Tender For Provision Of Electric Supply And Connected Items At Ci (Mt And Plant) Under Age E/M-I Under Ge (C) Khadki.; 1 Excavating in trenches not exceeding 1.5m width andnot exc 1.5m in depthgetting out in hard rock complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 2 Excavating in trenches not exceeding 1.5m width andnot exc 1.5m in depthgetting out in soft / loose soil complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 3 Excavating in trenches exceeding 1.5m depth butnot exc 3m in depthgetting out in soft disintegrated rock for pole, foundation etc complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 4 Returning filling in including spreading levelling watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding25 cm thick using excavated soil complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge.. 5 Removal of surplus soft disintegrated rockto a distance not exceeding 50 mtr and depositing where directedby Engr-in-charge. 6 M&L for crushed stone grid for cushioning to under ground cable in trenches/existing cable trenches/ductsin layers of 8 cm deep before laying the cable and 15 cm deep after laying and stretching the cable complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge.Note:- Measurement shall be taken after gentling puning. 7 Supply and laying un-reinforced precast concrete cable coverHV type-I flat, size 300mm x 180mm x 40mm for under ground cable all as specified and directed. 8 Supply and lay PCC cable cover class LV type I flat size 250mm x150mmx40mm 9 M&L for cable route indicator of size200X200X300mm blockduly embossed 11KV for HT UG cable of 11000 volts 80mm dia CI plate marked on HT cable bolted with 40x5mm flat iron of hight 0.4mtr embedded in PCC M-10 grade (Nominal Mix) using 40 mm graded stone aggregate of size 200X200X300mm block complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 10 M&L cable XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armored, Earthed electric power cables (Heavy duty) with stranded aluminum conductor, 11000 volts grade, of size 95 sq mm 3 core. 11 Supply and lay cable XLPE insulated screened PVC beded gavanized steel strip or wire armoured electric power cables(heavy duty) 1100 volts grade with standard aluminum conductor of followng sizes. 12 300 Sqmm 3.5 Core (For CIMT TB-2) 13 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core (For CIW BEG) 14 185 Sqmm 3.5 Core . 15 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core. 16 95 sq mm 3 core 17 16Sqmm 4 Core. 18 M&L for high density polyethyne pipes (HDPE) of pressure rating 6 Kgf/cm2 laid in trenches for cable protection under road crossing of size-; 19 50mm bore. 20 75mm bore. 21 150mm bore. 22 Supplying , installing, testing and commissioning step down transformer, out door type and conforming to IS 1180:2014, level -2 Plinth mounted, HT 11 KV, 3 phase 433 volts, 4 wire, 50 Hz delta/star connected, vector group DYN - 11 double copper wound, ONAN, manul type off load tap changing facility on HT side to vary secondary voltage from minimum 7.5% to plus7.5% in steps of 2.5 % continuous rating of capacity 500 KVA including bushing on HT end cable box on LT side. the transformer shall be complete with all standard fittings and accessories, gauges, first fill of transformer oil IS 335 ISI marked filtered & dehydrated oil etc, complete all as specified and directed and comprision of the following accessories :- (a) Primary HV side suitable for OH Coductor(consisting of 3 Nos porcelain HT bushings with brass/gun metal bushing rods complete with nuts and washer. (b) One cable box on secondery (LV) side consisting of 4Nos porcelain busing with GM bushing roads complete with GH nuts and washer with one Nos cable gland suitable for reception of out going LT armoured cables of suitable size. (c) Oil conservator tank with filter type, drain valve and oil level gauge (d) Dehydrating breather with first fill of dehydhedratig Agent. (e)Thermometer pocket on tank cover(f) One Nos 100mm dia dial type thermometer vapour pressure type having range 0- 120 degree centrigrade with temp reading pointer, max temp indicato and reseting devices 23 (g) Rating plate with terminal markings. (h)Two earthing terminasl of tank/tanks cover to facilitade fixing of 32x6m GI earthing strip (j) Oil level gauge. (k) Oil drain and filter valves.