
Tender For Supply Of Academic Books For The Central Library Of Bethune College, kolkata-West Bengal

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Supply Of Academic Books For The Central Library Of Bethune College. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-12-2024. Book Supply Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Supply Of Academic Books For The Central Library Of Bethune College
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Academic Books For The Central Library Of Bethune College-- 1 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 2 Title: Communalism in Modern India. Author: Bipan Chandra Publisher: HarAnand Publications Pvt.Ltd. 3 Title: The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India. Author:Gyanendra Pandey Publisher: Oxford India Perennials 4 Title: Communal Riots in Bengal. Author: Suranjan Das Publisher:Oxford India Paperbacks 5 Title: Communalism from Indian Perspectiv Author: Sarajit Kumar Chatterjee Publisher: Concept Publishing Company 6 Title: The Kashmir Dispute 1947-2012 Author: A.G. Noorani Publisher: Tulika Books 7 Title: Independence and Partition. Author: Sucheta Mahajan Publisher: Sage Publications Pvt. Limited 8 Title: The Egyptians: An Introduction. Author: Robert G. Morkot Publisher: Routledge 9 Title: The Holocaust of Indian Partition, An Inquest. Author: Madhav Publisher: Rupa Publications India 10 Title: The Politics of India Since Independence. Author: Paul R. Brass Publisher: CambridgeUniversity Press 11 Title: Integration of the Indian States. Author: V.P Menon Publisher: Orient Blackswan 12 Title: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. Author: John Storey Publisher: Pearson 13 Title: Popular Culture. Author: Abin Chakraborty Publisher: Orient Blackswan 14 Title: Of The People: Essays on Indian Popular Culture. Author: Biswarup Sen Publisher: nan 15 Title: Narratives of Indian Cinema. Author: Edited by Manju Jain Publisher: Primus 16 Title: Popular Culture: Schooling and Every . Author: Henry Giroux Publisher: ABC-Clio LLC 17 Title: Connecting Through Culture. Author: Vinay Sahasrabuddhe & Sachchidananda Joshi Publisher: Wisdom Tree 18 Title: Teaching. Author: Edited by David Buckingham Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd. 19 Title: Understanding Popular Culture. Author: Steven L. Kaplan ed. Publisher: De Gruyter 20 Title: Banlar Jatra Natak. Author: Brojendrokumar Dey Publisher: Dishari Prakashani 21 Title: Fingerprinting Popular Culture. Author: Vinay Lal and Ashis Nandy Publisher: Oxford India Paperbacks 22 Title: Makers of Modern Dalit History. Author: Sudarshan Ramabadran & 1 Publisher: Penguin Random House India 23 Title: India from Curzon to Nehru and After. Author: Durga Das Publisher: Rupa& Company 24 Title: Makers of Modern India. Author: Ramchandra Guha Publisher: Penguin India 25 Title: World Politics since 1945. Author: PeterCalvocoressi Publisher: Taylor & Francis 26 PG DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 27 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy. Publisher: CUP 28 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy. Publisher: CUP 29 Title: The Perishable Empire by Meenakshi Mukherjee. Publisher: OUP 30 Title: Imaginary Homelands by Salman Rushdie. Publisher: Granta 31 Title: Study Writing: A course in writing skills for academic purposes by Liz Hamp-Lyons & Ben Heasley. Publisher: CUP 32 Title: A Course in Academic Writing by Renu Gupta. Publisher: Orient BlackSwan 33 Title: An Introduction to English Language Teaching by Jaydeep Sarangi. Publisher: Saha Book HousePublisher: Orient BlackSwan 34 Title: Teaching and Learning English: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Teacher Trainers- M.L. Tickoo. Publisher: Orient Longman 35 Title: English Language Teaching : Approaches, Methods, Techniques by Geetha Nagaraj. Publisher: Orient Blackswan 36 Title: From Puritanism to Postmodernism by Malcolm Bradbury & Richard Ruland. Publisher: Penguin 37 Title: The Golden Treasury (Palgrave). Publisher: Classics Library 38 Title: Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Publisher: Signet Classics 39 Title: A Critical History of English Poetry by H.J.C Grierson. Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic India 40 Title: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 9th edition. Publisher: MLA 41 Title: The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Publisher: CUP 42 Title: Harper Lee “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Publisher: Harper Collins 43 Title: Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Biographia Literaria”. Publisher: Norton 44 DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 45 Title: Naribaad . Author: Rajashree BasuPublisher: West Bengal State Book Board 46 Title: Paschatya Darsaner Prathamik Bislesan. Author: Samarendra Bhattacharya and Sisir Ranjan Bhattacharya Publisher: Book Sindicate Private Limited 47 Title: Paribesh o Naitikata. Author: Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty Publisher: West Bengal State Book Board 48 Title: Shanti o Sangharsha Samadhaner Darshan . Author: Raspati Mondal Publisher: Sanskrit Book Depo 49 Title: Manab Adhikarer Darshan . Author: Aayesha Dutta Publisher: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar 50 Title: Nitishastra. Author: Dikshit Gupta Publisher: Poshcimbongo Rajjo Pustok Porshod 51 Title: Manabadhikar Porichay. Author: Sekh Tabarak Ali and Afrin Akhter Publisher: Maity Publication 52 Title: Manabadhikar ki ebong keno. Author: Benulal Dhar Publisher: Progressive Publishers 53 Title: Hume-r Enquiry. Author: Samarendra Bhattacharya Publisher: Book Sindicate Pvt. Ltd. 54 Title: Phalita Nitishastra -1st Part. Author: Dr.Santosh kumar Paul Publisher: Levant Books 55 Title: Niti o Nyajyata. Author: Amartya Sen Publisher: Ananda Publishers 56 Title: Byanbhaharik Nitibidya. Author: Samarendra bhattacharya Publisher: Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. 57 Title: Naitikata o Naribad. Author: Shefali Moitra Publisher: New Age Publishers Private Ltd 58 Title: The Idea of Justice. Author: Amatya Sen Publisher: Penguin Books 59 Title: Social and Political Philosophy. Author: O.P.Gauba Publisher: National Peperbacks 60 Title: Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. Author: Charles Webel and Johan Galtung Publisher: Routledge Yaylor and Francis Group 61 Title: Jukti Baigyanik Paddhoti. Author: Ramaprasad Das Publisher: Calcutta University 62 Title: Symbolic Logic. Author: I M Copi Publisher: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 63 Title: Introduction to Logic. Author: P Suppes Publisher: Litton Educational Publishing 64 Title: Sabda Jigyasa. Author: R P Das Publisher: Aananda Publishers 65 Title: Peace by Peaceful Means-Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. Author: Johan Galtung Publisher: Sage Publications 66 Title: Classical Indian Ethica Thought. Author: Kedar Nath Tiwari Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 67 Title: Bharatiya Darsaner Ruprekha - Bengali Translation of Outlines of Indian Philosophy - M.Hiriyanna. Author: Dr. Srikanta Samanta Publisher: Suhrid Publication 68 Title: Darshan Diganta Semester-2. Author: Atashi Mallick Mondal Publisher: Suhrid Publication 69 Title: A Theory of Justice. Author: John Rawls Publisher: Belknap Press 70 Title: Political Theory . Author: D. C. Bhattacharya Publisher: Vijoya Publishing House PVT LTD 71 Title: Introduction to Philosophy. Author: J .N. Sinha Publisher: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 72 PG DEPARTMENT OF MATHAMATICS 73 Title: Classical Mechanics . Author: Gupta and SharmaPublisher: Pragati 74 Title: Python Programming. Author: Reema Thareja Publisher: Oxford University Press 75 Title: Python for Everyone. Author: Saurabh Chandrakar; Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure Publisher: BPB publications 76 Title: Let us Python. Author: Yashwant Kanetkar; Aditya Kanetkar Publisher: BPB publications 77 Title: Core python programming. Author: Dr. R. Nageswara Rao Publisher: Dreamtech Press 78 Title: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2nd edition . Author: P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, S. R. Nagpal Publisher: Cambridge University press 79 Title: Foundation of Complex Analysis . Author: S . Ponnusamy Publisher: Narosa 80 Title: Functional Analysis . Author: S. Kesavan Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 81 Title: Measure and Integration . Author: S. Kesavan Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 82 Title: Algebraic Geometry for Beginners . Author: C. Musili Publisher: Hindustan Book Agency 83 Title: Mathematical Models In Biology & Medicine. Author:J Kapur Publisher: affiliated 84 Title: Bio - Mathematics: For B.Tech/ B.Sc. Author:Dr. Praveen Kumar Mathur (Author), Dr. Mohit Saxena Publisher: Adhyyan Books 85 POL SC. BOOK LIST 86 Title: Feminisms. Author: Arpita Mukhopadhyay Publisher: Orient Blackswan 87 Title: Governance: issues and challenges. Author: Shivani Singh Publisher: SAGETexts 88 Title: Governance: Isuues and Challenges. Author: Abhay Prasad Singh & krishna Murari Publisher: Pearson 89 Title: Legal studies in India. Author: Ed. Namrata Kothari Publisher: Avenel Press 90 Title: Agrarian struggles in India after Independence . Author: Ed. A.Desai Publisher: OUP 91 Title: Power Matters. Author: Ed. J Harris Publisher: OUP 92 Title: Development process & social movt. in cont.India. Author: Haridwar Shukla Publisher: Mahaveer Publications 93 Title: Understanding Political Theory. Author: Haridwar Shukla Publisher: Mahaveer Publications 94 Title: Development process & social movt. in cont.India. Author: Abhay Prasad Singh Publisher: Pinnacle Learning 95 Title: Political Theory . Author: R C Agarwal Publisher: S.Chand 96 Title: রাজনৈতিক তত্ত্ব : দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি ও বিতর্ক . Author: গৌতম মুখোপাধ্যায় Publisher: সেতু প্রকাশনী 97 Title: নারীবাদ. Author: রাজশ্রী বসু Publisher:west bengal state book board 98 Title: তুলনামূলক রাজনীতির পরিচয়. Author: অমিতাভ রায় Publisher: পশ্চিম বঙ্গ রাজ্য পুস্তক পর্ষদ 99 Title: ভারতীয় রাজনীতির প্রমুখ দিকগুলি . Author: শিবাজী প্রতিম বসু Publisher: পশ্চিম বঙ্গ রাজ্য পুস্তক পর্ষদ 100 Title: সমাজতত্ত্ব . Author: পরিমল ভূষণ করPublisher: দে বুক স্টোর 101 Title: Social movements in India . Author: Ghanshyam Shah Publisher: Sage publications 102 Title: Political Sociology . Author: Ed. Pradip Basu Publisher: setu publications 103 Title: Public admn. : From Government to Governance . Author: Bidyut ChakrabortyPublisher: Orient Blackswan 104 Title: Legislative practices and Procedures. Author: Gautam MukhopadhyayPublisher: Setu publications 105 Title: Constitutional values and fundamental duties . Author: Gautam MukhopadhyayPublisher: setu publications 106 Title: ভারতের আইন ব্যবস্থা . Author: গৌতম মুখোপাধ্যায় Publisher: সেতু প্রকাশনী 107 Title: western political thought . Author: Deepan Das Publisher: concept pub com ltd 108 Title: Indian public administration: Insti. and issues. Author: R.K . Arora and Goyal Publisher: New Age Intl. Publishers 109 Title: Global Politics: Issues and perspectives . Author: Nirmal Jindal,Kumar Publisher: Sage publications 110 DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS 111 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 112 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 113 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 114 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 115 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 116 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 117 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 118 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 119 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 120 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 121 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 122 Title: Multiple Regression and Causal Analysis. Author: McKee J. McClendonPublisher: Waveland Press 123 Title: Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics.Author: Rosner, Gary L; Laud, Purushottam W. and Johnson, Wesley O Publisher: Chapman & Hall 124 Title: State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis. Author: Jose Casals, Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux, et al. Publisher: CRC Press 125 Title: The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction. Author: Chris ChatfieldPublisher: Chapman & Hall 126 Title: The Statistical Analysis of Time Series Paperback. Author: T. W. AndersonPublisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 127 Title: Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series. Author: Ulf GrenanderPublisher: American Mathematical Society 128 Title: Effect Size for ANOVA Designs Paperback. Author: Jose M. CortinaPublisher: SAGE Publications Inc 129 Title: Design and Analysis of Experiments. Author: Douglas C. MontgomeryPublisher: Wiley 130 Title: ANOVA and Mixed Models. Author:Lukas MeierPublisher: CRC Press 131 Title: Analysis of Variance, Experimental Design, and Multivariate ANOVA. Author: Dawn IacobucciPublisher: CRC Press 132 Title: Statistical Design . Author: George CasellaPublisher: Springer 133 Title: ANOVA and ANCOVA: A GLM Approach. Author: Andrew RutherfordPublisher: Wiley 134 Title: Statistical Design and Analysis of Stability Studies. Author: Shein-Chung ChowPublisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC 135 Title: Sampling: Design and Analysis . Author: Sharon L. LohrPublisher: Chapman & Hall 136 Title: Sample Survey Methods and Theory Paperback.Author: Morris H. Hansen, William N. Hurwitz, William G. Madow Publisher: Wiley-Interscience 137 Title: Theory Sample Surveys and Statistical Decisions. Author: K.S.Kushwaha & Rajesh KumarPublisher: New India Publishing Agency 138 Title: Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text. Author: David G. KleinbaumPublisher: Springer 139 Title: Survival Analysis: . Author: Rupert G. Miller J. Publisher: Wiley 140 Title: Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis.Author: P. G. Dixit andSandesh Kurade Publisher: Nirali Prakashan 141 Title: Survival Models and Data Analysis. Author: Elandt-Johnson and JohnsonPublisher: Wiley India 142 Title: Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data. Author: John P. Klein and Melvin L. MoeschbergerPublisher: Springer-Verlag 143 Title: Survival Analysis.Author: H J Vaman and Prabhanjan Tattar Publisher: CRC Press 144 Title: Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction . Author: Douglas C. MontgomeryPublisher: Wiley 145 Title: Statistical Quality Control & Quality Management. Author: R.C.GuptaPublisher: Khanna Publishers 146 Title: Statistical Quality Control. Author: Mahajan MPublisher: Dhanpat Rai & Co. 147 Title: Statistical Process Control For Quality Improvement- The Deming Paradigm and Beyond.Author: J. Koronacki and J.R. ThompsonPublisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC 148 Title: Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control. Author: Walter A. ShewhartPublisher: Dover Publications Inc. 149 Title: Exploratory Data Analysis Author: Tukey, J.W.Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co 150 Title: Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications. Author: Parzen,E Publisher: John Wiley 151 Title: An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in Python . Author: James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibhsirani, R., and Taylor,J. Publisher: Springer 152 Title: Math for Deep Learning: What You Need to Know to Understand Neural Networks.Author: Kneusel, R.T.Publisher: No Stratch Press 153 Title: Statistical Image Processing Techniques for Noisy Images: An Application-Oriented Approach.Author: Refregier, P., Goudail,F. Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 154 Department of Botany 155 Title: EconomicBotanyin Tropics 2012Author: Koclili:ir, S.l.. Publisher: MacMillan& Co.New Delhi 156 Title: Jha, T.B. & Gliosli, 13.2003Author: IlaiztTissueL ultrirc Publisher: Uni varsitiesIrcss 157 Title: Singh. D. &Manivannan,S.2009. Author: GeneticResorwcesof Horticultural Crops Publisher: InternationalBookDistributing Co 158 Title: DevelopmentalBiolOgy ofFlowering Plants2000 Author: Raghavan Publisher: Springer 159 Title: DevelopmentalGenetics andPlant Evolution. Author: Quentin C.B. Cronk, RichardM. Bateman, Julie Hawkins (2002) — Publisher: CRCPress 160 Title: Plant Physiology and Developmen. Author: LincolnTaiz,EduardoZeiger. et al. Publisher: Sinaur Oxford UniversityPress 161 Title: Plant Systematics Theory and Practice. Author: GurcharanSingh Publisher: CRCpress (Taylor and Francis group) 162 Title: Plant Anatomy. Author: Piyush Roy Publisher: New CentralBookAsency 163 Title: Cell Biology Genetics andMolecular Biology Ed 2. Author: DipakKr KarSome Haldcr Publisher: NewCentral Book Agency 164 Title: Plant Tissue Culture. Author: KalyanKumar De Publisher: New Central Book Agency 165 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 166 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 167 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 168 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 169 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 170 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 171 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 172 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 173 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 174 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 175 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 176 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 177 Department ofPhysics 178 Title: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Using R. Author: Dabas PreetiPublisher: SultanChand & Sons 179 Title: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 180 Title: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Author: Gupta SC & Kapoor VKPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 181 Title: Problems & Solutions in Mathematical Statistics. Author: Gupta SC, Gupta Vikas & Gupta Sanjeev KumarPublisher: Sultan Chand & Sons 182 Title: Probability Theory: an Advanced Course (paperback). Author: Borkar V.S.Publisher: Springer 183 Title: A Second Course in Probability (Paperback). Author: Sheldon M. Ross and Erol A. PeközPublisher: Cambridge University Press 184 Title: Probability Theory Paperback. Author: SinaiPublisher: Springer-Verlag 185 Title: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.Author: Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, et al. Publisher: Wiley 186 Title: Understanding Regression Analysis (paperback). Author: Andrea L. Arias and Peter H. WestfallPublisher: CRC Press 187 Title: Logistic Regression: A Self-Learning Text. Author: Kleinbaum D.G.Publisher: Springer 188 Title: Statistical Learning from A Regression Perspective . Author: Richard A. BerkPublisher: Springer 189 Title: Multiple Regression and Causal Analysis. Author: McKee J. McClendonPublisher: Waveland Press 190 Title: Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics.Author: Rosner, Gary L; Laud, Purushottam W. and Johnson, Wesley O Publisher: Chapman & Hall 191 Library requisition 192 Title: Computer graghics(multimedia &lamination). Author:Malay K.Pakhira Publisher: PHI 193 Title: Quantum Mechanics. Author: S.P Singh M.K Bagde Publisher: S.Chand 194 Title: Statistical Mechanics. Author: R.K.Pathria PaulD.Beale Publisher: B-H 195 Title: Classical Mechanics. Author: Gupta,Kumar Sharma Publisher: Pragati pravashan 196 Title: Cognitive