Tender For Provision Of Wire Mesh For Installing Camouflage Nets At Certain Blast Pens And Blast Pens No 13A And 13B At Af Stn Bhisiana.; 1 Excavating in trenches, n exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for foundation, etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. nexc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out soft/loose soil, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 2 M&L for excavating in post holes (or similar holes) each n exc 0.5 cu. m, getting out, returning, filling in and ramming earth or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in layers not exceeding 25 cm in soft/loose soil complete, all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 3 M&L for plain cement concrete (1:4:8) type D-2 (using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) in foundation, fillings & mass concrete, manhole sub base etc complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 4 M&L for Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 Type B1 (20mm graded crushed stone aggregate) in columns, posts etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 5 M&L for Formwork to sides flat rough finished surfaces of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 6 M&L for Formwork to sides of rough finished surfaces of square concretecolumns, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 7 M&L for Formwork to sides and soffits of rough finished surfaceof floor or roof beams, beam haunchings, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves including supports, overhangs, etc. also splays between floors and beams, etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 8 M&L for Reinforced cement concrete (nominal mix) Type B1 1:2:4 (20 mm graded aggregate) in foundations, including rafts,footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 9 M&L for Reinforced cement concrete (nominal mix) Type B1 1:2:4 (20 mm graded aggregate) in columns, pillars, piers, posts and struts, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 10 M&L for Reinforced cement concrete (nominal mix) Type B1 1:2:4 (20 mm graded aggregate) in beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 11 M&L for Mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shaperequired, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 12 M&L for Mild steel TMT bars 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders,complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 13 S&F Mild Steel for Framed brackets of angles or tees with web and flanges cut to shape, drilled and countersunk for screw, including bending andwelding angles, as necessary, gusset plates, riveting, etc.. n exc 10 kg each brackets, conforming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 (Brackets over 10 kg each to be measured under Structural Steel) etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 14 S&F Joist, channel, angle, or tee sections,fixed independently, withoutconnecting plates, etc. (cut toordinary lengths i.e. Within 20mm of the length indicated) confirming to Fe-410-W (Gde 250) quality A including distance pieces, cleats etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 15 S&F Compound girders and stanchions, lattice girders, aerialmasts, staging for water tanks and the like including caps, bases,splices etc. built up from two or more beam or channel sections or angleswith plates, including all lattice bars, stiffeners, gusset plates, etc including making holes on angle for fixing GI wire any dia minimim interval of 300mm to 500mm etc.confirming to Fe-410-W (Gde 250) quality A including distance pieces, cleats etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 16 S&F Plates (plain or chequered) channels,squarecutor notched (ordinaryand countersunk) forming holes, with riveted, bolted or welded attachmentconfirming to Fe-410 Gde 250 quality A including distance pieces, cleats etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 17 S&FMild steel bolts. purpose made. with hexagonal or square head one end and screwed the other, or screwed both ends; each screwed end tobefittedwith washers and one hexagonal or square nut exc 5cm up to 70cm long of dia neck exc 12mm n exc 20mm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 18 M&L for preparation of new steelsurface of any description over 10cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 19 S&F Plain stainless steel wire ropes, steel core, 6mm dia and above, SS 304 Grade for hanging multi spectral camouflage net(MSCN 3 layers) hanging with all necessary arrangement fixed to angle/post with hole and tightening and fixing up to 10 mtrs hight to straining bolts, hooks, eyes etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 20 M&L for machine pressed precast concrete interlocking paver blockwith grey cement and pigment, any shape and size confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 60mm thickness, M-35 grade laid over and including 25mm thick sand cushion, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 21 Material and labourfor 100 mm thick Cement concrete type D-2, 1:4:8(40mm graded aggregate) as in sub base to flooring, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 22 M&L for 75 mm thick Cement concrete type C2, 1:3:6 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) in sub base of flooring, hard standing, plinth protection including cutting joints on each 5mtrs interval, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 23 M&L for Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 type B-0 using 12.50mm graded stone aggregate as in bands, coping, bed plate etc including weathering slightly chamfered or rounded angles including necessary form work, if any, and finishing exposed surfaces even and smooth using extra cement, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 24 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming soft / loose soil in layers not exc 25 cm.of soft/loose soil, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 25 Removing excavated material soil n exc. 50m and deposited at a level n exc 1.5m above the starting point, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 26 Demolition of plain cement concrete of any description and in any position, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge.Note: All debris and rubbish shall be removed from MOD land during or at the end of each working period at his risk and cost in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. 27 M&L for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 on fair faces of brick work or concrete surface of walls finished even and smooth without using extra cement at height upto 15 mtr incl necessary scaffolding, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 28 M&L for preparing new plastered surface of wall, concrete surface andapplying two Coats of all Weather Exterior Emulsion Paints in Camouflaging pattern @ 1.43litre/10 SQUARE METRE over and including priming Coats of Exterior Primer of same make applied @ 0.90 litre/10SQUARE METRE as per new Sigma pattern generated by Station Authority and RGB Values variation from 110 to 171 by using 4 to 5 Colour shades as per approved pattern at a height n.exc 25 mtr as per sample approved by GE, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : The % of the colours may change without any financial effect.