(I) Oil filter hole with cap/plug with connections complete.(m) Lifting lugs. (n) Air relief valve plug (o) Four plan soilid cast steel detacheble rollers. (p) First fill of fresh oil confirming to relvant IS and tested up to 50 kV dielectric strength upto top of core (q ) Extra bushing for neutal outside the LT cable box for providing independent earthing for neutral.(r) Provision of 2 Nos danger boards 250x200mm size made of 1.6mm thick MS plate, vitreous enameled white, with letters, figures of voltage and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour, one at HT side and other on LT side (s) Any other fittings/accessories so as to confirm the whole (t) Construction of PCC platform of size 2.0mx2.0mx1.5m for transformerincluding RCC gate and fencing with angle.transformer to IS-1180 part-I: 2014.Note -: i) Transformer shall be mounted on platform/plinth. ii) PCC platform of size 2.0mx2.0mx1.5m for transformerincluding RCC gate and fencing with angle measured and paid seprately under relevant item of this BOQ 24 Supplying , installing, testing and commissioning automatic power factor correction (APFC) panelout door type factory made of capacity 240 KVAR ready to use design confiring to relevant IS rated for short circuit rating of 100 KAfront openableand lockable by keys having lower and air vent, gashketand totaly verming proof and suitable for 415/440 Volts, 3 phase 50 HZ AC and housed in elegant enclosure fabricated from minimum 3.15mm thick CRCA sheet, anty corrosive coated to achieve power factor from 0.9 t0 0.99and finally powder coated in texture seimens gray RAL 7032 & as a directed by Engineer -in- charge comprisingof and including following suitable sizeand lenght of copper cable from main panel to APFC panel for connections as approved complete all as specified and directed :- (a) 240 A capacity for phase and 100 A neutral aluminium bus bar duly insulated with colour coated heat shrink cable sleeves and mounted on suitable DMC/epoxy insulator.(b) MCCB 250 Amp 25 KA TP TM based O/C and S/C Rel -01 Nos incomming (c) 6A FPMCB 10 KA -03 Nos(d ) 10 Amp TP MCB 10 KA -02 Nos(e) 20 A TP MCB 10 KA -01 Nos (f) 25 Amp TP MCB 10 KA -03 Nos (g) power contactor 9.7 KVAR TP cap duty,230 Volt AC - 03 Nos (h)power contractor 12.5 KVAR TP cap duly 230 VAC -03 Nos(j)Auxillary contact -4 NC-01 Nos 230 VAC (k) Add on Auxillary contract-4NC -01 Nos (l) Add on auxillary contact- 1No +1NC -01(m) 6Step APFC Relay MP based 230 VAC ,-CT -01 (n) Indicating lamps R,Y,B -01 Nos Each (o) A/M Sel switch,1P,2W -01Nos (p) A set of heavy duty capacitor type MPPH box type 440Volts. with output step of 240 KVAR capacity bank in steps of with 6 steps (,2x5KVAR + 2x10KVAR + 2x15KVAR +2X20KVAR +2X25 KVAR +3x30KVAR) in any configuration to accommodate all posible set ups (q) Rocker switch illiminated type 230 VAC -08 Nos(r) MCB busbar connector R,y,B -06 Nos. all as specified and directed. 25 Supply and fix HT 11 KV, out door type gang operated air-break switch suitable for horizontal or vertical mounting fixed type complete with12 insulators of rating upto 200 Amps 26 S & F cable jointing kit for 11 KV grade cable for outdoor termination heat shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured AL conductor cable of size 95Sqmm. 27 S & F cable jointing kit for 11 KV grade cable for indoor termination heat shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured AL conductor cable of size 95Sqmm. 28 S&Fsteel tubular pole 11.00 mtr long sweged and cast iron base plate, final taper plug, bolt, nuts and screws as specifiedtype 410 SP-55 and applying two coat of aluminium paint over a coat of red oxide primer including preparation ofnew steel surface complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. .Note:- Excavation , earth work and PCC shall bemeasured and paid for separately under relvant item of this BOQ. 29 Supply and fix lightning arrestor metal oxide type complete with all fitting, transmission class, discharge capacity 65 Kilo Amp.11000 Volt. all as specified and asdirected. 30 S&F loop type insulator vitreous porcelain white brown or green of over all diamention 90x140mm clearance of hole 25.5mm. 31 M&L for stay assembly complete with all accessories like GI stayrod of size 16mmGI nuts, bolts and washers etc all as per plate No 1Note:- Excavation , earth work and PCC shall bemeasured and paid for separately under relvant item of this BOQ. 32 S & F galvanised stay strand size of 7/4 mm from CI clamp to existing stay assembly tightly complete. 