Psychology. Author: Robert L.Solso Publisher: Pearson 197 Title: Organizational Behaviour. Author: Fred Luthans Publisher: Megraw-Hill 198 Title: Psychological Psychology. Author: Simon Green Publisher: Poutledge & Keegam-Paul 199 Title: The Human Nervous System. Author: Noback Publisher: Megraw-Hill 200 Title: Psychology. Author: Hockenbury,Hocken bury Publisher: Worth Publisher 201 Title: The Demand For Money:Theories & evidence. Author: David E.W.Laidler Publisher: Allied Publishers 202 Title: Contemporary Issues in Globalization. Author: Soumyen Sixdar Publisher: Oxford 203 Title: Development policies,Problems and Institute.Author: Debes MukherjeePublisher: Central Book Agency 204 Title: Economics Theory and Operation analysis. Author: Willam J.Baumol Publisher: PHI 205 Title: Systems &Theories in Psychology. Author: Melvin H.marx Willam A.Gronam-Hillix Publisher: Megraw-Hill 206 Title: Microeconomics. Author: Robert Pindyek Daniel Rubinfeld Publisher: Pearson 207 Title: An Introduction to Electro Chemistry. Author: Samuel Glasstone Publisher: East-west Press 208 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: I.L Finar Publisher: Pearson 209 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: nan Publisher: nan 210 Title: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Author: Thomas Engel Publisher: Pearson 211 Title: Neurobiology. Author: Gordon M.Shephered Publisher: OUP 212 Title: Introduction to General Zoology. Author: Chaki,Kundu,Sarkar Publisher: New Central Book Agency 213 Title: Social Psychology. Author: Arun Kumar Sigh Publisher: PHI 214 Title: Fundamental Statistics in Psychology Education. Author: Guilford & Fruchter Publisher: Mcgrant hill Intrio education 215 Title: Plant Breeding Biometry. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 216 Title: Cell Biology Genetics. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 217 Title: A TEXT BOOK OF BOTANY. Author: Hait,Bhattacharya,Ghosh Publisher: New Central Book Agency 218 Title: Title: Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 23rded .4 vol.Publisher: OCLC 219 Department of Computer Science 220 Title: Computer graghics(multimedia &lamination). Author:Malay K.Pakhira Publisher: PHI 221 Title: Quantum Mechanics. Author: S.P Singh M.K Bagde Publisher: S.Chand 222 Title: Statistical Mechanics. Author: R.K.Pathria PaulD.Beale Publisher: B-H 223 Title: Classical Mechanics. Author: Gupta,Kumar Sharma Publisher: Pragati pravashan 224 Title: Cognitive Psychology. Author: Robert L.Solso Publisher: Pearson 225 Title: Organizational Behaviour. Author: Fred Luthans Publisher: Megraw-Hill 226 Title: Psychological Psychology. Author: Simon Green Publisher: Poutledge & Keegam-Paul 227 Title: The Human Nervous System. Author: Noback Publisher: Megraw-Hill 228 Title: Psychology. Author: Hockenbury,Hocken bury Publisher: Worth Publisher 229 Title: The Demand For Money:Theories & evidence. Author: David E.W.Laidler Publisher: Allied Publishers 230 Title: Contemporary Issues in Globalization. Author: Soumyen Sixdar Publisher: Oxford 231 Title: Development policies,Problems and Institute.Author: Debes MukherjeePublisher: Central Book Agency 232 Title: Economics Theory and Operation analysis. Author: Willam J.Baumol Publisher: PHI 233 Title: Systems &Theories in Psychology. Author: Melvin H.marx Willam A.Gronam-Hillix Publisher: Megraw-Hill 234 Title: Microeconomics. Author: Robert Pindyek Daniel Rubinfeld Publisher: Pearson 235 Title: An Introduction to Electro Chemistry. Author: Samuel Glasstone Publisher: East-west Press 236 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: I.L Finar Publisher: Pearson 237 Title: Organic Chemistry. Author: nan Publisher: nan 238 Title: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy. Author: Thomas Engel Publisher: Pearson 239 Title: Neurobiology. Author: Gordon M.Shephered Publisher: OUP 240 Title: Introduction to General Zoology. Author: Chaki,Kundu,Sarkar Publisher: New Central Book Agency 241 Title: Social Psychology. Author: Arun Kumar Sigh Publisher: PHI 242 Title: Fundamental Statistics in Psychology Education. Author: Guilford & Fruchter Publisher: Mcgrant hill Intrio education 243 Title: Plant Breeding Biometry. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 244 Title: Cell Biology Genetics. Author: Dipak Kr.Kar Soma Halder Publisher: New Central Book Agency 245 Title: A TEXT BOOK OF BOTANY. Author: Hait,Bhattacharya,Ghosh Publisher: New Central Book Agency 246 Department ofzoology 247 Title:Genetics and Genomics in MedicineAuthor:Ronald Cohn et al., Thompson Publisher:Thompson, Elsevier 248 Title:Human Molecular Genetics. Author:Stachan TGS (5 th edition)Publisher: 249 Title: An Introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis. Author: MC Mills et al.Publisher: 250 Title:Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish. AuthorDavid Alberton Publisher: 251 Title: Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment. Author: P. Kumar and U. Mina, Pathfinder publication, 4th edition Publisher: 252 Title: Environmental Science. Author:Botkin and Keller, Willey Publication, 8th editionPublisher: 253 Title: Environmental Science Author:G. Tyler Miller and SE Spoolman, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.16th editionPublisher: 254 Title:A concise textbook on Practical Zoology (04, four copies required). Author:Som DK et al.Rainbow publishersPublisher: 255 Department of Library 256 Title:Prosongo Manobibidya Author: Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 257 Title:Nari Prithibi Bohushor. Author:Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 258 Title: Nari prithibi bohuswar. Author: Basabi Chakraborty.Publisher: 259 Title:Womens Studies Various Aspects. AuthorBasabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 260 Title: Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment. Author:Publisher: 261 Title:NTA UGC NET WOMENS STUDIES.Author: Publisher:ramesh publishing house 262 Title:Gender Justice and feminist jurisprudence Author Ishita ChatterjeePublisher:central law publications 263 Title:womens Studies and womens movement in India. Author:Kusum DattaPublisher:The asiatic society 264 Title: women and law.paperback editionAuthor:Upasana Borah Publisher:Notionpress.com 265 Title: Gender Trouble. Author:Judith ButlerPublisher:routledge 266 Department of Psychology 267 Title:Miltenberger, R.G.(May 12th 2011) Behaviour Modification: Principles and Procedures. Wadsworth Publishing CompanyAuthor:Publisher: 268 Title:Bar-On, R., & Parker, J.D.A.(Eds.) (2000). The handbook of emotional intelligence. San Francisco, California: Jossey Bros.Author:Basabi ChakrabortyPublisher: 269 Title:Carr, A. (2004). Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human strength.UK: RoutledgeAuthor:Publisher: 270 Title:Peterson, C. (2006). A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.AuthorPublisher: 271 Title: Goldberger, I. &Breznitz,S.(1986). Handbook of Stress: Theoretical and Clinical Aspect. The Free Press Collier MacMillan Publishers. London.Author:Publisher: 272 Title:Seligman, M.E.P. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. New York: Free Press/Simon and SchusterAuthor:Publisher: 273 Department of Bengali 274 Title:KOBOR . Author: MUNIER CHOUDHURYPublisher:KAMALINI 275 Title: BANGLADESHER KOBITA. Author: SAJJAD SHARIF AND RANAJIT DAS (ED)Publisher: KAMALINI 276 Title: THE BOOK MAKERS.A HISTORY OF THE BOOK IN EIGHTEEN REMARKABLE LIVE Author:ADAM SMYTHPublisher: PENGUIN 277 Title: PATHER DESHKAL. Author: SWAPAN CHAKRAVORTYPublisher:ABABHAS 278 Title: RABIJIBANI (10TH VOLUME). Author: PRASANTA KUMAR PALPublisher: ANANDA 279 Title:SOBUJ DWIPER RAJA. Author: SUNIL GANGOPADHYAYPublisher: ANANDA 280 Title:PATHER DESHKAL. KOYEKTI POTHON Author: ANIRUDDHA CHAKRABARTIPublisher: ANUSTUP 281 Title: MUDRONER SANSKRITI. Author: SWAPAN CHAKRAVORTYPublisher: ABABHAS 282 Title: BHASKAR CHAKRABARY KOBITA SOMOGRO (VOL. 1 AND 2)Author: Publisher:DEYS 283 Title: 200 BOCHORE MARX. Author:SOBHANLAL DUTTAGUPTAPublisher:ANANDA 284 Title: ONUBADER TOTTO, ONUBADOKER MON. Author:SUMITA CHAKRABARTIPublisher:ASHADEEP 285 Title: ALIBABAR GUPTOBHANDAR. Author: SIBAJI BANDHOPADHYAYPublisher: EKALAVYA 286 Title: BIRENDRA CHATTOPADHYAY SRESTHO KOBITA. Author: Publisher: DEY’S 287 Title: CINEMAPARA DIYE (2 VOLUMES).Author:TARUN MAJUMDAR Publisher: DEY’S 288 Title: SANKHA GHOSH KOBITA SOMOGRO (4TH VOLUME)Author: Publisher: DEY’S 289 Title: JATIYOTABADER SOTYI-MITHYE. Author:PARTHA CHATTERJEEPublisher: ANUSTUP 290 Title: EBAR KOTHA PRANE PRANE. Author: AMITA CHATTERJEEPublisher: EKALAVYA 291 Title: GREEK NATOK SONGROHO. Author:SISIR DASPublisher:DEY’S 292 Title: BANGLA SAHITTYER ITIHAS. Author: ANISUJJAMAN (ED)Publisher: BANGLA ACADEMY, DHAKA 293 Title:ALOKRANJAN GODDYO SOMOGRO (2ND VOLUME)Author: Publisher: PRATIVAS 294 Title:UTPAL DUTTA GODDYO SOMOGRO (2ND VOLUME). Author: Chaki,Kundu,SarkarPublisher: PRATIVAS 295 Title: TARASHANKAR JIBANI (1ST VOLUME),.Author:DEBASHIS MUKHOPADHYAY Publisher: SETU 296 Title: Satovisha sangkalan. Author: Publisher:wriddhi 297 Title:Purashree.Author: Satyajit Roy Publisher: Calcutta Municipal Corporation 298 Title: ADHUNIKATA O RABINDRANATH. Author: Bipan ChandraABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 299 Title: CHITRITO PADME. Author:ARUN NAGPublisher: DEYS 300 Title: SARATCHANDRA : PUNARBICHAR Author: ARUNKUMAR MUKHOPADHYAYPublisher: DEYS 301 Title: MANIK BANDYOPADHYAY: JIBANDRISHTI O SHILPARITIAuthor:GOPIKANATH ROY CHOWDHURYPublisher:DEYS 302 Title: TARASHANKAR : NIRANTAR DESH Author: DEBES ROYPublisher: DEYS 303 Title: BANKIM YUG Author: PURNENDU PATRIPublisher: DEYS 304 Title: BABUBRITTANTA O PRASANGIK. Author: SAMAR SENPublisher: DEYS 305 Title: MANCHA-CHITRER BRITTANTA PARAMPARA. Author:SUMAN MUKHOPADHYAY Publisher:DEYS 306 Title: KATHASHILPI SATYAJIT : PRATIBHA O. Author: SURAVI BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: DEYS 307 Title: BISHAY : BIGYAPAN. Author: RANGAN CHAKRABORTYPublisher: DEYS 308 Title: CHALACHHITRA MANUSH EBANG ARO KICHUAuthor: RITWIKKUMAR GHATAKPublisher: DEYS 309 Title:PANTHAJANER SAKHA. Author: ABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 310 Title: BYAKTIGATA O NAIBYAKTIK. Author: ABU SYED AYUBPublisher: DEYS 311 Title: AATHERO SHATAKER BANGLA GADYA.O UPANIBESHER SAMAJAuthor:DEBES ROYPublisher: Primus 312 Title: BASTUBADI BAUL . Author: SHAKTINATH JHAPublisher: DEYS 313 Title: BANGLASAHITYE KRISHNAKATHAR KROMOBIKASHAuthor: SATYABATI GIRI Publisher: DEYS 314 Title:DWISATABARSHE BANGLA SAMBADPATRAAuthor: SWAPAN BASU(ED)Publisher: DEYS . 315 Title: UNISH SATAKER BANGLA CHHAPAKHANA. Author: ASISH KHASTAGIR.Publisher:DEYS 316 Title: SRICHAITANYER ANTARDHAN RAHASHYAAuthor: MALIBURO Publisher :DEYS 317 Title: METROPOLITAN MON : MODDHYOBITTO. Author: BINOY GHOSH Publisher: ORIENT BLACKSWAN 318 Title: BANGLA BHASHAR BYAKARAN O TAAR KROMOBIKASH . Author: KROMOBIKASHPublisher: PUSTAK BIPANI 319 Title: UPABHASHA CHARCHAR BHUMIKA. Author:MANIRUJJAMANPublisher: BANGLADESH 320 Title: BANGLA BHASHAR ITIBRITTO. Author: MUHAMMAD SHAHIDULLAHPublisher: BANGLADESH 321 Title: HRIDAYER SHABDAHEEN JYOSTNAAR BHITORAuthor: BUDDHADEB BHATTACHARYA Publisher: DEYS 322 Title: BANGE SUFI PRABHAB Author: KSHITIMOHAN SENPublisher: BANGLADESH 323 Title: BANGLAR BAUL. Author:KSHITIMOHAN SENPublisher: VISWABHARATI 324 Title: BANGLAR BAUL : KABYA O DARSHAN. Author:SOMENDRANATHPublisher: VISWABHARATI 325 Title: DURER MADOLAuthor: ABDUL KAFIPublisher: TRITIYA PARISHAR 326 Title: AMALIN SHOLOK Author: ABDUL KAFIPublisher: TRITIYA PARISHAR 327 Title: BANGLA UPANYASE YUBASAMAJ. Author: URMI ROY CHOWDHURY Publisher: BANGIYA SAHITYA 328 Title: UTTAL CHALLISH : ASAMAPTA BIPLAB. Author: AMALENDU SENGUPTA Publisher: PRATIBHAS 329 Title: GALPA O TAAR GORU Author: ARUN NAGPublisher: THIMA 330 Title: GANAYUGER DINPANJI. Author: ARUPKUMAR DASPublisher: PROGRESSIVE 331 Title:SHAAT O SOTTOR DASHAKER RAJNITIR PREKKHAPOTEY Author: ARUPKUMAR DASPublisher: KARUNA 332 Title: NAKSHALBADI ANDOLAN O BANGLA SAHITYA. Author: NIRMAL GHOSHPublisher:KARUNA 333 Title: BANGLA RAJNAITIK UPANYASER KOEKTI PORJAAI Author: BISWABANDHU BHATTACHARYA Publisher:MANISHA 334 Title: EKALER GADYA PADYA ANDOLANER DALIL Author: SATYA GUHAPublisher: DHRITI 335 Title: DESHBHAG : SMRITI AAR SOTTA. Author: SANDIP BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher: PROGRESSIVE 336 Title: RANAKSHETRA RAJPATH . Author: SANDIP BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: ANUSTUP 337 Title: UTTAR PRAJANMER KHONJ (1-3).Author: MANAN KUMAR MONDAL Publisher: NSOU 338 Title: DALIT NANDANTATTWAAuthor:SARANKUMAR LIMBALEY Publisher:TRITIYA PARISHAR 339 Title: DANGA, DESHBHAG O UDBASHTU SAMAY. Author: SMRIDUL HAQUE(ED)Publisher: MANDAAS 340 Title: ABRAHMAN PUROHITAuthor: SUSHIL KUMAR BARMAN Publisher: MANDAAS 341 Title: RAJA RAMMOHAN ROY. Author: SOUMENDRANATH TAGORE Publisher: MANDAAS 342 Title: CAPTAIN SPARKDER DIARY. Author: JOY AICHBHOWMICKPublisher: MANDAAS 343 Title: BIGYAPANEY BANGALI Author:YASHODHARA GUPTAPublisher:KHASRAKHATA 344 Title:BOIPORA BOIPARA. Author: ARUN SENPublisher: PRATIKKHON 345 Title:HARAF BICHAR :BANGALA TYPE O CASE Publisher: BODHSHABDAAuthor: ARUN SEN 346 Title: ASHRUTA KONTHOSWAR Author: SUMANTA BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: EKALABYA 347 Title: BANKIM- MANISHA. Author: ALOKE ROYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 348 Title: MANIK BANDOPADHYAY: NIRANTAR MANUSH Author: DEBES ROYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 349 Title: SATYAJIT, RITWIK, MRINAL O ANYANYA. Author: DHEEMAN DASGUPTA Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 350 Title: BANGLA BIDYACHARCHA : UNISH SATAK Author:NANDITA BASUPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 351 Title:BISH SATAKER BANGLA SISHUSAHITYA. Author: MANJARAITA CHAKRABORTYPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 352 Title: SAMAGRA MANIK : DWANDWER DUI MUKH. Author: JUGANTAR CHAKRABORTY Publisher:EBANG MUSHAYERA 353 Title: UPANNYAS TATTWA : KICHU KOTHA. Author:RABIN PALPublisher:EBANG MUSHAYERA 354 Title: PRATIBAADER SAHITYA Author: SAILESHWAR GHOSHPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 355 Title: BANGLA PUNTHI CHARCHAR BHUMIKA Author: SATYABATI GIRIPublisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 356 Title:BANGLA GALPA O GALPAKAR. Author: SUBAL SAMANTA (ED)Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 357 Title:BANGLA KABITA : SHRISHTI O SHRASTA. Author: SUBAL SAMANTA (ED)Publisher: EBANG MUSHAYERA 358 Title:SATYAJITER SAHITYA. Author: KSHETRA GUPTAPublisher: ABHIJAAN 359 Title: ARDHEKER KHONJE. Author: AMRITA SARKARPublisher: BAIBHASHIK 360 Title: PRABADMALA. Author: KALYANI DUTTAPublisher: THIMA 361 Title: BADAL SIRCAR : EBANG INDRAJIT THEKE THIRD THEATRE. Author: SHAMIK BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher: THIMA 362 Title: ASHARIRI ABHIDHAN : BHARATIYA BHOOTER SANDHANE Author: WRIKSUNDAR BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: DHANSINRI 363 Title: SURYA DIGHAL BARI. Author: ABU ISHAQUEPublisher:CHIRAYATA 364 Title: BANGLADESHER SAHITYA O SANSKRITI. Author:BISWAJIT GHOSHPublisher: BANGLADESH 365 Title: BANGLADESHER THEATRE . Author: NRIPENDRA SAHA ( ED)Publisher: BANGLADESH 366 Title: BANGLADESHER KABITA : SAMABAYI SWARATANTRAAuthor: RAFIQULLAH KHAN Publisher: BANGLADESH 367 Title: BANGLADESHER CHHOTOGALPER SHILPARUPAuthor: CHANCHALKUMAR BOSE Publisher: BANGLADESH 368 Title: BHASHA ANDOLONER DALILPATRA. Author: Steven L. Kaplan ed.Publisher:BANGLADESH 369 Title: JOAAR BHAATAI SHAAT - SOTTORAuthor:AMALENDU SENGUPTAPublisher:PEARL PUBLISHERS 370 Title: BUDDHIJIBIR NOTEBOI. Author: SUDHIR CHAKRABORTY (ED) Publisher: PUSTAK BIPANI 371 Title: RABINDRANATHER JIBANSMRITI Author: BARIDBARAN GHOSH(ED)Publisher: MITRA O GHOSH 372 Title: SAMASTA GALPA(1-2). Author: PREMENDRA MITRAPublisher: DEYS 373 Title: ALOUKIK GALPASAMAGRA. Author: SARADINDU BANDYOPADHYAY Publisher:ANANDA 374 Title: BYOMKESH SAMAGRA. Author: SARADINDU BANDYOPADHYAYPublisher: ANANDA 375 Title: TEBHAGA ANDOLAN. Author: DHANANJAY ROY (ED)Publisher: ANANDA 376 Title: CRIME KAHINIR KALKRANTI. Author: SUKUMAR SENPublisher: ANANDA 377 Title: BISHAY: CHALACHHITRA. Author: SATYAJIT ROYPublisher: ANANDA 378 Department of Hindi 379 Title: SAMAKALIN PATRAKARITA MULYANKAN AUR MUDDE. Author: RAJKISHORPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 380 Title:TULANATMAK SAHITYA. Author: DR. NIRAJ SHARMAPublisher:ANAND PRAKASHAN 381 Title: LOKSAHITYA CHINTAN KE VIVIDH AAYAM. Author: RANJANA SHARMAPublisher:ANAND PRAKASHAN 382 Title: SAHITYA AUR BHASHA CHINTAN. Author: RANJANA SHARMAPublisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 383 Title: HINDI BHASHA AUR MAHAVIRPRASAD DIWEDI. Author: MADHU GAUTAMPublisher:LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 384 Title: SAMACHAR PATRON KI BHASHA Author: DR. MANIK MRIGESHPublisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 385 Title SANCHAR MADHYAM LEKHAN. Author: GAURISHANKAR RAINAPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 386 Title:ADHUNIK HINDI GADYA SAHITYA KA VIKAS AUR VISHLESHAN.Author:VIJAYMOHAN SINGH. Publisher: BHARTIYA GYANPITH 387 Title: HINDI BHASHA KA ITIHAS Author: BHOLANATH TIWARIPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 388 Title: RANGMANCH KI KAHANI:. Author: DEWENDRA RAJ ANKUR.Publisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 389 Title: EK SAU DALIT ATMAKATHAEN ITIHAS EWAM VISHLESHAN . Author: MOHANDAS NAIMISHARAYPublisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 390 Title: HINDI ALOCHANA KA SAIDDHANTIK ADHAR Author: KRISHNADATTA PALIVALPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 391 Title:DASAVEN DASHAK KE HINDI UPANYASON MEIN SAMPRADAYIK SAUHARDAuthor: MANJULA RANA Publisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 392 Title: HINDI BHASHA KI PARAMPRA PRAYOG AUR SAMBHAWANAEN Author: DAYANIDHI MISHRA. Publisher:VANI PRAKASHAN 393 Title:HINDI ALOCHANA ITIHAS AUR SIDDHANT. Author: YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGHPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 394 Title: PRAYOJANMULAK HINDI PRAYUKTI AUR ANUVAD. Author:DR. MADHAV SONTAKKEPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 395 Title: PRAKRITI AUR ANTAH PRAKRITI. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 396 Title: PARYWVARAN AUR SAMKALIN HINDI SAHITYA. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 397 Title: HINDI KA PARYWARNIYA SAHITYA. Author: ED. PRABHAKAR HEBBAR ILLATPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 398 Title: VICHAR KA KAPDA. Author: ANUPAM MISHRPublisher:RAJKAMAL PRAKASHAN 399 Title: BHARTIYA SAHITYA. Author:DR. PRAKASH A.iPublisher: VANI PRAKASHAN 400 Title: ADHUNIK KAVITA KA PUNARPATH. Author: KARUNASHANKAR UPADHYAYPublisher: RADHAKRISHNA PRAKASHAN 401 Title: ADHUNIKTA AUR HINDI SAHITYA. Author:INDRANATH MADANPublisher:RAJKAMAL PRAKASHAN 402 Title: SAMAKALIN HINDI KAVITA. Author: VISHWANATHPRASAD TIWARIPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 403 Title: CHHAYAVAD : SAU SAL BAAD. Author: ED. P. RAVIPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 404 Title: HJINDI SAHITYA AUR ASMITA MULAK VIMARSH.Author:KIRAN TIWARI Publisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 405 Title: SAHITYA MEIN VIMARSH KE VIVIDH AYAMAuthor: ED. AJIT KUMAR DAS Publisher: ANAND PRAKASHAN 406 Title:ADIKAL : PURANI HINDI. Author: DR. SURYAPRASAD DIXITPublisher: LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN 407 Title: BHASHA VIGYAN HINDI BHASHA AUR LIPI . Author: RAMKISHOR SHARMAPublisher:LOKBHARTI PRAKASHAN

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