Tender For Kharkagar Dhura Mangoli Water Supply Scheme; 1 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). including supply of all material,labour,T&P etc.required for proper completion of work. 2 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). including supply of all material,labour,T&P etc.required for proper completion of work. 3 Excavation ofpipeline trench in Soil mixed with Boulder, lift upto 1.5m, lead upto 30m. Including refilling, watering, ramming of excavated earth into the trenches and removal of surplus earth upto a distance of 60m from trenches including supply of labour, T&P etc complete. 4 Soil Mixed with Boulder 5 Providing of all materials, Carting from site store to site of work, lowering in to treanches with true to alignment, Laying of MS ERW pipes grade Yst 210, Jointing by electric welding process with proper grade of eletrodes suitable for jointing of water supply pipe lines ( adore,L&T or equivelent electrodes) by cutting of pipe and making required bends by welding completion of work with testing of pipe line etc complete 6 50mmx 3.9 mm thick 7 Supply and Carting , laying jointing (including cost of jointing materials like specials and fittings, white lead, hemp and oil etc.) fixing and testing of M.S. galvanised screwed and socketed pipes (Medium quality).including cutting and threading etc. complete confirming to IS:1239 (Part-I) make of pipe:Jindal (Hisar)/Parkash Surya/ TT Swasthik 8 GI Pipe 15 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 9 GI Pipe 20 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 10 GI Pipe 25 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 11 GI Pipe 32 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 12 GI Pipe 40 mm dia (Medium Qualty) 13 Supply of all materials, labours, T&P. etc.and construct Wheel valve/ reflex valve chamber as per type design complete. 14 Providing and fixing of Brass Wheel valve in position including all material,labour,T&P etc complete. 15 50mm Dia 16 40mm Dia 17 32mm Dia 18 Providing and fixing of C.I Airvalve (screwed) in position including all material,labour,T&P etc complete. 19 15mm Dia 20 Providing and fixing gun metaled C.I. DF Non Return valves as per IS: 788/1997 with 10Kg WP 21 50mm Dia 22 Finishing with Food grade Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer’ specifications i/c appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete.On steel work of 60.3mm Dia 23 Centring and shuttering including strutting,ropping etc. and removal of form for thrustblock. 24 Design, testing bearing capacity of soil and construction of R.C.C. (1:1½:3) semi sunk sump/Clear Water Reservoir of following capacities in K.L. including supply of necessary scaffolding, shuttering and other accessories along with construction of all valve chambers, supply and fixing of inlet and outlet pipes of size equal to sizes of inlet and outlet pipe line, making bye pass arrangement, fixing of overflow pipe in outlet pipe/distribution system, fixing of lightening conductor & M.S. Manhole of size 1 m x 1 m as per norms, water level indicator, supply and fixing of M.S. Steel Ladder outside and inside the tank, fixing of railing around top dome, construction of 90 cm width PCC apron with drain around the CWR and colour washing of approved class snowcem including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete as per latest IS specification or as per satisfaction & approval of Engineer in Charge. 25 5.00KL 26 Supply of all materials labour T&P etc and install chlorinating chamber as per type design and drawing complete including supply and installation of bucket type chlorinator of 25 liters capacity. 27 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levellingup with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) at plinth level withCement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 28 Random Rubble Masonary laid dry in breast wall, retaining wall, parapets,scupper etc. Including supply of all materials,labour,t & p& royality etc, required for proper complition of work. 29 Making ferrule connection in the existing main of G.I. or any type of pressure mains with saddle piece, service connections, fittings and fixing of G.M. ferrule including tapping the main, including the cost of all materials like GI Specials,brass bib cock and GM ferrule etc. 30 Supply and fixing of Iron Gate with two pillars complete.2.4m wide gate 31 Construction of boundary wall including supply of all material labour,T&P etc required for proper comletion of the work. 32 E&M Works 33 Construction of Tube well by ODEX Rig Machine in the strata of large Boulder and hard stone area from G.L to100.00M8G1to lower the assembly of 150mm dia to get sandfree minimum yield , complete as per following work at site. 34 Transportation of Odex Rig Machine, with ConTpressor,O.P. Unit and other relevant T & P upto site of work and back after completion of work. 35 Drilling of bore 175rnn dia with sinking of 150mm diapipe by ODEX system frorn G.L. . 36 l25mm dia DTH bore 37 Trial Bore 38 Supply of Tubewell assembly. 39 Supply of 150 mm dia M.S.E.R.W. plain fincut pipe7.9mm thick. 40 Supply of-150 mm dia M.S.E.R.W. plain fincut pipe 7.9mm thick. 41 150mm dia casing shoe of EN-24 steel. 42 150mm dia Tubewell Cap. 43 Supply of 150x100mm dia size M.S Girder 4Mt. Long. 44 Dismantling of Rig machine after completion of work. Fitting ofgirder clamp and wellcap.. 45 Flushing of Tubewell by Air compressor 46 Development bv O.P. unit 47 Erection and lowering of O.P Unit. 48 Development by O.P unit to get Send free discharge. 49 Dismantling of O,P unit and site clearance. 50 Chemical & Bacteriologicat Test 51 S/o Submersible Solar Ac pump set, with adequate capacity, moter complete with 1.0 meter cable complete in all respects for 16408 LPD at 2100 mtr TDH (Total Daynmic Head) 52 S/o Spare Pump set of same duty. 53 S/o Solar Pump Controller Panel cum Starter Suitable for above moter as per following parameters inbulit Mppt Tracking facility ensuing over lode under over voltage protection. 54 Solar Photovolts mono-perc half cut Solar Module/PV panel Array 5760 watt as per IEC standerd. 55 S/o Submersible three core copper cable sizem.m.6mm 56 6sq.mm solar DC copper flexible cable. 57 32mm HDPE pipe for cablling. 58 S/o Main Piping and value with all accessories of 40mm size i.e. sluice valve 2 Nos., reflex valve 1No.,Tee 1No., Bend D/f pipes and 40mm dia M.S column pipe with top pipe in 3mt. Length, complete with interlocking arrangement 180Mt. 59 S/o chemical earthing material forpumping plant including earth lectrode, aluminium earth strip etc as per I.E. rules. 60 Rubber insulation sheet 1mx2mx0.025 mt. 61 Construction of RCC foundation with suitable foundation nut, bolts and supply and fitting of GI solar PV module. 62 Chain Link fencing system of suitable size to protect solar PV module. 63 Cartage upto site of work including head lode cartage with loading and unloding. 64 Installation , commissioning & Testing Of pumping palnt and all accessories. 65 internal & external electrification of Pump house 66 1 Month trial running and 5 months maintenance including watch & ward