33 M&L for Danger notice plate of1.6mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enamelled white, with letters, figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed with M.S clamps, bolts and nuts of approved size 250x200mmfor HT. 34 M & L for Plain concreteM-10 grade (Nominal Mix) using 40mm graded stone aggregate as infoundationand for coppingof poles. 35 M & L for Plain concretetype M-7.5 grade (Nominal Mix) using 40mm graded stone aggregate as infoundation of poles. 36 M&L for cross arms supports etc fabricated from ms sections confirming to Fe-410-0 ir Fe-310-0 of size angle 50x50x6mm and channel 100x50x6mm, flat 50x6mm including nuts bolts, washers, welding, bending hot or cold drilling holes for insulator bolts in any size or shape andand applying two coat of aluminium paint over a coat of red oxide primer including preparation ofnew steel surface complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. . 37 M&L for anti climbing device spikes type fabricated out of MS bars (round square and flat) indl nuts, bolts, washers, and welding in two hales made to shape to suit the cross section of the pole. 38 Supplying,installing testing and comssioningLT Panelout door type with 3.15 mm thick MS sheet of size (1.50X1.40X.50Mtr) factory made mounted on angle iron of size 50X50X5mm angle iron frame, weather proof ventilated with locking arrangement complete with following Accessories. :-(a) MCCB 4 Pole 630 Amps 50 KA - 1 No..(incoming)(b)MCCB 3 Pole 500 Amps 36 KA 415 volts - 01 Nos(c)MCCB 3 Pole 400 Amps 36 KA 415 volts - 01 Nos(d) MCCB 3 pole 63 Amp 16 KA 415 Volt. -02 Nos.(e)Disital typeVoltmeter with selector switch 0 to 500 volts 1 No.(f) Indicating lamps with assembly - 3 nos.(g) Aluminium bus bar 800 Amps capacity for 3 phase and neutral 1 set .(h) Digital Ammeter of range (0 to 500) Amps, flush mounting type with CT, of ratio 500/5 and selector switch-01Nos. 39 Supplying,installing testing and comssioningLT Panel out door type with 3.15 mm thick MS sheet of size (1.20X1.20X.50Mtr) factory made mounted on angle iron of size 50X50X5 mm angle iron frame, weather proof ventilated comlpete with locking arrangement and following accessories. :-(a ) MCCB 500 Amps 4pole 36 KA- 01 N0.(I/C)(b) MCCB 3 Pole 315 Amps 25 KA 415 volts - 01No. (c) MCCB 3 pole 200 Amps 16 KA -01 No. (d) Digital type Voltmeter with selector switch 0 to 500 volts -1No.(e) Indicating lamps with assembly - 3 nos.(f) Aluminium bus bar upto 600 Amps for 3 phase and neutral- 1set .(g) Disital Ammeter of range (0 to 500) Amps, flush mounting type with CT, of ratio 500/5 and selector switch-01No. 40 Supply & fixing sheet metal enclosure double door DBs triple pole and neutral vertical 415 Volts 8 way (TPN) 16 KA with suitable frame Triple pole 63 Amps in coming MCCBs,bus bars,neutral links,blanking plates IP 43 protection class (For remaining Simulator adition 14Nos.) Note:- Incoming MCCB & out going MCB rate Shallbe deemed to beincluded under unit rate quoted. 41 Supply & fixing sheet metal enclosure double door DBs triple pole and neutral vertical 415 Volts 6 way (TPN) 16 KA with suitable frame Triple pole 315 Amps in coming MCCBs,bus bars,neutral links,blanking plates IP 43 protection class (For remaining Simulator adition 14Nos.)Note:- Incoming MCCB & out going MCB rate Shallbe deemed to beincluded under unit rate quoted. 42 Supply & fixing sheet metal enclosure double door DBs triple pole and neutral vertical 415 Volts 4 way (TPN) 16 KA with suitable frame Triple pole 200 Amps in coming MCCBs,bus bars,neutral links,blanking plates IP 43 protection class(For remaining Simulator adition 14Nos.)Note:- Incoming MCCB & out going MCB rate Shallbe deemed to beincluded under unit rate quoted. 