
Tender For Plantation Work - Dandiya Bhawani Pura- A, bundi-Rajasthan

Forest Department has published Tender For Plantation Work - Dandiya Bhawani Pura- A. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-12-2024. Dam Work Tenders in bundi Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Plantation Work - Dandiya Bhawani Pura- A
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Plantation Work - Dandiya Bhawani Pura- A; 1 Advance work 2 Dividing the area in subplots and their semi permanent demarcation in field and preparation of map 3 Layout for excavation of pits 4 Layout for excavation of / trench/continuous contour trench / contour dykes. 5 Ditch fencing 1.20 m deep, 1.50 m. wide at top and 0.90 m. wide at botam including dressing and laying excavated soil in continuos mound and dressing of mound(Volume per running meter=1.44 cum) 3400 RMT 6 In hard soil between 30-50% boulders300runningmeter. 7 in hard muram/kankar/compact cleyey soil 800runningmeter. 8 In hard soil having more than 50% boulders 2300runningmeter. 9 Digging ofcontour trenches size (0.45mx0.45m) and separating stones from dugup soil and making mounds of the soil. 15000 Rmt. 10 Hard soil between 10-30% boulders7000 runningmeter. Manually 11 Hard soil between 30-50% boulders 8000 running meter. Manually 12 Digging ofV-Ditch size (.45x.45) and separating stones from dugup soil and making mounds of the soil. 5000 Rmt.manually 13 Hard soil between 10-30% boulders1400 runningmeter. Manually 14 Hard soil between 30-50% boulders 3600 running meter. Manually 15 Contruction of contour dykes 16 Contruction of 50 meters long contour dykes of .45x.45 cm cross section on upper slopes and sowing of suitable thorny shrub manuallyContruction of contour dykes using locally available meterial 2500 rmt (Vol. = 0.2025 cum) 17 Digging of pits size (0.45x.0.45x0.45) or (0.50+0.40)/2 X (0.50+0.40)/2 x 0.45cum) Manually. 10000 pits 18 Hard soil between 10-30% boulders 19 Hard soil between 30-50% boulders 20 In hard compact clayey soil 21 Construction of inspection paths 22 3 meter wide path for vehicals in hilly areas 23 Making of cresent shaped thanwala having 45 cm radious around natural plant (in hilly area) 24 Prunning/Branch cutting (cutting of branches in lower 1/3 of the plant upto 2 meter Ht. 25 Prunning/Branch cutting (cutting of branches in lower 1/3 of the plant 2-4 meter 26 Construction ofcheck dams by loose stone including digging and breaking of stone /rates for volume including voides ( lead more than 200 m.) manually 27 Construction of inspection paths 28 Site clearance including cutting of grasses shrubs & bushes for bunding key lines. Vagetative fencing and other. Such works. 300 m x20 m =8000 sqm (nadis No. = 5 ) 29 Earth work for bunds and embankment in hard or moist soil, wite the help of tractor attched with scraer including layer of 15 cm breaking of clods, sorting of grasses, pebbles etc. and dressing in reqired profile when compected manually within initial lead of 30m and lift 1.5 m rate for tractor (35 40 hp)with POL & scrapper4000 cum 30 Compaction of Earth or highy weathered strata. (A) By mannualy4000 cum 31 Construction of waste weir ,Nalla 200 cum 32 Soil work and Moisture conservation measures like check dam, Nadies, earthen Bunds etc. machenically

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 45320.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 22.66 Lakhs /-
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