Procurement Of Material For Unit 2 Generator Stator Winding Overhang Procurement Of Material For Unit 2 Generator Stator Winding Overhangportion Strengthening Modification Work , Bus-Bar Spacer,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Bus-Bar Spacer,02,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Bus-Bar Spacer,03,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Pol Resin Mat/Sheet,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Glass Flat Sleeve,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Epoxy Resin,Cy205,Bhel,Turbo Generator , Hardener-Hy 951,01391201066-00/67,Bhel , Enamel,Red-2404,Bhel,Thri108/44,250Mw , Spacer,01350801042,Bhel,Thri108/44 , Flat Sleeve,01391201066-00 & 68,Bhel , Glass Tape,00005540083,Bhel,Thri108/44 , Fine Mica Glass,1350801+,Bhel,Thri108/44 , Fine Mica Powder,Bhel,Thri 108/44 , Acetone,Tgemis 1/00 90,Bhel,Thw 210-B , Mica Ppr Gls Foil,0135+,Bhel,Thri108/44 , Gls Rope Acc. Trtd,135+,Bhel,Thri108/44 , Chem Hardener,Hy 840,Turbo Generator , Diluent C Assy,1/00016,Turbo Generator , Ring,01393401010-01/8,Bhel , O-Ring,01393401010-01/9,Bhel,Tg-60158 , Seal Element,01393401010-01/18,Bhel , Sealing Rect Cord,01393401010-00/7,Bhel , Packing,01660170018C&013,Bhel