tender for Roora And Fathepur Kapoorapur And Patti Kadera And Singhpur And Ajora Water Supply Schemes, Laying of pipe line , House connection & Other balance works of water supply scheme including all materials , labour , T&P etc. complete. (Roora , Fathepur Kapoorapur, Patti Kadera, Singhpur & Ajora Sl. No. Item Description 1 Roora Water Supply Scheme-Supplyof following sizes of pipe a inclding carting,laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour,T & P on site with rail way freight and cartage up to store including all taxes etc. complete. HDPE Pipes (PE-100,PN-6) 63 mm dia OD 2 90 mm dia OD 3 110 mm dia OD 4 Supply of specials for above HDPE pipes 5 Excavation for pipeline work in ordinary soil ( loan clay and sand) with lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering ramming and disposal ofsurplus. Earth within 50 m are as per direction of Engineer incharge. 6 Supply of following fittings including Carting of following fitting with specials to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipe lines and testing etc. complete with F.O.R. destination and taxes and insurance etc. complete . Sluice valves class I as per IS 1538(1969) with working pressure10kg/cm250 mm dia 7 100 MM dia 8 125 mm dia 9 Provision for repairing of lekages inpre existing following sizes of pipe line including all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 63 MM PVC 10 75 MM PVC 11 90 MM PVC 12 110 MM PVC 13 63HDPE PIPE 14 90 HDPE PIPE 15 Dismantling & Reinstatement of roads for laying of distribution lines including shorting out a stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m form centre of trenches and disposal of unserviceable materials (trenches of roads surface will not be measured towards excavation in trenches) B.O.E. Road. 16 Interlocking Road 17 C.C Road 18 Provision for making of ferruled house/ repairing of existing house connection with 15mm dia GI (medium) pipe/ 20 mm HDPE pipe including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. All FHTCs should be provided inside benificiarys house including construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standerd size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. 19 Supply & installation of 15 mm PTMT Bibcock in existing fhtcas per direction of engineer in charge. 20 Repairing of existing FHTC. Including all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 21 Provision ofcleaning work of OHTwith their vertical pipes & supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 22 A-Construction /repairing of Ist class masonry brick work in (1:6) cement : local sand. 23 Supply of all labour , materials for strengthning of FHTCby construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standard size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. . as per direction of engineer in charge. 24 Supply & fixing of cut out ( 3PC)of 90 Ampere including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 25 supply & fixing of new starter pannel ( l&T MU-G15) company) with 10 metre of 3phase connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 26 Supply & fixing of 25H.P ,3phase motor pump of reputed company with connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 27 Supply & fixing of sign board near WWC & writing at vertical wall of OHTshowing details of scheme. as per direction of engineer in charge. 28 Supply of all labour , material for installation of chlorine dozer with its proper setup complete as per direction of incharge. 29 SITC oil cooled Servo Voltage stablizer (150-460 V range with protection included oil filling ,earthing and power wiring etc job complete in all respect with all required material , t& p wit labour.30 KVA 30 Honorium of operator for operating & supervision of scheme with including real time data filling , maintaing all type of wss registers . 31 Fathepur Kapoorapur Water Supply Scheme-Supplyof following sizes of pipe a inclding carting,laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour,T & P on site with rail way freight and cartage up to store including all taxes etc. complete. HDPE Pipes (PE-100,PN-6) 63 mm dia OD 32 90 mm dia OD 33 110 mm dia OD 34 Supply of specials for above HDPE pipes 35 Excavation for pipeline work in ordinary soil ( loan clay and sand) with lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering ramming and disposal ofsurplus. Earth within 50 m are as per direction of Engineer incharge. 36 Supply of following fittings including Carting of following fitting with specials to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipe lines and testing etc. complete with F.O.R. destination and taxes and insurance etc. complete . Sluice valves class I as per IS 1538(1969) with working pressure10kg/cm250 mm dia 37 100 MM dia 38 125 mm dia 39 Provision for repairing of lekages inpre existing following sizes of pipe line including all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 63HDPE PIPE 40 75 HDPE PIPE 41 90 HDPE PIPE 42 110 HDPE PIPE 43 140 HDPE PIPE 44 160 HDPE PIPE 45 Dismantling & Reinstatement of roads for laying of distribution lines including shorting out a stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m form centre of trenches and disposal of unserviceable materials (trenches of roads surface will not be measured towards excavation in trenches) B.O.E. Road. 46 Interlocking Road 47 C.C Road 48 Provision for making of ferruled house/ repairing of existing house connection with 15mm dia GI (medium) pipe/ 20 mm HDPE pipe including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. All FHTCs should be provided inside benificiarys house including construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standerd size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. 49 Supply & installation of 15 mm PTMT Bibcock in existing fhtcas per direction of engineer in charge. 50 Repairing of existing FHTC. Including all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 51 Provision ofcleaning work of OHTwith their vertical pipes & supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 52 A-Construction /repairing of Ist class masonry brick work in (1:6) cement : local sand. 53 C-Repairing & plaster works in (1:6)Cement : local sand . 54 D-White washing by putty after old Paint scratching &painting work completed by two coat of apex ultima 55 Supply of all labour , materials for strengthning of FHTCby construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standard size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. . as per direction of engineer in charge. 56 Supply & fixing of cut out ( 3PC)of 90 Ampere including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 57 supply & fixing of new starter pannel ( l&T MU-G15) company) with 10 metre of 3phase connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 58 Supply & fixing of 15H.P ,3phase motor pump of reputed company with connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 59 Supply carting & fixing of flanzed M.S column pipe of each 3mtr length of 100 /150 mm dia including supply oflabour & materials etc complete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 60 Supply & fixing of sign board near WWC & writing at vertical wall of OHTshowing details of scheme. as per direction of engineer in charge. 61 Supply of all labour , material for installation of chlorine dozer with its proper setup complete as per direction of incharge. 62 SITC oil cooled Servo Voltage stablizer (150-460 V range with protection included oil filling ,earthing and power wiring etc job complete in all respect with all required material , t& p wit labour. 30 KVA 63 Honorium of operator for operating & supervision of scheme with including real time data filling , maintaing all type of wss registers . 64 Patti Kadera Water Supply Scheme-Supplyof following sizes of pipe a inclding carting,laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour,T & P on site with rail way freight and cartage up to store including all taxes etc. complete. HDPE Pipes (PE-100,PN-6) 63 mm dia OD 65 90 mm dia OD 66 110 mm dia OD 67 Supply of specials for above HDPE pipes 68 Excavation for pipeline work in ordinary soil ( loan clay and sand) with lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering ramming and disposal ofsurplus. Earth within 50 m are as per direction of Engineer incharge. 69 Supply of following fittings including Carting of following fitting with specials to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipe lines and testing etc. complete with F.O.R. destination and taxes and insurance etc. complete . Sluice valves class I as per IS 1538(1969) with working pressure10kg/cm250 mm dia 70 100 MM dia 71 150 mm dia 72 Provision for repairing of lekages inpre existing following sizes of pipe line including all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 63 MM PVC 73 75 MM PVC 74 90 MM PVC 75 110 MM PVC 76 140 MM PVC 77 160 MM PVC 78 63HDPE PIPE 79 90 HDPE PIPE 80 110 HDPE PIPE 81 140 HDPE PIPE 82 160 HDPE PIPE 83 Dismantling & Reinstatement of roads for laying of distribution lines including shorting out a stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m form centre of trenches and disposal of unserviceable materials (trenches of roads surface will not be measured towards excavation in trenches)B.O.E. Road. 84 Interlocking Road 85 C.C Road 86 Provision for making of ferruled house/ repairing of existing house connection with 15mm dia GI (medium) pipe/ 20 mm HDPE pipe including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. All FHTCs should be provided inside benificiarys house including construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standerd size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. 87 Supply & installation of 15 mm PTMT Bibcock in existing fhtcas per direction of engineer in charge. 88 Repairing of existing FHTC. Including all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 89 Provision ofcleaning work of OHTwith their vertical pipes & supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 90 A-Construction /repairing of Ist class masonry brick work in (1:6) cement : local sand. 91 C-Repairing & plaster works in (1:6)Cement : local sand . 92 D-White washing by putty after old Paint scratching &painting work completed by two coat of apex ultima 93 Supply of all labour , materials for strengthning of FHTCby construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standard size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. . as per direction of engineer in charge. 94 Supply & fixing of cut out ( 3PC)of 90 Ampere including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 95 supply & fixing of new starter pannel ( l&T MU-G15) company) with 10 metre of 3phase connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 96 Supply & fixing of 25H.P ,3phase motor pump of reputed company with connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 97 Supply carting & fixing of flanzed M.S column pipe of each 3mtr length of 100 /150 mm dia including supply oflabour & materials etc complete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 98 Supply & fixing of sign board near WWC & writing at vertical wall of OHTshowing details of scheme. as per direction of engineer in charge. 99 Supply of all labour , material for installation of chlorine dozer with its proper setup complete as per direction of incharge. 100 Honorium of operator for operating & supervision of scheme with including real time data filling , maintaing all type of wss registers . 101 Singhpur Water Supply Scheme-Supplyof following sizes of pipe a inclding carting,laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour,T & P on site with rail way freight and cartage up to store including all taxes etc. complete. HDPE Pipes (PE-100,PN-6) 63 mm dia OD 102 90 mm dia OD 103 110 mm dia OD 104 Supply of specials for above HDPE pipes 105 Excavation for pipeline work in ordinary soil ( loan clay and sand) with lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering ramming and disposal ofsurplus. Earth within 50 m are as per direction of Engineer incharge. 106 Supply of following fittings including Carting of following fitting with specials to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipe lines and testing etc. complete with F.O.R. destination and taxes and insurance etc. complete . Sluice valves class I as per IS 1538(1969) with working pressure10kg/cm250 mm dia 107 100 MM dia 108 125 mm dia 109 Provision for repairing of lekages inpre existing following sizes of pipe line including all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 63 MM PVC 110 75 MM PVC 111 90 MM PVC 112 110 MM PVC 113 140 MM PVC 114 63HDPE PIPE 115 90 HDPE PIPE 116 110 HDPE PIPE 117 140 HDPE PIPE 118 Dismantling & Reinstatement of roads for laying of distribution lines including shorting out a stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m form centre of trenches and disposal of unserviceable materials (trenches of roads surface will not be measured towards excavation in trenches) B.O.E. Road. 119 Interlocking Road 120 C.C Road 121 Provision for making of ferruled house/ repairing of existing house connection with 15mm dia GI (medium) pipe/ 20 mm HDPE pipe including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. All FHTCs should be provided inside benificiarys house including construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standerd size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. 122 Supply & installation of 15 mm PTMT Bibcock in existing fhtcas per direction of engineer in charge. 123 Repairing of existing FHTC. Including all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 124 Provision ofcleaning work of OHTwith their vertical pipes & supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 125 A-Construction /repairing of Ist class masonry brick work in (1:6) cement : local sand. 126 C-Repairing & plaster works in (1:6)Cement : local sand . 127 D-White washing by putty after old Paint scratching &painting work completed by two coat of apex ultima 128 Supply of all labour , materials for strengthning of FHTCby construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standard size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. . as per direction of engineer in charge. 