43 Supply &Fixing sheet metal enclosure 3P+ E and earth with three pin earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB 440 Volts 20 Amps. (Remaining simulator 14Nos.) 44 Supply &Fixing sheet metal enclosure 3P+ E and earth with three pin earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB 440 Volts 32 Amps. (Remaining simulator 8Nos.) 45 M&L for Earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground earth pit not less than 2.25mtr deep below normal ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mtr belo ground level connected to galvanized iron strip of size 32x6 mm as earthing lead by mean of nut/bolt and washer of galvanized iron or steel drawn through 40 mm dia light grade GI pipe as shown in electrical plate no 3 of SSR part I of 2009 including necessary excavation and earh work GI pipe 20 mm dia medium grade for watering PCC chamber with PCC cover in cement concreate M-15 grade (Nominal Mix) using 20 mm graded stone aggregate, funnel, wire mesh, charcoal dust, salt etc connected to panel board/ Gen set as indicated including testing complete all as specified and as directed. Note:-(i) Earth protection pipe & earthing strip upto and including 7.5 m length are deemed to be included in unit rate quoted by the contractor. (ii) 8Nos motion smlt 1:2 units =16 Nos,w/o Motion Smlt- 14Nos, Tfr- 03 Nos, GOD-01Nos LA-01Nos Main LT panel- 01 46 M&L PVC XLPE insulated ,armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor,1100 volts cross sectional area 4 X 10 sqmm along with saddle works with existing wall surface all as specifiedand asdirectedby Engr-in- Charge. 47 Construction ofplatform of size 2mx2mx1.50mfor installation of transformercomprising of following items 48 Excavating over areasn.exc 1.5 m depth for foundation and getting out in hard/desnse soil all as specified and as directed by Engr-In-Charge. 49 M&L for Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63 mm,with broken stone and boulder, deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a true surfaces. 50 M&L PCC M-7.5 grade (nominal mix) using 40mm graded stone aggregate cement concrete in foundations, filling and mass concrete all as specified and directed 51 M&L for Brickwork with fly ash bricks (old size) straight or curved on plan exc 6 m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 52 M&L Moorum/red bajri filling in floors / platformin layers n exc. 15 cm thick, spread, levelled and rammed including watering all as specified and directed 53 M&L for 100mm thick PCC M-15 grade(Nominal Mix)using 40 mm graded aggregate)as in floor,finished even and fair (without using extra cement)all as specified and directed 54 M&L rendering 15 mm thick plaster on fair face of brick work in CM 1:4 and surface finished even and faircomplete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 55 M&L for preparation newly plastered surfaces of walls/ceilings and applying two coats of weather proof acrylic exerior paint (100%) Acrylic) over one coat of self primer complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer -in- Charge. 56 Excavating in post holes (or similar holes) each n exc 0.5 cu. m, getting out, returning, filling in and rammingearth or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in layers not exceeding 25 cm 57 S&F Mild steel for posts and struts in fencing including cutting tops to shape as directed, drilling holes, notching for wire, etc flat iron fillets (for securing wire mesh etc.) including all necessary drilling, bolting or riveting, etc., and similar work conforming to Fe 410-0 or Fe 310-0 58 M&L PCC M-7.5 grade (nominal mix) using 40mm graded stone aggregate cement concrete in foundations, filling and mass concrete all as specified and directed 59 S&F mild steel bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required as in bearing bars for chain link fencing and including tieing with mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips. 60 Supply only galvanized steel chain link fence fabric of mesh any size, made out of 2.50 mm nominal dia of mesh wire complete all as specified and directed. 61 Fixing only chain link fencing including line wires, any mesh, size and type to any type of standards, rails, straining bolts, etc. including provision of binding wire complete all as specified and directed. 62 M&L for mild steel screw bolts (machine made) with hexogonal or square heads at one end and screwed the other ,or screwed both end each screwd endto be fitted with washes and one hexogonal or squarenut nexc 5 cm long and 5 to 10 mm dia 63 M&L for preparation of untreated new steel surfaces of any description over 10cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint ( 1st quality ) over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and as directed. 64 M&L for Framed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete