxford India Paperbacks 5 Title: Communalism from Indian Perspectiv Author: Sarajit Kumar Chatterjee Publisher: Concept Publishing Company 6 Title: The Kashmir Dispute 1947-2012 Author: A.G. Noorani Publisher: Tulika Books 7 Title: Independence and Partition. Author: Sucheta Mahajan Publisher: Sage Publications Pvt. Limited 8 Title: The Egyptians: An Introduction. Author: Robert G. Morkot Publisher: Routledge 9 Title: The Holocaust of Indian Partition, An Inquest. Author: Madhav Publisher: Rupa Publications India 10 Title: The Politics of India Since Independence. Author: Paul R. Brass Publisher: CambridgeUniversity Press 11 Title: Integration of the Indian States. Author: V.P Menon Publisher: Orient Blackswan 12 Title: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. Author: John Storey Publisher: Pearson 13 Title: Popular Culture. Author: Abin Chakraborty Publisher: Orient Blackswan 14 Title: Of The People: Essays on Indian Popular Culture. Author: Biswarup Sen Publisher: nan 15 Title: Narratives of Indian Cinema. Author: Edited by Manju Jain Publisher: Primus 16 Title: Popular Culture: Schooling and Every . Author: Henry Giroux Publisher: ABC-Clio LLC 17 Title: Connecting Through Culture. Author: Vinay Sahasrabuddhe & Sachchidananda Joshi Publisher: Wisdom Tree 18 Title: Teaching. Author: Edited by David Buckingham Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd. 19 Title: Understanding Popular Culture. Author: Steven L. Kaplan ed. Publisher: De Gruyter 20 Title: Banlar Jatra Natak. Author: Brojendrokumar Dey Publisher: Dishari Prakashani 21 Title: Fingerprinting Popular Culture. Author: Vinay Lal and Ashis Nandy Publisher: Oxford India Paperbacks 22 Title: Makers of Modern Dalit History. Author: Sudarshan Ramabadran & 1 Publisher: Penguin Random House India 23 Title: India from Curzon to Nehru and After. Author: Durga Das Publisher: Rupa& Company 24 Title: Makers of Modern India. Author: Ramchandra Guha Publisher: Penguin India 25 Title: World Politics since 1945. Author: PeterCalvocoressi Publisher: Taylor & Francis 26 PG DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 27 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy. Publisher: CUP 28 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy. Publisher: CUP 29 Title: The Perishable Empire by Meenakshi Mukherjee. Publisher: OUP 30 Title: Imaginary Homelands by Salman Rushdie. Publisher: Granta 31 Title: Study Writing: A course in writing skills for academic purposes by Liz Hamp-Lyons & Ben Heasley. Publisher: CUP 32 Title: A Course in Academic Writing by Renu Gupta. Publisher: Orient BlackSwan 33 Title: An Introduction to English Language Teaching by Jaydeep Sarangi. Publisher: Saha Book HousePublisher: Orient BlackSwan 34 Title: Teaching and Learning English: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Teacher Trainers- M.L. Tickoo. Publisher: Orient Longman 35 Title: English Language Teaching : Approaches, Methods, Techniques by Geetha Nagaraj. Publisher: Orient Blackswan 36 Title: From Puritanism to Postmodernism by Malcolm Bradbury & Richard Ruland. Publisher: Penguin 37 Title: The Golden Treasury (Palgrave). Publisher: Classics Library 38 Title: Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Publisher: Signet Classics 39 Title: A Critical History of English Poetry by H.J.C Grierson. Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic India 40 Title: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 9th edition. Publisher: MLA 41 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Publisher: CUP 42 Title: Harper Lee “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Publisher: Harper Collins 43 Title: Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Biographia Literaria”. Publisher: Norton 44 DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 45 Title: Naribaad . Author: Rajashree BasuPublisher: West Bengal State Book Board 46 Title: Paschatya Darsaner Prathamik Bislesan. Author: Samarendra Bhattacharya and Sisir Ranjan Bhattacharya Publisher: Book Sindicate Private Limited 47 Title: Paribesh o Naitikata. Author: Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty Publisher: West Bengal State Book Board 48 Title: Shanti o Sangharsha Samadhaner Darshan . Author: Raspati Mondal Publisher: Sanskrit Book Depo 49 Title: Manab Adhikarer Darshan . Author: Aayesha Dutta Publisher: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar 50 Title: Nitishastra. Author: Dikshit Gupta Publisher: Poshcimbongo Rajjo Pustok Porshod 51 Title: Manabadhikar Porichay. Author: Sekh Tabarak Ali and Afrin Akhter Publisher: Maity Publication 52 Title: Manabadhikar ki ebong keno. Author: Benulal Dhar Publisher: Progressive Publishers 53 Title: Hume-r Enquiry. Author: Samarendra Bhattacharya Publisher: Book Sindicate Pvt. Ltd. 54 Title: Phalita Nitishastra -1st Part. Author: Dr.Santosh kumar Paul Publisher: Levant Books 55 Title: Niti o Nyajyata. Author: Amartya Sen Publisher: Ananda Publishers 56 Title: Byanbhaharik Nitibidya. Author: Samarendra bhattacharya Publisher: Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. 