129 Supply & fixing of cut out ( 3PC)of 90 Ampere including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 130 supply & fixing of new starter pannel ( l&T MU-G15) company) with 10 metre of 3phase connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 131 Supply & fixing of 15H.P ,3phase motor pump of reputed company with connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 132 Supply carting & fixing of flanzed M.S column pipe of each 3mtr length of 100 /150 mm dia including supply oflabour & materials etc complete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 133 Supply & fixing of sign board near WWC & writing at vertical wall of OHTshowing details of scheme. as per direction of engineer in charge. 134 Supply of all labour , material for installation of chlorine dozer with its proper setup complete as per direction of incharge. 135 SITC oil cooled Servo Voltage stablizer (150-460 V range with protection included oil filling ,earthing and power wiring etc job complete in all respect with all required material , t& p wit labour. 20 KVA 136 Honorium of operator for operating & supervision of scheme with including real time data filling , maintaing all type of wss registers . 137 Ajoya Water Supply Scheme-Supplyof following sizes of pipe a inclding carting,laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour,T & P on site with rail way freight and cartage up to store including all taxes etc. complete. HDPE Pipes (PE-100,PN-6) 63 mm dia OD 138 90 mm dia OD 139 110 mm dia OD 140 Supply of specials for above HDPE pipes 141 Excavation for pipeline work in ordinary soil ( loan clay and sand) with lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50 m including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering ramming and disposal ofsurplus. Earth within 50 m are as per direction of Engineer incharge. 142 Supply of following fittings including Carting of following fitting with specials to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipe lines and testing etc. complete with F.O.R. destination and taxes and insurance etc. complete . Sluice valves class I as per IS 1538(1969) with working pressure10kg/cm250 mm dia 143 100 MM dia 144 125 mm dia 145 Provision for repairing of lekages inpre existing following sizes of pipe line including all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 63 MM PVC 146 75 MM PVC 147 90 MM PVC 148 110 MM PVC 149 140 MM PVC 150 63HDPE PIPE 151 90 HDPE PIPE 152 110 HDPE PIPE 153 140 HDPE PIPE 154 Dismantling & Reinstatement of roads for laying of distribution lines including shorting out a stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m form centre of trenches and disposal of unserviceable materials (trenches of roads surface will not be measured towards excavation in trenches) B.O.E. Road. 155 Interlocking Road 156 C.C Road 157 Provision for making of ferruled house/ repairing of existing house connection with 15mm dia GI (medium) pipe/ 20 mm HDPE pipe including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. All FHTCs should be provided inside benificiarys house including construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standerd size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. 158 Supply & installation of 15 mm PTMT Bibcock in existing fhtcas per direction of engineer in charge. 159 Repairing of existing FHTC. Including all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 160 Provision ofcleaning work of OHTwith their vertical pipes & supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge. 161 Supply of all labour , materials for strengthning of FHTCby construction of cc platform (1:2:4)standard size should not be less than 0.60 Mx0.60 M & G,I, pipe grouting upto 40 cm. thick of cc platform should be 10 cm. . as per direction of engineer in charge. 162 Supply & fixing of cut out ( 3PC)of 90 Ampere including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 163 supply & fixing of new starter pannel ( l&T MU-G15) company) with 10 metre of 3phase connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 164 Supply & fixing of 15H.P ,3phase motor pump of reputed company with connecting cable including supply oflabour & materials etc comlete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 165 Supply carting & fixing of flanzed M.S column pipe of each 3mtr length of 100 /150 mm dia including supply oflabour & materials etc complete . as per direction of engineer in charge. 166 Supply & fixing of sign board near WWC & writing at vertical wall of OHTshowing details of scheme. as per direction of engineer in charge. 167 Supply of all labour , material for installation of chlorine dozer with its proper setup complete as per direction of incharge. 168 SITC oil cooled Servo Voltage stablizer (150-460 V range with protection included oil filling ,earthing and power wiring etc job complete in all respect with all required material , t& p wit labour. 20 KVA 169 Honorium of operator for operating & supervision of scheme with including real time data filling , maintaing all type of wss registers .