Tender For 1 - Rehabalitation Of Various Roads In Nagar Parishad Chittorgarh Package No. Rj-10-01/Lsg/2024-25; 1 Dismantlingof cement concrete pavement by mechanicalmeansusingpneumatictools, breakingtopiecesnotexceeding0.02cumin volumeandstockpillingatdesignatedlocations and disposal of dismantled Materials upto a lead of 1000 mtrs. stacking serviceable and unserviceableMaterialsseparately. (MoRTH specification : Clause 202) 2 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 3 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 4 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 5 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 6 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 7 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 8 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 9 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 10 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 11 Providing,layingandspreadingandcompacting specified graded crushed stone in sub-base course including premixing the Material at OMC in mechanicalmixer(Pugmill),carriageofmixed Material, laying in uniform layers with Motor Grader, F.E. Loader, on a preparedsurface and compacting with Vibratory Compactorto achieve the desired density including all Material, labour, machinery,lightingbarricadingandmaintenance of Driversion complete. (MoRTH specification clause 401). with all lead & lift 12 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 13 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 14 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 15 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 16 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 17 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 18 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 19 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 20 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 21 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing thematerial with water at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, layingin uniform layers in sub-base/base course on a well prepared sub-base and compacting with smoothwheel roller of 80 to 100kN weight to achieve the desired density including lighting, barricading and maintenance of diversion, etc as per Tables 400-12 & 400-13 and MoRTH Specification Clause 406.By Mechanical Means with all lift and lead. 22 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 23 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 24 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 25 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 26 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 27 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 28 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 29 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 30 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 31 Dryleancementconcretesub-base. Constructionofdryleancementconcrete1:3:6 sub-base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse andfineaggregateconformingtoIS:383,the size ofcoarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregategradationafterbleningtobeasper Table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 200Kg/Cum,optimummoisturecontenttobe determinedduringtriallength construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days,mixedinabatchingplant,transportedto site,laidwithapaverwithelectronicsensor, compacting with 8-10 tonne vibratory roller, finishing and curing. 32 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 33 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 34 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 35 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 36 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 37 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 38 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 39 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 40 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 41 in continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, near approaches to bridge/culvert and construction joints, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14-days,asperdrawing and MoRTH Specification : Clause No. 602, 112. using curing compoundand water finishing to lines and grade as per drawingand MoRD Specification Clause 1501 including vaccum dewatering process with all required equipments 42 Using Cement concrete M-40 pavement Grade 43 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 44 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 45 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 46 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 47 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 48 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 49 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 50 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 51 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 52 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantledMaterialsuptoaleadof1000mtrs. Stacking serviceable and unserviceable Materials separately. (MoRTH specification: Clause 202) BY MECHANICAL MEANS .Bituminous Courses 53 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 54 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 55 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 56 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 57 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 58 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 59 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 60 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 61 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 62 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surfaceofgranularbasewithbitumenemulsion asperIS:8887&manufacturer‟sspecifications @6kg/10sqmwithaselfpropelledortowed bitumenpressuresprayerequippedforspraying theMaterialuniformlyatspecifiedratesand temperatures (including cleaning of road surface) as per MoRTH specification : Cl. 502, 112 63 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 64 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 65 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 66 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 67 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 68 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 69 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 70 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 71 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 72 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface, with bitumen emulsion as per IS:8887 & manufacturer‟s specifications @0.2 kg/sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equippedforsprayingtheMaterialuniformlyat specified rates and temperatures (including cleaning of roadsurface) as per MoRTH specification Cl. 502, 112. 73 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 74 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 75 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 76 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 77 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 78 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 79 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 80 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 81 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 82 Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed aggregates ofgrading as per Table 500-7 premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site with all leads laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolledto achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH Specification Clause 504.50/75mmcompactedthicknesswith3.3% bitumenVG30grade with all lead of mix Material 83 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 84 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 85 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 86 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 87 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 88 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 89 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 90 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 91 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 92 Providing and laying 20mm thick Mix Seal Surfacing on a prepared surface in a single course composed of specified close graded crushedstoneaggregates(aspertable500-19) premixedwithbituminousbinder (includingcost ofanti-strippingcompound,whereverrequired). InaHotMixPlant40-60TPHwithF.E.loader, laying with paver finisher, transporting the mixed Material by tipper and rolling with power roller 8- 10 tonne, to achieve desired density approved by thedepartment,butexcludingcostoftackcoat with allleadofmixedMaterial.(MoRTH specification : clause 508). Type“B”(19kgbinderper10sqm)bitumen VG30 grade. 93 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 94 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 95 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 96 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 97 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 98 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 99 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 100 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 101 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 102 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound2.5mmthickincludingreflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of2.5mmisexclusiveofsurfaceappliedglass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. 103 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 104 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 105 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 106 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 107 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 108 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 109 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 110 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 111 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 112 Raised Pavment Marker ( Cats Eyes):Supplying andFixingofMoldedShankRaised PavementMarkersmadeofpolycarbonateand ABSmouldedbodyandreflectivepanelswith microprismaticlenscapableofprovidingtotal internalreflectionofthelightenteringthelens face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested inaccordancetoASTMD4280TypeHand complying to Specifications of CategoryA of MORTHCircularNoRW/NH/33023/10-97–DO IIIDt11.06.1997.Theheight,widthandlength shallnotexceed50mm,100mmand100mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/ 5degree.Thestrengthofdetachmentofthe integratedcylindricalshanks,(of diameternot lessthan19+/-2mmandheightnotlessthan 30+/-2mm)fromthebodyistobeaminimum value of 700 Kgf. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails andusingepoxyresin basedadhesiveasper manufacturer‟s recommendation and complete as directedbytheengineer.Thecontractorshall submit2yearsprequalifiedwarrantycertificate from the manufacturer for satisfactory field performance during the time of bid submission 113 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 114 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 115 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 116 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 117 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 118 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 119 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 120 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 121 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 122 ProvidingandErectingtypicalCitizens InformationBoardasperapproveddrawing& specification of MoRD, made of two MS Sheet of 1.6mmthickeachofsize900mm×750mm stiffened by angle iron 25 mm ×25 mm × 3 mm all around the plate and plates fixed on frame of 75 mm dia pipe of 12 SWG sheet (vertical post 3050 mwithangleholdfastsandhorizontalmember 900 mm) to be joined by 5 mm thick MS plate at 12 places (65 × 50 mm) duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade of block of 600 mm × 600 mm × 750 mm size below ground level as perencloseddrawings&asdirectedby Engineering-In-Charge.AllMSwillbestove enameledonbothside,Lettering,figuringand border will be with ready mixed synthetic enamel paintofsuperiorqualityinrequiredshadeand colour etc. complete in all respect. All sections of framedpostandsteeltubewillbepaintedwith primer and two coat of epoxy paint as per drawing and as per MoRD specification. 123 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 124 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 125 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 126 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 127 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 128 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 129 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 130 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 131 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road 132 Providinganderectingdirectionandplace identificationretro-reflectorisedsignasper IRC:67madeofhighintensitygradesheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2mmthickwithareanotexceeding0.9sqm supportedonamildsteelsingleangleironpost 75x75x6mmfirmlyfixedtothegroundby means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing 133 Sardar Glass Bhawan to Khanij Bhawan Main Road Ward No. 41 134 Mahesh Vatika ke piche vali Gali Ward No. 40,41 135 Nasrudheen house to Salam House Road Ward No. 41 136 Hamid Houseto Bablu house Road Ward No. 41 137 Bhishtiyo ki Gali Ward No. 41 138 Madhu Ajmera vali Gali 139 Ramkui se Suresh Jain ke ghar tk 140 Khatoda ji ke ghar se Radha krishan ke Mandir tk 141 Anjuman School se Gandhi nagar main Road