57 Title: Naitikata o Naribad. Author: Shefali Moitra Publisher: New Age Publishers Private Ltd 58 Title: The Idea of Justice. Author: Amatya Sen Publisher: Penguin Books 59 Title: Social and Political Philosophy. Author: O.P.Gauba Publisher: National Peperbacks 60 Title: Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. Author: Charles Webel and Johan Galtung Publisher: Routledge Yaylor and Francis Group 61 Title: Jukti Baigyanik Paddhoti. Author: Ramaprasad Das Publisher: Calcutta University 62 Title: Symbolic Logic. Author: I M Copi Publisher: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 63 Title: Introduction to Logic. Author: P Suppes Publisher: Litton Educational Publishing 64 Title: Sabda Jigyasa. Author: R P Das Publisher: Aananda Publishers 65 Title: Peace by Peaceful Means-Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. Author: Johan Galtung Publisher: Sage Publications 66 Title: Classical Indian Ethica Thought. Author: Kedar Nath Tiwari Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 67 Title: Bharatiya Darsaner Ruprekha - Bengali Translation of Outlines of Indian Philosophy - M.Hiriyanna. Author: Dr. Srikanta Samanta Publisher: Suhrid Publication 68 Title: Darshan Diganta Semester-2. Author: Atashi Mallick Mondal Publisher: Suhrid Publication 69 Title: A Theory of Justice. Author: John Rawls Publisher: Belknap Press 70 Title: Political Theory . Author: D. C. Bhattacharya Publisher: Vijoya Publishing House PVT LTD 71 Title: Introduction to Philosophy. Author: J .N. Sinha Publisher: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 72 PG DEPARTMENT OF MATHAMATICS 73 Title: Classical Mechanics . Author: Gupta and SharmaPublisher: Pragati 74 Title: Python Programming. Author: Reema Thareja Publisher: Oxford University Press 75 Title: Python for Everyone. Author: Saurabh Chandrakar; Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure Publisher: BPB publications 76 Title: Let us Python. Author: Yashwant Kanetkar; Aditya Kanetkar Publisher: BPB publications 77 Title: Core python programming. Author: Dr. R. Nageswara Rao Publisher: Dreamtech Press 78 Title: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2nd edition . Author: P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, S. R. Nagpal Publisher: Cambridge University press 79 Title: Foundation of Complex Analysis . Author: S . Ponnusamy Publisher: Narosa 80 Title: Functional Analysis . Author: S. Kesavan Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 81 Title: Measure and Integration . Author: S. Kesavan Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 82 Title: Algebraic Geometry for Beginners . Author: C. Musili Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 83 Title: Mathematical Models In Biology & Medicine. Author:J Kapur Publisher: affiliated 84 Title: Bio - Mathematics: For B.Tech/ B.Sc. Author:Dr. Praveen Kumar Mathur (Author), Dr. Mohit Saxena Publisher: Adhyyan Books 85 POL SC. BOOK LIST 86 Title: Feminisms. Author: Arpita Mukhopadhyay Publisher: Orient Blackswan 87 Title: Governance: issues and challenges. Author: Shivani Singh Publisher: SAGETexts 88 Title: Governance: Isuues and Challenges. Author: Abhay Prasad Singh & krishna Murari Publisher: Pearson 89 Title: Legal studies in India. Author: Ed. Namrata Kothari Publisher: Avenel Press 90 Title: Agrarian struggles in India after Independence . Author: Ed. A.Desai Publisher: OUP 91 Title: Power Matters. Author: Ed. J Harris Publisher: OUP 92 Title: Development process & social movt. in cont.India. Author: Haridwar Shukla Publisher: Mahaveer Publications 93 Title: Understanding Political Theory. Author: Haridwar Shukla Publisher: Mahaveer Publications 94 Title: Development process & social movt. in cont.India. Author: Abhay Prasad Singh Publisher: Pinnacle Learning 95 Title: Political Theory . Author: R C Agarwal Publisher: S.Chand 96 Title: রাজনৈতিক তত্ত্ব : দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি ও বিতর্ক . Author: গৌতম মুখোপাধ্যায় Publisher: সেতু প্রকাশনী 97 Title: নারীবাদ. Author: রাজশ্রী বসু Publisher:west bengal state book board 98 Title: তুলনামূলক রাজনীতির পরিচয়. Author: অমিতাভ রায় Publisher: পশ্চিম বঙ্গ রাজ্য পুস্তক পর্ষদ 99 Title: ভারতীয় রাজনীতির প্রমুখ দিকগুলি . Author: শিবাজী প্রতিম বসু Publisher: পশ্চিম বঙ্গ রাজ্য পুস্তক পর্ষদ 100 Title: সমাজতত্ত্ব . Author: পরিমল ভূষণ করPublisher: দে বুক স্টোর 101 Title: Social movements in India . Author: Ghanshyam Shah Publisher: Sage publications 102 Title: Political Sociology . Author: Ed. Pradip Basu Publisher: setu publications 103 Title: Public admn. : From Government to Governance . Author: Bidyut ChakrabortyPublisher: Orient Blackswan 104 Title: Legislative practices and Procedures. Author: Gautam MukhopadhyayPublisher: Setu publications 105 Title: Constitutional values and fundamental duties . Author: Gautam MukhopadhyayPublisher: setu publications 106 Title: ভারতের আইন ব্যবস্থা . Author: গৌতম মুখোপাধ্যায় Publisher: সেতু প্রকাশনী 107 Title: western political thought . Author: Deepan Das Publisher: concept pub com ltd 108 Title: Indian public administration: Insti. and issues. Author: R.K . Arora and Goyal Publisher: New Age Intl. Publishers 109 Title: Global Politics: Issues and perspectives . Author: Nirmal Jindal,Kumar Publisher: Sage publications 110 DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS 111 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 112 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 113 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 114 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 115 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 116 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 117 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 118 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 119 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 120 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 121 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 122 Title: Multiple Regression and Causal Analysis. Author: McKee J. McClendonPublisher: Waveland Press 123 Title: Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics.Author: Rosner, Gary L; Laud, Purushottam W. and Johnson, Wesley O Publisher: Chapman & Hall 124 Title: State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis. Author: Jose Casals, Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux, et al. Publisher: CRC Press 125 Title: The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction. Author: Chris ChatfieldPublisher: Chapman & Hall 126 Title: The Statistical Analysis of Time Series Paperback. Author: T. W. AndersonPublisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 127 Title: Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series. Author: Ulf GrenanderPublisher: American Mathematical Society 128 Title: Effect Size for ANOVA Designs Paperback. Author: Jose M. CortinaPublisher: SAGE Publications Inc 129 Title: Design and Analysis of Experiments. Author: Douglas C. MontgomeryPublisher: Wiley 130 Title: ANOVA and Mixed Models. Author:Lukas MeierPublisher: CRC Press 131 Title: Analysis of Variance, Experimental Design, and Multivariate ANOVA. Author: Dawn IacobucciPublisher: CRC Press 132 Title: Statistical Design . Author: George CasellaPublisher: Springer 133 Title: ANOVA and ANCOVA: A GLM Approach. Author: Andrew RutherfordPublisher: Wiley 134 Title: Statistical Design and Analysis of Stability Studies. Author: Shein-Chung ChowPublisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC 135 Title: Sampling: Design and Analysis . Author: Sharon L. LohrPublisher: Chapman & Hall 136 Title: Sample Survey Methods and Theory Paperback.Author: Morris H. Hansen, William N. Hurwitz, William G. Madow Publisher: Wiley-Interscience 137 Title: Theory Sample Surveys and Statistical Decisions. Author: K.S.Kushwaha & Rajesh KumarPublisher: New India Publishing Agency 138 Title: Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text. Author: David G. KleinbaumPublisher: Springer 139 Title: Survival Analysis: . Author: Rupert G. Miller J. Publisher: Wiley 140 Title: Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis.Author: P. G. Dixit andSandesh Kurade Publisher: Nirali Prakashan 141 Title: Survival Models and Data Analysis. Author: Elandt-Johnson and JohnsonPublisher: Wiley India 142 Title: Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data. Author: John P. Klein and Melvin L. MoeschbergerPublisher: Springer-Verlag 143 Title: Survival Analysis.Author: H J Vaman and Prabhanjan Tattar Publisher: CRC Press 144 Title: Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction . Author: Douglas C. MontgomeryPublisher: Wiley 145 Title: Statistical Quality Control & Quality Management. Author: R.C.GuptaPublisher: Khanna Publishers 146 Title: Statistical Quality Control. Author: Mahajan MPublisher: Dhanpat Rai & Co. 147 Title: Statistical Process Control For Quality Improvement- The Deming Paradigm and Beyond.Author: J. Koronacki and J.R. ThompsonPublisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC 148 Title: Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control. Author: Walter A. ShewhartPublisher: Dover Publications Inc. 149 Title: Exploratory Data Analysis Author: Tukey, J.W.Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co 150 Title: Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications. Author: Parzen,E Publisher: John Wiley 151 Title: An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in Python . Author: James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibhsirani, R., and Taylor,J. Publisher: Springer 152 Title: Math for Deep Learning: What You Need to Know to Understand Neural Networks.Author: Kneusel, R.T.Publisher: No Stratch Press 153 Title: Statistical Image Processing Techniques for Noisy Images: An Application-Oriented Approach.Author: Refregier, P., Goudail,F. Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 154 Department of Botany 155 Title: EconomicBotanyin Tropics 2012Author: Koclili:ir, S.l.. Publisher: MacMillan& Co.New Delhi 156 Title: Jha, T.B. & Gliosli, 13.2003Author: IlaiztTissueL ultrirc Publisher: Uni varsitiesIrcss 157 Title: Singh. D. &Manivannan,S.2009. Author: GeneticResorwcesof Horticultural Crops Publisher: InternationalBookDistributing Co 158 Title: DevelopmentalBiolOgy ofFlowering Plants2000 Author: Raghavan Publisher: Springer 159 Title: DevelopmentalGenetics andPlant Evolution. Author: Quentin C.B. Cronk, RichardM. Bateman, Julie Hawkins (2002) — Publisher: CRCPress 160 Title: Plant Physiology and Developmen. Author: LincolnTaiz,EduardoZeiger. et al. Publisher: Sinaur Oxford UniversityPress 161 Title: Plant Systematics Theory and Practice. Author: GurcharanSingh Publisher: CRCpress (Taylor and Francis group) 162 Title: Plant Anatomy. Author: Piyush Roy Publisher: New CentralBookAsency 163 Title: Cell Biology Genetics andMolecular Biology Ed 2. Author: DipakKr KarSome Haldcr Publisher: NewCentral Book Agency 164 Title: Plant Tissue Culture. Author: KalyanKumar De Publisher: New Central Book Agency 165 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 166 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 167 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 168 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 169 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 170 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 171 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 172 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 173 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 174 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 175 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 176 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 177 Department ofPhysics 178 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 179 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 180 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 181 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 182 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 183 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 184 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 185 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 186 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 187 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 188 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 189 Title: Multiple Regression and Causal Analysis. Author: McKee J. McClendonPublisher: Waveland Press 190 Title: Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics.Author: Rosner, Gary L; Laud, Purushottam W. and Johnson, Wesley O Publisher: Chapman & Hall 191 Library requisition 192 Title: Computer graghics(multimedia &lamination). Author:Malay K.Pakhira Publisher: PHI 193 Title: Quantum Mechanics. Author: S.P Singh M.K Bagde Publisher: S.Chand 194 Title: Statistical Mechanics. Author: R.K.Pathria PaulD.Beale Publisher: B-H 195 Title: Classical Mechanics. Author: Gupta,Kumar Sharma Publisher: Pragati pravashan 196 Title: Cognitive Psychology. Author: Robert L.Solso Publisher: Pearson 197 Title: Organizational Behaviour. Author: Fred Luthans Publisher: Megraw-Hill 198 Title: Psychological Psychology. Author: Simon Green Publisher: Poutledge & Keegam-Paul 199 Title: The Human Nervous System. Author: Noback Publisher: Megraw-Hill 200 Title: Psychology. Author: Hockenbury,Hocken bury Publisher: Worth Publisher 201 Title: The Demand For Money:Theories & evidence. Author: David E.W.Laidler Publisher: Allied Publishers 202 Title: Contemporary Issues in Globalization. Author: Soumyen Sixdar Publisher: Oxford 203 Title: Development policies,Problems and Institute.Author: Debes MukherjeePublisher: Central Book Agency 204 Title: Economics Theory and Operation analysis. Author: Willam J.Baumol Publisher: PHI 205 Title: Systems &Theories in Psychology. Author: Melvin H.marx Willam A.Gronam-Hillix Publisher: Megraw-Hill 206 Title: Microeconomics. Author: Robert Pindyek Daniel Rubinfeld Publisher: Pearson 207 Title: An Introduction to Electro Chemistry. Author: Samuel Glasstone Publisher: East-west Press 208 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: I.L Finar Publisher: Pearson 209 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: nan Publisher: nan 210 Title: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Author: Thomas Engel Publisher: Pearson 211 Title: Neurobiology. Author: Gordon M.Shephered Publisher: OUP 212 Title: Introduction to General Zoology. Author: Chaki,Kundu,Sarkar Publisher: New Central Book Agency 213 Title: Social Psychology. Author: Arun Kumar Sigh Publisher: PHI 214 Title: Fundamental Statistics in Psychology Education. Author: Guilford & Fruchter Publisher: Mcgrant hill Intrio education 215 Title: Plant Breeding Biometry. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 216 Title: Cell Biology Genetics. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 217 Title: A TEXT BOOK OF BOTANY. Author: Hait,Bhattacharya,Ghosh Publisher: New Central Book Agency 218 Title: Title: Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 23rded .4 vol.Publisher: OCLC 219 Department of Computer Science 220 Title: Computer graghics(multimedia &lamination). Author:Malay K.Pakhira Publisher: PHI 221 Title: Quantum Mechanics. Author: S.P Singh M.K Bagde Publisher: S.Chand 222 Title: Statistical Mechanics. Author: R.K.Pathria PaulD.Beale Publisher: B-H 223 Title: Classical Mechanics. Author: Gupta,Kumar Sharma Publisher: Pragati pravashan 224 Title: Cognitive Psychology. Author: Robert L.Solso Publisher: Pearson 225 Title: Organizational Behaviour. Author: Fred Luthans Publisher: Megraw-Hill 226 Title: Psychological Psychology. Author: Simon Green Publisher: Poutledge & Keegam-Paul 227 Title: The Human Nervous System. Author: Noback Publisher: Megraw-Hill 228 Title: Psychology. Author: Hockenbury,Hocken bury Publisher: Worth Publisher 229 Title: The Demand For Money:Theories & evidence. Author: David E.W.Laidler Publisher: Allied Publishers 230 Title: Contemporary Issues in Globalization. Author: Soumyen Sixdar Publisher: Oxford 231 Title: Development policies,Problems and Institute.Author: Debes MukherjeePublisher: Central Book Agency 232 Title: Economics Theory and Operation analysis. Author: Willam J.Baumol Publisher: PHI 233 Title: Systems &Theories in Psychology. Author: Melvin H.marx Willam A.Gronam-Hillix Publisher: Megraw-Hill 234 Title: Microeconomics. Author: Robert Pindyek Daniel Rubinfeld Publisher: Pearson 235 Title: An Introduction to Electro Chemistry. Author: Samuel Glasstone Publisher: East-west Press 236 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: I.L Finar Publisher: Pearson 237 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: nan Publisher: nan 238 Title: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Author: Thomas Engel Publisher: Pearson 239 Title: Neurobiology. Author: Gordon M.Shephered Publisher: OUP 240 Title: Introduction to General Zoology. Author: Chaki,Kundu,Sarkar Publisher: New Central Book Agency 241 Title: Social Psychology. Author: Arun Kumar Sigh Publisher: PHI 242 Title: Fundamental Statistics in Psychology Education. Author: Guilford & Fruchter Publisher: Mcgrant hill Intrio education 243 Title: Plant Breeding Biometry. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 244 Title: Cell Biology Genetics. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 245 Title: A TEXT BOOK OF BOTANY. Author: Hait,Bhattacharya,Ghosh Publisher: New Central Book Agency 246 Department ofzoology 247 Title:Genetics and Genomics in MedicineAuthor:Ronald Cohn et al., Thompson Publisher:Thompson, Elsevier 248 Title:Human Molecular Genetics. Author:Stachan TGS (5 th edition)Publisher: 249 Title: An Introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis. Author: MC Mills et al.Publisher: 250 Title:Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish. AuthorDavid Alberton Publisher: 251 Title: Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment. Author: P. Kumar and U. Mina, Pathfinder publication, 4th edition Publisher: 252 Title: Environmental Science. Author:Botkin and Keller, Willey Publication, 8th editionPublisher: 253 Title: Environmental Science Author:G. Tyler Miller and SE Spoolman, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.16th editionPublisher: 254 Title:A concise textbook on Practical Zoology (04, four copies required). Author:Som DK et al.Rainbow publishersPublisher: 255 Department of Library 256 Title:Prosongo Manobibidya Author: Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 257 Title:Nari Prithibi Bohushor. Author:Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 258 Title: Nari prithibi bohuswar. Author: Basabi Chakraborty.Publisher: 259 Title:Womens Studies Various Aspects. AuthorBasabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 260 Title: Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment. Author:Publisher: 261 Title:NTA UGC NET WOMENS STUDIES.Author: Publisher:ramesh publishing house 262 Title:Gender Justice and feminist jurisprudence Author Ishita ChatterjeePublisher:central law publications 263 Title:womens Studies and womens movement in India. Author:Kusum DattaPublisher:The asiatic society 264 Title: women and law.paperback editionAuthor:Upasana Borah Publisher:Notionpress.com 265 Title: Gender Trouble. Author:Judith ButlerPublisher:routledge 266 Department of Psychology 267 Title:Miltenberger, R.G.(May 12th 2011) Behaviour Modification: Principles and Procedures. Wadsworth Publishing CompanyAuthor:Publisher: 268 Title:Bar-On, R., & Parker, J.D.A.(Eds.) (2000). The handbook of emotional intelligence. San Francisco, California: Jossey Bros.Author:Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 269 Title:Carr, A. (2004). Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human strength.UK: RoutledgeAuthor:Publisher: 270 Title:Peterson, C. (2006). A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.AuthorPublisher: 271 Title: Goldberger, I. &Breznitz,S.(1986). Handbook of Stress: Theoretical and Clinical Aspect. The Free Press Collier MacMillan Publishers. London.Author:Publisher: 272 Title:Seligman, M.E.P. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. New York: Free Press/Simon and SchusterAuthor:Publisher: 273 Department of Bengali 274 Title:KOBOR . Author: MUNIER CHOUDHURYPublisher:KAMALINI 275 Title: BANGLADESHER KOBITA. Author: SAJJAD SHARIF AND RANAJIT DAS (ED)Publisher: KAMALINI 276 Title: THE BOOK MAKERS.A HISTORY OF THE BOOK IN EIGHTEEN REMARKABLE LIVE Author:ADAM SMYTHPublisher: PENGUIN 277 Title: PATHER DESHKAL. Author: SWAPAN CHAKRAVORTYPublisher:ABABHAS 278 Title: RABIJIBANI (10TH VOLUME). Author: PRASANTA KUMAR PALPublisher: ANANDA 279 Title:SOBUJ DWIPER RAJA. Author: SUNIL GANGOPADHYAYPublisher: ANANDA 280 Title:PATHER DESHKAL. KOYEKTI POTHON Author: ANIRUDDHA CHAKRABARTIPublisher: ANUSTUP 281 Title: MUDRONER SANSKRITI. Author: SWAPAN CHAKRAVORTYPublisher: ABABHAS 282 Title: BHASKAR CHAKRABARY KOBITA SOMOGRO (VOL. 1 AND 2)Author: Publisher:DEYS 283 Title: 200 BOCHORE MARX. Author:SOBHANLAL DUTTAGUPTAPublisher:ANANDA 284 Title: ONUBADER TOTTO, ONUBADOKER MON. Author:SUMITA CHAKRABARTIPublisher:ASHADEEP 285 Title: ALIBABAR GUPTOBHANDAR. Author: SIBAJI BANDHOPADHYAYPublisher: EKALAVYA 286 Title: BIRENDRA CHATTOPADHYAY SRESTHO KOBITA. Author: Publisher: DEY’S 287 Title: CINEMAPARA DIYE (2 VOLUMES).Author:TARUN MAJUMDAR Publisher: DEY’S 288 Title: SANKHA GHOSH KOBITA SOMOGRO (4TH VOLUME)Author: Publisher: DEY’S 289 Title: JATIYOTABADER SOTYI-MITHYE. Author:PARTHA CHATTERJEEPublisher: ANUSTUP 290 Title: EBAR KOTHA PRANE PRANE. Author: AMITA CHATTERJEEPublisher: EKALAVYA 291 Title: GREEK NATOK SONGROHO. Author:SISIR DASPublisher:DEY’S 292 Title: BANGLA SAHITTYER ITIHAS. Author: ANISUJJAMAN (ED)Publisher: BANGLA ACADEMY, DHAKA 293 Title:ALOKRANJAN GODDYO SOMOGRO (2ND VOLUME)Author: Publisher: PRATIVAS 294 Title:UTPAL DUTTA GODDYO SOMOGRO (2ND VOLUME). Author: Chaki,Kundu,SarkarPublisher: PRATIVAS 295 Title: TARASHANKAR JIBANI (1ST VOLUME),.Author:DEBASHIS MUKHOPADHYAY Publisher: SETU 296 Title: Satovisha sangkalan. Author: Publisher:wriddhi 297 Title:Purashree.Author: Satyajit Roy Publisher: Calcutta Municipal Corporation 298 Title: ADHUNIKATA O RABINDRANATH. Author: Bipan ChandraABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 299 Title: CHITRITO PADME. Author:ARUN NAGPublisher: DEYS 300 Title: SARATCHANDRA : PUNARBICHAR Author: ARUNKUMAR MUKHOPADHYAYPublisher: DEYS 301 Title: MANIK BANDYOPADHYAY: JIBANDRISHTI O SHILPARITIAuthor:GOPIKANATH ROY CHOWDHURYPublisher:DEYS 302 Title: TARASHANKAR : NIRANTAR DESH Author: DEBES ROYPublisher: DEYS 303 Title: BANKIM YUG Author: PURNENDU PATRIPublisher: DEYS 304 Title: BABUBRITTANTA O PRASANGIK. Author: SAMAR SENPublisher: DEYS 305 Title: MANCHA-CHITRER BRITTANTA PARAMPARA. Author:SUMAN MUKHOPADHYAY Publisher:DEYS 306 Title: KATHASHILPI SATYAJIT : PRATIBHA O. Author: SURAVI BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: DEYS 307 Title: BISHAY : BIGYAPAN. Author: RANGAN CHAKRABORTYPublisher: DEYS 308 Title: CHALACHHITRA MANUSH EBANG ARO KICHUAuthor: RITWIKKUMAR GHATAKPublisher: DEYS 309 Title:PANTHAJANER SAKHA. Author: ABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 310 Title: BYAKTIGATA O NAIBYAKTIK. Author: ABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 311 Title: AATHERO SHATAKER BANGLA GADYA.O UPANIBESHER SAMAJAuthor:DEBES ROYPublisher: Primus 312 Title: BASTUBADI BAUL . Author: SHAKTINATH JHAPublisher: DEYS 313 Title: BANGLASAHITYE KRISHNAKATHAR KROMOBIKASHAuthor: SATYABATI GIRI Publisher: DEYS 314 Title:DWISATABARSHE BANGLA SAMBADPATRAAuthor: SWAPAN BASU(ED)Publisher: DEYS . 315 Title: UNISH SATAKER BANGLA CHHAPAKHANA. Author: ASISH KHASTAGIR.Publisher:DEYS 316 Title: SRICHAITANYER ANTARDHAN RAHASHYAAuthor: MALIBURO Publisher :DEYS 317 Title: METROPOLITAN MON : MODDHYOBITTO. Author: BINOY GHOSH Publisher: ORIENT BLACKSWAN 318 Title: BANGLA BHASHAR BYAKARAN O TAAR KROMOBIKASH . Author: KROMOBIKASHPublisher: PUSTAK BIPANI 319 Title: UPABHASHA CHARCHAR BHUMIKA. Author:MANIRUJJAMANPublisher: BANGLADESH 320 Title: BANGLA BHASHAR ITIBRITTO. Author: MUHAMMAD SHAHIDULLAHPublisher: BANGLADESH 321 Title: HRIDAYER SHABDAHEEN JYOSTNAAR BHITORAuthor: BUDDHADEB BHATTACHARYA Publisher: DEYS 322 Title: BANGE SUFI PRABHAB Author: KSHITIMOHAN SENPublisher: BANGLADESH 323 Title: BANGLAR BAUL. Author:KSHITIMOHAN SENPublisher: VISWABHARATI 324 Title: BANGLAR BAUL : KABYA O DARSHAN. Author:SOMENDRANATHPublisher: VISWABHARATI 325 Title: DURER MADOLAuthor: ABDUL KAFIPublisher: TRITIYA PARISHAR 326 Title: AMALIN SHOLOK Author: ABDUL KAFIPublisher: TRITIYA PARISHAR 327 Title: BANGLA UPANYASE YUBASAMAJ. Author: URMI ROY CHOWDHURY Publisher: BANGIYA SAHITYA 328 Title: UTTAL CHALLISH : ASAMAPTA BIPLAB. Author: AMALENDU SENGUPTA Publisher: PRATIBHAS 329 Title: GALPA O TAAR GORU Author: ARUN NAGPublisher: THIMA 330 Title: GANAYUGER DINPANJI. Author: ARUPKUMAR DASPublisher: PROGRESSIVE 331 Title:SHAAT O SOTTOR DASHAKER RAJNITIR PREKKHAPOTEY Author: ARUPKUMAR DASPublisher: KARUNA 332 Title: NAKSHALBADI ANDOLAN O BANGLA SAHITYA. Author: NIRMAL GHOSHPublisher:KARUNA 333 Title: BANGLA RAJNAITIK UPANYASER KOEKTI PORJAAI Author: BISWABANDHU BHATTACHARYA Publisher:MANISHA 334 Title: EKALER GADYA PADYA ANDOLANER DALIL Author: SATYA GUHAPublisher: DHRITI 335 Title: DESHBHAG : SMRITI AAR SOTTA. Author: SANDIP BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher: PROGRESSIVE 336 Title: RANAKSHETRA RAJPATH . Author: SANDIP BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: ANUSTUP 337 Title: UTTAR PRAJANMER KHONJ (1-3).Author: MANAN KUMAR MONDAL Publisher: NSOU 338 Title: DALIT NANDANTATTWAAuthor:SARANKUMAR LIMBALEY Publisher:TRITIYA PARISHAR 339 Title: DANGA, DESHBHAG O UDBASHTU SAMAY. Author: SMRIDUL HAQUE(ED)Publisher: MANDAAS 340 Title: ABRAHMAN PUROHITAuthor: SUSHIL KUMAR BARMAN Publisher: MANDAAS 341 Title: RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY. Author: SOUMENDRANATH TAGORE Publisher: MANDAAS 342 Title: CAPTAIN SPARKDER DIARY. Author: JOY AICHBHOWMICKPublisher: MANDAAS 343 Title: BIGYAPANEY BANGALI Author:YASHODHARA GUPTAPublisher:KHASRAKHATA 344 Title:BOIPORA BOIPARA. Author: ARUN SENPublisher: PRATIKKHON 345 Title:HARAF BICHAR :BANGALA TYPE O CASE Publisher: BODHSHABDAAuthor: ARUN SEN 346 Title: ASHRUTA KONTHOSWAR Author: SUMANTA BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: EKALABYA 347 Title: BANKIM- MANISHA. Author: ALOKE ROYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 348 Title: MANIK BANDOPADHYAY: NIRANTAR MANUSH Author: DEBES ROYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 349 Title: SATYAJIT, RITWIK, MRINAL O ANYANYA. Author: DHEEMAN DASGUPTA Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 350 Title: BANGLA BIDYACHARCHA : UNISH SATAK Author:NANDITA BASUPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 351 Title:BISH SATAKER BANGLA SISHUSAHITYA. Author: MANJARAITA CHAKRABORTYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 352 Title: SAMAGRA MANIK : DWANDWER DUI MUKH. Author: JUGANTAR CHAKRABORTY Publisher:EBANG MUSHAYERA 353 Title: UPANNYAS TATTWA : KICHU KOTHA. Author:RABIN PALPublisher:EBANG MUSHAYERA 354 Title: PRATIBAADER SAHITYA Author: SAILESHWAR GHOSHPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 355 Title: BANGLA PUNTHI CHARCHAR BHUMIKA Author: SATYABATI GIRIPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 356 Title:BANGLA GALPA O GALPAKAR. Author: SUBAL SAMANTA (ED)Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 357 Title:BANGLA KABITA : SHRISHTI O SHRASTA. Author: SUBAL SAMANTA (ED)Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 358 Title:SATYAJITER SAHITYA. Author: KSHETRA GUPTAPublisher: ABHIJAAN 359 Title: ARDHEKER KHONJE. Author: AMRITA SARKARPublisher: BAIBHASHIK 360 Title: PRABADMALA. Author: KALYANI DUTTAPublisher: THIMA 361 Title: BADAL SIRCAR : EBANG INDRAJIT THEKE THIRD THEATRE. Author: SHAMIK BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher: THIMA 362 Title: ASHARIRI ABHIDHAN : BHARATIYA BHOOTER SANDHANE Author: WRIKSUNDAR BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: DHANSINRI 363 Title: SURYA DIGHAL BARI. Author: ABU ISHAQUEPublisher:CHIRAYATA 364 Title: BANGLADESHER SAHITYA O SANSKRITI. Author:BISWAJIT GHOSHPublisher: BANGLADESH 365 Title: BANGLADESHER THEATRE . Author: NRIPENDRA SAHA ( ED)Publisher: BANGLADESH 366 Title: BANGLADESHER KABITA : SAMABAYI SWARATANTRAAuthor: RAFIQULLAH KHAN Publisher: BANGLADESH 367 Title: BANGLADESHER CHHOTOGALPER SHILPARUPAuthor: CHANCHALKUMAR BOSE Publisher: BANGLADESH 368 Title: BHASHA ANDOLONER DALILPATRA. Author: Steven L. Kaplan ed.Publisher:BANGLADESH 369 Title: JOAAR BHAATAI SHAAT - SOTTORAuthor:AMALENDU SENGUPTAPublisher:PEARL PUBLISHERS 370 Title: BUDDHIJIBIR NOTEBOI. Author: SUDHIR CHAKRABORTY (ED) Publisher: PUSTAK BIPANI 371 Title: RABINDRANATHER JIBANSMRITI Author: BARIDBARAN GHOSH(ED)Publisher: MITRA O GHOSH 372 Title: SAMASTA GALPA(1-2). Author: PREMENDRA MITRAPublisher: DEYS 373 Title: ALOUKIK GALPASAMAGRA. Author: SARADINDU BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher:ANANDA 374 Title: BYOMKESH SAMAGRA. Author: SARADINDU BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: ANANDA 375 Title: TEBHAGA ANDOLAN. Author: DHANANJAY ROY (ED)Publisher: ANANDA 376 Title: CRIME KAHINIR KALKRANTI. Author: SUKUMAR SENPublisher: ANANDA 377 Title: BISHAY: CHALACHHITRA. Author: SATYAJIT ROYPublisher: ANANDA 378 Department of Hindi 379 Title: SAMAKALIN PATRAKARITA MULYANKAN AUR MUDDE. Author: RAJKISHORPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 380 Title:TULANATMAK SAHITYA. Author: DR. NIRAJ SHARMAPublisher:ANAND PRAKASHAN 381 Title: LOKSAHITYA CHINTAN KE VIVIDH AAYAM. Author: RANJANA SHARMAPublisher:ANAND PRAKASHAN 382 Title: SAHITYA AUR BHASHA CHINTAN. Author: RANJANA SHARMAPublisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 383 Title: HINDI BHASHA AUR MAHAVIRPRASAD DIWEDI. Author: MADHU GAUTAMPublisher:LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 384 Title: SAMACHAR PATRON KI BHASHA Author: DR. MANIK MRIGESHPublisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 385 Title SANCHAR MADHYAM LEKHAN. Author: GAURISHANKAR RAINAPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 386 Title:ADHUNIK HINDI GADYA SAHITYA KA VIKAS AUR VISHLESHAN.Author:VIJAYMOHAN SINGH. Publisher: BHARTIYA GYANPITH 387 Title: HINDI BHASHA KA ITIHAS Author: BHOLANATH TIWARIPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 388 Title: RANGMANCH KI KAHANI:. Author: DEWENDRA RAJ ANKUR.Publisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 389 Title: EK SAU DALIT ATMAKATHAEN ITIHAS EWAM VISHLESHAN . Author: MOHANDAS NAIMISHARAYPublisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 390 Title: HINDI ALOCHANA KA SAIDDHANTIK ADHAR Author: KRISHNADATTA PALIVALPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 391 Title:DASAVEN DASHAK KE HINDI UPANYASON MEIN SAMPRADAYIK SAUHARDAuthor: MANJULA RANA Publisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 392 Title: HINDI BHASHA KI PARAMPRA PRAYOG AUR SAMBHAWANAEN Author: DAYANIDHI MISHRA. Publisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 393 Title:HINDI ALOCHANA ITIHAS AUR SIDDHANT. Author: YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGHPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 394 Title: PRAYOJANMULAK HINDI PRAYUKTI AUR ANUVAD. Author:DR. MADHAV SONTAKKEPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 395 Title: PRAKRITI AUR ANTAH PRAKRITI. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 396 Title: PARYWVARAN AUR SAMKALIN HINDI SAHITYA. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 397 Title: HINDI KA PARYWARNIYA SAHITYA. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 398 Title: VICHAR KA KAPDA. Author: ANUPAM MISHRPublisher:RAJKAMAL PRAKASHAN 399 Title: BHARTIYA SAHITYA. Author:DR. PRAKASH A.iPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 400 Title: ADHUNIK KAVITA KA PUNARPATH. Author: KARUNASHANKAR UPADHYAYPublisher: RADHAKRISHNA PRAKASHAN 401 Title: ADHUNIKTA AUR HINDI SAHITYA. Author:INDRANATH MADANPublisher:RAJKAMAL PRAKASHAN 402 Title: SAMAKALIN HINDI KAVITA. Author: VISHWANATHPRASAD TIWARIPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 403 Title: CHHAYAVAD : SAU SAL BAAD. Author: ED. P. RAVIPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 404 Title: HJINDI SAHITYA AUR ASMITA MULAK VIMARSH.Author:KIRAN TIWARI Publisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 405 Title: SAHITYA MEIN VIMARSH KE VIVIDH AYAMAuthor: ED. AJIT KUMAR DAS Publisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 406 Title:ADIKAL : PURANI HINDI. Author: DR. SURYAPRASAD DIXITPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 407 Title: BHASHA VIGYAN HINDI BHASHA AUR LIPI . Author: RAMKISHOR SHARMAPublisher:LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN